Exemplo n.º 1
		public HexBufferLineImpl(HexBufferLineFormatter hexBufferLineFormatter, HexPosition lineNumber, ReadOnlyCollection<HexColumnType> columnOrder, HexBufferSpan bufferSpan, HexBytes hexBytes, string text, bool isOffsetColumnPresent, bool isValuesColumnPresent, bool isAsciiColumnPresent, HexPosition logicalOffset, HexCellCollection valueCells, HexCellCollection asciiCells, VST.Span offsetSpan, VST.Span fullValuesSpan, VST.Span visibleValuesSpan, VST.Span fullAsciiSpan, VST.Span visibleAsciiSpan) {
			if (hexBufferLineFormatter == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hexBufferLineFormatter));
			if (columnOrder == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(columnOrder));
			if (bufferSpan.IsDefault)
				throw new ArgumentException();
			if (hexBytes.IsDefault)
				throw new ArgumentException();
			if (text == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text));
			if (valueCells.IsDefault)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(valueCells));
			if (asciiCells.IsDefault)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(asciiCells));
			LineProvider = hexBufferLineFormatter;
			LineNumber = lineNumber;
			ColumnOrder = columnOrder;
			BufferSpan = bufferSpan;
			HexBytes = hexBytes;
			Text = text;
			IsOffsetColumnPresent = isOffsetColumnPresent;
			IsValuesColumnPresent = isValuesColumnPresent;
			IsAsciiColumnPresent = isAsciiColumnPresent;
			LogicalOffset = logicalOffset;
			ValueCells = valueCells;
			AsciiCells = asciiCells;
			this.offsetSpan = offsetSpan;
			this.fullValuesSpan = fullValuesSpan;
			this.visibleValuesSpan = visibleValuesSpan;
			this.fullAsciiSpan = fullAsciiSpan;
			this.visibleAsciiSpan = visibleAsciiSpan;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public HexBufferLineImpl(HexBufferLineFormatter hexBufferLineFormatter, HexPosition lineNumber, ReadOnlyCollection <HexColumnType> columnOrder, HexBufferSpan bufferSpan, HexBytes hexBytes, string text, bool isOffsetColumnPresent, bool isValuesColumnPresent, bool isAsciiColumnPresent, HexPosition logicalOffset, HexCellCollection valueCells, HexCellCollection asciiCells, VST.Span offsetSpan, VST.Span fullValuesSpan, VST.Span visibleValuesSpan, VST.Span fullAsciiSpan, VST.Span visibleAsciiSpan)
     if (hexBufferLineFormatter == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hexBufferLineFormatter));
     if (columnOrder == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(columnOrder));
     if (bufferSpan.IsDefault)
         throw new ArgumentException();
     if (hexBytes.IsDefault)
         throw new ArgumentException();
     if (text == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text));
     if (valueCells.IsDefault)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(valueCells));
     if (asciiCells.IsDefault)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(asciiCells));
     LineProvider           = hexBufferLineFormatter;
     LineNumber             = lineNumber;
     ColumnOrder            = columnOrder;
     BufferSpan             = bufferSpan;
     HexBytes               = hexBytes;
     Text                   = text;
     IsOffsetColumnPresent  = isOffsetColumnPresent;
     IsValuesColumnPresent  = isValuesColumnPresent;
     IsAsciiColumnPresent   = isAsciiColumnPresent;
     LogicalOffset          = logicalOffset;
     ValueCells             = valueCells;
     AsciiCells             = asciiCells;
     this.offsetSpan        = offsetSpan;
     this.fullValuesSpan    = fullValuesSpan;
     this.visibleValuesSpan = visibleValuesSpan;
     this.fullAsciiSpan     = fullAsciiSpan;
     this.visibleAsciiSpan  = visibleAsciiSpan;
Exemplo n.º 3
		void ClearCells(char[] chars, bool isColumnPresent, HexCellCollection cells, HexBufferSpan visibleBytes) {
			if (!isColumnPresent)
			foreach (var cell in cells.GetVisibleCells()) {
				// Don't clear it if the cell is in the visible bytes span, this includes the case
				// where only some of its bytes are visible.
				if (visibleBytes.Contains(cell.BufferSpan))

				for (int i = cell.TextSpan.Start; i < cell.TextSpan.End; i++)
					chars[i] = ' ';
Exemplo n.º 4
		static KeyValuePair<HexCell, int>? GetVisible(HexCellCollection collection, HexCell cell) {
			if (cell.HasData)
				throw new ArgumentException();
			for (int i = cell.Index + 1; i < collection.Count; i++) {
				var c = collection[i];
				if (!c.HasData)
				return new KeyValuePair<HexCell, int>(c, 0);
			for (int i = cell.Index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				var c = collection[i];
				if (!c.HasData)
				return new KeyValuePair<HexCell, int>(c, c.CellSpan.Length - 1);
			return null;
Exemplo n.º 5
		IEnumerable<TextAndHexSpan> GetTextAndHexSpans(bool isColumnPresent, HexCellCollection collection, HexBufferSpan span, HexSpanSelectionFlags flags, VST.Span visibleSpan, VST.Span fullSpan) {
			if (span.IsDefault)
				throw new ArgumentException();
			if (span.Buffer != Buffer)
				throw new ArgumentException();

			if (!isColumnPresent)
				yield break;

			var overlapSpan = BufferSpan.Overlap(span);
			if (overlapSpan == null)
				yield break;

			if ((flags & (HexSpanSelectionFlags.Group0 | HexSpanSelectionFlags.Group1)) != 0) {
				bool group0 = (flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.Group0) != 0;
				bool group1 = (flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.Group1) != 0;

				IEnumerable<HexCell> cells;
				if ((flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.AllCells) != 0) {
					cells = collection.GetCells();
					overlapSpan = BufferSpan;
				else if ((flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.AllVisibleCells) != 0) {
					cells = collection.GetVisibleCells();
					overlapSpan = BufferSpan;
					cells = collection.GetCells(overlapSpan.Value);
				HexCell firstCell = null;
				HexCell lastCell = null;
				foreach (var cell in cells) {
					if (!((cell.GroupIndex == 0 && group0) || (cell.GroupIndex == 1 && group1)))
					if (firstCell == null) {
						firstCell = cell;
						lastCell = cell;
					else if (lastCell.Index + 1 == cell.Index && lastCell.GroupIndex == cell.GroupIndex)
						lastCell = cell;
					else {
						yield return Create(collection, firstCell, lastCell, overlapSpan.Value);
						firstCell = lastCell = cell;
				if (firstCell != null)
					yield return Create(collection, firstCell, lastCell, overlapSpan.Value);
				yield break;
			if ((flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.AllVisibleCells) != 0) {
				yield return new TextAndHexSpan(visibleSpan, BufferSpan);
				yield break;
			if ((flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.AllCells) != 0) {
				yield return new TextAndHexSpan(fullSpan, BufferSpan);
				yield break;

			if ((flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.OneValue) != 0) {
				foreach (var cell in collection.GetCells(overlapSpan.Value)) {
					if (!cell.HasData)
					var cellSpan = cell.GetSpan(flags);
					yield return new TextAndHexSpan(cellSpan, new HexBufferSpan(Buffer, cell.BufferSpan));
			else {
				int textStart = int.MaxValue;
				int textEnd = int.MinValue;
				var posStart = HexPosition.MaxValue;
				var posEnd = HexPosition.MinValue;
				foreach (var cell in collection.GetCells(overlapSpan.Value)) {
					if (!cell.HasData)
					var cellSpan = cell.GetSpan(flags);
					textStart = Math.Min(textStart, cellSpan.Start);
					textEnd = Math.Max(textEnd, cellSpan.End);

					posStart = HexPosition.Min(posStart, cell.BufferStart);
					posEnd = HexPosition.Max(posEnd, cell.BufferEnd);

				if (textStart > textEnd || posStart > posEnd)
					yield break;
				yield return new TextAndHexSpan(VST.Span.FromBounds(textStart, textEnd), new HexBufferSpan(Buffer, HexSpan.FromBounds(posStart, posEnd)));
Exemplo n.º 6
		TextAndHexSpan Create(HexCellCollection collection, HexCell first, HexCell last, HexBufferSpan bufferSpan) {
			var firstCellSpan = first.FullSpan;
			var lastCellSpan = last.FullSpan;
			var startPos = HexPosition.MaxEndPosition;
			var endPos = HexPosition.Zero;
			for (int i = first.Index; i <= last.Index; i++) {
				var cell = collection[i];
				if (!cell.HasData)
				startPos = HexPosition.Min(startPos, cell.BufferStart);
				endPos = HexPosition.Max(endPos, cell.BufferEnd);
			var resultBufferSpan = startPos <= endPos ?
				new HexBufferSpan(new HexBufferPoint(Buffer, startPos), new HexBufferPoint(Buffer, endPos)) :
			return new TextAndHexSpan(VST.Span.FromBounds(firstCellSpan.Start, lastCellSpan.End), resultBufferSpan);