Exemplo n.º 1
        internal void CopyFile(
            [Required, Description("Machine to copy from")] string host,
            [Required, Description("Expected content hash")] string hashString,
            [Required, Description("Path to destination file")] string destinationPath,
            [Description("Whether or not GZip is enabled"), DefaultValue(false)] bool useCompressionForCopies,
            [Description("File name where the GRPC port can be found when using cache service. 'CASaaS GRPC port' if not specified")] string grpcPortFileName,
            [Description("The GRPC port"), DefaultValue(0)] int grpcPort)

            var context     = new Context(_logger);
            var retryPolicy = new RetryPolicy(
                new TransientErrorDetectionStrategy(),
                new FixedInterval("RetryInterval", (int)_retryCount, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_retryIntervalSeconds), false));

            if (grpcPort == 0)
                grpcPort = Helpers.GetGrpcPortFromFile(_logger, grpcPortFileName);

            if (!ContentHash.TryParse(hashString, out ContentHash hash))
                throw new CacheException($"Invalid content hash string provided: {hashString}");

                using (var rpcClient = GrpcCopyClient.Create(host, grpcPort, useCompressionForCopies))
                    var finalPath = new AbsolutePath(destinationPath);

                    // This action is synchronous to make sure the calling application doesn't exit before the method returns.
                    var copyFileResult = retryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(() => rpcClient.CopyFileAsync(context, hash, finalPath, CancellationToken.None)).Result;
                    if (!copyFileResult.Succeeded)
                        throw new CacheException(copyFileResult.ErrorMessage);
                        _logger.Debug($"Copy of {hashString} to {finalPath} was successful");

                    var shutdownResult = rpcClient.ShutdownAsync(context).Result;
                    if (!shutdownResult.Succeeded)
                        throw new CacheException(shutdownResult.ErrorMessage);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CacheException(ex.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task RunTestCase(string testName, Func <AbsolutePath, IContentSession, GrpcCopyClient, Task> testAct)
            var cacheName = testName + "_cache";

            using (var directory = new DisposableDirectory(FileSystem))
                var rootPath = directory.Path;

                var namedCacheRoots = new Dictionary <string, AbsolutePath> {
                    { cacheName, rootPath }
                var grpcPort         = PortExtensions.GetNextAvailablePort();
                var grpcPortFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                var configuration    = new ServiceConfiguration(

                var storeConfig = ContentStoreConfiguration.CreateWithMaxSizeQuotaMB(1);
                Func <AbsolutePath, IContentStore> contentStoreFactory = (path) =>
                                                                         new FileSystemContentStore(
                    new ConfigurationModel(storeConfig));

                var server = new LocalContentServer(FileSystem, Logger, testName, contentStoreFactory, new LocalServerConfiguration(configuration));

                await server.StartupAsync(_context).ShouldBeSuccess();

                var createSessionResult = await server.CreateSessionAsync(new OperationContext(_context), testName, cacheName, ImplicitPin.PutAndGet, Capabilities.ContentOnly);


                (int sessionId, AbsolutePath tempDir) = createSessionResult.Value;
                var session = server.GetSession(sessionId);

                // Create a GRPC client to connect to the server
                var port = new MemoryMappedFilePortReader(grpcPortFileName, Logger).ReadPort();
                using (var client = GrpcCopyClient.Create("localhost", port))
                    // Run validation
                    await testAct(rootPath, session, client);

                await server.ShutdownAsync(_context).ShouldBeSuccess();
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <FileExistenceResult> CheckFileExistsAsync(AbsolutePath path, TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Extract host and contentHash from sourcePath
            (string host, ContentHash contentHash) = ExtractHostHashFromAbsolutePath(path);

            FileExistenceResult fileExistenceResult = null;

            using (var client = GrpcCopyClient.Create(host, _grpcPort))
                fileExistenceResult = await client.CheckFileExistsAsync(_context, contentHash);

Exemplo n.º 4
 public async Task WrongPort()
     await RunTestCase(nameof(WrongPort), async (rootPath, session, client) =>
         // Copy fake file out via GRPC
         var host = "localhost";
         var bogusPort = PortExtensions.GetNextAvailablePort();
         using (client = GrpcCopyClient.Create(host, bogusPort))
             var copyFileResult = await client.CopyFileAsync(_context, ContentHash.Random(), rootPath / ThreadSafeRandom.Generator.Next().ToString(), CancellationToken.None);
             Assert.Equal(CopyFileResult.ResultCode.SourcePathError, copyFileResult.Code);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <CopyFileResult> CopyToAsync(AbsolutePath sourcePath, Stream destinationStream, long expectedContentSize, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Extract host and contentHash from sourcePath
            (string host, ContentHash contentHash) = ExtractHostHashFromAbsolutePath(sourcePath);

            CopyFileResult copyFileResult = null;

            // Contact hard-coded port on source
            using (var client = GrpcCopyClient.Create(System.Net.IPAddress.Any.ToString(), DefaultGrpcPort))
                copyFileResult = await client.CopyToAsync(_context, contentHash, destinationStream, cancellationToken, expectedContentSize);

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <CopyFileResult> CopyFileAsync(AbsolutePath sourcePath, AbsolutePath destinationPath, long contentSize, bool overwrite, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Extract host and contentHash from sourcePath
            (string host, ContentHash contentHash) = ExtractHostHashFromAbsolutePath(sourcePath);

            CopyFileResult copyFileResult = null;

            // Contact hard-coded port on source
            using (var client = GrpcCopyClient.Create(host, _grpcPort, _useCompression))
                copyFileResult = await client.CopyFileAsync(_context, contentHash, destinationPath, cancellationToken);

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Use an existing <see cref="GrpcCopyClient"/> if possible, else create a new one.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <TResult> UseWithInvalidationAsync <TResult>(OperationContext context, string host, int grpcPort, Func <OperationContext, IResourceWrapperAdapter <GrpcCopyClient>, Task <TResult> > operation)
            var key = new GrpcCopyClientKey(host, grpcPort);

            switch (_configuration.ResourcePoolVersion)
            case GrpcCopyClientCacheConfiguration.PoolVersion.Disabled:
                var client = new GrpcCopyClient(key, _configuration.GrpcCopyClientConfiguration, sharedBufferPool: _grpcCopyClientBufferPool);

                await client.StartupAsync(context).ThrowIfFailure();

                var result = await operation(context, new DefaultResourceWrapperAdapter <GrpcCopyClient>(client));

                await client.ShutdownAsync(context).ThrowIfFailure();


            case GrpcCopyClientCacheConfiguration.PoolVersion.V1:
                using var resourceWrapper = await _resourcePool.CreateAsync(key);

                return(await operation(context, new ResourceWrapperV1Adapter <GrpcCopyClient>(resourceWrapper)));

            case GrpcCopyClientCacheConfiguration.PoolVersion.V2:

                return(await _resourcePoolV2.UseAsync(context, key, async resourceWrapper =>
                        // This ensures that the operation we want to perform conforms to the cancellation. When the
                        // resource needs to be removed, the token will be cancelled. Once the operation completes, we
                        // will be able to proceed with shutdown.
                        using var cancellationTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(context.Token, resourceWrapper.ShutdownToken);
                        var nestedContext = new OperationContext(context, cancellationTokenSource.Token);
                        return await operation(nestedContext, new ResourceWrapperV2Adapter <GrpcCopyClient>(resourceWrapper));

            throw new NotImplementedException($"Unhandled resource pool version `{_configuration.ResourcePoolVersion}`");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public async Task WrongPort()
            await RunTestCase(nameof(WrongPort), async (rootPath, session, client) =>
                // Write a random file to put into the cache
                var content     = ThreadSafeRandom.GetBytes(FileSize);
                var contentHash = HashingExtensions.CalculateHash(content, HashType.Vso0);

                // Copy the file out via GRPC
                var host      = "localhost";
                var bogusPort = PortExtensions.GetNextAvailablePort();
                using (client = GrpcCopyClient.Create(host, bogusPort))
                    var copyFileResult = await client.CopyFileAsync(_context, contentHash, rootPath / ThreadSafeRandom.Generator.Next().ToString(), CancellationToken.None);
                    Assert.Equal(CopyFileResult.ResultCode.SourcePathError, copyFileResult.Code);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <CopyFileResult> CopyToAsync(
            OperationContext context,
            ContentLocation sourceLocation,
            Stream destinationStream,
            CopyOptions options)
            // Extract host and port from machine location
            (string host, int port) = ExtractHostInfo(sourceLocation.Machine);

            // Contact hard-coded port on source
                // ResourcePoolV2 may throw TimeoutException if the connection fails.
                // Wrapping this error and converting it to an "error code".

                return(await _clientCache.UseWithInvalidationAsync(context, host, port, async (nestedContext, clientWrapper) =>
                    var result = await clientWrapper.Value.CopyToAsync(nestedContext, sourceLocation.Hash, destinationStream, options);
                    InvalidateResourceIfNeeded(nestedContext, options, result, clientWrapper);
                    return result;
            catch (ResultPropagationException e)
                if (e.Result.Exception != null)

                return(new CopyFileResult(CopyResultCode.Unknown, e.Result));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(new CopyFileResult(CopyResultCode.Unknown, e));