Exemplo n.º 1
            public static string[] LinesFromFile(string path, bool loadLatest)
                string loadpath = path;

                if (loadLatest)
                    System.IO.FileInfo   fileinfo  = HFile.GetFileInfo(path);
                    System.IO.FileInfo[] fileinfos = fileinfo.Directory.GetFiles(fileinfo.Name + "*");
                    if (fileinfos.Length != 0)
                        List <string> filepaths = new List <string>();
                        foreach (System.IO.FileInfo lfileinfo in fileinfos)
                        loadpath = filepaths.Last();
                if (HFile.Exists(loadpath) == false)
                string[] lines = HFile.ReadAllLines(loadpath);
Exemplo n.º 2
            public static CPsfgen Psfgen
                (IList <Tuple <string, string, Pdb.IAtom[]> > lstSegFileAtoms // segname, filename, pdbatoms
                , string tempbase                                             //=null
                , string parameters                                           //=null
                , string namdversion                                          //="2.8"
                , IList <string> infiles
                , IList <string> outfiles
                , string topology
                , IList <string> psfgen_lines = null
                , string psfgen_workdir       = null
                , HOptions options            = null
                if (options == null)
                    options = new HOptions((string)null);
                Dictionary <System.IO.FileInfo, string[]> infile_lines = new Dictionary <System.IO.FileInfo, string[]>();

                foreach (string infile in infiles)
                    infile_lines.Add(HFile.GetFileInfo(infile), HFile.ReadAllLines(infile));

                string currpath = HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory;

                System.IO.DirectoryInfo tmpdir = null;
                if (psfgen_workdir != null)
                    HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = psfgen_workdir;
                    tmpdir = HDirectory.CreateTempDirectory(tempbase);
                    HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = tmpdir.FullName;

                string[] lines = null;
                if ((psfgen_lines != null) && (psfgen_lines.Count > 0))
                    lines = psfgen_lines.ToArray();
                    lines = GetPsfgenLines
                                (custom_pdbalias: null
                                , custom_patches: null

                if (topology != null)
                    lines = lines.ToArray().HReplace("$topology$", topology);

                List <string> psf_lines;
                List <string> pdb_lines;

                        //foreach(var respath_filename in GetResourcePaths("2.8", "psfgen"))
                        foreach (var respath_filename in GetResourcePaths(namdversion, "psfgen"))
                            string respath  = respath_filename.Item1;
                            string filename = respath_filename.Item2;
                            HResource.CopyResourceTo <Tinker>(respath, filename);

                    //  Dictionary<string, Tuple<string, Pdb.IAtom[]>> segname_filename_pdbatoms = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<string, Pdb.IAtom[]>>();
                    //  //if(pdbs.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentException();
                    //  for(int i=0; i<lstSegFilePdb.Count; i++)
                    //  {
                    //      string  segnameprefix = lstSegFilePdb[i].Item1; if( segnameprefix == null)  segnameprefix = string.Format("{0:00}", i);
                    //      string filenameprefix = lstSegFilePdb[i].Item2; if(filenameprefix == null) filenameprefix = string.Format("{0:00}", i);
                    //      Pdb    pdb            = lstSegFilePdb[i].Item3;
                    //      List<Pdb.IAtom> pdb_atoms = new List<Pdb.IAtom>();
                    //      pdb_atoms.AddRange(pdb.atoms);
                    //      pdb_atoms.AddRange(pdb.hetatms);
                    //      char[] chains = pdb_atoms.ListChainID().HToHashSet().ToArray();
                    //      HDebug.AssertIf(chains.Length> 1, segnameprefix.Length <= 5);
                    //      HDebug.AssertIf(chains.Length<=1, segnameprefix.Length <= 6);
                    //      foreach(char chain in chains)
                    //      {
                    //          Pdb.IAtom[] chain_atoms = pdb_atoms.SelectByChainID(chain).SelectByAltLoc().ToArray();
                    //          string suffix = null;
                    //          if(('a' <= chain) && (chain <= 'z')) suffix = string.Format("L{0}", chain);
                    //          if(('A' <= chain) && (chain <= 'Z')) suffix = string.Format("U{0}", chain);
                    //          if(('0' <= chain) && (chain <= '9')) suffix = string.Format("N{0}", chain);
                    //          string  segname =  segnameprefix + ((chains.Length <= 1) ? "" : suffix);
                    //          string filename = filenameprefix + ((chains.Length <= 1) ? "" : suffix);
                    //          segname_filename_pdbatoms.Add(segname, new Tuple<string,Pdb.IAtom[]>(filename, chain_atoms));
                    //      }
                    //  }

                    foreach (var finfo_line in infile_lines)
                        string   inname  = finfo_line.Key.Name;
                        string[] inlines = finfo_line.Value;
                        HFile.WriteAllLines(inname, inlines);

                    HashSet <string> segnames = new HashSet <string>();
                    int segindex = 0;
                    foreach (var seg_file_atoms in lstSegFileAtoms)
                        string      segname     = seg_file_atoms.Item1;
                        string      filename    = seg_file_atoms.Item2;
                        Pdb.IAtom[] chain_atoms = seg_file_atoms.Item3.SelectByAltLoc().ToArray();
                        HDebug.Exception(chain_atoms.ListChainID().HToHashSet().Count == 1);
                        if (segname == null)
                            while (segindex <= 9999)
                                if (segnames.Contains(segindex.ToString()) == false)
                                    segname = segindex.ToString();
                        if (filename == null)
                            filename = segname;

                            (filename + ".pdb"
                            , chain_atoms.HToType <Pdb.IAtom, Pdb.Element>()
                            , false

                        for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                            if (lines[i].Contains("$segname$"))
                                string insert = lines[i];
                                insert = insert.Replace("$segname$", segname);
                                insert = insert.Replace("$segfilename$", filename);
                                lines  = lines.HInsert(i, insert);

                    lines = lines.HRemoveAllContains("$segname$");

                    HFile.WriteAllLines("prot.inp", lines);
                    string command0 = string.Format("psfgen < prot.inp");
                    bool   pause    = options.Contains("psfgen pause");
                    HProcess.StartAsBatchInConsole(null, pause, command0);

                    psf_lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines("prot.psf").ToList();
                    pdb_lines = System.IO.File.ReadLines("prot.pdb").ToList();
                HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = currpath;
                if (tmpdir != null)
                    try{ tmpdir.Delete(true); } catch {}

                return(new CPsfgen
                    psf_lines = psf_lines,
                    pdb_lines = pdb_lines,
Exemplo n.º 3
            public static CTesthess ReadHess
                (Xyz xyz
                , string outputpath
                , Dictionary <string, string[]> optOutSource  // =null
                , Func <int, int, HessMatrix> HessMatrixZeros // =null
                int size = xyz.atoms.Length;

                #region format: output.txt
                ///      ######################################################################
                ///    ##########################################################################
                ///   ###                                                                      ###
                ///  ###            TINKER  ---  Software Tools for Molecular Design            ###
                ///  ##                                                                          ##
                ///  ##                        Version 6.2  February 2013                        ##
                ///  ##                                                                          ##
                ///  ##               Copyright (c)  Jay William Ponder  1990-2013               ##
                ///  ###                           All Rights Reserved                          ###
                ///   ###                                                                      ###
                ///    ##########################################################################
                ///      ######################################################################
                ///  Atoms with an Unusual Number of Attached Atoms :
                ///  Type           Atom Name      Atom Type       Expected    Found
                ///  Valence        1496-NR2           69              2         3
                ///  Valence        2438-FE           107              6         5
                ///  Diagonal Hessian Elements for Each Atom :
                ///       Atom                 X               Y               Z
                ///          1            1445.9830       1358.3447       1484.8642
                ///          2             212.9895        294.4584        604.5062
                ///          3             187.1986        751.6727        125.0336
                ///          4             813.4799        132.1743        151.5707
                ///        ...
                ///       2507             178.7277        479.7434        243.4103
                ///       2508             969.8813        977.2507       1845.6726
                ///       2509             390.1648        232.0577       1029.6844
                ///       2510             322.3674        337.8749        996.8230
                ///  Sum of Diagonal Hessian Elements :          5209042.9060
                ///  Hessian Matrix written to File :  test.hes
                Tuple <int, double, double, double>[] outDiagHessElems = new Tuple <int, double, double, double> [size];
                double?outSumDiagHessElem = null;
                string outHessMatFile     = null;
                string outHessFormat      = null;
                    string step = "";
                    foreach (string _line in HFile.ReadLines(outputpath))
                        string line = _line.Trim();
                        if (line.Length == 0)
                        if (line.Trim().StartsWith("#"))
                        if (line.Contains(" :"))
                            if (line.Contains("Atoms with an Unusual Number of Attached Atoms"))
                                step = "";                  continue;
                            else if (line.Contains("Diagonal Hessian Elements for Each Atom"))
                                step = "hess diagonal";     continue;
                            else if (line.Contains("Sum of Diagonal Hessian Elements"))
                                step = "sum hess diagonal";
                            else if (line.Contains("Hessian Matrix written to File"))
                                step = "full hess file";
                            else if (line.Contains("Hessian Sparse Matrix written to File"))
                                step = "sparse hess file";
                            else if (line.Contains("Select Smaller Size for Sparse Hessian Matrix"))
                        switch (step)
                        case "":

                        case "hess diagonal":
                            string[] tokens = line.Split().HRemoveAll("");
                            if (tokens[0] == "Atom")
                            int    Atom = int.Parse(tokens[0]);         // ; if(   int.TryParse(tokens[0], out Atom) == false) continue;
                            double X    = double.Parse(tokens[1]);      // ; if(double.TryParse(tokens[1], out    X) == false) continue;
                            double Y    = double.Parse(tokens[2]);      // ; if(double.TryParse(tokens[2], out    Y) == false) continue;
                            double Z    = double.Parse(tokens[3]);      // ; if(double.TryParse(tokens[3], out    Z) == false) continue;
                            HDebug.Assert(outDiagHessElems[Atom - 1] == null);
                            outDiagHessElems[Atom - 1] = new Tuple <int, double, double, double>(Atom, X, Y, Z);

                        case "sum hess diagonal":
                            string[] tokens = line.Split().HRemoveAll("");
                            double   sum    = double.Parse(tokens.Last());    // if(double.TryParse(tokens.Last(), out sum) == false) continue;
                            outSumDiagHessElem = sum;
                            step = "";

                        case   "full hess file": outHessFormat = "full matrix"; goto case "hess file";

                        case "sparse hess file": outHessFormat = "sparse matrix"; goto case "hess file";

                        case "hess file":
                            string[] tokens         = line.Split().HRemoveAll("");
                            string   outputpath_dir = HFile.GetFileInfo(outputpath).Directory.FullName;
                            outHessMatFile = outputpath_dir + "\\" + tokens.Last();
                            step = "";

                            step = "";
                #region Format: test.hes
                /// Diagonal Hessian Elements  (3 per Atom)
                ///   1445.9830   1358.3447   1484.8642    212.9895    294.4584    604.5062
                ///    187.1986    751.6727    125.0336    813.4799    132.1743    151.5707
                ///   1167.7472   1188.3459   1162.5475    268.8291    498.0188    143.2438
                ///   ...
                /// Off-diagonal Hessian Elements for Atom     1 X
                ///     23.0878     14.6380   -214.0545     96.9308   -186.7740   -205.1460
                ///   -208.7035    -28.9630   -788.9124     39.6748    126.4491   -190.5074
                ///   ...
                /// Off-diagonal Hessian Elements for Atom     1 Y
                ///    -64.1616     97.2697   -292.3813    264.1922   -184.4701   -728.8687
                ///   -109.9103     15.4168   -152.5717    -11.7733     18.8369   -188.4875
                ///   ...
                /// Off-diagonal Hessian Elements for Atom     1 Z
                ///   -155.9409    219.8782   -610.0622    -10.0041    -62.8209   -156.1112
                ///     77.0829    -14.2127   -166.0525     53.1834    -97.4207   -347.9315
                ///   ...
                /// Off-diagonal Hessian Elements for Atom     2 X
                ///   -106.5166    185.8395     19.7546    -10.0094     25.8072     -8.1335
                ///     35.8501    -64.8320      3.8761    -13.8893      9.4266      0.1312
                ///   ...
                ///   ...
                /// Off-diagonal Hessian Elements for Atom  2508 X
                ///    488.4590    -69.2721   -338.4824   -155.1656    253.3732   -297.4214
                ///   -164.8301   -191.3769
                /// Off-diagonal Hessian Elements for Atom  2508 Y
                ///     74.0161   -149.1060   -273.4863    176.4975   -170.6527   -341.1639
                ///   -263.6141
                /// Off-diagonal Hessian Elements for Atom  2508 Z
                ///    304.9942    223.7496   -851.3028   -242.9481   -310.7953   -821.2532
                /// Off-diagonal Hessian Elements for Atom  2509 X
                ///    198.4498   -331.6530     78.8172     17.3909    -30.0512
                /// Off-diagonal Hessian Elements for Atom  2509 Y
                ///   -227.5916     25.7235     74.5131    -53.2690
                /// Off-diagonal Hessian Elements for Atom  2509 Z
                ///     46.7873     20.7615   -168.0704
                /// Off-diagonal Hessian Elements for Atom  2510 X
                ///    252.6853    247.2963
                /// Off-diagonal Hessian Elements for Atom  2510 Y
                ///    343.6797
                HessMatrix hess;
                    if (HessMatrixZeros != null)
                        hess = HessMatrixZeros(size * 3, size * 3);
                        switch (outHessFormat)
                        case "full matrix": hess = HessMatrixDense.ZerosDense(size * 3, size * 3); break;

                        case "sparse matrix": hess = HessMatrixSparse.ZerosSparse(size * 3, size * 3); break;

                        default:              hess = null;                                             break;
                    string step    = "";
                    int    diagidx = -1;
                    int    offidx1 = -1;
                    int    offidx2 = -1;

                    /// string[] lines = HFile.ReadAllLines(outHessMatFile);
                    /// GC.WaitForFullGCComplete();
                    /// object[] tokenss = new object[lines.Length];
                    /// Parallel.For(0, lines.Length, delegate(int i)
                    /// //for(int i=0; i<lines.Length; i++)
                    /// {
                    ///     string line = lines[i];
                    ///     string[] stokens = line.Trim().Split().RemoveAll("");
                    ///     if(stokens.Length != 0)
                    ///     {
                    ///         double[] dtokens = new double[stokens.Length];
                    ///         for(int j=0; j<stokens.Length; j++)
                    ///             if(double.TryParse(stokens[j], out dtokens[j]) == false)
                    ///             {
                    ///                 tokenss[i] = stokens;
                    ///                 goto endfor;
                    ///             }
                    ///         tokenss[i] = dtokens;
                    ///     }
                    /// endfor: ;
                    /// });

                    /// System.IO.StreamReader matreader = HFile.OpenText(outHessMatFile);
                    /// while(matreader.EndOfStream == false)
                    /// for(int i=0; i<lines.Length; i++)
                    /// foreach(string line in lines)
                    foreach (string line in HFile.HEnumAllLines(outHessMatFile))
                        ///     string line = lines[i];
                        ///     string line = matreader.ReadLine();
                        string[] tokens = line.Trim().Split().HRemoveAll("");
                        if (tokens.Length == 0)
                        ///     if(tokenss[i] == null)
                        ///         continue;
                        ///     string[] stokens = (tokenss[i] as string[]);
                        if (tokens[0] == "Diagonal" && tokens[1] == "Hessian" && tokens[2] == "Elements")
                            step = "Diagonal"; diagidx = 0; continue;
                        if (tokens[0] == "Off-diagonal" && tokens[1] == "Hessian" && tokens[2] == "Elements")
                            step = "Off-diagonal"; offidx1++; offidx2 = offidx1 + 1; continue;
                        if (tokens[0] == "Off-diagonal" && tokens[1] == "sparse" && tokens[2] == "Hessian" &&
                            tokens[3] == "Indexes/Elements" && tokens[4] == "for" && tokens[5] == "Atom")
                            step    = "Off-diagonal sparse";
                            offidx1 = (int.Parse(tokens[6]) - 1) * 3;
                            switch (tokens[7])
                            case "X": break;

                            case "Y": offidx1 += 1; break;

                            case "Z": offidx1 += 2; break;

                            default: throw new HException();

                        ///     double[] dtokens = (tokenss[i] as double[]);
                        ///     tokens = new string[20];
                        ///     for(int i=0; i*12<line.Length; i++)
                        ///         tokens[i] = line.Substring(i*12, 12).Trim();
                        ///     tokens = tokens.HRemoveAll("").ToArray();
                        ///     tokens = tokens.HRemoveAll(null).ToArray();

                        switch (step)
                        case "Diagonal":
                            ///                 foreach(double val in dtokens)
                            foreach (string token in tokens)
                                HDebug.Assert(token.Last() != ' ');
                                double val = double.Parse(token);
                                HDebug.Assert(hess[diagidx, diagidx] == 0);
                                hess[diagidx, diagidx] = val;

                        case "Off-diagonal":
                            ///                 foreach(double val in dtokens)
                            foreach (string token in tokens)
                                HDebug.Assert(token.Last() != ' ');
                                //double val = double.Parse(token);
                                double val;
                                bool   succ = double.TryParse(token, out val);
                                if (succ == false)
                                    goto case "exception 0";
                                if (size < 3000)
                                    HDebug.Assert(hess[offidx1, offidx2] == 0);
                                    HDebug.Assert(hess[offidx2, offidx1] == 0);
                                if (val != 0)
                                    hess[offidx1, offidx2] = val;
                                    hess[offidx2, offidx1] = val;

                        case "Off-diagonal sparse":
                            HDebug.Assert(tokens.Length % 2 == 0);
                            for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i += 2)
                                HDebug.Assert(tokens[i].Last() != ' ');
                                HDebug.Assert(tokens[i + 1].Last() != ' ');
                                //double val = double.Parse(token);
                                double val;
                                bool   succ = true;
                                succ &= int.TryParse(tokens[i], out offidx2); offidx2--;
                                succ &= double.TryParse(tokens[i + 1], out val);
                                if (succ == false)
                                    goto case "exception 0";
                                if (size < 3000)
                                    HDebug.Assert(hess[offidx1, offidx2] == 0);
                                    HDebug.Assert(hess[offidx2, offidx1] == 0);
                                if (val != 0)
                                    hess[offidx1, offidx2] = val;
                                    hess[offidx2, offidx1] = val;

                            goto case "exception 1";

                        case "exception 0":
                            throw new HException("incomplete hessian file (0)");

                        case "exception 1":
                            throw new HException("incomplete hessian file (1)");
                        throw new HException("incomplete hessian file (2)");
                    /// matreader.Close();

                    if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached && size < 3000)
                        //for(int c=0; c<size*3; c++)
                        //    for(int r=0; r<size*3; r++)
                        //        if(hess[c, r] == double.Epsilon)
                        //            throw new Exception("incomplete hessian file (3)");
                        //for(int c=0; c<size*3; c++)
                        //    double sum = 0;
                        //    double max = double.NegativeInfinity;
                        //    for(int r=0; r<size*3; r++)
                        //    {
                        //        max = Math.Max(max, hess[c, r]);
                        //        sum += hess[c, r];
                        //        HDebug.Assert(hess[c, r] != double.Epsilon);
                        //    }
                        //    HDebug.Assert(Math.Abs(sum) < max/1000);
                        //    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.1, sum);

                        Hess.CheckHessDiag(hess, 0.1, null);

                        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                            HDebug.Assert(outDiagHessElems[i].Item1 == i + 1);
                            HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.000001, outDiagHessElems[i].Item2 - hess[i * 3 + 0, i * 3 + 0]);
                            HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.000001, outDiagHessElems[i].Item3 - hess[i * 3 + 1, i * 3 + 1]);
                            HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.000001, outDiagHessElems[i].Item4 - hess[i * 3 + 2, i * 3 + 2]);

                if (optOutSource != null)
                    optOutSource.Add("test.hes", HFile.HEnumAllLines(outHessMatFile).ToArray());

                return(new CTesthess
                    hess = hess,
                    xyz = xyz,
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void SavePse(string psepath
                                   , bool cartoon
                                   , bool line
                                   , string pngpath // null if not save png
                                   , params string[] pdbpaths)
            string currpath = HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory;

            HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = HFile.GetFileInfo(psepath).Directory.FullName;
                Random rand    = new Random();
                string psename = HFile.GetFileInfo(psepath).Name;

                int      count     = pdbpaths.Length;
                string[] pdblnames = new string[count];
                string[] pdblpaths = new string[count];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    var info = HFile.GetFileInfo(pdbpaths[i]);
                    pdblnames[i] = info.Name.Replace(".pdb", "").Replace(".PDB", "");
                    pdblpaths[i] = psepath + info.Name + rand.NextInt(99999).ToString(".rnd00000") + ".pdb";
                    HFile.Copy(pdbpaths[i], pdblpaths[i]);

                string        pmlpath = psepath + rand.NextInt(99999).ToString(".rnd00000") + ".pml";
                List <string> pmltext = new List <string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    pmltext.Add("load $$path$$, $$name$$;".Replace("$$path$$", pdblpaths[i]).Replace("$$name$$", pdblnames[i]));
                if (cartoon)
                    pmltext.Add("show cartoon;");
                    pmltext.Add("hide cartoon");
                if (line)
                    pmltext.Add("show lines;");
                    pmltext.Add("hide lines");
                pmltext.Add("save $$psepath$$;".Replace("$$psepath$$", psepath));
                if (pngpath != null)
                    pmltext.Add("png $$pngpath$$;".Replace("$$pngpath$$", pngpath));

                HFile.WriteAllLines(pmlpath, pmltext);

                System.Diagnostics.Process pymol;
                pymol = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\PyMOL\PyMOL\PymolWin.exe", pmlpath);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = currpath;