Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// performs a Branch and Bound search of the state space of partial tours
        /// stops when time limit expires and uses BSSF as solution
        /// @returns results array for GUI that contains three ints: cost of solution, time spent to find solution, number of solutions found during search (not counting initial BSSF estimate)
        public string[] bBSolveProblem()
            // counts the number of bssf updates / solutions found
            int count = 0;

            // counts the number of pruned states
            int pruned = 0;

            // counts the number of total states
            int total_states = 0;

            //container for results
            string[] results = new string[3];

            //priority queue implementation
            HeapQueue myqueue = new HeapQueue();

            Route = new ArrayList();
            Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();


            //generate greedy bssf as initial guess

            //initialize a matrix with all the cities
            bBNode init = new bBNode(GetCities());

             * Starts at the first city (0).
             * It doesn't matter where we start because we are looking for a "loop" of cities.
             * And we don't want to repeatedly find the same solution by starting at a different city.
            bBNode root = new bBNode(init, 0);
            bBNode next;

            //initialize queue
            myqueue.MakeQueue((int)Math.Pow(Cities.Length, 2), root);

            //while the queue is not empty and we haven't hit the time limit . . .
            while (!myqueue.IsEmpty() && timer.ElapsedMilliseconds < this.time_limit)
                // take the top node in the queue
                next = (bBNode)myqueue.DeleteBestRoute();
                //if it has a better solution than the bssf, go deeper, otherwise, we prune it.
                if (next.getBound() < bssf.costOfRoute())
                    // check if the route is finished
                    if (next.getRouteLength() == Cities.Length)
                        //We found a better solution!
                        bssf = new TSPSolution(next.getRoute());
                        // expand the node, and only insert the children that do better than the bssf
                        List <bBNode> children = next.Expand();
                        foreach (bBNode c in children)
                            if (c.getBound() < bssf.costOfRoute())

            Console.WriteLine("# cities: " + Cities.Length);
            Console.WriteLine("# seed: " + _seed);
            Console.WriteLine("RunningTime: " + timer.Elapsed);
            Console.WriteLine("Best tour: " + costOfBssf());
            Console.WriteLine("Max stored states: " + myqueue.getMaxStoredStates());
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Solutions: " + count);
            Console.WriteLine("Number total states: " + total_states);
            Console.WriteLine("Total pruned states: " + pruned);

            results[COST]  = costOfBssf().ToString();                         // load results array
            results[TIME]  = timer.Elapsed.ToString();
            results[COUNT] = count.ToString();

        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a path from any of start to goal, such that the path has no links that are steeper than the unit's maxGrade.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The path.</returns>
        /// <param name="startPointList">List of PointWithDistances for points to start from</param>
        /// <param name="snappedGoalPoint">HexPoint3 to go to</param>
        /// <param name="unit">moving unit</param>
        /// <param name="moveType">move type - walk, sprint</param>
        /// <param name="targetRadius">how close to get to the target</param>
        /// <param name="actorAware">Discard nodes where other actors reside</param>
        public static List <PointWithCost> FindPath(List <PointWithCost> startPointList, HexPoint3 snappedGoalPoint, AbstractActor unit, MoveType moveType, float targetRadius, bool actorAware)
            MapMetaData mapMetaData = unit.Combat.MapMetaData;
            HexGrid     hexGrid     = unit.Combat.HexGrid;

            unit.Pathing.MoveType = moveType;
            List <AbstractActor> actors = null;

            bool startedInEncounterBounds = false;

            BattleTech.Designed.EncounterBoundaryChunkGameLogic boundaryChunk = unit.Combat.EncounterLayerData.encounterBoundaryChunk;

            for (int spi = 0; spi < startPointList.Count; ++spi)
                PointWithCost sp = startPointList[spi];
                //Vector3 wp = HexPoint3ToWorldPoint(sp.point, hexGrid);

                if (boundaryChunk.IsInEncounterBounds(unit.CurrentPosition))
                    startedInEncounterBounds = true;

            actorAware = unit.BehaviorTree.GetBehaviorVariableValue(BehaviorVariableName.Bool_EnableLongRangePathfindingBeActorAware).BoolVal ? true : actorAware;

            if (actorAware)
                actors = unit.Combat.AllActors;

            List <PointWithCost> path = new List <PointWithCost>();

            HeapQueue <PointWithCost> openHeap = new HeapQueue <PointWithCost>();

            Dictionary <HexPoint3, float> bestCostDict = new Dictionary <HexPoint3, float>();

            Dictionary <HexPoint3, PointWithCost> bestPrevPoint = new Dictionary <HexPoint3, PointWithCost>();

            Vector3 worldGoalPoint = HexPoint3ToWorldPoint(snappedGoalPoint, hexGrid);

            float         bestPathCost  = float.MaxValue;
            bool          anyPathFound  = false;
            PointWithCost bestGoalPoint = new PointWithCost(new HexPoint3(-4000, -4000),

            for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex < startPointList.Count; ++startIndex)
                PointWithCost pwd = startPointList[startIndex];
                bestCostDict[pwd.point]  = pwd.cost;
                bestPrevPoint[pwd.point] = null;

                Vector3 wp = HexPoint3ToWorldPoint(pwd.point, hexGrid);

                if ((pwd.point.Equals(snappedGoalPoint)) ||
                    (AIUtil.Get2DDistanceBetweenVector3s(wp, worldGoalPoint) < targetRadius))
                    if (pwd.cost < bestPathCost)
                        anyPathFound  = true;
                        bestPathCost  = pwd.cost;
                        bestGoalPoint = pwd;

            while (!openHeap.IsEmpty())
                PointWithCost ptWithCost = openHeap.PopMinimum();

                if (ptWithCost.estimatedTotalCost > bestPathCost)

                Vector3 worldPoint = HexPoint3ToWorldPoint(ptWithCost.point, hexGrid);

                if (actorAware && CheckForOccupiedPoint(actors, worldPoint))

                if (startedInEncounterBounds && (!boundaryChunk.IsInEncounterBounds(worldPoint)))

                for (int direction = 0; direction < 6; ++direction)
                    HexPoint3 neighborHexPoint   = ptWithCost.point.Step(direction, 1);
                    Vector3   neighborWorldPoint = HexPoint3ToWorldPoint(neighborHexPoint, hexGrid);

                    if ((!mapMetaData.IsWithinBounds(neighborWorldPoint)) ||
                        (unit.Pathing.CurrentGrid.FindBlockerReciprocal(worldPoint, neighborWorldPoint)))

                    Debug.DrawLine(worldPoint, neighborWorldPoint, Color.yellow, 15.0f);

                    float linkCost = unit.Pathing.CurrentGrid.GetTerrainModifiedCost(worldPoint, neighborWorldPoint);
                    float newCost  = ptWithCost.cost + linkCost;

                    if (newCost >= bestPathCost)

                    if ((!bestCostDict.ContainsKey(neighborHexPoint)) ||
                        (newCost < bestCostDict[neighborHexPoint]))
                        bestCostDict[neighborHexPoint]  = newCost;
                        bestPrevPoint[neighborHexPoint] = ptWithCost;

                        if ((neighborHexPoint.Equals(snappedGoalPoint)) ||
                            ((neighborWorldPoint - worldGoalPoint).magnitude < targetRadius))
                            if (newCost < bestPathCost)
                                anyPathFound  = true;
                                bestPathCost  = newCost;
                                bestGoalPoint = new PointWithCost(neighborHexPoint, newCost, 0.0f);
                            Vector3 remainingDistance = (worldGoalPoint - neighborWorldPoint);
                            float   estRemainingCost  = remainingDistance.magnitude;

                            openHeap.Push(new PointWithCost(neighborHexPoint, newCost, newCost + estRemainingCost));

            if (anyPathFound)
                PointWithCost p = bestGoalPoint;
                while (bestPrevPoint.ContainsKey(p.point))
                    PointWithCost prevPoint = bestPrevPoint[p.point];
                    if ((prevPoint == null) || (path.Contains(prevPoint)))
                    path.Insert(0, prevPoint);
                    p = prevPoint;
                // draw the failed path data
                const int   SIDES  = 3;
                const float RADIUS = 12;

                foreach (PointWithCost startPoint in startPointList)
                    Vector3 worldStartPoint = HexPoint3ToWorldPoint(startPoint.point, hexGrid);
                    for (int i = 0; i < SIDES; ++i)
                        float dx0 = RADIUS * Mathf.Cos(i * Mathf.PI * 2 / SIDES);
                        float dz0 = RADIUS * Mathf.Sin(i * Mathf.PI * 2 / SIDES);
                        float dx1 = RADIUS * Mathf.Cos((i + 1) * Mathf.PI * 2 / SIDES);
                        float dz1 = RADIUS * Mathf.Sin((i + 1) * Mathf.PI * 2 / SIDES);

                        Vector3 wp0 = new Vector3(worldStartPoint.x + dx0, 0, worldStartPoint.z + dz0);
                        Vector3 wp1 = new Vector3(worldStartPoint.x + dx1, 0, worldStartPoint.z + dz1);
                        Debug.DrawLine(wp0, wp1, Color.magenta, 15.0f);

                Vector3 worldEndPoint = HexPoint3ToWorldPoint(snappedGoalPoint, hexGrid);
                Color   orangeColor   = new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
                for (int i = 0; i < SIDES; ++i)
                    float dx0 = RADIUS * Mathf.Cos(i * Mathf.PI * 2 / SIDES);
                    float dz0 = RADIUS * Mathf.Sin(i * Mathf.PI * 2 / SIDES);
                    float dx1 = RADIUS * Mathf.Cos((i + 1) * Mathf.PI * 2 / SIDES);
                    float dz1 = RADIUS * Mathf.Sin((i + 1) * Mathf.PI * 2 / SIDES);

                    Vector3 wp0 = new Vector3(worldEndPoint.x + dx0, 0, worldEndPoint.z + dz0);
                    Vector3 wp1 = new Vector3(worldEndPoint.x + dx1, 0, worldEndPoint.z + dz1);
                    Debug.DrawLine(wp0, wp1, orangeColor, 15.0f);

            int removedCount = 0;

            // Now, check to see if the end of the path is in "danger". If it is, prune until it's not, which might lead to an empty path.
            while (path.Count > 0)
                PointWithCost      lastHexPoint   = path[path.Count - 1];
                Vector3            lastWorldPoint = HexPoint3ToWorldPoint(lastHexPoint.point, hexGrid);
                MapTerrainDataCell dataCell       = unit.Combat.MapMetaData.GetCellAt(lastWorldPoint);

                if (SplatMapInfo.IsDropshipLandingZone(dataCell.terrainMask) || SplatMapInfo.IsDangerousLocation(dataCell.terrainMask) || SplatMapInfo.IsDropPodLandingZone(dataCell.terrainMask))
                    path.RemoveAt(path.Count - 1);

            if (removedCount > 0)
                if (path.Count == 0)
                    BehaviorNode.LogAI(unit, string.Format("DANGER TRIM: removed all {0} points, bracing", removedCount));
                    BehaviorNode.LogAI(unit, string.Format("DANGER TRIM: removed {0} points, moving to {1}", removedCount, path[path.Count - 1]));

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a path from any of the points in startPointList to goal, such that the path has no links that are steeper up than maxIncline
        /// nor steeper down than maxDecline.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The path.</returns>
        /// <param name="startPointList">PointWithDistance structs for starting area</param>
        /// <param name="goalPoint">map indices of point to go to</param>
        List <PointWithDistance> FindPath(List <PointWithDistance> startPointList, InclineIndexPoint goalPoint, float maxIncline, float maxDecline)
            List <PointWithDistance> path = new List <PointWithDistance>();

            HeapQueue <PointWithDistance> openHeap = new HeapQueue <PointWithDistance>();

            Dictionary <InclineIndexPoint, float> bestDistanceDict = new Dictionary <InclineIndexPoint, float>();

            Dictionary <InclineIndexPoint, PointWithDistance> bestPrevPoint = new Dictionary <InclineIndexPoint, PointWithDistance>();

            Point goalMapPoint = InclineIndicesToMapIndices(goalPoint);

            Vector3 worldGoalPoint = mapMetaData.getWorldPos(goalMapPoint);

            for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex < startPointList.Count; ++startIndex)
                PointWithDistance pwd = startPointList[startIndex];
                bestDistanceDict[pwd.point] = pwd.distance;
                bestPrevPoint[pwd.point]    = null;

            float             bestPathLength = -1;
            PointWithDistance bestGoalPoint  = new PointWithDistance(new InclineIndexPoint(-1024, -1024),

            while (!openHeap.IsEmpty())
                PointWithDistance ptWithDist = openHeap.PopMinimum();

                if ((bestPathLength > 0) && ((ptWithDist.estimatedTotalDistance > bestPathLength) || TAKE_FIRST_PATH))

                int[] xOffsets = { 1, 0, -1, 0 };
                int[] zOffsets = { 0, 1, 0, -1 };

                InclineMeshNode node = nodes[ptWithDist.point.X, ptWithDist.point.Z];

                Vector3 worldNodePoint = InclineIndicesToWorldPoint(ptWithDist.point);

                for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; ++direction)
                    int dx = xOffsets[direction];
                    int dz = zOffsets[direction];

                    int nx = ptWithDist.point.X + dx;
                    int nz = ptWithDist.point.Z + dz;

                    InclineIndexPoint neighborPoint    = new InclineIndexPoint(nx, nz);
                    Point             mapNeighborPoint = InclineIndicesToMapIndices(neighborPoint);

                    if ((!mapMetaData.IsWithinBounds(mapNeighborPoint)) || (node.NeighborLinks[direction] == null))

                    Vector3 worldNeighborPoint = InclineIndicesToWorldPoint(neighborPoint);

                    for (int linkIndex = 0; linkIndex < node.NeighborLinks[direction].Count; ++linkIndex)
                        Debug.DrawLine(worldNodePoint, worldNeighborPoint, Color.yellow, 15.0f);

                        InclineLinkData link = node.NeighborLinks[direction][linkIndex];

                        if ((link.declineAsFloat() > maxDecline) || (link.inclineAsFloat() > maxIncline))

                        float linkDistance = (worldNeighborPoint - worldNodePoint).magnitude;

                        float totalDistance = ptWithDist.distance + linkDistance;

                        if ((bestPathLength >= 0) &&
                            (totalDistance >= bestPathLength))

                        if ((!bestDistanceDict.ContainsKey(neighborPoint)) ||
                            (totalDistance < bestDistanceDict[neighborPoint]))
                            bestDistanceDict[neighborPoint] = totalDistance;
                            bestPrevPoint[neighborPoint]    = ptWithDist;

                            float distanceToGoal = (worldNeighborPoint - worldGoalPoint).magnitude;

                            if (neighborPoint.Equals(goalPoint))
                                if ((bestPathLength < 0) ||
                                    (totalDistance < bestPathLength))
                                    bestPathLength = totalDistance;
                                    bestGoalPoint  = new PointWithDistance(neighborPoint, totalDistance, 0.0f);
                                openHeap.Push(new PointWithDistance(neighborPoint, totalDistance, totalDistance + distanceToGoal));

            if (bestPathLength >= 0)
                PointWithDistance p = bestGoalPoint;
                while (bestPrevPoint.ContainsKey(p.point))
                    PointWithDistance prevPoint = bestPrevPoint[p.point];
                    if ((prevPoint == null) || (path.Contains(prevPoint)))
                    path.Insert(0, prevPoint);
                    p = prevPoint;
