public ActionResult Update(int HealthLibraryID)
            //get health library info based on the passed in id and return it
            HealthLibrary HealthLibrary = db.HealthLibraries.FirstOrDefault(f => f.HealthLibraryID == HealthLibraryID);

        //method for public show view
        public ActionResult PublicShow(int HealthLibraryID)
            Debug.WriteLine("Showing details for post: " + HealthLibraryID);

            //get health library post based on id and return it
            HealthLibrary HealthLibrary = db.HealthLibraries.FirstOrDefault(f => f.HealthLibraryID == HealthLibraryID);

        public ActionResult Show(int HealthLibraryID)
            //check if the user is logged in and is an admin and direct to login if they are not an admin or logged in
            //put the rest of the code in an else statement

            Debug.WriteLine("Showing details for post: " + HealthLibraryID);

            //get health library post based on id and return it
            HealthLibrary HealthLibrary = db.HealthLibraries.FirstOrDefault(f => f.HealthLibraryID == HealthLibraryID);

        public ActionResult Delete(int HealthLibraryID)
            //check if the user is logged in and is an admin and direct to login if they are not an admin or logged in
            //put the rest of the code in an else statement

            Debug.WriteLine("Attemping to delete post: " + HealthLibraryID);

            //search for specific health library post based on passed in id
            HealthLibrary HealthLibrary = db.HealthLibraries.Find(HealthLibraryID);

            //delete the post and save changes

            //redirect to list view
        public ActionResult Update(int HealthLibraryID, string Title, DateTime Date, string Body, bool Published)
            //check if the user is logged in and is an admin and direct to login if they are not an admin or logged in
            //put the rest of the code in an else statement

            Debug.WriteLine("Attemping to update post: " + HealthLibraryID);

            //search for the specific health library post info
            HealthLibrary HealthLibrary = db.HealthLibraries.Find(HealthLibraryID);

            //bind new params
            HealthLibrary.Title     = Title;
            HealthLibrary.Date      = Date;
            HealthLibrary.Body      = Body;
            HealthLibrary.Published = Published;

            //save changes

            //redirect to list view
        public ActionResult Add(string Title, DateTime Date, string Body, bool Published)
            //check if the user is logged in and is an admin and direct to login if they are not an admin or logged in
            //put the rest of the code in an else statement

            Debug.WriteLine("Attemping to add a new post: " + Title);
            //create a new health library post
            HealthLibrary HealthLibrary = new HealthLibrary();

            //bind passed in params
            HealthLibrary.Title     = Title;
            HealthLibrary.Date      = Date;
            HealthLibrary.Body      = Body;
            HealthLibrary.Published = Published;

            //add to the db and save

            //redirect to list view