private Attachment CreateHelpCard(string text)
            // TODO: replace with MeetingPurpose
            var purposes       = new List <CardAction>();
            var listOfPurposes = MeetingPurpose.GetPurposes();

            foreach (var p in listOfPurposes)
                purposes.Add(new CardAction("imBack", p, value: p));

            var card = new HeroCard //ThumbnailCard
                Title    = $"Hi there! :)",
                Subtitle = $" I'm Yoda and I'm here to help ",
                Text     = "What would you like to know?",
                Buttons  = new List <CardAction>()
                    new CardAction("imBack", UserMessage.FirstMessage, value: UserMessage.FirstMessage),
                    new CardAction("imBack", UserMessage.ThirdMessage, value: UserMessage.ThirdMessage),
                    new CardAction("imBack", UserMessage.FourthMessage, value: UserMessage.FourthMessage)

            // Create the attachment.
            Attachment attachment = new Attachment()
                ContentType = HeroCard.ContentType,
                Content     = card

        // TODO: change this card!
        private Attachment CreateMeetingFeedbackCard()
            // TODO: replace with MeetingPurpose
            var satisfations       = new List <CardAction>();
            var satisfationsAsList = MeetingSatisfaction.GetMeetingSatisfactions();

            foreach (var s in satisfationsAsList)
                satisfations.Add(new CardAction("imBack", s, value: s));

            var card = new HeroCard //ThumbnailCard
                Title    = $"Looks like the meeting has ended (:",
                Subtitle = "So how was the meeting?",
                Buttons  = satisfations

            // Create the attachment.
            Attachment attachment = new Attachment()
                ContentType = HeroCard.ContentType,
                Content     = card

        private Attachment CreatePurposesCard()
            // TODO: replace with MeetingPurpose
            var purposes       = new List <CardAction>();
            var listOfPurposes = MeetingPurpose.GetPurposes();

            foreach (var p in listOfPurposes)
                purposes.Add(new CardAction("imBack", p, value: p));

            var card = new HeroCard //ThumbnailCard
                Title   = $"What is the purpose of the meeting?",
                Buttons = purposes

            // Create the attachment.
            Attachment attachment = new Attachment()
                ContentType = HeroCard.ContentType,
                Content     = card

        // TODO: change this card!
        private Attachment CreateTipsForPurposeCard(string purpose)
            // TODO: save the purpose
            var server    = ServerMock.GetInstance();
            var myContact = server.GetContactByName("shir esh");

            Meeting meeting      = server.FindNextMeeting(myContact);
            Contact otherContact = meeting.Attendees.Where(c => c != myContact).FirstOrDefault();
            var     tips         = server.GetTipsAboutPersonForMeeting(meeting, myContact, false);

            tips = tips.GetRange(2, 2);
            List <string> tipContents = tips.Select(x => x.Content).ToList();

            string concatenedTips = ConcatAllTips(tipContents, "");

            var card = new HeroCard //ThumbnailCard
                Subtitle = $"Great! For this kind of meeting try to follow these tips:",
                Text     = concatenedTips

            // Create the attachment.
            Attachment attachment = new Attachment()
                ContentType = HeroCard.ContentType,
                Content     = card

        private Attachment CreateTipsFeedbackCard(string message)
            IServer server    = ServerMock.GetInstance();
            var     myContact = server.GetContactByName("shir esh");
            var     meeting   = server.FindNextMeeting(myContact);
            string  title;
            string  subTitle;

            if (message == MeetingSatisfaction.VeryGood || message == MeetingSatisfaction.Good)
                title    = "Good to hear!";
                subTitle = "Hope my tips were helpful :)";
                title    = "it can't be that bad...";
                subTitle = "Hope that at least my tips were helpful";
            string tip  = " <font size=\"3\" color=\"#6699ff\"> <b>   " + server.GetGivenTips(meeting, myContact).FirstOrDefault().Content + "</li> </b> </font> ";
            string text = "So, What do you think about this tip?" + NewLine() + NewLine() + tip + NewLine();

            var card = new HeroCard //ThumbnailCard
                Title    = title,
                Subtitle = subTitle,
                Text     = text,

                Buttons = new List <CardAction>()
                    new CardAction("imBack", "Great Tip!", value: "Great Tip!"),
                    new CardAction("imBack", "You can do better...", value: "You can do better..."),

            // Create the attachment.
            Attachment attachment = new Attachment()
                ContentType = HeroCard.ContentType,
                Content     = card
