Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TasksString()
            var taskListText = @"- One task
            - another task

            var list = new HeapsTodoTaskList(taskListText);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("One task", list[0].MainBody);
            Assert.AreEqual("another task", list[1].MainBody);
            Assert.AreEqual(taskListText, list.PrintList());
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void TasksStringWithNotes()
     var taskListText = @"- One task ```with notes
     that span multiple lines
     and have content```
     - another task ```with an unclosed Note
     var list = new HeapsTodoTaskList(taskListText);
     Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual("One task", list[0].MainBody);
     Assert.AreEqual("another task", list[1].MainBody);
     Assert.AreEqual(taskListText + "```\r\n", list.PrintList());
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void SubTasks()
     var taskListText = @"- One task ```with notes
     that span multiple lines
     and have content```
       - and a subtask task ```with
      - And another subtask at the same level
       - and another at a higher level now
     var list = new HeapsTodoTaskList(taskListText);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual("One task", list[0].MainBody);
     Assert.AreEqual(2, list[0].SubTasks.Count);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, list[0].SubTasks[1].SubTasks.Count);
Exemplo n.º 4
        static int Main(string[] args)
            string syncTargetFile = null;
            SyncTargetType targetType = SyncTargetType.GoogleTasks;
            string syncTargetTypeCode = null;
            string listName = null;
            string forcedConflictResolutionString = null;
            ForcedConflictResolutionDirection? forcedConflictResolution = null;
            bool showUsageFriendly = false;
            bool showUsageError = false;
            bool noInteractivity = false;
            bool verbose = false;

            OptionSet p = new OptionSet()
              .Add("t|syncType=", delegate(string v) { syncTargetTypeCode = v; })
              .Add("n|listName=", delegate(string v) { listName = v; })
              .Add("fcr|forcedConflictResolution=", delegate(string v) { forcedConflictResolutionString = v; })
              .Add("ni|noInteractivity", delegate(string v) { noInteractivity = v != null; })
              .Add("v|verbose", delegate(string v) { verbose = v != null; })
              .Add("h|?|help", delegate(string v) { showUsageFriendly = v != null; })

            //first parse the args
            List<string> remainingArgs = p.Parse(args);

            //then check manual-verification params
            if (forcedConflictResolutionString != null)
                if (string.Compare(forcedConflictResolutionString, ForcedConflictResolutionDirection.Local.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    forcedConflictResolution = ForcedConflictResolutionDirection.Local;
                else if (string.Compare(forcedConflictResolutionString, ForcedConflictResolutionDirection.Remote.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    forcedConflictResolution = ForcedConflictResolutionDirection.Remote;
                    showUsageError = true;
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Unrecognized value for 'forcedConflictResolution' parameter.");

            if (syncTargetTypeCode != null && syncTargetTypeCode.Length == 1)
                if (syncTargetTypeCode.ToUpperInvariant().ToCharArray()[0] == (char)SyncTargetType.GoogleTasks)
                    targetType = SyncTargetType.GoogleTasks;
                showUsageError = true;
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Missing or incorrect value for 'syncType' parameter.");

            //then complain about missing input or unrecognized args
            if (remainingArgs.Count == 0)
                showUsageError = true;
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No input filename has been provided!");
            else if (remainingArgs.Count > 1)
                showUsageError = true;
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Unrecognized arguments found.");
                syncTargetFile = remainingArgs[0];

            if (showUsageFriendly || showUsageError)
                //TODO: provide real usage instructions
                TextWriter outStream = showUsageFriendly ? Console.Out : Console.Error;
                outStream.WriteLine("HeapsTodoSyncTool - a simple scriptable sync for HeapsTodo and todo.txt files.");
                outStream.WriteLine("v" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString());
            Usage: This is confidential. see if you can figure it out.

            Example: HeapsTodoSyncTool myFile.txt /t:G /n:""Mobile List""
                return 1;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(listName))
                listName = Path.GetFileName(syncTargetFile);
            string googleSyncCacheFileName = syncTargetFile + "." + CleanListForPath(listName) + ".htdgsync";

            // really, most of this is part of the sync logic and should be implemented with callbacks for UI interaction
            // also progress indicator and cancellation option?

            //TODO: Verbose logging, so that a scheduled forced sync can comfortably be let loose, knowing that
            // you will always be able to piece together exactly what happened.
            // -> should be supported to STDOUT for simplicity, and maybe also to a specified file in case you want to
            // enable it with interactive use (redirects preclude interactive use)

            bool newGoogleList = false;
            bool newLocalFile = false;

            //handle missing at g
            ITaskList2 importedlist = null;
                importedlist = HeapsTodoSyncLib.GoogleSync.ConvertGoogleTasksToTodoTxtTaskList(listName, Constants.GoogleTasksApiClientID, Constants.GoogleTasksApiClientSecret);
            catch (HeapsTodoSyncLib.GoogleSync.MissingListException)
                if (Confirm("The Google Tasks list you requested was not found in your Google Tasks account - would you like to create it?", noInteractivity))
                    //the sync cache can only lead to errors in this situation - would cause anything that WAS in the
                    // cache to be deleted by the 3-way merge!
                    if (File.Exists(googleSyncCacheFileName))

                    //actually create the list at google.
                    importedlist = new HeapsTodoTaskList();
                    HeapsTodoSyncLib.GoogleSync.CreateGoogleTasksList(listName, Constants.GoogleTasksApiClientID, Constants.GoogleTasksApiClientSecret, (HeapsTodoTaskList)importedlist);
                    newGoogleList = true;
                    return 1;

            if (!File.Exists(syncTargetFile))
                if (Confirm("The provided todo filename was not found. Would you like to create it?", noInteractivity))
                    //the sync cache can only lead to errors in this situation - would cause anything that WAS in the
                    // cache to be deleted from either genuine list by the 3-way merge!
                    if (File.Exists(googleSyncCacheFileName))

                    //Ask whether we're creating a HeapsTodo or Todo.Txt file
                    ITaskList2 newList = null;
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("What kind of list should this be, 'HeapsTodo' or 'Todo.Txt'? ");
                    string answer = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (string.Compare(answer, "HeapsTodo", true) == 0)
                        newList = new HeapsTodoTaskList();
                    else if (string.Compare(answer, "Todo.Txt", true) == 0)
                        newList = new TodoTxtTaskList();
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Neither 'HeapsTodo' or 'Todo.Txt' was provided; aborting merge/sync.");
                        return 1;

                    File.WriteAllText(syncTargetFile, newList.PrintList(), Encoding.UTF8);
                    newLocalFile = true;
                    return 1;

            //START MERGE
            ITaskList2 resultList = null;
            MergeResultInfo mergeResultInfo;
            if (!newGoogleList && !newLocalFile && !File.Exists(googleSyncCacheFileName))
                if (Confirm("This appears to be the first time you are synchronizing this file with this list. Any identical entries will be merged, and any entries that differ or are unique will be included in both lists, and the order of entries will be based on the local list. Would you like to continue?", noInteractivity))
                    ITaskList2 existingLocalList = TaskListFactory.ReadList(File.ReadAllText(syncTargetFile));
                    mergeResultInfo = existingLocalList.MergeToNewList(importedlist, out resultList);
                    return 1;
            else if (!File.Exists(googleSyncCacheFileName))
                //one will be filled with the other, no need for 3-way merge
                ITaskList2 existingLocalList = TaskListFactory.ReadList(File.ReadAllText(syncTargetFile));
                mergeResultInfo = existingLocalList.MergeToNewList(importedlist, out resultList);

                //if local is todo.txt, make sure we store remote / common cache the same way (eg in case of interruptions).
                if (resultList is TodoTxtTaskList)
                    importedlist = TodoTxtTaskList.ConvertFromHeapsTodoList((HeapsTodoTaskList)importedlist);
                //regular 3-way merge
                string[] targetFileStrings = File.ReadAllLines(syncTargetFile);
                string[] googleSyncCacheStrings = File.ReadAllLines(googleSyncCacheFileName);

                //JUST to determine whether we're dealing with a HeapsTodo list or a Todo.Txt list:
                string importedListString = null;
                ITaskList2 cacheList = TaskListFactory.ReadList(googleSyncCacheStrings);
                if (cacheList is TodoTxtTaskList) //set importedlist to the right type
                    importedlist = TodoTxtTaskList.ConvertFromHeapsTodoList((HeapsTodoTaskList)importedlist);
                importedListString = importedlist.PrintList();

                //remove the trailing newline (empty string = 0 lines in array) to match behaviour of ReadAllLines()
                //TODO: add this behaviour into TaskList object and clarify
                string[] importedTaskStringArray = null;
                if (importedListString.Length > 0)
                    importedListString = importedListString.Substring(0, importedListString.Length - Environment.NewLine.Length);
                    importedTaskStringArray = Regex.Split(importedListString, "\r\n|\r|\n");
                    importedTaskStringArray = new string[0];

                var rawMergeResult = SynchrotronNet.Diff.diff3_merge(

                string[] mergeResult;
                if (rawMergeResult.Count == 1 && rawMergeResult[0] is SynchrotronNet.Diff.MergeOKResultBlock)
                    mergeResult = ((SynchrotronNet.Diff.MergeOKResultBlock)rawMergeResult[0]).ContentLines;
                    //standard 3-way merge reported conflicts - we need to deal with it.

                    List<string> okLines = new List<string>();

                    foreach (var mergeResultBlock in rawMergeResult)
                        if (mergeResultBlock is SynchrotronNet.Diff.MergeOKResultBlock)
                            var conflictBlock = (SynchrotronNet.Diff.MergeConflictResultBlock)mergeResultBlock;
                            if (conflictBlock.OldLines.Length == 0)
                                //in programming, a same-point non-identical insert is a conflict due to the importance
                                // of order-of-execution - but for tasks, the relative order of two tasks is reasonably
                                // arbitrary/unimportant, so this "conflict" can be silently handled; left (local) always
                                // comes first.
                                // NOTE: in heapstodo this might also occur in a "Notes" section. Even then, the chances
                                // of an order-of-insert problem being relevant to the human (in the EXTREMELY rare case
                                // where this type of different insert change will be made to the notes of the same task
                                // on two different systems) are infinitesimally small.
                                // NOTE (2): A non-identical insert might well contain identical regions (identical tasks
                                // inserted into both systems independently) - to help handle this cleanly, only add the
                                // merged result of the two conflict blocks. If there are nocommon changes, then this
                                // will automatically resolve to just the first file's lines followed by the second
                                // file's lines.

                            else if (forcedConflictResolution != null)
                                switch (forcedConflictResolution.Value)
                                    case ForcedConflictResolutionDirection.Local:
                                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Force-resolved conflicting changes, using local version.");
                                    case ForcedConflictResolutionDirection.Remote:
                                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Force-resolved conflicting changes, using remote version.");
                                        throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown conflict resolution strategy requested");
                                //TODO: add friendlier conflict resolution, eg including some context.
                                Console.Out.WriteLine("Conflict encountered. Please choose a version to keep ('Local' or 'Remote'), or enter anything else to abort the merge/sync:");
                                Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, conflictBlock.OldLines));
                                Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, conflictBlock.LeftLines));
                                Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, conflictBlock.RightLines));
                                Console.Out.WriteLine("Which version would you like to keep, 'Local' or 'Remote'? ");
                                string answer = Console.ReadLine();

                                if (string.Compare(answer, ForcedConflictResolutionDirection.Local.ToString(), true) == 0)
                                else if (string.Compare(answer, ForcedConflictResolutionDirection.Remote.ToString(), true) == 0)
                                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Neither 'Local' nor 'Remote' was provided; aborting merge/sync.");
                                    return 1;

                    mergeResult = okLines.ToArray();

                //CHANGE ANALYSIS
                // report the changes we are making at a high level - 3-way merge process is hard to
                // analyse, so just use regular 2-way diff on "original to new" for local and remote
                // separately.
                mergeResultInfo = new MergeResultInfo();
                foreach (var localChange in SynchrotronNet.Diff.diff_patch(targetFileStrings, mergeResult))
                    if (localChange.file1.Length > 0 && localChange.file2.Length == 0)
                        mergeResultInfo.DeletionFromList1 = true;

                    if (localChange.file1.Length > 0 && localChange.file2.Length > 0)
                        mergeResultInfo.ModificationToList1 = true;

                    if (localChange.file1.Length == 0 && localChange.file2.Length > 0)
                        mergeResultInfo.AdditionToList1 = true;

                foreach (var remoteChange in SynchrotronNet.Diff.diff_patch(importedTaskStringArray, mergeResult))
                    if (remoteChange.file1.Length > 0 && remoteChange.file2.Length == 0)
                        mergeResultInfo.DeletionFromList2 = true;

                    if (remoteChange.file1.Length > 0 && remoteChange.file2.Length > 0)
                        mergeResultInfo.ModificationToList2 = true;

                    if (remoteChange.file1.Length == 0 && remoteChange.file2.Length > 0)
                        mergeResultInfo.AdditionToList2 = true;

                //get a resulting task list
                resultList = TaskListFactory.ReadList(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, mergeResult));

            if (!mergeResultInfo.AnyChange)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Nothing to do!");
                if (mergeResultInfo.DeletionFromList1) Console.Out.WriteLine("Deleting local task(s)");
                if (mergeResultInfo.ModificationToList1) Console.Out.WriteLine("Updating local task(s)");
                if (mergeResultInfo.AdditionToList1) Console.Out.WriteLine("Adding local task(s)");

                if (mergeResultInfo.DeletionFromList1 || mergeResultInfo.ModificationToList1 || mergeResultInfo.AdditionToList1)
                    //save to local
                    File.WriteAllText(syncTargetFile, resultList.PrintList());

                    //If local update was successful, LOCAL STATE IS "FINAL" so save remote state as new
                    // "Last Known Shared State" - that way local (final) changes will be pushed correctly
                    // in later runs, if there are problems further in this run.
                    File.WriteAllText(googleSyncCacheFileName, importedlist.PrintList());

                if (mergeResultInfo.DeletionFromList2) Console.Out.WriteLine("Deleting remote task(s)");
                if (mergeResultInfo.ModificationToList2) Console.Out.WriteLine("Updating remote task(s)");
                if (mergeResultInfo.AdditionToList2) Console.Out.WriteLine("Adding remote task(s)");

                if (mergeResultInfo.DeletionFromList2 || mergeResultInfo.ModificationToList2 || mergeResultInfo.AdditionToList2)
                        //save to google
                        //TODO: still have no iea how to resolve the horrible inheritance nightmare I've plunged myself into...
                        if (resultList is HeapsTodoTaskList)
                            HeapsTodoSyncLib.GoogleSync.SaveTodoTxtTaskListToGoogleTasks(listName, Constants.GoogleTasksApiClientID, Constants.GoogleTasksApiClientSecret, (HeapsTodoTaskList)resultList);
                            HeapsTodoSyncLib.GoogleSync.SaveTodoTxtTaskListToGoogleTasks(listName, Constants.GoogleTasksApiClientID, Constants.GoogleTasksApiClientSecret, (TodoTxtTaskList)resultList);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //TODO: narrow down the exception sieve

                        //if failure partway through updating Google, then save the current google state as
                        // "last known common" for correct resume/retry in future runs.
                        var partiallyUpdatedList = HeapsTodoSyncLib.GoogleSync.ConvertGoogleTasksToTodoTxtTaskList(listName, Constants.GoogleTasksApiClientID, Constants.GoogleTasksApiClientSecret);
                        File.WriteAllText(googleSyncCacheFileName, partiallyUpdatedList.PrintList());

                        //TODO: add actual error-handling here

                        //rethrow the error as temp handling...

                    //save merged content to local cache, as everything was successful.
                    File.WriteAllText(googleSyncCacheFileName, resultList.PrintList());

                Console.Out.WriteLine("Sync Complete!");

            //return all happy
            return 0;