Exemplo n.º 1
        public VideoOptionsState(GuiPanoramaSkyBox skyBox) : base(skyBox)
            TitleTranslationKey = "options.videoTitle";

            AddGuiRow(CreateSlider("Render Distance: {0} chunks", o => Options.VideoOptions.RenderDistance, 2, 32, 1),
                      GuiScaleGlider = CreateSlider("GUI Scale: {0}", options => options.VideoOptions.GuiScale, 0, 3, 1));

            AddGuiRow(CreateSlider("Chunk Processing Threads: {0}", o => Options.VideoOptions.ChunkThreads, 1, Environment.ProcessorCount, 1),
                      CreateSlider("Brightness: {0}%", o => Options.VideoOptions.Brightness, 0,
                                   100, 1) /*,
                                            * CreateSlider("Max Framerate: {0} fps", o => Options.VideoOptions.MaxFramerate, 1, 120, 1)*/);

            AddGuiRow(CreateToggle("Use VSync: {0}", o => { return(Options.VideoOptions.UseVsync); }),
                      CreateToggle("Fullscreen: {0}", o => { return(Options.VideoOptions.Fullscreen); }));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ConstructionSiteView()
            this.Background = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.PanelBackground, 6);
            this.Position.FixedSize(360, 116);

            this.title = new GuiText
                Margins    = new Vector2(8, 4),
                TextColor  = Color.Black,
                TextHeight = 12
            this.title.Position.WrapContent().Then.ParentRelative(-1, 1).UseMargins();

            this.projectButton = new GuiButton
                BackgroundHover  = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.ButtonHover, 9),
                BackgroundNormal = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.ButtonNormal, 9),
                Padding          = 10,
                Margins          = new Vector2(8, 8),
                TextColor        = Color.Black,
                TextHeight       = 12,
                ClickCallback    = projectButton_Click
            this.projectButton.Position.FixedSize(88, 88).ParentRelative(-1, -1).UseMargins();

            this.detailsButton = new GuiButton
                BackgroundHover  = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.ButtonHover, 9),
                BackgroundNormal = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.ButtonNormal, 9),
                Padding          = 10,
                Margins          = new Vector2(8, 8),
                TextColor        = Color.Black,
                TextHeight       = 12,
                Text             = context["SiteDetails"].Text(),
                ClickCallback    = detailsButton_Click
            this.detailsButton.Position.WrapContent().Then.ParentRelative(1, -1).UseMargins();

            this.investmentSlider = new GuiSlider
                Margins       = new Vector2(8, 0),
                ScrollStep    = 0.05f,
                SlideCallback = investmentSlider_Change
            this.investmentSlider.Position.FixedSize(150, 15).RelativeTo(this.projectButton, 1, 1, -1, 1).UseMargins().StretchRightTo(this, 1);

            this.estimationLabel = new GuiText
                Margins    = new Vector2(0, 8),
                TextColor  = Color.Black,
                TextHeight = 12
            this.estimationLabel.Position.WrapContent().Then.RelativeTo(this.investmentSlider, -1, -1, -1, 1).UseMargins();

            this.policyToggle = new CycleButton <PolicyInfo>
                BackgroundHover  = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.ToggleHover, 8),
                BackgroundNormal = new BackgroundTexture(GalaxyTextures.Get.ToggleNormal, 8),
                Padding          = 4,
                Margins          = new Vector2(8, 0),
                CycleCallback    = x =>
                    this.controller.Policy      = x;
                    this.investmentSlider.Value = (float)this.controller.DesiredSpendingRatio;
                ItemImage = x => GalaxyTextures.Get.Sprite(x.Id + "Policy"),
                Tooltip   = new DynamicTooltip("FormMain", () => this.controller.Policy.Id + "PolicyTooltip")
            this.policyToggle.Position.FixedSize(32, 32).RelativeTo(this.projectButton, 1, -1, -1, -1).UseMargins();

            this.policyName = new GuiText
                Margins    = new Vector2(8, 0),
                TextColor  = Color.Black,
                TextHeight = 12
            this.policyName.Position.WrapContent().Then.RelativeTo(this.policyToggle, 1, 0, -1, 0).UseMargins();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public CustomFormDialog(uint formId, BedrockFormManager parent, CustomForm form, InputManager inputManager) : base(formId, parent, inputManager)
            Container.AddChild(new GuiTextElement()
                Anchor    = Alignment.TopCenter,
                Text      = form.Title,
                FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
                Scale     = 2f,
                TextColor = TextColor.White

            Form = form;

            GuiScrollableStackContainer stackContainer = new GuiScrollableStackContainer();

            stackContainer.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
            stackContainer.Anchor      = Alignment.Fill;
            stackContainer.ChildAnchor = Alignment.MiddleFill;

            var margin = new Thickness(5, 5);

            foreach (var element in form.Content)
                switch (element)
                case Label label:
                    stackContainer.AddChild(new GuiTextElement()
                            Text   = label.Text,
                            Margin = margin

                case Input input:
                    GuiTextInput guiInput = new GuiTextInput()
                        Value       = input.Value,
                        PlaceHolder = input.Placeholder,
                        Margin      = margin

                    guiInput.ValueChanged += (sender, s) => { input.Value = s; };


                case Toggle toggle:
                    GuiToggleButton guiToggle;
                    stackContainer.AddChild(guiToggle = new GuiToggleButton(toggle.Text)
                            Margin = margin,
                            Value  = !toggle.Value

                    guiToggle.DisplayFormat = new ValueFormatter <bool>((val) =>
                            return($"{toggle.Text}: {val.ToString()}");

                    guiToggle.Value = toggle.Value;

                    guiToggle.ValueChanged += (sender, b) => { toggle.Value = b; };

                case Slider slider:
                    GuiSlider guiSlider;
                    stackContainer.AddChild(guiSlider = new GuiSlider()
                            Label        = { Text = slider.Text },
                            Value        = slider.Value,
                            MaxValue     = slider.Max,
                            MinValue     = slider.Min,
                            StepInterval = slider.Step,
                            Margin       = margin

                    guiSlider.ValueChanged += (sender, d) => { slider.Value = (float)d; };

                case StepSlider stepSlider:
                    stackContainer.AddChild(new GuiTextElement()
                            Text      = "Unsupported stepslider",
                            TextColor = TextColor.Red,
                            Margin    = margin

                case Dropdown dropdown:
                    stackContainer.AddChild(new GuiTextElement()
                            Text      = "Unsupported dropdown",
                            TextColor = TextColor.Red,
                            Margin    = margin

            SubmitButton = new GuiButton("Submit", SubmitPressed);


Exemplo n.º 4
        public CustomFormDialog(uint formId, BedrockFormManager parent, CustomForm form, InputManager inputManager) : base(formId, parent, inputManager)
            Form = form;

            GuiScrollableStackContainer stackContainer = new GuiScrollableStackContainer();

            stackContainer.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
            stackContainer.Anchor      = Alignment.Fill;
            stackContainer.ChildAnchor = Alignment.MiddleFill;
            stackContainer.Background  = Color.Black * 0.35f;
            var margin = new Thickness(5, 5);

            foreach (var element in form.Content)
                switch (element)
                case Label label:
                    stackContainer.AddChild(new GuiTextElement()
                            Text   = label.Text,
                            Margin = margin

                case Input input:
                    GuiTextInput guiInput = new GuiTextInput()
                        Value       = input.Value,
                        PlaceHolder = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.Placeholder) ? input.Placeholder : input.Text,
                        Margin      = margin

                    guiInput.ValueChanged += (sender, s) => { input.Value = s; };


                case Toggle toggle:
                    GuiToggleButton guiToggle;
                    stackContainer.AddChild(guiToggle = new GuiToggleButton(toggle.Text)
                            Margin = margin,
                            Value  = !toggle.Value

                    guiToggle.DisplayFormat = new ValueFormatter <bool>((val) =>
                            return($"{toggle.Text}: {val.ToString()}");

                    guiToggle.Value = toggle.Value;

                    guiToggle.ValueChanged += (sender, b) => { toggle.Value = b; };

                case Slider slider:
                    GuiSlider guiSlider;
                    stackContainer.AddChild(guiSlider = new GuiSlider()
                            Label        = { Text = slider.Text },
                            Value        = slider.Value,
                            MaxValue     = slider.Max,
                            MinValue     = slider.Min,
                            StepInterval = slider.Step,
                            Margin       = margin

                    guiSlider.ValueChanged += (sender, d) => { slider.Value = (float)d; };

                case StepSlider stepSlider:
                    stackContainer.AddChild(new GuiTextElement()
                            Text      = "Unsupported stepslider",
                            TextColor = TextColor.Red,
                            Margin    = margin

                case Dropdown dropdown:
                    stackContainer.AddChild(new GuiTextElement()
                            Text      = "Unsupported dropdown",
                            TextColor = TextColor.Red,
                            Margin    = margin

            SubmitButton = new GuiButton("Submit", SubmitPressed);


            Background = Color.Transparent;

            var width  = 356;
            var height = width;

            ContentContainer.Width  = ContentContainer.MinWidth = ContentContainer.MaxWidth = width;
            ContentContainer.Height = ContentContainer.MinHeight = ContentContainer.MaxHeight = height;

            SetFixedSize(width, height);

            ContentContainer.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.None;

            Container.Anchor = Alignment.MiddleCenter;

            var bodyWrapper = new GuiContainer();

            bodyWrapper.Anchor  = Alignment.Fill;
            bodyWrapper.Padding = new Thickness(5, 0);


            Container.AddChild(Header = new GuiStackContainer()
                Anchor      = Alignment.TopFill,
                ChildAnchor = Alignment.BottomCenter,
                Height      = 32,
                Padding     = new Thickness(3),
                Background  = Color.Black * 0.5f

            Header.AddChild(new GuiTextElement()
                Text      = FixContrast(form.Title),
                TextColor = TextColor.White,
                Scale     = 2f,
                FontStyle = FontStyle.DropShadow,

                Anchor = Alignment.BottomCenter,

            stackContainer.Margin = new Thickness(0, Header.Height, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 5
         * Creates a control for given property.
         * ToggleButtons will be used for boolean properties.
         * For the moment other types of properties are not supported.
         * @param source The source object this property belongs to.
         * @param property The property to create a control for.
        private GuiLabeledComponent CreateControl(object source, PropertyInfo property)
            GuiLabeledComponent result = null;

            var rangeAttribute = getAttribute <SettingRange>(property);

            if (property.PropertyType == typeof(System.Boolean))
                var toggleButton = new GuiToggleButton();
                toggleButton.Value = (bool)property.GetValue(source, null);
                if (property.CanWrite)
                    toggleButton.OnValueChanged += delegate {
                        property.SetValue(source, toggleButton.Value, null);
                result = toggleButton;
            else if (property.PropertyType.IsEnum)
                var radioGroup = new GuiRadioButtonGroup();

                radioGroup.EnableBackground = false;
                radioGroup.ButtonSpacing    = 2;
                radioGroup.ButtonSize       = new Vector2(80, 32);

                var enumNames = Enum.GetNames(property.PropertyType);
                foreach (string enumValueName in enumNames)
                    if (!enumValueName.StartsWith("_"))

                radioGroup.SelectedIndex = (int)property.GetValue(source, null);

                if (property.CanWrite)
                    radioGroup.OnValueChanged += delegate {
                        property.SetValue(source, radioGroup.SelectedIndex, null);

                result = radioGroup;
            else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(System.Single) && (rangeAttribute != null))
                var slider = new GuiSlider();
                slider.Min   = rangeAttribute.Min;
                slider.Max   = rangeAttribute.Max;
                slider.Value = (float)property.GetValue(source, null);
                if (property.CanWrite)
                    slider.OnValueChanged += delegate {
                        property.SetValue(source, slider.Value, null);
                result = slider;
            else if (
                // fallback to edit box
                (property.PropertyType == typeof(int)) ||
                (property.PropertyType == typeof(float)) ||
                (property.PropertyType == typeof(string)))
                int editWidth = (property.PropertyType == typeof(string)) ? 325 : 60;

                var editBox = new GuiTextField(0, 0, editWidth);

                object propertyValue = property.GetValue(source, null);
                if (propertyValue != null)
                    editBox.Value = propertyValue.ToString();
                    if (editBox.Value.Length > 35)
                        editBox.FontSize = 12;
                    if (editBox.Value.Length > 55)
                        editBox.FontSize = 10;
                    if (editBox.Value.Length > 75)
                        editBox.FontSize = 8;

                if (property.CanWrite)
                    editBox.OnValueChanged += delegate {
                        if (property.PropertyType == typeof(int))
                            property.SetValue(source, Util.ParseIntDefault(editBox.Value, 0), null);
                        else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(float))
                            property.SetValue(source, Util.ParseFloatDefault(editBox.Value, 0), null);
                        else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(string))
                            property.SetValue(source, editBox.Value, null);

                result = editBox;

            if (result != null)
                if (!property.CanWrite)
                    result.SelfEnabled = false;
                result.LabelText     = property.Name;
                result.LabelPosition = LabelPosition.Left;
                result.Name          = property.Name;
