Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void EnterBranch(HS_Gen1Parser.BranchContext context)
            if (_debug)
                _logger.Branch(context, CompilerContextAction.Enter);

            _ = _expectedTypes.PopType();    // Just ignore the type for now.

            // Branch always has two parameters.
            if (context.expression().Count() != 2)
                throw new CompilerException($"\"Branch\" accepts two arguments. The compiler found {context.expression().Count() }.", context);

            _expectedTypes.PushTypes("boolean", TypeHelper.ScriptReference);
            FunctionInfo info = _opcodes.GetFunctionInfo("branch").First();
            CreateFunctionCall(info, _opcodes.GetTypeInfo("void").Opcode, context.GetCorrectTextPosition(_missingCarriageReturnPositions), GetLineNumber(context));

            _branchBoolIndex = _currentIndex.Index;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void ExitBranch(HS_Gen1Parser.BranchContext context)
            if (_debug)
                _logger.Branch(context, CompilerContextAction.Exit);

            // Generate the script name.
            var scriptContext = GetParentContext(context, HS_Gen1Parser.RULE_scriptDeclaration) as HS_Gen1Parser.ScriptDeclarationContext;
            if(scriptContext is null)
                throw new CompilerException("The compiler failed to retrieve the name of a script, from which \"branch\" was called.", context);
            string fromScript = scriptContext.scriptID().GetTextSanitized();

            var parameters = context.expression();
            var callParameter = parameters[1].call();
            if (callParameter is null)
                throw new CompilerException("A branch call's second argument must be a script call.", context);
            string toScript = callParameter.callID().GetTextSanitized();
            string generatedName = fromScript + "_to_" + toScript;
            var condition = _expressions[_branchBoolIndex].Clone();
            var scriptReference = _expressions[condition.Next.Index].Clone();

            // Modify the original script reference. The opcode points to the generated script.
            _expressions[condition.Next.Index].Opcode = _nextGenBranchIndex;

            // Add the generated script to the lookup.
            ScriptInfo info = new ScriptInfo(generatedName, "static", "void", _nextGenBranchIndex);
            _generatedBranches.Add(new Branch(generatedName, context.GetCorrectTextPosition(_missingCarriageReturnPositions), condition, scriptReference));

Exemplo n.º 3
 public CompilerException(string message, HS_Gen1Parser.BranchContext context) : base(message)
     Text = "branch";
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Exit a parse tree produced by <see cref="HS_Gen1Parser.branch"/>.
 /// <para>The default implementation does nothing.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="context">The parse tree.</param>
 public virtual void ExitBranch([NotNull] HS_Gen1Parser.BranchContext context)