Exemplo n.º 1
        private void SetPickedColor(Color pColor)
            Bitmap cView = new Bitmap(colorBox.Width, colorBox.Height);

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(cView))
                using (SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(ColorUtils.Invert(pColor)))
                    using (Pen p = new Pen(sb, 1))
                        g.DrawRectangle(p, new Rectangle(1, 1, cView.Width - 3, cView.Height - 3));

            HSLColor hlc = HSLColor.FromColor(pColor);
            HSVColor hvc = HSVColor.FromColor(pColor);
            RGBColor rgc = RGBColor.FromColor(pColor);
            HEXColor hxc = HEXColor.FromColor(pColor);

            lbl_HTML.Text = hxc.ToString();
            lbl_RGB.Text  = rgc.ToString();
            lbl_HSL.Text  = hlc.ToString();
            lbl_HSV.Text  = hvc.ToString();

            colorBox.Image = cView;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Could have been a dependency property that pieces of the UI bind to, but the interaction is complex enough
        // to make this the easier route:
        public void SetCurrentColor(HSVColor value)
            this.currentColor = value;
              Color rgbColor = ColorConverter.HSVToRGB(value);

              this.ResetButton.IsEnabled = true;

              this.PreviewTile.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(rgbColor);

              // Only update the TextBox if this isn't being done in response to typing.  That prevents
              // text like "red" from changing to "#FF0000" and prevents the cursor from jumping to the beginning.
              if (!keyPressed)
            this.ColorTextBox.Text = value.ToString();

              this.HueGradientStop.Color = ColorConverter.HSVToRGB(new HSVColor { A = 255, H = value.H, S = 1, V = 1 });
              Canvas.SetLeft(this.HueThumb, (value.H / 360) * this.HueSlider.Width - this.HueThumb.Width / 2);

              // Update AlphaSlider and AlphaThumb:
              Color opaqueColor = rgbColor;
              opaqueColor.A = 255;
              Color transparentColor = rgbColor;
              transparentColor.A = 0;
              this.alphaGradientStop.Color = opaqueColor;
              this.alphaGradientStop2.Color = transparentColor;
              Canvas.SetLeft(this.AlphaThumb, ((double)value.A / 255) * this.AlphaSlider.Width - this.AlphaThumb.Width / 2);

              // Update SaturationValueMap:
              Point saturationValuePoint = new Point(value.S * this.SaturationValueMap.Width, value.V * this.SaturationValueMap.Height);
              this.SelectionLineX1.X1 = this.SelectionLineX1.X2 = saturationValuePoint.X;
              this.SelectionLineX2.X1 = this.SelectionLineX2.X2 = saturationValuePoint.X;
              this.SelectionLineY1.Y1 = this.SelectionLineY1.Y2 = saturationValuePoint.Y;
              this.SelectionLineY2.Y1 = this.SelectionLineY2.Y2 = saturationValuePoint.Y;