Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task fmGetMembersAsync()
            if (guildService.CheckIfDM(Context))
                await ReplyAsync("Command is not supported in DMs.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            IGuildUser serverUser = (IGuildUser)Context.Message.Author;

            if (!serverUser.GuildPermissions.BanMembers && !serverUser.GuildPermissions.Administrator && !await adminService.HasCommandAccessAsync(Context.User, UserType.Admin).ConfigureAwait(false))
                await ReplyAsync("You are not authorized to use this command. Only users with the 'Ban Members' permission, server admins or FMBot admins can use this command.").ConfigureAwait(false);


            Dictionary <string, string> serverUsers = await guildService.FindAllUsersFromGuildAsync(Context);

            if (serverUsers.Count == 0)
                await ReplyAsync("No members found on this server.");


            string reply = "The " + serverUsers.Count + " Last.FM users on this server are: \n";

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> fmbotUser in serverUsers.OrderBy(o => o.Key))
                reply += "`" + fmbotUser.Value + "` - " + fmbotUser.Key + "\n";

                if (reply.Length > 1950)
                    await Context.User.SendMessageAsync(reply).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    reply = "";

            await Context.User.SendMessageAsync(reply).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await ReplyAsync("Check your DMs!").ConfigureAwait(false);