Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Gzip_Seek()
            // Verify behavior of a compression stream
            using (GzipWriter stream = new GzipWriter(new MemoryStream()))
                try { stream.Seek(50, SeekOrigin.Begin); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(NotSupportedException)); }

                try { stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(NotSupportedException)); }

                try { stream.Seek(-50, SeekOrigin.End); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(NotSupportedException)); }

            // Verify behavior of a decompression stream
            using (GzipReader stream = new GzipReader(new MemoryStream(s_sampledata)))
                try { stream.Seek(50, SeekOrigin.Begin); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(NotSupportedException)); }

                try { stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(NotSupportedException)); }

                try { stream.Seek(-50, SeekOrigin.End); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(NotSupportedException)); }
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Gzip_CompressDecompress()
            // Start with a MemoryStream created from the sample data
            using (MemoryStream source = new MemoryStream(s_sampledata))
                using (MemoryStream dest = new MemoryStream())
                    // Compress the data into the destination memory stream instance
                    using (GzipWriter compressor = new GzipWriter(dest, CompressionLevel.Optimal, true)) source.CopyTo(compressor);

                    // The compressed data should be smaller than the source data
                    Assert.IsTrue(dest.Length < source.Length);

                    source.SetLength(0);                                // Clear the source stream
                    dest.Position = 0;                                  // Reset the destination stream

                    // Decompress the data back into the source memory stream
                    using (GzipReader decompressor = new GzipReader(dest, true)) decompressor.CopyTo(source);

                    // Ensure that the original data has been restored
                    Assert.AreEqual(source.Length, s_sampledata.Length);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Gzip_Flush()
            // Verify behavior of flushing a compression stream
            using (MemoryStream compressed = new MemoryStream())
                using (GzipWriter stream = new GzipWriter(compressed, true))
                    stream.Write(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length);

                    // Get the unflushed length of the compressed stream and flush it
                    long unflushed = compressed.Length;

                    // The expectation is that the output stream will be longer after the flush
                    long flushedonce = compressed.Length;
                    Assert.IsTrue(compressed.Length > unflushed);

                    // Flushing the same data a second time should not have any impact at all
                    Assert.AreEqual(compressed.Length, flushedonce);

                    // The stream should still be writable after a flush operation
                    stream.Write(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length / 10);

            // Verify behavior of flushing a decompression stream
            using (GzipReader stream = new GzipReader(new MemoryStream(s_sampledata)))
                // Flush has no effect on decompression streams, just ensure it doesn't throw
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void GetWeightedAverageBinCount(IEnumerable <string> binnedPaths, string mergedBinnedPath,
                                                       NexteraManifest manifest = null)
            int sampleCount = binnedPaths.Count();

            if (sampleCount == 1) // copy file
                if (File.Exists(binnedPaths.First()))
                    if (File.Exists(mergedBinnedPath))
                    File.Copy(binnedPaths.First(), mergedBinnedPath);
            else // merge normal samples
                double[]        weights           = new double[sampleCount];
                List <double>[] binCountsBySample = new List <double> [sampleCount];
                for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < sampleCount; sampleIndex++)
                    string        binnedPath = binnedPaths.ElementAt(sampleIndex);
                    var           binCounts  = new BinCounts(binnedPath, manifest: manifest);
                    List <double> counts     = binCounts.AllCounts;
                    // If a manifest is available, get the median of bins overlapping the targeted regions only.
                    // For small panels, there could be a lot of bins with zero count and the median would be 0 if taken over all the bins, resulting in division by zero.
                    double median = binCounts.OnTargetMedianBinCount;
                    weights[sampleIndex]           = median > 0 ? 1.0 / median : 0;
                    binCountsBySample[sampleIndex] = counts;
                double weightSum = weights.Sum();
                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                    weights[i] /= weightSum;
                }                                                                  // so weights sum to 1

                // Computed weighted average of bin counts across samples
                using (GzipReader reader = new GzipReader(binnedPaths.First()))
                    using (GzipWriter writer = new GzipWriter(mergedBinnedPath))
                        string   line;
                        string[] toks;
                        int      lineIdx = 0;
                        while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                            toks = line.Split('\t');
                            double weightedBinCount = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                                weightedBinCount += weights[i] * binCountsBySample[i][lineIdx];
                            toks[3] = String.Format("{0}", weightedBinCount);
                            writer.WriteLine(String.Join("\t", toks));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void Gzip_CompressExternal()
     // This method generates an output file that can be tested externally; "thethreemusketeers.txt" is
     // set to Copy Always to the output directory, it can be diffed after running the external tool
     using (GzipWriter writer = new GzipWriter(File.Create(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "thethreemusketeers.gz"))))
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static void WriteToTextFile(string outfile, List <GenomicBin> bins)
     using (GzipWriter writer = new GzipWriter(outfile))
         foreach (GenomicBin bin in bins)
             writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3:F2}\t{4}", bin.Chromosome, bin.Start, bin.Stop, bin.Count, bin.GC));
Exemplo n.º 7
            public static int Write(GzipWriter /*!*/ self, [NotNull] MutableString /*!*/ val)
                var stream = self.GetStream();

                // TODO: this can be optimized (add MutableString.WriteTo(Stream))
                var buffer = val.ToByteArray();

                stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Gzip_CompressionLevel()
            using (MemoryStream source = new MemoryStream(s_sampledata))
                long none, fastest, optimal;                        // Size of compressed streams

                // Compress using CompressionLevel.NoCompression
                using (MemoryStream compressed = new MemoryStream())
                    using (GzipWriter compressor = new GzipWriter(compressed, CompressionLevel.NoCompression))
                        compressor.Write(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length);
                        none = compressed.Length;

                // Compress using CompressionLevel.Fastest
                using (MemoryStream compressed = new MemoryStream())
                    using (GzipWriter compressor = new GzipWriter(compressed, CompressionLevel.Fastest))
                        compressor.Write(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length);
                        fastest = compressed.Length;

                // Compress using CompressionLevel.Optimal
                using (MemoryStream compressed = new MemoryStream())
                    using (GzipWriter compressor = new GzipWriter(compressed, CompressionLevel.Optimal))
                        compressor.Write(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length);
                        optimal = compressed.Length;

                // Fastest should produce better results than no compression
                Assert.IsTrue(fastest < none);

                // Optimal should produce better results than fastest
                Assert.IsTrue(optimal < fastest);

                // Fastest should be smaller than the original length
                Assert.IsTrue(fastest < source.Length);

                // No compression should be BIGGER than the original length
                Assert.IsTrue(source.Length < none);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void WriteCanvasPartitionResults(string outPath, GenomeSegmentationResults segmentationResults)
            Dictionary <string, bool> starts = new Dictionary <string, bool>();
            Dictionary <string, bool> stops  = new Dictionary <string, bool>();

            foreach (string chr in segmentationResults.SegmentByChr.Keys)
                for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < segmentationResults.SegmentByChr[chr].Length; segmentIndex++)
                    Segmentation.Segment segment = segmentationResults.SegmentByChr[chr][segmentIndex];
                    starts[chr + ":" + segment.start] = true;
                    stops[chr + ":" + segment.end]    = true;

            Dictionary <string, List <SampleGenomicBin> > excludedIntervals = new Dictionary <string, List <SampleGenomicBin> >();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ForbiddenIntervalBedPath))
                excludedIntervals = CanvasCommon.Utilities.LoadBedFile(ForbiddenIntervalBedPath);

            using (GzipWriter writer = new GzipWriter(outPath))
                int segmentNum = -1;

                foreach (string chr in StartByChr.Keys)
                    List <SampleGenomicBin> excludeIntervals = null;
                    if (excludedIntervals.ContainsKey(chr))
                        excludeIntervals = excludedIntervals[chr];
                    int  excludeIndex   = 0; // Points to the first interval which *doesn't* end before our current position
                    uint previousBinEnd = 0;
                    for (int pos = 0; pos < StartByChr[chr].Length; pos++)
                        uint   start      = StartByChr[chr][pos];
                        uint   end        = EndByChr[chr][pos];
                        string key        = chr + ":" + start;
                        bool   newSegment = IsNewSegment(starts, key, excludeIntervals, previousBinEnd, end, start, ref excludeIndex);
                        if (newSegment)
                        previousBinEnd = end;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Gzip_CanWrite()
            // Verify behavior of a compression stream
            using (GzipWriter stream = new GzipWriter(new MemoryStream()))

            // Verify behavior of a decompression stream
            using (GzipReader stream = new GzipReader(new MemoryStream(s_sampledata)))
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Gzip_SetLength()
            // Verify behavior of a compression stream
            using (GzipWriter stream = new GzipWriter(new MemoryStream()))
                try { stream.SetLength(12345L); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(NotSupportedException)); }

            // Verify behavior of a decompression stream
            using (GzipReader stream = new GzipReader(new MemoryStream(s_sampledata)))
                try { stream.SetLength(12345L); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(NotSupportedException)); }
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void Gzip_BaseStream()
            using (MemoryStream source = new MemoryStream())
                using (GzipWriter stream = new GzipWriter(source, CompressionLevel.Optimal))
                    Assert.AreSame(source, stream.BaseStream);

                using (GzipReader stream = new GzipReader(source, true))
                    Assert.AreSame(source, stream.BaseStream);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void Gzip_GzipException()
            using (MemoryStream compressed = new MemoryStream())
                // Start with a compressed MemoryStream created from the sample data
                using (GzipWriter compressor = new GzipWriter(compressed, CompressionLevel.Optimal, true))
                    compressor.Write(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length);

                byte[]        buffer       = new byte[8192];
                GzipException thrown       = null;
                GzipException deserialized = null;

                // Create a decompressor to test exception cases
                using (GzipReader decompressor = new GzipReader(compressed, true))
                    // Attempting to read from the middle of the compressed stream should throw a GzipException
                    compressed.Position = compressed.Length / 2;
                    try { decompressor.Read(buffer, 0, 8192); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (GzipException ex) { thrown = ex; }

                    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(thrown, typeof(GzipException));

                    // Check the error code property
                    Assert.AreEqual(-3, thrown.ErrorCode);                              // Z_DATA_ERROR (-3)

                    // Serialize and de-serialize the exception with a BinaryFormatter
                    BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                    using (MemoryStream memstream = new MemoryStream())
                        formatter.Serialize(memstream, thrown);
                        memstream.Seek(0, 0);
                        deserialized = (GzipException)formatter.Deserialize(memstream);

                    // Check that the exceptions are equivalent
                    Assert.AreEqual(thrown.ErrorCode, deserialized.ErrorCode);
                    Assert.AreEqual(thrown.StackTrace, deserialized.StackTrace);
                    Assert.AreEqual(thrown.ToString(), deserialized.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void WriteCanvasPartitionResults(string outPath, Dictionary <string, List <SegmentWithBins> > segmentsByChromosome)
            using (var writer = new GzipWriter(outPath))
                foreach (var chr in segmentsByChromosome.Keys)
                    var segments = segmentsByChromosome[chr];

                    foreach (var segment in segments)
                        foreach (var bin in segment.Bins)
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Gzip_Write()
            byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];                     // 8KiB data buffer

            // Compress the sample data using a call to Write directly
            using (MemoryStream compressed = new MemoryStream())
                // Check the constructor for ArgumentNullException while we're here
                try { using (GzipWriter compressor = new GzipWriter(null)) { }; Assert.Fail("Constructor should have thrown an exception"); }
                catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

                using (GzipWriter compressor = new GzipWriter(compressed, CompressionLevel.Optimal, true))
                    // Send in some bum arguments to Write() to check they are caught
                    try { compressor.Write(null); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

                    try { compressor.Write(null, 0, 0); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

                    try { compressor.Write(s_sampledata, -1, 0); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException)); }

                    try { compressor.Write(s_sampledata, 0, -1); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException)); }

                    try { compressor.Write(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length + 1024); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentException)); }

                    // Not writing anything shouldn't throw an exception
                    compressor.Write(s_sampledata, 0, 0);

                    // Compress the data; there really isn't much that can go wrong with Write() itself
                    compressor.Write(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length);

                using (GzipReader reader = new GzipReader(compressed, true))
                    try { reader.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(NotSupportedException)); }
Exemplo n.º 16
        private static void GetBinRatio(string tumorBinnedPath, string normalBinnedPath, string ratioBinnedPath,
                                        string ploidyBedPath, NexteraManifest manifest = null)
            PloidyInfo referencePloidy   = String.IsNullOrEmpty(ploidyBedPath) ? null : PloidyInfo.LoadPloidyFromBedFile(ploidyBedPath);
            double     tumorMedian       = (new BinCounts(tumorBinnedPath, manifest: manifest)).OnTargetMedianBinCount;
            double     normalMedian      = (new BinCounts(normalBinnedPath, manifest: manifest)).OnTargetMedianBinCount;
            double     librarySizeFactor = (tumorMedian > 0 && normalMedian > 0) ? normalMedian / tumorMedian : 1;

            using (GzipReader tumorReader = new GzipReader(tumorBinnedPath))
                using (GzipReader normalReader = new GzipReader(normalBinnedPath))
                    using (GzipWriter writer = new GzipWriter(ratioBinnedPath))
                        string   normalLine;
                        string   tumorLine;
                        string[] normalToks;
                        string[] tumorToks;
                        double   normalCount;
                        double   tumorCount;
                        double   ratio;
                        while ((normalLine = normalReader.ReadLine()) != null)
                            tumorLine   = tumorReader.ReadLine();
                            normalToks  = normalLine.Split('\t');
                            tumorToks   = tumorLine.Split('\t');
                            normalCount = double.Parse(normalToks[3]);
                            tumorCount  = double.Parse(tumorToks[3]);
                            // The weighted average count of a bin could be less than 1.
                            // Using these small counts for coverage normalization creates large ratios.
                            // It would be better to just drop these bins so we don't introduce too much noise into segmentation and CNV calling.
                            if (normalCount < 1)
                            }                          // skip the bin
                            string chrom = normalToks[0];
                            int    start = int.Parse(normalToks[1]);
                            int    end   = int.Parse(normalToks[2]);
                            // get the normal ploidy from intervalsWithPloidyByChrom
                            double factor = CanvasDiploidBinRatioFactor * GetPloidy(referencePloidy, chrom, start, end) / 2.0;
                            ratio         = tumorCount / normalCount * factor * librarySizeFactor;
                            normalToks[3] = String.Format("{0}", ratio);
                            writer.WriteLine(String.Join("\t", normalToks));
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Step 3: Summarize results to a simple tab-delimited file.
 /// </summary>
 protected void WriteResults(string outputPath)
     using (GzipWriter writer = new GzipWriter(outputPath))
         for (int index = 0; index < this.Variants.Count; index++)
             VcfVariant variant = this.Variants[index];
             // skip HOM REF positions
             if (this.VariantCounts[index] > 5)
                 writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}", variant.ReferenceName, variant.ReferencePosition,
                                                variant.ReferenceAllele, variant.VariantAlleles[0], this.ReferenceCounts[index],
     Console.WriteLine("{0} Results written to {1}", DateTime.Now, outputPath);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void Gzip_Position()
            // Start with a MemoryStream created from the sample data
            using (MemoryStream source = new MemoryStream(s_sampledata))
                using (MemoryStream dest = new MemoryStream())
                    // Test a compression stream
                    using (GzipWriter compressor = new GzipWriter(dest, CompressionLevel.Optimal, true))
                        // The stream should report position zero prior to compression
                        Assert.AreEqual(0L, compressor.Position);

                        // The stream should report non-zero after compression
                        Assert.AreNotEqual(0L, compressor.Position);

                        // Attempting to set the position on the stream should throw
                        try { compressor.Position = 12345L; Assert.Fail("Property should have thrown an exception"); }
                        catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(NotSupportedException)); }

                    source.SetLength(0);                                // Clear the source stream
                    dest.Position = 0;                                  // Reset the destination stream

                    // Test a decompression stream
                    using (GzipReader decompressor = new GzipReader(dest, true))
                        // The stream should report position zero prior to compression
                        Assert.AreEqual(0L, decompressor.Position);

                        // The stream should report non-zero after compression
                        Assert.AreNotEqual(0L, decompressor.Position);

                        // Attempting to set the position on the stream should throw
                        try { decompressor.Position = 12345L; Assert.Fail("Property should have thrown an exception"); }
                        catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(NotSupportedException)); }
Exemplo n.º 19
 public static int Write(ConversionStorage <MutableString> /*!*/ tosConversion, GzipWriter /*!*/ self, object obj)
     return(Write(self, Protocols.ConvertToString(tosConversion, obj)));
Exemplo n.º 20
            public static int Write(GzipWriter/*!*/ self, [NotNull]MutableString/*!*/ val)
                var stream = self.GetStream();

                // TODO: this can be optimized (add MutableString.WriteTo(Stream))
                var buffer = val.ToByteArray();
                stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                return buffer.Length;
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void WriteCanvasPartitionResults(string outPath)
            Dictionary <string, bool> starts = new Dictionary <string, bool>();
            Dictionary <string, bool> stops  = new Dictionary <string, bool>();

            foreach (string chr in SegmentationResults.SegmentByChr.Keys)
                for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < SegmentationResults.SegmentByChr[chr].Length; segmentIndex++)
                    Segment segment = SegmentationResults.SegmentByChr[chr][segmentIndex];
                    starts[chr + ":" + segment.start] = true;
                    stops[chr + ":" + segment.end]    = true;

            Dictionary <string, List <GenomicBin> > ExcludedIntervals = new Dictionary <string, List <GenomicBin> >();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ForbiddenIntervalBedPath))
                ExcludedIntervals = CanvasCommon.Utilities.LoadBedFile(ForbiddenIntervalBedPath);

            using (GzipWriter writer = new GzipWriter(outPath))
                int segmentNum = -1;

                foreach (string chr in StartByChr.Keys)
                    List <GenomicBin> excludeIntervals = null;
                    if (ExcludedIntervals.ContainsKey(chr))
                        excludeIntervals = ExcludedIntervals[chr];
                    int  excludeIndex   = 0; // Points to the first interval which *doesn't* end before our current position
                    uint previousBinEnd = 0;
                    for (int pos = 0; pos < StartByChr[chr].Length; pos++)
                        uint   start      = StartByChr[chr][pos];
                        uint   end        = EndByChr[chr][pos];
                        bool   newSegment = false;
                        string key        = chr + ":" + start;
                        if (starts.ContainsKey(key))
                            newSegment = true;

                        if (excludeIntervals != null)
                            while (excludeIndex < excludeIntervals.Count && excludeIntervals[excludeIndex].Stop < previousBinEnd)
                            if (excludeIndex < excludeIntervals.Count)
                                // Note: forbiddenZoneMid should never fall inside a bin, becuase these intervals were already excluded
                                // from consideration during the call to CanvasBin.
                                int forbiddenZoneMid = (excludeIntervals[excludeIndex].Start + excludeIntervals[excludeIndex].Stop) / 2;
                                if (previousBinEnd < forbiddenZoneMid && end >= forbiddenZoneMid)
                                    newSegment = true;
                        if (previousBinEnd > 0 && MaxInterBinDistInSegment >= 0 && previousBinEnd + MaxInterBinDistInSegment < start &&
                            newSegment = true;

                        if (newSegment)
                        writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}", chr, start, end, ScoreByChr[chr][pos], segmentNum));
                        previousBinEnd = end;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static long Pos(GzipWriter/*!*/ self)
     return self.GetWrapper().Position;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static int Write(ConversionStorage<MutableString>/*!*/ tosConversion, GzipWriter/*!*/ self, object obj)
     return Write(self, Protocols.ConvertToString(tosConversion, obj));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static GzipWriter Flush(GzipWriter/*!*/ self, [DefaultParameterValue(SYNC_FLUSH)]int flush)
     return self;
Exemplo n.º 25
 public static GzipWriter Output(ConversionStorage<MutableString>/*!*/ tosConversion, GzipWriter/*!*/ self, object value)
     Write(tosConversion, self, value);
     return self;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static GzipWriter /*!*/ Flush(GzipWriter /*!*/ self, [DefaultParameterValue(SYNC_FLUSH)] int flush)
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes fragment-based GC normalization correction factor
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An array of observed vs expected GC counts.</returns>
        static float[] ComputeObservedVsExpectedGC(Dictionary <string, HitArray> observedAlignments,
                                                   Dictionary <string, byte[]> readGCContent, NexteraManifest manifest,
                                                   bool debugGC, string outFile)
            Dictionary <string, List <NexteraManifest.ManifestRegion> > regionsByChrom = null;

            if (manifest != null)
                regionsByChrom = manifest.GetManifestRegionsByChromosome();

            long[] expectedReadCountsByGC = new long[numberOfGCbins];
            long[] observedReadCountsByGC = new long[numberOfGCbins];
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, byte[]> chromosomeReadGCContent in readGCContent)
                string chr = chromosomeReadGCContent.Key;
                if (!observedAlignments.ContainsKey(chr))

                if (manifest == null) // look at the entire genome
                    for (int i = 0; i < chromosomeReadGCContent.Value.Length; i++)
                        observedReadCountsByGC[chromosomeReadGCContent.Value[i]] += observedAlignments[chr].Data[i];
                else // look at only the targeted regions
                    if (!regionsByChrom.ContainsKey(chr))
                    int i = -1;
                    foreach (var region in regionsByChrom[chr])
                        if (i < region.Start)     // avoid overlapping targeted regions
                            i = region.Start - 1; // i is 0-based; manifest coordinates are 1-based.
                        for (; i < chromosomeReadGCContent.Value.Length && i < region.End; i++)
                            observedReadCountsByGC[chromosomeReadGCContent.Value[i]] += observedAlignments[chr].Data[i];

            // calculate ratio of observed to expected read counts for each read GC bin
            float[] observedVsExpectedGC = new float[numberOfGCbins];
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGCbins; i++)
                observedVsExpectedGC[i] = 1;
            long sumObserved = 0;
            long sumExpected = 0;

            foreach (long gcContent in observedReadCountsByGC)
                sumObserved += gcContent;
            foreach (long gcContent in expectedReadCountsByGC)
                sumExpected += gcContent;
            for (int binIndex = 0; binIndex < numberOfGCbins; binIndex++)
                if (expectedReadCountsByGC[binIndex] == 0)
                    expectedReadCountsByGC[binIndex] = 1;
                if (observedReadCountsByGC[binIndex] == 0)
                    observedReadCountsByGC[binIndex] = 1;
                observedVsExpectedGC[binIndex] = ((float)observedReadCountsByGC[binIndex] / (float)expectedReadCountsByGC[binIndex]) * ((float)sumExpected / (float)sumObserved);

            if (debugGC)
                using (GzipWriter writer = new GzipWriter(outFile + ".gcstat"))
                    for (int binIndex = 0; binIndex < numberOfGCbins; binIndex++)
                        writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", expectedReadCountsByGC[binIndex], observedReadCountsByGC[binIndex], observedVsExpectedGC[binIndex]));
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Intersect bins with the targeted regions defined in callset.Manifest.
        /// Assumes that the targeted regions don't intersect, the bins are sorted by genomic location and the bins don't intersect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="callset"></param>
        /// <param name="partitionedPath">Output of CanvasPartition. Bins are assumed to be sorted</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IFileLocation IntersectBinsWithTargetedRegions(CanvasCallset callset, IFileLocation partitionedPath)
            if (!partitionedPath.Exists)
            var rawPartitionedPath = partitionedPath.AppendName(".raw");

            if (rawPartitionedPath.Exists)

            Dictionary <string, List <NexteraManifest.ManifestRegion> > manifestRegionsByChrom = callset.Manifest.GetManifestRegionsByChromosome();

            // CanvasPartition output file is in the BED format
            //   start: 0-based, inclusive
            //   end: 0-based, exclusive
            // Manifest
            //   start: 1-based, inclusive
            //   end: 1-based, inclusive
            using (GzipReader reader = new GzipReader(rawPartitionedPath.FullName))
                using (GzipWriter writer = new GzipWriter(partitionedPath.FullName))
                    string   currentChrom      = null;
                    int      manifestRegionIdx = 0;
                    string   line;
                    string[] toks;
                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        toks = line.Split('\t');
                        string chrom = toks[0];
                        int    start = int.Parse(toks[1]) + 1; // 1-based, inclusive
                        int    end   = int.Parse(toks[2]);     // 1-based, inclusive
                        if (chrom != currentChrom)
                            currentChrom      = chrom;
                            manifestRegionIdx = 0;
                        if (!manifestRegionsByChrom.ContainsKey(currentChrom))
                        while (manifestRegionIdx < manifestRegionsByChrom[currentChrom].Count &&
                               manifestRegionsByChrom[currentChrom][manifestRegionIdx].End < start) // |- manifest region -| |- bin -|
                        if (manifestRegionIdx >= manifestRegionsByChrom[currentChrom].Count ||   // |- last manifest region -| |- bin -|
                            end < manifestRegionsByChrom[currentChrom][manifestRegionIdx].Start) // |- bin -| |- manifest region -|
                            continue;                                                            // skip bin

                        // |- bin -|
                        //       |- manifest region -|
                        while (manifestRegionIdx < manifestRegionsByChrom[currentChrom].Count &&
                               end >= manifestRegionsByChrom[currentChrom][manifestRegionIdx].Start)
                            // calculate intersection
                            int intersectionStart = Math.Max(start, manifestRegionsByChrom[currentChrom][manifestRegionIdx].Start); // 1-based, inclusive
                            int intersectionEnd   = Math.Min(end, manifestRegionsByChrom[currentChrom][manifestRegionIdx].End);     // 1-based, inclusive
                                                                                                                                    // start/end in BED format
                            toks[1] = String.Format("{0}", intersectionStart - 1);                                                  // 0-based, inclusive
                            toks[2] = String.Format("{0}", intersectionEnd);                                                        // 0-based, exclusive

                            // write intersected bin
                            writer.WriteLine(String.Join("\t", toks));


Exemplo n.º 29
        public void Gzip_Read()
            byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];                     // 8KiB data buffer

            using (MemoryStream compressed = new MemoryStream())
                // Start with a compressed MemoryStream created from the sample data
                using (GzipWriter compressor = new GzipWriter(compressed, CompressionLevel.Optimal, true))
                    try { compressor.Read(buffer, 0, 8192); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(NotSupportedException)); }

                    compressor.Write(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length);

                // Check the constructor for ArgumentNullException while we're here
                try { using (GzipReader decompressor = new GzipReader(null, false)) { }; Assert.Fail("Constructor should have thrown an exception"); }
                catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

                // Create a decompressor to test some of the error cases
                using (GzipReader decompressor = new GzipReader(compressed, true))
                    // Send in some bum arguments to Read() to check they are caught
                    try { decompressor.Read(null, 0, 0); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

                    try { decompressor.Read(buffer, -1, 0); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException)); }

                    try { decompressor.Read(buffer, 0, -1); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException)); }

                    try { decompressor.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length + 1024); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentException)); }

                    // Attempting to read from the end of the compressed stream should throw an InvalidDataException
                    try { decompressor.Read(buffer, 0, 8192); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(InvalidDataException)); }

                    // Attempting to read from the middle of the compressed stream should throw a GzipException
                    compressed.Position = compressed.Position / 2;
                    try { decompressor.Read(buffer, 0, 8192); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(GzipException)); }

                    // The decompression stream is trashed at this point since the input buffer was filled
                    // with data from the middle.  Thought about a special case handler for that, but it's
                    // a fringe case.  Verify that the stream is indeed trashed ...
                    compressed.Position = 0;
                    try { decompressor.Read(buffer, 0, 8192); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(GzipException)); }

                // Create a new decompressor against the same stream and make sure it doesn't throw
                using (GzipReader decompressor = new GzipReader(compressed, true))
                    // Reading zero bytes should not throw an exception
                    decompressor.Read(buffer, 0, 0);

                    while (decompressor.Read(buffer, 0, 8192) != 0)
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void Gzip_Encoder()
            // The GzipEncoder is just a wrapper around GzipWriter that provides
            // more complete control over the compression/encoder parameters
            GzipEncoder encoder = new GzipEncoder();

            // Check the default values
            Assert.AreEqual(65536, encoder.BufferSize);
            Assert.AreEqual(GzipCompressionLevel.Default, encoder.CompressionLevel);

            // Set some bad values and ensure they are caught by the encoder property setters
            try { encoder.BufferSize = -1; Assert.Fail("Property should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException)); }

            try { encoder.CompressionLevel = new GzipCompressionLevel(-2); Assert.Fail("Property should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException)); }

            try { encoder.CompressionLevel = new GzipCompressionLevel(10); Assert.Fail("Property should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException)); }

            // Set some good values
            encoder.BufferSize = 8192;
            Assert.AreEqual(8192, encoder.BufferSize);

            encoder.CompressionLevel = GzipCompressionLevel.Fastest;
            Assert.AreEqual(GzipCompressionLevel.Fastest, encoder.CompressionLevel);

            encoder.CompressionStrategy = GzipCompressionStrategy.HuffmanOnly;
            Assert.AreEqual(GzipCompressionStrategy.HuffmanOnly, encoder.CompressionStrategy);
            encoder.CompressionStrategy = GzipCompressionStrategy.Default;              // put this back

            encoder.MemoryUsage = GzipMemoryUsageLevel.Optimal;
            Assert.AreEqual(GzipMemoryUsageLevel.Optimal, encoder.MemoryUsage);
            encoder.MemoryUsage = GzipMemoryUsageLevel.Default;                                         // put this back

            // Check all of the Encoder methods work and encode as expected
            byte[] expected, actual;
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                using (var writer = new GzipWriter(ms, CompressionLevel.Fastest, true)) writer.Write(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length);
                expected = ms.ToArray();

            // Check parameter validations
            try { actual = encoder.Encode((byte[])null); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

            try { actual = encoder.Encode((Stream)null); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

            try { actual = encoder.Encode(null, 0, 0); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

            try { encoder.Encode(s_sampledata, null); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

            try { encoder.Encode((byte[])null, new MemoryStream()); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

            try { encoder.Encode((byte[])null, 0, 0, new MemoryStream()); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

            try { encoder.Encode(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length, (Stream)null); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

            try { encoder.Encode((Stream)null, new MemoryStream()); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

            try { encoder.Encode(new MemoryStream(), (Stream)null); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ArgumentNullException)); }

            // Check actual encoding operations
            actual = encoder.Encode(s_sampledata);
            Assert.IsTrue(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(expected, actual));

            actual = encoder.Encode(new MemoryStream(s_sampledata));
            Assert.IsTrue(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(expected, actual));

            actual = encoder.Encode(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length);
            Assert.IsTrue(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(expected, actual));

            using (MemoryStream dest = new MemoryStream())
                encoder.Encode(s_sampledata, dest);
                Assert.IsTrue(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(expected, dest.ToArray()));

            using (MemoryStream dest = new MemoryStream())
                encoder.Encode(new MemoryStream(s_sampledata), dest);
                Assert.IsTrue(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(expected, dest.ToArray()));

            using (MemoryStream dest = new MemoryStream())
                encoder.Encode(s_sampledata, 0, s_sampledata.Length, dest);
                Assert.IsTrue(Enumerable.SequenceEqual(expected, dest.ToArray()));
Exemplo n.º 31
 public static GzipWriter /*!*/ Output(ConversionStorage <MutableString> /*!*/ tosConversion, GzipWriter /*!*/ self, object value)
     Write(tosConversion, self, value);
Exemplo n.º 32
 public static long Pos(GzipWriter /*!*/ self)
Exemplo n.º 33
        public void Gzip_WriterDispose()
            byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];                     // 8KiB data buffer

            // Create a dummy stream and immediately dispose of it
            GzipWriter stream = new GzipWriter(new MemoryStream(s_sampledata), CompressionLevel.Optimal);


            // Test double dispose

            // All properties and methods should throw an ObjectDisposedException
            try { var bs = stream.BaseStream; Assert.Fail("Property access should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            try { var b = stream.CanRead; Assert.Fail("Property access should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            try { var b = stream.CanSeek; Assert.Fail("Property access should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            try { var b = stream.CanWrite; Assert.Fail("Property access should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            try { stream.Flush(); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            try { var l = stream.Length; Assert.Fail("Property access should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            try { var l = stream.Position; Assert.Fail("Property access should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            try { stream.Position = 12345L; Assert.Fail("Property access should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            try { stream.Read(buffer, 0, 8192); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            try { stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Current); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            try { stream.SetLength(12345L); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            try { stream.Write(buffer); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            try { stream.Write(buffer, 0, 8192); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            // Ensure that an underlying stream is disposed of properly if leaveopen is not set
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(s_sampledata);

            using (GzipWriter compressor = new GzipWriter(ms, CompressionLevel.Fastest)) { }
            try { ms.Write(buffer, 0, 8192); Assert.Fail("Method call should have thrown an exception"); }
            catch (Exception ex) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(ex, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); }

            // Ensure that an underlying stream is not disposed of if leaveopen is set
            ms = new MemoryStream(s_sampledata);
            using (GzipWriter compressor = new GzipWriter(ms, CompressionLevel.Fastest, true)) { }
            ms.Write(buffer, 0, 8192);
Exemplo n.º 34
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoke CanvasSNV.  Return null if this fails and we need to abort CNV calling for this sample.
        /// </summary>
        protected void InvokeCanvasSnv(CanvasCallset callset)
            List <UnitOfWork> jobList        = new List <UnitOfWork>();
            List <string>     outputPaths    = new List <string>();
            GenomeMetadata    genomeMetadata = callset.GenomeMetadata;

            string tumorBamPath  = callset.Bam.BamFile.FullName;
            string normalVcfPath = callset.NormalVcfPath.FullName;

            foreach (GenomeMetadata.SequenceMetadata chromosome in genomeMetadata.Sequences)
                // Only invoke for autosomes + allosomes;
                // don't invoke it for mitochondrial chromosome or extra contigs or decoys
                if (chromosome.Type != GenomeMetadata.SequenceType.Allosome && !chromosome.IsAutosome())

                UnitOfWork job = new UnitOfWork();
                job.ExecutablePath = Path.Combine(_canvasFolder, "CanvasSNV.exe");
                if (CrossPlatform.IsThisMono())
                    job.CommandLine    = job.ExecutablePath;
                    job.ExecutablePath = Utilities.GetMonoPath();

                string outputPath = Path.Combine(callset.TempFolder, string.Format("{0}-{1}.SNV.txt.gz", chromosome.Name, callset.Id));
                job.CommandLine += $" {chromosome.Name} {normalVcfPath} {tumorBamPath} {outputPath}";
                if (_customParameters.ContainsKey("CanvasSNV"))
                    job.CommandLine = Utilities.MergeCommandLineOptions(job.CommandLine, _customParameters["CanvasSNV"], true);
                job.LoggingFolder = _workManager.LoggingFolder.FullName;
                job.LoggingStub   = string.Format("CanvasSNV-{0}-{1}", callset.Id, chromosome.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("Invoking {0} processor jobs...", jobList.Count);

            // Invoke CanvasSNV jobs:
            Console.WriteLine(">>>CanvasSNV start...");
            Console.WriteLine(">>>CanvasSNV complete!");

            // Concatenate CanvasSNV results:
            using (GzipWriter writer = new GzipWriter(callset.VfSummaryPath))
                bool headerWritten = false;
                foreach (string outputPath in outputPaths)
                    if (!File.Exists(outputPath))
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: Expected output file not found at {0}", outputPath);
                    using (GzipReader reader = new GzipReader(outputPath))
                        while (true)
                            string fileLine = reader.ReadLine();
                            if (fileLine == null)
                            if (fileLine.Length > 0 && fileLine[0] == '#')
                                if (headerWritten)
                                headerWritten = true;