Exemplo n.º 1
        public static GuiManager CreateHighScoresGui(GameCore game, GuiManager highScoresGui, InputListenerComponent inputManager)
            //Create gui
            var guiInputService = new GuiInputService(inputManager);

            highScoresGui = new GuiManager(game.Services, guiInputService);

            highScoresGui.Screen = new GuiScreen(GameCore.SCREEN_WIDTH, GameCore.SCREEN_HEIGHT);

            highScoresGui.Screen.Desktop.Bounds = new UniRectangle(new UniScalar(0f, 0), new UniScalar(0f, 0), new UniScalar(1f, 0), new UniScalar(1f, 0));

            //Create back button
            var buttonWidth  = 150;
            var buttonHeight = 50;
            var buttonX      = (GameCore.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - (buttonWidth / 2);
            var buttonY      = (GameCore.WINDOW_HEIGHT - 70);

            var backButton = new GuiButtonControl
                Name   = "Back",
                Bounds = new UniRectangle(new UniScalar(buttonX), new UniScalar(buttonY), new UniScalar(buttonWidth), new UniScalar(buttonHeight)),
                Text   = "Back"

            backButton.Pressed += game.BackButtonPressed;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static GuiManager CreateTitleGui(GameCore game, GuiManager titleGui, InputListenerComponent inputManager)
            //Create GUI
            var guiInputService = new GuiInputService(inputManager);

            titleGui = new GuiManager(game.Services, guiInputService);

            titleGui.Screen = new GuiScreen(GameCore.SCREEN_WIDTH, GameCore.SCREEN_HEIGHT);

            titleGui.Screen.Desktop.Bounds = new UniRectangle(new UniScalar(0f, 0), new UniScalar(0f, 0), new UniScalar(1f, 0), new UniScalar(1f, 0));


            //Create buttons
            var buttonWidth   = 150;
            var buttonHeight  = 50;
            var buttonX       = (GameCore.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - (buttonWidth / 2);
            var buttonY       = 200;
            var buttonDivider = 100;
            var StartButton   = new GuiButtonControl
                Name   = "Start",
                Bounds = new UniRectangle(new UniScalar(buttonX), new UniScalar(buttonY), new UniScalar(buttonWidth), new UniScalar(buttonHeight)),
                Text   = "Start"

            var HighScoresButton = new GuiButtonControl
                Name   = "HighScores",
                Bounds = new UniRectangle(new UniScalar(buttonX), new UniScalar(buttonY + buttonDivider),
                                          new UniScalar(buttonWidth), new UniScalar(buttonHeight)),
                Text = "High Scores"

            var ExitButton = new GuiButtonControl
                Name   = "Exit",
                Bounds = new UniRectangle(new UniScalar(buttonX), new UniScalar(buttonY + (buttonDivider * 2)),
                                          new UniScalar(buttonWidth), new UniScalar(buttonHeight)),
                Text = "Exit"

            //Add functon to pressed
            StartButton.Pressed      += game.StartButtonPressed;
            HighScoresButton.Pressed += game.HighScoresButtonPressed;
            ExitButton.Pressed       += game.ExitButtonPressed;

            //Add buttons to gui

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Initialize()
            var guiInputService = new GuiInputService(inputListener);

            gui = new GuiManager(game.Services, guiInputService);

            gui.Screen = new GuiScreen(GameCore.SCREEN_WIDTH, GameCore.SCREEN_HEIGHT);

            gui.Screen.Desktop.Bounds = new UniRectangle(new UniScalar(0f, 0), new UniScalar(0f, 0), new UniScalar(1f, 0), new UniScalar(1f, 0));

Exemplo n.º 4
        public GameController(Minesweeper game)
            Instance = this;
            _game    = game;

            //Setup GUI
            _inputManager = new InputListenerComponent(game);
            var guiInputService = new GuiInputService(_inputManager);

            _gui = new GuiManager(game.Services, guiInputService);

            //Setup dictionary to hold tiles and their game objects
            _tileToGameObjectMap = new Dictionary <Tile, GameObject>();
            _gameObjectToTileMap = new Dictionary <GameObject, Tile>();
        public Game1() : base()
            //_graphicsDeviceManager = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            // Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
            IsMouseVisible           = true;
            Window.AllowUserResizing = true;
            _backgroundColor         = Color.DarkKhaki;

            // First, we create an input manager.
            _inputManager = new InputListenerComponent(this);

            // Then, we create GUI.
            var guiInputService = new GuiInputService(_inputManager);

            _gui = new GuiManager(Services, guiInputService);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static GuiManager CreateInputHighScoreGui(GameCore game, GuiManager inputHighScoreGui, InputListenerComponent inputManager)
            //Create gui
            var guiInputService = new GuiInputService(inputManager);

            inputHighScoreGui = new GuiManager(game.Services, guiInputService);

            inputHighScoreGui.Screen = new GuiScreen(GameCore.SCREEN_WIDTH, GameCore.SCREEN_HEIGHT);

            inputHighScoreGui.Screen.Desktop.Bounds = new UniRectangle(new UniScalar(0f, 0), new UniScalar(0f, 0), new UniScalar(1f, 0), new UniScalar(1f, 0));

            //Create Submit button
            var buttonWidth  = 150;
            var buttonHeight = 50;
            var buttonX      = (GameCore.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - (buttonWidth / 2);
            var buttonY      = (GameCore.WINDOW_HEIGHT - 200);

            var submitButton = new GuiButtonControl
                Name   = "Submit",
                Bounds = new UniRectangle(new UniScalar(buttonX), new UniScalar(buttonY), new UniScalar(buttonWidth), new UniScalar(buttonHeight)),
                Text   = "Submit"

            var inputWidth  = 200;
            var inputHeight = 20;
            var inputX      = (GameCore.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - (inputWidth / 2);
            var inputY      = (GameCore.WINDOW_HEIGHT - 400);

            var textInput = new GuiInputControl
                Name   = "Text Input",
                Bounds = new UniRectangle(new UniScalar(inputX), new UniScalar(inputY), new UniScalar(inputWidth), new UniScalar(inputHeight)),
                Text   = "Name"

            submitButton.Pressed += game.SubmitButtonPressed;


Exemplo n.º 7
        public Game1()
            // сначала наследуемые
            this.Window.AllowUserResizing  = true;
            this.Window.AllowAltF4         = true;
            this.Window.ClientSizeChanged += this.Window_ClientSizeChanged;
            this.IsMouseVisible            = true;
            this.Content.RootDirectory     = "Content";

            // объявленные нами
            this._graphicsDeviceManager = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            this._backgroundColor       = Color.CornflowerBlue;
            this._inputManager          = new InputListenerComponent(this);

            // Then, we create GUI.
            this._inputService = new GuiInputService(_inputManager);
            this._gui          = new GuiManager(this.Services, this._inputService);

            // Create a GUI screen and attach it as a default to GuiManager.
            // That screen will also act as a root parent for every other control that we create.
            this._gui.Screen = new GuiScreen(1280, 1024);
            this._gui.Screen.Desktop.Bounds = new UniRectangle(
                new UniScalar(0f, 0),
                new UniScalar(0f, 0),
                new UniScalar(1f, 0),
                new UniScalar(1f, 0));

            /*BoxingViewportAdapter viewportAdapter =
             *  new BoxingViewportAdapter(this.Window, this.GraphicsDevice, 800, 480);
             * this._camera = new Camera2D(viewportAdapter);*/

            this._connection = new HubConnection("http://localhost:8080/signalr");
            this._connection.DeadlockErrorTimeout    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
            this._connection.TransportConnectTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);

            this._proxy = this._connection.CreateHubProxy("GlobalHub")
                          .AsHubProxy <IServerContract, IClientContract>();
            this._proxy.SubscribeOn <string>(
                c => c.OnShowMessage,
                s =>
                MessageScene msg = new MessageScene();

            this._proxy.SubscribeOn <char>(
                c => c.OnCanDoStep,
                ch => this._gameWindow.AddNewChar(ch));

            this._proxy.SubscribeOn <string, string, char>(
                c => c.OnGameStarted,
                (gameId, enemyNick, startChar) =>
                this.CurrentGameId    = gameId;
                this.CurrentEnemyNick = enemyNick;
                this.ShowGameWindow(startChar, false);

            this._proxy.SubscribeOn <string, string>(
                c => c.OnGameFinished,
                (result, reason) =>
                MessageScene msg = new MessageScene();
                msg.SetText(result + ":\n" + reason);