public Measurement GetWeight(bool single = false) { try { if (clockPin == null || dataPin == null) { return(null); } // TODO: sample sensors and report weight -- mocked for now //return new Measurement(165.0f, Measurement.UnitsOfMeasure.Pounds); device = new HX711(clockPin, dataPin); var w = _GetOutputData(); Debug.WriteLine($"Single:{w}"); var c = Calibrated(w); if (!CheckAnomaly(c)) { PriorMeasurements.Enqueue(new Measurement(c, Measurement.UnitsOfMeasure.Ounces)); } Debug.WriteLine($"Current Avg:{PriorMeasurements.Average(i => i.Amount)}"); #if DEBUG foreach (var item in PriorMeasurements) { Debug.WriteLine($" {item.Amount}"); } #endif if (single) { return(new Measurement(w, Measurement.UnitsOfMeasure.Ounces)); } else { return(new Measurement(PriorMeasurements.Average(i => i.Amount), Measurement.UnitsOfMeasure.Ounces)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine($"Error,{ex.Message}"); KegLogger.KegLogException(ex, "Weight:GetWeight", SeverityLevel.Critical); KegLogger.KegLogTrace(ex.Message, "Weight:GetWeight", SeverityLevel.Warning, new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "ClockPin", CalibrationSettings[WeightClockGpioPinNumberSetting].ToString() }, { "DataPin", CalibrationSettings[WeightDataGpioPinNumberSetting].ToString() } }); } return(null); }
private static void Loop(HX711 scale) { var result = scale.GetUnits(10); //Blink the on board led according to the weight for (int i = 0; i < Math.Abs(result / 10); i++) { Led.Write(true); Thread.Sleep(100); Led.Write(false); Thread.Sleep(100); } scale.PowerDown(); // put the ADC in sleep mode for two seconds Thread.Sleep(2000); scale.PowerUp(); }
public static void Main() { // parameter "gain" is ommited; the default value 128 is used by the library var scale = new HX711(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D1, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D0) { Scale = 2280.0 }; // this value is obtained by calibrating the scale with known weights; see the for details scale.Tare(); while (true) { Loop(scale); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var settings = new HX711Settings(25, 24); var hx711 = new HX711(settings); hx711.SetGain(Gain.x64); Console.WriteLine($"TARE: {hx711.Tare(50)}"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Calibration: {hx711.Calibrate(Iot.Units.Weight.WeightSystem.Metric, 100)}"); while (true) { Console.WriteLine($"{hx711.MetricWeight.Grams.ToString("0.00")}g"); Thread.Sleep(500); } }
public void Initialize() { if (device == null) { GpioController controller = GpioController.GetDefault(); GpioOpenStatus status; if (controller != null && controller.TryOpenPin(Int32.Parse(CalibrationSettings[WeightClockGpioPinNumberSetting].ToString()), GpioSharingMode.Exclusive, out clockPin, out status) && controller.TryOpenPin(Int32.Parse(CalibrationSettings[WeightDataGpioPinNumberSetting].ToString()), GpioSharingMode.Exclusive, out dataPin, out status)) { device = new HX711(clockPin, dataPin); } else { device = null; } } if (device != null) { device.PowerOn(); } }
public static void Start(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 2) { TestMain.ErrorExit("Device testing needs device to test."); } switch (args[1].ToLower()) { case "hx711": { if (args.Length < 5) { TestMain.ErrorExit("Insufficient info to run HX711 test. See help."); } IDigitalIn DataPin = null; IDigitalOut ClockPin = null; if (args[2].Equals("pi", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { RaspberryPi.Initialize(); DataPin = new DigitalInPi(int.Parse(args[3])); ClockPin = new DigitalOutPi(int.Parse(args[4])); } else if (args[2].Equals("bbb", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { BeagleBone.Initialize(SystemMode.DEFAULT, true); BBBPin DataBBBPin = IOBBB.StringToPin(args[3]); BBBPin ClockBBBPin = IOBBB.StringToPin(args[4]); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(DataBBBPin, false, ResistorState.NONE); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(ClockBBBPin, true, ResistorState.NONE); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_IF_NONE); DataPin = new DigitalInBBB(DataBBBPin); ClockPin = new DigitalOutBBB(ClockBBBPin); } else { TestMain.ErrorExit("HX711 test: Unknown platform. See help."); } HX711 DUT = new HX711(ClockPin, DataPin); while (Console.KeyAvailable) { Console.ReadKey(); } Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.GUI, "[w] to increase gain, [s] to decrease. [z] to zero."); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.GUI, "Press any other key to exit."); HX711.Gain Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_128x; bool Continue = true; while (Continue) { if (Console.KeyAvailable) { char Key = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; switch (Key) { case 'w': { if (Gain == HX711.Gain.GAIN_32x) { Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_64x; } else if (Gain == HX711.Gain.GAIN_64x) { Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_128x; } else { Log.Output(Log.Severity.ERROR, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Gain at maximum already."); } DUT.SetGain(Gain); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Gain now at " + Gain); break; } case 's': { if (Gain == HX711.Gain.GAIN_128x) { Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_64x; } else if (Gain == HX711.Gain.GAIN_64x) { Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_32x; } else { Log.Output(Log.Severity.ERROR, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Gain at minimum already."); } DUT.SetGain(Gain); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Gain now at " + Gain); break; } case 'z': { DUT.Tare(); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Tared."); break; } default: { Continue = false; break; } } } DUT.UpdateState(); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "HX711 readings: Raw: " + DUT.GetRawReading() + ", Adjusted: " + DUT.GetAdjustedReading()); Thread.Sleep(250); } break; } default: { TestMain.ErrorExit("Unknown device."); break; } } }