public override IEnumerable <string> Process()
            Progress.SetMessage("reading fasta file ...");
            var faMap = SequenceUtils.Read(new FastaFormat(), options.FastaFile).ToDictionary(m => m.Name);

            Progress.SetMessage("{0} sequences read ...", faMap.Count);

            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(options.OutputFile))
                Progress.SetMessage("reading gff file ...");
                var gffs = GtfItemFile.ReadFromFile(options.GffFile);

            return(new string[] { options.OutputFile });
        public GtfDistanceExporter(string gtfFile, string gtfKey = "exon")
            Console.WriteLine("reading gtf file " + gtfFile + " ...");
            this.maps = CollectionUtils.ToGroupDictionary(GtfItemFile.ReadFromFile(gtfFile, gtfKey), m => m.Seqname.StringAfter("chr"));
            Console.WriteLine("reading gtf file " + gtfFile + " done");

            this.header   = string.Format("distance_{0}\tdistance_{0}_position\tdistance_gene\tdistance_in_gene", gtfKey);
            this.emptyStr = new String('\t', header.Count(m => m == '\t'));

            //sort the gtf items by locus
            foreach (var lst in maps.Values)
                lst.Sort((m1, m2) => m1.Start.CompareTo(m2.Start));
        /// <summary>
        /// Get 1-based coordinate from file. Bed format will be automatically translated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordinateFile">source file</param>
        /// <param name="gtfFeature">if it's gtf format, which feature name will be used as gene_id</param>
        /// <param name="bedAsGtf">if bed already be 1-based</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <GtfItem> GetSequenceRegions(string coordinateFile, string gtfFeature = "", bool bedAsGtf = false)
            bool isBedFormat = IsBedFormat(coordinateFile);

            List <GtfItem> result;

            if (isBedFormat)
                //bed is zero-based, and the end is not included in the sequence region
                //gtf is 1-based, and the end is included in the sequence region
                //since pos in sam format is 1-based, we need to convert beditem to gtfitem.
                var bedItems = new BedItemFile <BedItem>().ReadFromFile(coordinateFile);
                if (!bedAsGtf)
                    bedItems.ForEach(m => m.Start++);
                result = bedItems.ConvertAll(m => new GtfItem(m));
                result = GtfItemFile.ReadFromFile(coordinateFile).ToList();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gtfFeature))
                    result.RemoveAll(m => !m.Feature.Equals(gtfFeature));

                result.ForEach(m =>
                    if (m.Attributes.Contains("gene_id \""))
                        m.GeneId = m.Attributes.StringAfter("gene_id \"").StringBefore("\"");
                    else if (m.Attributes.Contains("ID="))
                        m.GeneId = m.Attributes.StringAfter("ID=").StringBefore(";");

                    if (m.Attributes.Contains("gene_name \""))
                        m.Name = m.Attributes.StringAfter("gene_name \"").StringBefore("\"");
                    else if (m.Attributes.Contains("Name="))
                        m.Name = m.Attributes.StringAfter("Name=").StringBefore(";");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.GeneId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Name))
                        m.GeneId = m.Name;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.GeneId) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Name))
                        m.Name = m.GeneId;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.GeneId))
                        m.GeneId = m.Attributes;
                        m.Name   = m.Attributes;
