Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Run(IJob obj, HandlerOptions handler)
            Action <Schedule> runSchedule = new Action <Schedule>(r => r.WithName(handler.ActionName).NonReentrant().ToRunNow().AndEvery(handler.Times).Seconds());

            JobManager.AddJob(obj, runSchedule);
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal void Register()
            HandlerOptions internalOption = new HandlerOptions()
                SkipRequestFilters = true

            Handle.POST("/signin/partial/signin", (Request request) =>
                NameValueCollection values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request.Body);
                string username            = values["username"];
                string password            = values["password"];
                string rememberMe          = values["rememberMe"];

                HandleSignIn(username, password, rememberMe);

            }, internalOption);

            Handle.GET("/signin/partial/signin-form", (Request request) =>
                return(new SignInFormPage()
                    Data = null,
                    CanCreateAdminUser = SystemAdminUser.GetCanCreateAdminUser(request.ClientIpAddress)
            }, internalOption);

            Handle.GET("/signin/partial/createadminuser", (Request request) =>
                return(new CreateAdminUserViewModel()
                    Data = SystemAdminUser.Create(request.ClientIpAddress)
            }, new HandlerOptions()
                SkipRequestFilters = true

            Handle.GET("/signin/partial/alreadyin-form", () => new AlreadyInPage()
                Data = null
            }, internalOption);
            Handle.GET("/signin/partial/restore-form", () => new RestorePasswordFormPage(), internalOption);
            Handle.GET("/signin/partial/profile-form", () => new ProfileFormPage()
                Data = null
            }, internalOption);
            Handle.GET("/signin/partial/accessdenied-form", () => new AccessDeniedPage(), internalOption);
            Handle.GET("/signin/partial/main-form", () => new MainFormPage()
                Data = null
            }, internalOption);

            Handle.GET("/signin/partial/user/image", () => new UserImagePage());
            Handle.GET("/signin/partial/user/image/{?}", (string objectId) => new Json(), internalOption);
            Handle.GET("/signin/partial/signout", HandleSignOut, internalOption);
            //Handle.GET("/signin/partial/usersignout", HandlePartialSignOut, internalOption);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public HandlerResult Do(string fileName, HandlerOptions options)
     return(new HandlerResult()
         Value = "Test Value"
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void ProcessHandler(int userId)
            DbContext dbcontext = new DbContext();
            var       lst       = dbcontext.FlowInfo.Where(x => x.RowState == RowStates.正常)
                                  .Where(x => x.HandlerId == userId)

            if (lst.Count <= 0)
            int indexTMP = 0;

            lst.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(string.Format("索引:{0},流程ID:{1},处理人ID:{2},处理人:{3},表单:{4}",
                                                             indexTMP++, x.WFInstanceId, x.HandlerId, x.HandlerName, x.FlowContext)));
            int index = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}---{1}", (int)HandlerOptions.意, HandlerOptions.意.ToString()));
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}---{1}", (int)HandlerOptions.驳回, HandlerOptions.驳回.ToString()));
            HandlerOptions opt = (HandlerOptions)Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            var formData = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(lst[index].FlowContext);

            formData["HandlerOption"] = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken.FromObject(opt);//demo,这个键写死
            System.Activities.WorkflowApplication wfa = new System.Activities.WorkflowApplication(new LeaveFlow());
            wfa.ResumeBookmark(lst[index].BookmarkName, formData);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void RunAction1(HandlerOptions handler)
            string  assemblyPath = AppContext.BaseDirectory + @"\Hyc.App.Actions.dll";
            string  Name         = handler.Name;
            string  asmName      = handler.Handler;
            var     asl          = new AssemblyLoader(asmName);
            var     asm          = asl.LoadFromAssemblyPath(@assemblyPath);
            var     type         = asm.GetType(handler.Handler);
            dynamic obj          = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

        public void GetModel_ExpectedModel_Model_Exists()
            // Arrange
            var options = new HandlerOptions();

            options.AddModel("test", typeof(MessageTest));
            // Act
            var modelType = options.GetModel("test");

            // Assert
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(new MessageTest(), modelType);
Exemplo n.º 7
    private void singletonInstance()
        //Singleton instance
        if (Instance == null)
            Instance = this;
        else if (Instance != this)

        //Dont destroy on load to persevere this object in all scenes
Exemplo n.º 8
            public WrapperProcess(HandlerOptions options)
                Port = Helper.GetFreeTcpPort();
                ID   = IdGenerator.GetId(this, out _);
                _cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

                _process = new Process
                    StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(_serviceOptions.DotnetPath)
                        Arguments = $"{_serviceOptions.WrapperPath} " +
                                    $"{nameof(WrapperProcessArgs.ServicePID)}={ServiceOptions.ServicePID} " +
                                    $"{nameof(WrapperProcessArgs.HandlerPort)}={Port} " + options,

                        CreateNoWindow = true
Exemplo n.º 9
     * Method to check first time in the game, add basic config and show the panel
     * to enter the user's name.
    public void ShowNameMenu()
        //TODO: need to change FIRSTIMEOPENING ¿User name in PlayerPrefs?
        if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("FIRSTIMEOPENING", 1) == 1)
            //Set first parameters
            HandlerOptions ho = HandlerOptions.Instance;
            ho.MusicOn            = true;
            ho.MusicVolumen       = 0.3f;
            ho.MusicEffectOn      = true;
            ho.MusicEffectVolumen = 0.2f;
            ho.LanguageInt        = 2;
            ho.CrossHairString    = "white";

            //Ask for name

            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("FIRSTIMEOPENING", 0);
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected override async Task Init()
            Log.Information("Starting initialization");


            // In this case, the service will not be able to find this handler
            if (Port != _processArgs.HandlerPort)
                throw new Exception("Cannot run on required TCP port");

            Log.Information("Listening on: {0}", Port);

            _waitForServiceDeath = Process.GetProcessById(_processArgs.ServicePID).WaitForExitAsync();

            if (File.Exists(_processArgs.Schedule))
                string json = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(_processArgs.Schedule);

                _handlerOptions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <HandlerOptions>(json);

                Log.Information("Used schedule file: \"{0}\"", _processArgs.Schedule);
                _handlerOptions = new HandlerOptions();
                Log.Warning("Cannot load schedule file: \"{0}\"", _processArgs.Schedule);

            await _handler.Init(_processArgs.HandlerPath, _handlerOptions.InitArgs);

            _schedulerSub = _scheduler.TickStream.Subscribe(x => _ = _handler.HandleSchedulerTick(x));

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// The LogStreamer sample application allows simple transaction log
        /// streaming between Starcounter databases. It accepts three kinds
        /// of command line parameters.
        /// An URI or file path ending with ".logstreamer.xml" is taken to be
        /// the source of a LogStreamer configuration to use. If it is a local
        /// file path, the file will be created if necessary.
        /// Any other string not starting with '@' will be taken as the
        /// upstream URI to use. Either or both of these parameters may be
        /// omitted.
        /// Parameters starting with '@' are documented in code, but should
        /// not be needed for general use.
        /// Usually when starting LogStreamer, you'll want to launch it into
        /// a specific database. If you prefer, you can do that from the
        /// command line using something like this:
        ///  star.exe -d=DBNAME LogStreamer.exe
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command line parameters.</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string upstreamUri = null;
            bool streamingEnabled = true;
            bool generateConfigFile = false;
            bool useFileLog = false;
            var options = new HandlerOptions() {
                SkipRequestFilters = true

            // Provide a host local handler for the default config.
            // Don't move this one - it must be present for the configuration loader
            // if default configuration is in effect.
            Handle.GET(DefaultRelativeUri, HandleGETDefaultConfigFile, options);

            // Provide a handler for some more throughout sample configuration
            Handle.GET(SampleRelativeUri, HandleGETSampleConfigFile, options);

            foreach (var arg in args) {
                if (arg == null || arg.Length < 1)

                // If you pass .config.json, we take it. Otherwise,
                // we consider it the upstream URI

                if (arg[0] != '@') {
                    if (arg.EndsWith(".config.json")) {
                        _configUri = arg;
                    } else {
                        upstreamUri = arg;
                } else if (arg.Equals("@disabled", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || arg.Equals("@paused", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
                    streamingEnabled = false;
                } else if (arg.Equals("@enabled", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
                    streamingEnabled = true;
                } else if (arg.Equals("@generate", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
                    generateConfigFile = true;
                } else if (arg.Equals("@logfile", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
                    useFileLog = true;
                } else {
                    Console.WriteLine("Warning: Ignoring unrecognized argument '{0}'", arg);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_configUri)) {
                // Apply the default URI, and then make sure the log streamer
                // is disabled until explicitly told otherwise
                string filePath = GetDefaultFilePath();
                if (generateConfigFile || File.Exists(filePath)) {
                    _configUri = "file://" + filePath;
                } else {
                    _configUri = "http://localhost:" + StarcounterEnvironment.Default.UserHttpPort + DefaultRelativeUri;
                    streamingEnabled = false;

            if (generateConfigFile) {
                if (!_configUri.Contains("://")) {
                    _configUri = "file://" + _configUri;
                if (_configUri.StartsWith("file://")) {
                    var cfg = new Configuration();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(upstreamUri)) {
                        cfg.UpstreamUri = LogStreamerConfiguration.CleanUri(upstreamUri);
                    File.WriteAllText(_configUri.Substring(7), ConfigToJson(cfg.ToConfiguration()));
                } else {
                    Console.WriteLine("Can't generate config file for URI '{0}'", _configUri);

            _config = LogStreamerConfiguration.Load(_configUri, upstreamUri);

                "Starting LogStreamer in {0}, OID range {1} - {2}. UpstreamUri: '{3}'.",
                _config.UpstreamUri ?? ""

            // Ensure that the FirstUserOid and LastUserOid match what we actually have.
            if (_config.FirstUserOid != Db.Environment.FirstUserOid) {
                throw new ArgumentException("FirstUserOid mismatch: config " + _config.FirstUserOid + " != " + Db.Environment.FirstUserOid + " actual");
            if (_config.LastUserOid != Db.Environment.LastUserOid) {
                throw new ArgumentException("LastUserOid mismatch: config " + _config.LastUserOid + " != " + Db.Environment.LastUserOid + " actual");

            Handle.GET(BaseUri, HandleGETRoot);
            Handle.GET(BaseUri + "/log", HandleGETLog);
            Handle.GET(BaseUri + "/config", HandleGETConfig);
            Handle.GET<string>(BaseUri + "?{?}", HandleGETRootParam);
            Handle.GET(BaseUri + "/config/upstreamwhitelist", HandleGETUpstreamWhitelist);
            Handle.GET(BaseUri + "/config/downstreamwhitelist", HandleGETDownstreamWhitelist);

            string logFilePath = null;
            if (useFileLog) {
                logFilePath = Path.Combine(GetConfigDirectory(), "logs", "logstreamer", Db.Environment.DatabaseNameLower + ".logstreamer.log");
                (new FileInfo(logFilePath)).Directory.Create();
            _logger = new Logger(logFilePath);

            Status = "Not connected.";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_config.ListenUri)) {
                _server = new LogStreamerParent(_logger, _servermanager, _serverCts.Token, _config);

            StreamingEnabled = streamingEnabled;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void Process()
            HandlerOptions ho = new HandlerOptions()
                DateFormatString = Options.DateFormatString

            int count = 0;
            var files = Directory.GetFiles(Source, "*", Options.RecurseSubdirectories ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

            foreach (var file in files)
                string status    = String.Empty;
                string extension = Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower();
                if (Options.FileExtensions.Length < 1 || Options.FileExtensions.Contains(extension))
                    string value = String.Empty;
                    foreach (var handler in Handlers)
                        var result = handler.Do(file, ho);
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Value) && !Options.SkipFolder)
                            value = Path.Combine(value, Options.MissingFolderName);
                        else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Value))
                            value = Path.Combine(value, result.Value);
                        if (result.Exception != null)
                            status += String.Format("An error occurred retrieving {0} : {1}", handler.Name, result.Exception.Message);
                    status += String.Format("Organizing file {0} of {1}.", count, files.Length);

                        string destinationDirectory = Path.Combine(Destination, value);
                        if (!Directory.Exists(destinationDirectory))

                        string destinationFile = Path.Combine(destinationDirectory, Path.GetFileName(file));
                        if (!File.Exists(destinationFile) || Options.OverwriteExistingFiles)
                            if (Options.Copy)
                                File.Copy(file, destinationFile);
                                File.Move(file, destinationFile);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        status += String.Format("An error occurred while trying to sort the file: {0}.  {1}", file, ex.Message);
                    status = String.Format("Skipped file {0}.  File is not on the list of selected extensions.", file);

                if (OnProgressUpdate != null)
                    OnProgressUpdate((int)Math.Round((double)(100 * count) / files.Length), status);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public static void Write(this NeutronPlayer owner, NeutronStream.IWriter writer, HandlerOptions handler)
     MatchmakingHelper.Internal.Redirect(owner, owner, handler.Protocol, handler.TargetTo, writer.ToArray(), MatchmakingHelper.Internal.GetPlayersByMatchmakingTo(owner, handler.MatchmakingTo));
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Register
        /// </summary>
        public static void Register() {

            HandlerOptions opt = new HandlerOptions() { SkipHandlersPolicy = true, SkipRequestFilters = true };

            #region Get MultiHost Depots  (todo rename?)
            Starcounter.Handle.GET("/warehouse/api/multihostdepots/{?}", (string domain, Request request) => {

                string domainName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(domain);

                // check if hostname exist
                HostService hostService = Db.SQL<HostService>("SELECT o FROM Warehouse.HostService o WHERE o.DomainName=?", domainName).First;
                if (hostService == null) {
                    return System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound;

                string eTag = request.Headers["If-None-Match"];
                string depotHostingEtag = string.Format("{0:X8}", hostService.DepotHostingModified.GetHashCode());

                if (eTag == depotHostingEtag) {
                    return System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotModified;

                QueryResultRows<DepotHostService> depotHostServices = Db.SQL<DepotHostService>("SELECT o FROM Warehouse.DepotHostService o WHERE o.HostService=?", hostService);

                Response response = new Response();
                DepotHostServices_v1 result = new DepotHostServices_v1();
                result.Items.Data = depotHostServices;
                response.Resource = result;
                response.StatusCode = (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
                response.Headers["ETag"] = depotHostingEtag;
                return response;

            }, opt);

            #region Get Default Depot
            Starcounter.Handle.GET("/warehouse/api/depots", (Request request) => {

                Response response = new Response();
                Depots_v1 depots = new Depots_v1();
                depots.Depots.Data = Db.SQL<Depot>("SELECT o.Depot FROM Warehouse.DefaultDepot o");
                response.Resource = depots;
                response.StatusCode = (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
                return response;

            }, opt);

            Starcounter.Handle.GET("/warehouse/api/depots?{?}", (string parameters, Request request) => {

                // TODO: Handle parameters
                Response response = new Response();
                Depots_v1 depots = new Depots_v1();
                depots.Depots.Data = Db.SQL<Depot>("SELECT o.Depot FROM Warehouse.DefaultDepot o");
                response.Resource = depots;
                response.StatusCode = (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
                return response;

            }, opt);


            #region Get Depot
            Starcounter.Handle.GET("/warehouse/api/depots/{?}", (string depotKey, Request request) => {
                Depot depot = Db.SQL<Depot>("SELECT o FROM Warehouse.Depot o WHERE o.DepotKey=?", depotKey).First;
                if (depot != null) {
                    string eTag = request.Headers["If-None-Match"];
                    string depotEtag = string.Format("{0:X8}", depot.Modified.GetHashCode());

                    if (eTag == depotEtag) {
                        return System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotModified;

                    Response response = new Response();
                    Depot_v1 depotJson = new Depot_v1();
                    depotJson.Data = depot;
                    response.Resource = depotJson;
                    response.StatusCode = (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
                    response.Headers["ETag"] = depotEtag;
                    return response;
                return (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
            }, opt);

            #region Get Applications
            Starcounter.Handle.GET("/warehouse/api/depots/{?}/applications", (string depotKey) => {
                Depot depot = Db.SQL<Depot>("SELECT o FROM Warehouse.Depot o WHERE o.DepotKey=?", depotKey).First;
                if (depot != null) {
                    Response response = new Response();
                    DepotSoftwares_v1 depotItemsJson = new DepotSoftwares_v1();
                    depotItemsJson.DepotKey = depotKey;
                    var software = Db.SQL<Software>("SELECT o.Software FROM Warehouse.DepotSoftware o WHERE o.Depot=?", depot);
                    depotItemsJson.Softwares.Data = software;
                    response.Resource = depotItemsJson;
                    response.StatusCode = (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
                    return response;
                return (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
            }, opt);

            #region Get Application
            Starcounter.Handle.GET("/warehouse/api/depots/{?}/applications/{?}", (string depotKey, string id, Request request) => {

                Depot depot = Db.SQL<Depot>("SELECT o FROM Warehouse.Depot o WHERE o.DepotKey=?", depotKey).First;
                if (depot != null) {
                    Software software = depot.FindSoftware(id);
                    if (software != null) {
                        Response response = new Response();
                        Software_v1 softwareJson = new Software_v1();
                        softwareJson.Depot = depot;
                        softwareJson.Data = software;
                        if (software is Suite) {
                            softwareJson.SuiteContents.Data = Db.SQL<Software>("SELECT o.Software FROM Warehouse.SuiteSoftware o WHERE o.Suite=?", software);

                            softwareJson.Apps.Data = ((Suite)software).GetContentApps();
                            // TODO
                            // app.IconUrl is null
                            // Version.url is null

                        response.Resource = softwareJson;
                        response.StatusCode = (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
                        return response;

                return (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
            }, opt);

            #region Get software versions
            Starcounter.Handle.GET("/warehouse/api/depots/{?}/applications/{?}/versions", (string depotKey, string id, Request request) => {
                DepotSoftware depotSoftware = Db.SQL<DepotSoftware>("SELECT o FROM Warehouse.DepotSoftware o WHERE o.Depot.DepotKey=? AND o.Software.ID=?", depotKey, id).First;
                if (depotSoftware != null) {
                    Response response = new Response();
                    Versions_v1 versionsJson = new Versions_v1();
                    versionsJson.Depot = depotSoftware.Depot;
                    versionsJson.Versions.Data = depotSoftware.Software.Versions;
                    response.Resource = versionsJson;
                    response.StatusCode = (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
                    return response;
                return (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
            }, opt);

            #region Get software versions with parameters
            Starcounter.Handle.GET("/warehouse/api/depots/{?}/applications/{?}/versions?{?}", (string depotKey, string id, string parameters, Request request) => {
                DepotSoftware depotSoftware = Db.SQL<DepotSoftware>("SELECT o FROM Warehouse.DepotSoftware o WHERE o.Depot.DepotKey=? AND o.Software.ID=?", depotKey, id).First;
                if (depotSoftware != null) {

                    NameValueCollection collection = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(parameters);

                    string starcounterVersion = collection["starcounterversion"];
                    bool content;
                    if (!bool.TryParse(collection["content"], out content)) {
                        content = false;

                    if (starcounterVersion == null && (content == false || depotSoftware.Software is App)) {
                        return Self.GET(string.Format("/warehouse/api/depots/{0}/applications/{1}/versions", depotKey, id));

                    Response response = new Response();
                    Versions_v1 versionsJson = new Versions_v1();
                    versionsJson.Depot = depotSoftware.Depot;

                    if (depotSoftware.Software is Suite && content) {
                        IList<Version> result = GetAllSuiteContentVersion(depotSoftware.Software as Suite, starcounterVersion);
                        if (result != null) {
                            versionsJson.Versions.Data = result;
                    else {
                        foreach (Version version in depotSoftware.Software.Versions) {
                            if (version.IsCompatibleWith(starcounterVersion)) {
                                versionsJson.Versions.Add().Data = version;
                    response.Resource = versionsJson;
                    response.StatusCode = (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
                    return response;
                return (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
            }, opt);

            #region Get version json/binary
            Starcounter.Handle.GET("/warehouse/api/depots/{?}/applications/{?}/versions/{?}", (string depotKey, string softwareId, string id, Request request) => {

                Depot depot = Db.SQL<Depot>("SELECT o FROM Warehouse.Depot o WHERE o.DepotKey=?", depotKey).First;
                if (depot != null) {
                    Software software = depot.FindSoftware(softwareId);
                    if (software != null) {
                        Version version = Db.SQL<Version>("SELECT o FROM Warehouse.Version o WHERE o.Software=? AND o.ID=?", software, id).First;

                        if (version != null) {
                            if (request.Headers["Accept"] == "application/octet-stream") {
                                if (File.Exists(version.BinaryFile)) {
                                    string fileName = Path.GetFileName(version.BinaryFile);
                                    Response binResponse = new Response() { StatusCode = (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK };
                                    binResponse.StreamedBody = new StreamReader(version.BinaryFile).BaseStream;
                                    binResponse.Headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\"";
                                    return binResponse;
                                return new Response() { StatusCode = (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound };

                            Response response = new Response();
                            Version_v1 versionJson = new Version_v1();
                            versionJson.DepotKey = depotKey;
                            versionJson.Data = version;
                            response.Resource = versionJson;
                            response.StatusCode = (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK;
                            return response;


                return (ushort)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
            }, opt);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private async Task <string> RunHandlerAsync(HandlerOptions options)
            var  wrapperProcess   = new WrapperProcess(options);
            long wrapperProcessID = wrapperProcess.ID;

            string retstr;

            Log.Information("Running handler[{0}]: \"{1}\"", wrapperProcessID, options.Path);


                await Task.Delay(Const.WrapperInitTimeout);

                var initResult = await _client.SendMessageAsync(wrapperProcess.Port, true, null, (Headers.Command, HandlerCommands.InitInfo));

                string message = await initResult.GetMessageAsync();

                if (initResult.IsSuccessStatusCode)

                    _ = Task.Run(async() =>
                            await wrapperProcess.ProcessDeathWaiting;
                        catch (TaskCanceledException)


                    retstr = "Handler[{0}] has started successfully: {1}";
                    Log.Information(retstr, wrapperProcessID, message);
                    retstr = "Handler[{0}] failed to start: {1}";
                    Log.Error(retstr, wrapperProcessID, message);

                retstr = string.Format(retstr, wrapperProcessID, message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is HttpRequestException)
                    retstr = "Handler[{0}] is unavailable: {1}";
                    Log.Error(retstr, wrapperProcessID, ex);
                    retstr = "Exception while trying to run handler[{0}]: {1}";
                    Log.Error(retstr, wrapperProcessID, ex);

                retstr = string.Format(retstr, wrapperProcessID, ex);
