/// <summary>
        /// Generate a random mission name if none is provided in the template, or returns the provided name if there is one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mission">The mission.</param>
        /// <param name="template">The provided mission name in the template.</param>
        public void GenerateMissionName(DCSMission mission, string templateMissionName)
            DebugLog.Instance.Log("Generating mission name...");

            if (templateMissionName == null)
                templateMissionName = "";

            // If a custom mission name was provided, use it...
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateMissionName.Trim()))
                mission.BriefingName = templateMissionName.Trim();

            // ...else generate a random name.
            // First get a random template then replace parts 1 to MAX_MISSION_NAME_PARTS ($PART1$, $PART2$, $PART3$...) by random parts.
            string name = HQTools.RandomFrom(Language.GetStringArray("Mission", "Name.Template"));

            for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_MISSION_NAME_PARTS; i++)
                name = name.Replace(
                    HQTools.RandomFrom(Language.GetStringArray("Mission", $"Name.Part{i.ToString()}")));

            mission.BriefingName = name;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public DCSMissionUnitGroup(
            string luaGroup, string luaUnit, UnitCategory category,
            int groupID, Coalition coalition, Coordinates coordinates,
            params string[] units)
            LuaGroup    = luaGroup;
            LuaUnit     = luaUnit;
            Category    = category;
            Coalition   = coalition;
            GroupID     = groupID;
            Units       = units.ToList();
            Name        = $"Group #{HQTools.ValToString(GroupID)}";
            Coordinates = coordinates;

            if (units.Length == 0)
                DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    WARNING: Tried to create an empty unit group at {Coordinates.ToString("F0")}.");
                DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Added a group of {units.Length} unit(s) ({string.Join(", ", Units)}) with ID #{GroupID} at {Coordinates.ToString("F0")}.");

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates wind settings for the mission. Must be called once mission weather level has been set, as weather is used for auto wind.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mission">The mission.</param>
        /// <param name="wind">The preferred wind speed.</param>
        /// <param name="theater">Theater definition from which to get wind info for this part of the world.</param>
        public void GenerateWind(DCSMission mission, Wind wind, DefinitionTheater theater)
            DebugLog.Instance.Log("Generating wind...");

            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"  Wind speed should be {wind.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()}");

            // If auto, speed depends on weather, so we never end up with no wind in a storm
            mission.WindLevel = (wind == Wind.Auto) ?
                                (Wind)(HQTools.Clamp((int)mission.WeatherLevel + HQTools.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), 0, (int)Wind.StrongGale))
                : wind;

            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Wind speed level set to {mission.WindLevel}");

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                mission.WeatherWindSpeed[i]     = Math.Max(0, theater.Wind[(int)mission.WindLevel].Wind.GetValue());
                mission.WeatherWindDirection[i] = (mission.WeatherWindSpeed[i] > 0) ? HQTools.RandomInt(0, 360) : 0;
                DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Wind speed at {WIND_ALTITUDE[i]} meters set to {mission.WeatherWindSpeed[i]} m/s, direction of {mission.WeatherWindDirection[i]}");

            // Turbulence = max(weatherTurbulence, windTurbulence)
            mission.WeatherTurbulence = Math.Max(mission.WeatherTurbulence, theater.Wind[(int)mission.WindLevel].Turbulence.GetValue());
            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Turbulence updated to {mission.WeatherTurbulence} m/s");

 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="coordinates">X,Y coordinates of the objective (NOT the waypoint for this objective).</param>
 /// <param name="name">Name of this objective.</param>
 /// <param name="altitude">Altitude multiplier for this objective.</param>
 /// <param name="airdromeID">ID of the airdrome linked to this objective, if any.</param>
 public DCSMissionObjectiveLocation(Coordinates coordinates, string name = "", double altitude = 1f, int airdromeID = 0)
     Coordinates = coordinates;
     Name        = name.ToUpperInvariant();
     Altitude    = HQTools.Clamp(altitude, 0f, 2f);
     AirdromeID  = airdromeID;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an unique callsign in the NATO format (Callsign Number Number)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="csFamily">The type of aircraft (AWACS, tanker, fighter...)</param>
        /// <returns>The callsign</returns>
        private MGCallsign GetNATOCallsign(CallsignFamily csFamily)
            int callsignIndex;

                callsignIndex = HQTools.RandomInt(NATO_CALLSIGN_NAMES[(int)csFamily].Length);
            } while (NATOCallsigns[(int)csFamily][callsignIndex] >= 9);


            string groupName =
                NATO_CALLSIGN_NAMES[(int)csFamily][callsignIndex] + " " +

            string unitName = groupName + " $INDEX$";
            //string onboardNum = HQTools.ValToString((callsignIndex % 9) + 1) +
            //    NATOCallsigns[(int)csFamily][callsignIndex] + "$INDEX$";
            string lua =
                $"{{ [1]= {HQTools.ValToString(callsignIndex + 1)}, " +
                $"[2]={HQTools.ValToString(NATOCallsigns[(int)csFamily][callsignIndex])}, " +
                "[3]=$INDEX$, " +
                $"[\"name\"] = \"{unitName.Replace(" ", "")}\", }}";

            return(new MGCallsign(groupName, unitName /*, onboardNum*/, lua));
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Adds "embedded" air defense to ground vehicle groups
        public void AddAirDefenseUnits(DefinitionCoalition army, TimePeriod timePeriod, LibraryCommonSettingsEnemyAirDefense airDefenseSettings)
            if (Category != UnitCategory.Vehicle)

            List <string> unitList = new List <string>(Units);

            if (HQTools.RandomDouble() < airDefenseSettings.EmbeddedChance)
                int airDefCount = airDefenseSettings.EmbeddedCount.GetValue();

                for (int i = 0; i < airDefCount; i++)
                    string airDefUnit =
                            army.GetUnits(timePeriod, HQTools.RandomFrom(airDefenseSettings.EmbeddedFamilies), true, false));
                    if (airDefUnit == null)


            // Randomize list order so air defense units are not always at the end
            Units = unitList.OrderBy(x => HQTools.RandomInt()).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A string to display in the PropertyGrid.</returns>
        public override string ToString()
            string acName = Library.Instance.DefinitionExists <DefinitionUnit>(AircraftType) ? Library.Instance.GetDefinition <DefinitionUnit>(AircraftType).DisplayName : AircraftType;

            return($"{HQTools.ValToString(Count)}x {acName}, {GUITools.SplitEnumCamelCase(Task)} " +
                   $"({GUITools.SplitEnumCamelCase(StartLocation).ToLowerInvariant()}{(WingmenAI ? ", AI wingmen" : "")})");
Exemplo n.º 8
        private string CreatePlayerWaypointsLua(DCSMissionWaypoint[] waypoints)
            // FIXME: first and last WP
            // FIXME: EPLRS on first WP?

            string flightPlanLua = "";
            //string baseWPLuaFirst = HQTools.ReadIncludeLuaFile("Mission\\WaypointPlayerTakeoff.lua");
            //string baseWPLuaLast = HQTools.ReadIncludeLuaFile("Mission\\WaypointPlayerLanding.lua");
            string baseWPLua = HQTools.ReadIncludeLuaFile("Mission\\WaypointPlayer.lua");

            for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.Length; i++)
                string wpLua = baseWPLua;
                //if (i == 0) continue; // First waypoint is included in GroupAircraftPlayer.lua
                //// FIXME: Remove - wpLua = baseWPLuaFirst;
                //else if (i == waypoints.Length - 1) wpLua = baseWPLuaLast;
                //else wpLua = baseWPLua;

                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref wpLua, "Action", waypoints[i].WPAction);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref wpLua, "Altitude", waypoints[i].AltitudeMultiplier);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref wpLua, "AltitudeType", (waypoints[i].AltitudeMultiplier > 0) ? "BARO" : "RADIO");
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref wpLua, "AirdromeID", waypoints[i].AirdromeID);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref wpLua, "Name", waypoints[i].Name);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref wpLua, "Speed", waypoints[i].SpeedMultiplier);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref wpLua, "Type", waypoints[i].WPType);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref wpLua, "X", waypoints[i].Coordinates.X);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref wpLua, "Y", waypoints[i].Coordinates.Y);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref wpLua, "Index", i + 2); // Must be last, used by other values

                flightPlanLua += wpLua + "\n";

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Loads data from a .ini file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ini">The .ini file to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="section">The .ini section to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="key">The top level .ini key to load from.</param>
        public LibraryCommonSettingsEnemyAirDefense(INIFile ini, string section, string key)
            EmbeddedChance   = HQTools.Clamp(ini.GetValue <int>(section, $"{key}.Embedded.Chance") / 100.0, 0.0, 1.0);
            EmbeddedCount    = ini.GetValue <MinMaxI>(section, $"{key}.Embedded.Count");
            EmbeddedFamilies = ini.GetValueArray <UnitFamily>(section, $"{key}.Embedded.Families");
            EmbeddedFamilies = (from f in EmbeddedFamilies where VALID_EMBEDDED_FAMILIES.Contains(f) select f).ToArray();
            if (EmbeddedFamilies.Length == 0)
                EmbeddedFamilies = new UnitFamily[] { UnitFamily.VehicleAAA }

            InAreaGroupCount = new MinMaxI[AIR_DEFENSE_RANGE_COUNT];
            InAreaGroupSize  = new MinMaxI[AIR_DEFENSE_RANGE_COUNT];
            InAreaFamilies   = new UnitFamily[AIR_DEFENSE_RANGE_COUNT][];

            for (int i = 0; i < AIR_DEFENSE_RANGE_COUNT; i++)
                string subKey = $"{key}.InArea.{((AirDefenseRange)i).ToString()}";

                InAreaGroupCount[i] = ini.GetValue <MinMaxI>(section, $"{subKey}.GroupCount");
                InAreaGroupSize[i]  = ini.GetValue <MinMaxI>(section, $"{subKey}.GroupSize");
                InAreaFamilies[i]   = ini.GetValueArray <UnitFamily>(section, $"{subKey}.Families");
                InAreaFamilies[i]   = (from f in InAreaFamilies[i] where VALID_INAREA_FAMILIES.Contains(f) select f).ToArray();
                if (InAreaFamilies[i].Length == 0)
                    InAreaFamilies[i] = new UnitFamily[] { UnitFamily.VehicleAAA }
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the title image for the mission.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="missionName">The name of the mission.</param>
        /// <returns>The mission title image, as an array of bytes for a JPEG file.</returns>
        private byte[] GetTitleImage(string missionName)
            byte[]    imageBytes;
            Rectangle rect;
            int       x, y;

            using (Image titleImage = GetImageIfItExists("Jpg\\Title.jpg"))
                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(titleImage))
                    using (Font font = new Font("Arial", 48, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point))
                        for (x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
                            for (y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
                                if ((x == 0) && (y == 0))
                                rect = new Rectangle(x * 1, y * 1, 512, 512);
                                TextRenderer.DrawText(g, missionName, font, rect, Color.Black, HQTools.CENTER_TEXT_FLAGS);

                        rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 512, 512);
                        TextRenderer.DrawText(g, missionName, font, rect, Color.White, HQTools.CENTER_TEXT_FLAGS);

                imageBytes = HQTools.ImageToBytes(titleImage, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an entry to the .miz file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entryPath">The path to the entry in the .miz file.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The (UTF-8) text of the entry.</param>
        /// <returns>True if everything went well, false if an error happened.</returns>
        private bool AddMIZEntry(string entryPath, string text)
            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"Adding text file {entryPath} to the .miz file");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                text = "";
                text = text.Replace("\r\n", "\n");  // Convert CRLF end of lines to LF, CRLF can cause problems
            // In debug builds, write all text entries to the DebugOutput path for easier debugging/comparisons
            string debugDumpFileName = entryPath.Replace('\\', '/').Replace('/', '_');
            if (Path.GetExtension(entryPath).Length == 0)
                debugDumpFileName += ".lua";
            File.WriteAllText(HQTools.PATH_DEBUG + debugDumpFileName, text);

            return(AddMIZEntry(entryPath, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="aircraftType">ID of the aircraft type.</param>
 /// <param name="count">Number of aircraft in the flight group.</param>
 /// <param name="task">Task assigned to the flight group.</param>
 /// <param name="aiWingmen">If true, all aircraft but the first will be AI-controlled. If false, all aircraft will be client-controlled.</param>
 /// <param name="startLocation">Where should the flight group start from?</param>
 public MissionTemplatePlayerFlightGroup(string aircraftType, int count, PlayerFlightGroupTask task, bool aiWingmen, PlayerFlightGroupStartLocation startLocation)
     AircraftType  = aircraftType;
     Count         = HQTools.Clamp(count, 1, MAX_AIRCRAFT_COUNT);
     Task          = task;
     WingmenAI     = aiWingmen;
     StartLocation = startLocation;
 /// <summary>
 /// Read values from the mission and make replacements in the Lua file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="lua">Lua string</param>
 /// <param name="mission">HQ4DCS mission to use</param>
 private void MakeCommonReplacements(ref string lua, DCSMission mission)
     HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref lua, "UnitNames", CreateUnitNamesTable(mission.UseNATOCallsigns));
     HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref lua, "ObjectiveNames", CreateObjectiveNamesTable(mission));
     HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref lua, "PlayerCoalition", mission.CoalitionPlayer.ToString().ToUpperInvariant());
     HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref lua, "EnemyCoalition", mission.CoalitionEnemy.ToString().ToUpperInvariant());
     HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref lua, "ObjectiveCount", mission.Objectives.Length);
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads data required by this definition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ini">INI file to load definition from.</param>
        /// <returns>True is successful, false if an error happened.</returns>
        protected override bool OnLoad(INIFile ini)
            int i;

            // [Theater] section
            DCSID               = ini.GetValue <string>("Theater", "DCSID");
            DefaultMapCenter    = ini.GetValue <Coordinates>("Theater", "DefaultMapCenter");
            RequiredModules     = ini.GetValueArray <string>("Theater", "RequiredModules");
            MagneticDeclination = ini.GetValue <float>("Theater", "MagneticDeclination");

            // [Daytime] section
            DayTime = new MinMaxI[12];
            for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                DayTime[i] = ini.GetValue <MinMaxI>("Daytime", ((Month)i).ToString());

            // [Temperature] section
            Temperature = new MinMaxI[12];
            for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                Temperature[i] = ini.GetValue <MinMaxI>("Temperature", ((Month)i).ToString());

            // [Weather] section
            Weather = new DefinitionTheaterWeather[HQTools.EnumCount <Weather>() - 1]; // -1 because we don't want "Random"
            for (i = 0; i < Weather.Length; i++)
                Weather[i] = new DefinitionTheaterWeather(ini, ((Weather)i).ToString());

            // [Wind] section
            Wind = new DefinitionTheaterWind[HQTools.EnumCount <Wind>() - 1]; // -1 because we don't want "Auto"
            for (i = 0; i < Wind.Length; i++)
                Wind[i] = new DefinitionTheaterWind(ini, ((Wind)i).ToString());

            // [Airbases] section
            Airbases = new DefinitionTheaterAirbase[ini.GetTopLevelKeysInSection("Airbases").Length];
            i        = 0;
            foreach (string k in ini.GetTopLevelKeysInSection("Airbases"))
                Airbases[i] = new DefinitionTheaterAirbase(ini, k); i++;

            // [SpawnPoints] section
            SpawnPoints = new DefinitionTheaterSpawnPoint[ini.GetKeysInSection("SpawnPoints").Length];
            i           = 0;
            foreach (string k in ini.GetKeysInSection("SpawnPoints"))
                SpawnPoints[i] = new DefinitionTheaterSpawnPoint(ini, k); i++;


Exemplo n.º 15
        private string MakeUnitsLua(DCSMission missHQ, Coalition coalition)
            string allUnitsLua = HQTools.ReadIncludeLuaFile("Mission\\CoalitionUnits.lua");

            foreach (UnitCategory uc in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnitCategory)))
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref allUnitsLua, uc.ToString(), MakeUnitsCategoryLua(missHQ, coalition, uc));

        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the script common to all missions at the beginning of the Lua code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lua">Mission Lua script.</param>
        /// <param name="mission">HQ4DCS mission</param>
        private void GenerateCommonScript(ref string lua, DCSMission mission)
            string scriptLua = "";

            scriptLua += $"hq.objectiveCount = {mission.Objectives.Length}\n";
            scriptLua += $"hq.objectiveLeft = {mission.Objectives.Length}\n";
            scriptLua += $"hq.objectiveNames = {{ \"{string.Join("\", \"", (from DCSMissionObjectiveLocation o in mission.Objectives select o.Name.ToUpperInvariant()))}\" }}\n";
            scriptLua += $"hq.objectiveStatus = {{ {string.Join(", ", Enumerable.Repeat("false", mission.Objectives.Length))} }}\n";

            HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref lua, "ScriptCommon", scriptLua);
        private string FormatTime(DCSMission mission, bool longFormat)
            string formattedString = Language.GetString("Briefing", longFormat ? "Format.Time.Long" : "Format.Time.Short");

            formattedString = formattedString
                              .Replace("$H$", HQTools.ValToString(mission.TimeHour, "0"))
                              .Replace("$HH$", HQTools.ValToString(mission.TimeHour, "00"))
                              .Replace("$M$", HQTools.ValToString(mission.TimeMinute, "0"))
                              .Replace("$MM$", HQTools.ValToString(mission.TimeMinute, "00"));

Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates weather settings (precipitation, cloud coverage, temperature...) for the mission.
        /// Must be called after mission date has been set because min/max temperature changes every month.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mission">The mission.</param>
        /// <param name="weather">The preferred type of weather (clear, cloudy, storm...).</param>
        /// <param name="theater">Theater definition from which to get weather info for this part of the world.</param>
        public void GenerateWeather(DCSMission mission, Weather weather, DefinitionTheater theater)
            DebugLog.Instance.Log("Generating weather conditions...");

            mission.WeatherTemperature = theater.Temperature[(int)mission.DateMonth].GetValue();

            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"  Weather should be {weather.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()}");
            mission.WeatherLevel = (weather == Weather.Random) ? HQTools.RandomFrom(RANDOM_WEATHER) : weather;

            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Weather quality set to {mission.WeatherLevel}");

            // Clouds and precipitations
            mission.WeatherCloudBase           = theater.Weather[(int)mission.WeatherLevel].CloudsBase.GetValue();
            mission.WeatherCloudsDensity       = theater.Weather[(int)mission.WeatherLevel].CloudsDensity.GetValue();
            mission.WeatherCloudsPrecipitation = HQTools.RandomFrom(theater.Weather[(int)mission.WeatherLevel].CloudsPrecipitation);
            mission.WeatherCloudsThickness     = theater.Weather[(int)mission.WeatherLevel].CloudsThickness.GetValue();

            // Dust
            mission.WeatherDustEnabled = HQTools.RandomFrom(theater.Weather[(int)mission.WeatherLevel].DustEnabled);
            mission.WeatherDustDensity = mission.WeatherDustEnabled ? theater.Weather[(int)mission.WeatherLevel].DustDensity.GetValue() : 0;

            // Fog
            mission.WeatherFogEnabled    = HQTools.RandomFrom(theater.Weather[(int)mission.WeatherLevel].FogEnabled);
            mission.WeatherFogThickness  = mission.WeatherFogEnabled ? theater.Weather[(int)mission.WeatherLevel].FogThickness.GetValue() : 0;
            mission.WeatherFogVisibility = mission.WeatherFogEnabled ? theater.Weather[(int)mission.WeatherLevel].FogVisibility.GetValue() : 0;

            // Pressure, turbulence and visiblity
            mission.WeatherQNH        = theater.Weather[(int)mission.WeatherLevel].QNH.GetValue();
            mission.WeatherTurbulence = theater.Weather[(int)mission.WeatherLevel].Turbulence.GetValue();
            mission.WeatherVisibility = theater.Weather[(int)mission.WeatherLevel].Visibility.GetValue();

            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Cloud base altitude set to {mission.WeatherCloudBase} m");
            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Cloud density set to {mission.WeatherCloudBase}");
            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Precipitation set to {mission.WeatherCloudsPrecipitation}");
            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Cloud thickness set to {mission.WeatherCloudsThickness} m");

            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Dust set to {mission.WeatherDustEnabled}");
            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Dust density set to {mission.WeatherDustDensity}");

            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Fog set to {mission.WeatherFogEnabled}");
            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Fog thickness set to {mission.WeatherFogThickness}");
            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Fog visibility set to {mission.WeatherFogVisibility} m");

            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    QNH set to {mission.WeatherQNH}");
            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Turbulence set to {mission.WeatherTurbulence} m/s");
            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Visibility set to {mission.WeatherVisibility} m");

        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the content of the Lua file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mission">An HQ4DCS mission.</param>
        /// <returns>The contents of the Lua file.</returns>
        public string MakeLua(DCSMission mission)
            string lua = HQTools.ReadIncludeLuaFile("Script.lua");

            GenerateCommonScript(ref lua, mission);
            CopyMissionLuaScripts(ref lua, mission);

            // Add the debug script to scripts generated with the debug build.
            lua += HQTools.ReadIncludeLuaFile("Script\\DebugMenu.lua") + "\n\n";
            MakeCommonReplacements(ref lua, mission);
            DoLocalizationReplacements(ref lua);

Exemplo n.º 20
        public static string GetDCSTaskAdditionalTasksString(DCSFlightGroupTask dcsTask, int firstTaskIndex = 1)
            string taskInfo = "";

            switch (dcsTask)
            case DCSFlightGroupTask.CAS:
                taskInfo =
                    "[$1$] = { [\"enabled\"] = true, [\"key\"] = \"CAS\", [\"id\"] = \"EngageTargets\", [\"number\"] = $1$, " +
                    "[\"auto\"] = true, [\"params\"] = { [\"targetTypes\"] = { [1] = \"Helicopters\", [2] = \"Ground Units\", [3] = \"Light armed ships\", }, [\"priority\"] = 0, }, },";

            taskInfo = taskInfo.Replace("$1$", HQTools.ValToString(firstTaskIndex));
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the content of the Lua file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="missHQ">An HQ4DCS mission.</param>
        /// <returns>The contents of the Lua file.</returns>
        public string MakeLua(DCSMission missHQ)
            string lua = HQTools.ReadIncludeLuaFile("MapResource.lua");

            string resourcesLua = "";

            // Write the names of all included Ogg files into the resources table.
            foreach (string f in missHQ.OggFiles)
                resourcesLua += $"[\"ResKey_Snd_{f.ToLowerInvariant()}\"] = \"{f.ToLowerInvariant()}.ogg\",\n";

            HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref lua, "Resources", resourcesLua);

Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="coordinates">X,Y coordinates of the waypoint.</param>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the waypoint.</param>
 /// <param name="altitudeMultiplier">Altitude multiplier (1.0 = default altitude for aircraft, 0.0 = ground)</param>
 /// <param name="speedMultiplier">Speed multiplier (1.0 = default speed for aircraft, 0.0 = no speed)</param>
 /// <param name="wpAction">Waypoint action (as written in Mission.lua file)</param>
 /// <param name="wpType">Waypoint action type (as written in Mission.lua file)</param>
 /// <param name="airdromeID">ID of the airdrome to use for this waypoint, if any.</param>
 public DCSMissionWaypoint(
     Coordinates coordinates,
     string name = "WP$INDEX$",
     double altitudeMultiplier = 1.0,
     double speedMultiplier    = 1.0,
     string wpAction           = DEFAULT_WP_ACTION,
     string wpType             = DEFAULT_WP_ACTION_TYPE,
     int airdromeID            = 0)
     Coordinates        = coordinates;
     Name               = name;
     AltitudeMultiplier = HQTools.Clamp(altitudeMultiplier, MIN_ALTITUDE_MULTIPLIER, MAX_ALTITUDE_MULTIPLIER);
     SpeedMultiplier    = HQTools.Clamp(speedMultiplier, MIN_SPEED_MULTIPLIER, MAX_SPEED_MULTIPLIER);
     WPAction           = wpAction;
     WPType             = wpType;
     AirdromeID         = airdromeID;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the content of the Lua file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="missHQ">An HQ4DCS mission.</param>
        /// <returns>The contents of the Lua file.</returns>
        public string MakeLua(DCSMission missHQ)
            string airportsLua = "";

            foreach (int id in missHQ.AirbasesCoalition.Keys)
                string apLua = WarehouseAirportLua;
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref apLua, "Index", id);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref apLua, "Coalition", missHQ.AirbasesCoalition[id].ToString().ToUpperInvariant());
                airportsLua += apLua + "\n";

            string lua = WarehouseLua;

            HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref lua, "Airports", airportsLua);

Exemplo n.º 24
        private string MakeUnitsCategoryLua(DCSMission missHQ, Coalition coalition, UnitCategory categ)
            string categoryUnitsLua = "";

            DCSMissionUnitGroup[] groups =
                (from g in missHQ.UnitGroups
                 where g.Coalition == coalition && g.Category == categ
                 select g).ToArray();

            int categIndex = 1;

            foreach (DCSMissionUnitGroup g in groups)
                string groupLua = HQTools.ReadIncludeLuaFile($"Mission\\{g.LuaGroup}.lua");

                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref groupLua, "Units", MakeUnitsUnitsLua(g, missHQ.SinglePlayer)); // Must be first, so full-group replacements come after unit-specific ones

                //if (g.Waypoints.Count > 0)
                //    HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref groupLua, "Waypoints", CreatePlayerWaypointsLua(g.Waypoints)); // Must be first after units

                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref groupLua, "Name", g.Name);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref groupLua, "GroupID", g.GroupID);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref groupLua, "Frequency", g.RadioFrequency, "F2");
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref groupLua, "X", g.Coordinates.X);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref groupLua, "Y", g.Coordinates.Y);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref groupLua, "ObjectiveCenterX", missHQ.ObjectivesCenterPoint.X + HQTools.RandomDouble(-UNIT_RANDOM_WAYPOINT_VARIATION, UNIT_RANDOM_WAYPOINT_VARIATION));
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref groupLua, "ObjectiveCenterY", missHQ.ObjectivesCenterPoint.Y + HQTools.RandomDouble(-UNIT_RANDOM_WAYPOINT_VARIATION, UNIT_RANDOM_WAYPOINT_VARIATION));
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref groupLua, "Hidden", g.Hidden);
                foreach (DCSMissionUnitGroupCustomValueKey k in g.CustomValues.Keys)
                    if (k.UnitIndex != -1)
                        continue;                    // Replacement applies only to a single unit, don't apply it to the whole group
                    HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref groupLua, k.Key, g.CustomValues[k]);
                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref groupLua, "Index", categIndex); // Must be last, used by other values

                categoryUnitsLua += groupLua + "\r\n";

Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Picks a starting time for the mission.
        /// Must be called after mission date has been set because sunrise/sunset time changes every month.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mission">The mission.</param>
        /// <param name="timeOfDay">The preferred time of day (noon, dawn, twilight, night, random...)</param>
        /// <param name="theater">Theater definition from which to get sunrise/sunset time.</param>
        public void GenerateMissionTime(DCSMission mission, TimeOfDay timeOfDay, DefinitionTheater theater)
            DebugLog.Instance.Log("Generating mission starting time...");

            double fullTime;

            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"  Mission should start at {timeOfDay.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()}");

            switch (timeOfDay)
            default:     // aka TimeOfDay.Random;
                mission.TimeHour   = HQTools.RandomInt(0, 24);
                mission.TimeMinute = HQTools.RandomInt(0, 4) * 15;

            case TimeOfDay.RandomDaytime:
                fullTime = HQTools.RandomInt(theater.DayTime[(int)mission.DateMonth].Min, theater.DayTime[(int)mission.DateMonth].Max - 60);

            case TimeOfDay.Dawn:
                fullTime = HQTools.RandomInt(theater.DayTime[(int)mission.DateMonth].Min, theater.DayTime[(int)mission.DateMonth].Min + 120);

            case TimeOfDay.Noon:
                fullTime = HQTools.RandomInt(
                    (theater.DayTime[(int)mission.DateMonth].Min + theater.DayTime[(int)mission.DateMonth].Max) / 2 - 90,
                    (theater.DayTime[(int)mission.DateMonth].Min + theater.DayTime[(int)mission.DateMonth].Max) / 2 + 90);

            case TimeOfDay.Twilight:
                fullTime = HQTools.RandomInt(theater.DayTime[(int)mission.DateMonth].Max - 120, theater.DayTime[(int)mission.DateMonth].Max + 30);

            case TimeOfDay.Night:
                fullTime = HQTools.RandomInt(0, theater.DayTime[(int)mission.DateMonth].Min - 120);

            mission.TimeHour   = HQTools.Clamp((int)Math.Floor(fullTime / 60), 0, 23);
            mission.TimeMinute = HQTools.Clamp((int)Math.Floor((fullTime - mission.TimeHour * 60) / 15) * 15, 0, 45);

            DebugLog.Instance.Log($"    Starting time set to {mission.TimeHour.ToString("00")}:{mission.TimeMinute.ToString("00")}");
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// Loads all data from Library\Settings.ini
        /// </summary>
        public LibraryCommonSettings()
            int i;

            using (INIFile ini = new INIFile($"{HQTools.PATH_LIBRARY}Settings.ini"))
                // Default values
                DefaultCoalitionBlue  = ini.GetValue("Defaults", "Coalition.Blue", "USA");
                DefaultCoalitionRed   = ini.GetValue("Defaults", "Coalition.Red", "Russia");
                DefaultLanguage       = ini.GetValue("Defaults", "Language", "English");
                DefaultObjective      = ini.GetValue("Defaults", "Objective", "CAP");
                DefaultPlayerAircraft = ini.GetValue("Defaults", "Aircraft.Player", "Su-25T");
                DefaultPlayerFlightGroupStartLocation = ini.GetValue("Defaults", "PlayerFlightGroup.StartLocation", PlayerFlightGroupStartLocation.FromParking);
                DefaultTheater = ini.GetValue("Defaults", "Theater", "Caucasus");

                // Common media files
                SharedOggFiles = ini.GetValueArray <string>("Shared", "OggFiles");

                AirDefense = new LibraryCommonSettingsEnemyAirDefense[HQTools.EnumCount <AmountNR>() - 1]; // -1 because we don't need "Random"
                for (i = 0; i < AirDefense.Length; i++)
                    AirDefense[i] = new LibraryCommonSettingsEnemyAirDefense(ini, "EnemyAirDefense", ((AmountNR)i).ToString());

                AirDefenseDistance = new LibraryCommonSettingsEnemyAirDefenseDistance[HQTools.EnumCount <AirDefenseRange>()];
                for (i = 0; i < AirDefenseDistance.Length; i++)
                    AirDefenseDistance[i] = new LibraryCommonSettingsEnemyAirDefenseDistance(ini, "EnemyAirDefenseDistance", ((AirDefenseRange)i).ToString());

                DistanceToObjective = new LibraryCommonSettingsDistanceToObjective[HQTools.EnumCount <AmountR>() - 1]; // -1 because we don't need "Random"
                for (i = 0; i < DistanceToObjective.Length; i++)
                    DistanceToObjective[i] = new LibraryCommonSettingsDistanceToObjective(ini, "DistanceToObjective", ((AmountR)i).ToString());

                EnemyCAPDistance = new LibraryCommonSettingsEnemyAirDefenseDistance(ini, "CombatAirPatrols", null);
                CAPCount         = new MinMaxI[HQTools.EnumCount <AmountNR>() - 1]; // -1 because we don't need "Random"
                for (i = 0; i < CAPCount.Length; i++)
                    CAPCount[i] = ini.GetValue <MinMaxI>("CombatAirPatrols", $"Count.{((AmountNR)i).ToString()}");
        private string FormatDate(DCSMission mission, bool longFormat)
            string formattedString = Language.GetString("Briefing", longFormat ? "Format.Date.Long" : "Format.Date.Short");

            DateTime dt = new DateTime(2003, 5, 1);

            formattedString = formattedString
                              .Replace("$W$", Language.GetEnum(new DateTime(mission.DateYear, (int)mission.DateMonth + 1, mission.DateDay).DayOfWeek))
                              .Replace("$D$", HQTools.ValToString(mission.DateDay, "0"))
                              .Replace("$DD$", HQTools.ValToString(mission.DateDay, "00"))
                              .Replace("$DDD$", Language.GetOrdinalAdjective(mission.DateDay))
                              .Replace("$M$", HQTools.ValToString((int)mission.DateMonth + 1, "0"))
                              .Replace("$MM$", HQTools.ValToString((int)mission.DateMonth + 1, "00"))
                              .Replace("$MMM$", Language.GetEnum(mission.DateMonth))
                              .Replace("$YY$", HQTools.ValToString(mission.DateYear).Substring(2))
                              .Replace("$YYYY$", HQTools.ValToString(mission.DateYear));

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an unique callsign in the russian format (3-digits)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The callsign</returns>
        private MGCallsign GetRussianCallsign()
            int[]  fgNumber = new int[2];
            string fgName   = "";

                fgNumber[0] = HQTools.RandomMinMax(1, 9);
                fgNumber[1] = HQTools.RandomMinMax(0, 9);

                fgName = HQTools.ValToString(fgNumber[0]) + HQTools.ValToString(fgNumber[1]);
            } while (RussianCallsigns.Contains(fgName));


            string unitName = fgName + "$INDEX$";

            return(new MGCallsign(fgName + "0", unitName /*, unitName*/, unitName));
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports the mission briefing to an HTML or image file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileFormat">The file format to export to.</param>
        private void ExportBriefing(BriefingExportFileFormat fileFormat)
            if (Mission == null)
                return;                  // No mission has been generated, nothing to export.
            string defaultFileName = HQTools.RemoveInvalidFileNameCharacters(Mission.BriefingName ?? "");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultFileName))
                defaultFileName = "NewMission";

            string briefingFilePath = GUITools.ShowSaveFileDialog(
                fileFormat.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), HQTools.GetDCSMissionPath(),
                defaultFileName, $"{fileFormat.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()} files");

            if (briefingFilePath == null)

            bool result;

            using (HTMLExporter briefingExporter = new HTMLExporter())
                switch (fileFormat)
                default: return;

                case BriefingExportFileFormat.Html: result = briefingExporter.ExportToHTML(briefingFilePath, Mission.BriefingHTML); break;

                case BriefingExportFileFormat.Jpg: result = briefingExporter.ExportToJPEG(briefingFilePath, Mission.BriefingHTML); break;

                case BriefingExportFileFormat.Png: result = briefingExporter.ExportToPNG(briefingFilePath, Mission.BriefingHTML); break;

            if (!result)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to export briefing", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy all included scripts into the mission Lua script.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lua">The mission Lua script.</param>
        /// <param name="mission">A HQ4DCS mission.</param>
        private void CopyMissionLuaScripts(ref string lua, DCSMission mission)
            DefinitionObjective objectiveDef = Library.Instance.GetDefinition <DefinitionObjective>(mission.ObjectiveDefinition);

            if (objectiveDef == null)

            int i;

            // For each script scope (global, event and timer)...
            foreach (ObjectiveScriptScope scope in HQTools.EnumValues <ObjectiveScriptScope>())
                string scriptLua = "";

                // ...add once every script to include once...
                foreach (string scriptFile in objectiveDef.IncludeLua[(int)ObjectiveScriptRepetition.Once, (int)scope])
                    scriptLua += HQTools.ReadIncludeLuaFile($"Script\\{scriptFile}");

                // ...and add each time for each objective the scripts to include once for each objective
                for (i = 0; i < mission.Objectives.Length; i++)
                    string objectiveScriptLua = "";

                    foreach (string scriptFile in objectiveDef.IncludeLua[(int)ObjectiveScriptRepetition.Each, (int)scope])
                        objectiveScriptLua += HQTools.ReadIncludeLuaFile($"Script\\{scriptFile}");

                    HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref objectiveScriptLua, "ObjectiveID", 1 + i);
                    HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref objectiveScriptLua, "GroupID", 1001 + i);

                    scriptLua += objectiveScriptLua + "\n";

                HQTools.ReplaceKey(ref lua, $"Script{scope.ToString()}", scriptLua);