Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> StudentInfo([FromRoute] string id)
            Student student = await studentRepository.Get(id);

            student.Group = await groupRepository.Get(student.GroupId);

            List <Mark> studentMarks = await markRepository.GetMarksByStudent(student.Id);

            for (int i = 0; i < studentMarks.Count; i++)
                if (studentMarks[i].CourseId != null)
                    studentMarks[i].Course = await courseRepository.Get(studentMarks[i].CourseId);
                    Lesson temp = await lessonRepository.Get(studentMarks[i].LessonId);

                    GroupCourse gc = await groupCourseRepository.Get(temp.GroupCourseId);

                    studentMarks[i].Course = await courseRepository.Get(gc.CourseId);

            return(View(new StudentInfoViewModel()
                Student = student,
                Marks = studentMarks
Exemplo n.º 2
        public GroupCourse GetOrCreateGroupCourse(GroupCourse proposalGroupCourse, Guid[] participantIds, Guid[] usedGroupCourseIds)
            var groupCourseOption = new GroupCourseOptions
                Identifier = proposalGroupCourse.OptionsIdentifier,
                Discipline = proposalGroupCourse.Discipline,
                Periods    = proposalGroupCourse.GetPeriodsOptions(_serializationService)

            var course = _courseRepository.GetBestParticipantIdMatchingGroupCourseOrDefault(
                excludedGroupCourseIds: usedGroupCourseIds

            if (course == null)
                course            = _courseRepository.CreateAndAddGroupCourse();
                course.Discipline = groupCourseOption.Discipline;
                course.Status     = CourseStatus.Committed;
                course.NiveauId   = proposalGroupCourse.NiveauId;
                course.StartDate  = proposalGroupCourse.StartDate;
                course.SetPeriodsOptions(_serializationService, groupCourseOption);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void GetEligibleCoursesToAddToGroup_does_not_return_courses_already_in_group()
            // Given
            const int centreId   = 1;
            const int categoryId = 1;
            const int groupId    = 1;
            var       courses    = Builder <CourseAssessmentDetails> .CreateListOfSize(5)
                                   .With(c => c.Active = true)

            var groupCourse = new GroupCourse {
                CustomisationId = 2, Active = true, GroupId = 1

            A.CallTo(() => courseDataService.GetCoursesAvailableToCentreByCategory(centreId, categoryId))
            A.CallTo(() => groupsDataService.GetGroupCoursesForCentre(centreId))
            .Returns(new List <GroupCourse> {

            // When
            var result = courseService.GetEligibleCoursesToAddToGroup(centreId, categoryId, groupId).ToList();

            // Then
            result.Should().NotContain(c => c.CustomisationId == 2);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <GroupCourse> Update(GroupCourse groupCourse)
            groupCourse.Updated = DateTime.Now;
            var result = await this.bucket.ReplaceAsync($"groupCourse::{groupCourse.Id}", groupCourse);

 private void SetUpAddDelegateEnrolProcessFakes(GroupCourse groupCourse)
     A.CallTo(() => groupsDataService.GetGroupCoursesVisibleToCentre(A <int> ._)).Returns(
         new List <GroupCourse> {
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <GroupCourse> Create(GroupCourse groupCourse)
            groupCourse.Id      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            groupCourse.Created = DateTime.Now;
            groupCourse.Updated = DateTime.Now;
            var key    = $"groupCourse::{groupCourse.Id}";
            var result = await this.bucket.InsertAsync <GroupCourse>(key, groupCourse);

Exemplo n.º 7
 public GroupCourseViewModel(GroupCourse groupCourse)
     GroupCustomisationId = groupCourse.GroupCustomisationId;
     Name       = groupCourse.CourseName;
     Supervisor = groupCourse.SupervisorLastName != null
         ? $"{groupCourse.SupervisorFirstName} {groupCourse.SupervisorLastName}"
         : null;
     IsMandatory    = groupCourse.IsMandatory ? "Mandatory" : "Not mandatory";
     IsAssessed     = groupCourse.IsAssessed ? "Assessed" : "Not assessed";
     AddedToGroup   = groupCourse.AddedToGroup.ToString(DateHelper.StandardDateFormat);
     CompleteWithin = DisplayStringHelper.ConvertNumberToMonthsString(groupCourse.CompleteWithinMonths);
     ValidFor       = DisplayStringHelper.ConvertNumberToMonthsString(groupCourse.ValidityMonths);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static DemandingCriterias CreateFromCourse(GroupCourse course, ISerializationService serializationService)
            var courseDates = course.GetAllCourseDates(serializationService).ToArray();

            return(new DemandingCriterias
                CourseType = CourseType.Group,
                Discipline = course.Discipline,
                NiveauId = course.NiveauId,
                From = courseDates.First().Start.Date,
                To = courseDates.First().End.Date,
                IsCourse = true
 public GroupCourseViewModel(GroupCourse groupCourse, ReturnPageQuery returnPageQuery)
     GroupCustomisationId = groupCourse.GroupCustomisationId;
     Name       = groupCourse.CourseName;
     Supervisor = DisplayStringHelper.GetPotentiallyInactiveAdminName(
     IsMandatory     = groupCourse.IsMandatory ? "Mandatory" : "Not mandatory";
     IsAssessed      = groupCourse.IsAssessed ? "Assessed" : "Not assessed";
     AddedToGroup    = groupCourse.AddedToGroup.ToString(DateHelper.StandardDateFormat);
     CompleteWithin  = DisplayStringHelper.ConvertNumberToMonthsString(groupCourse.CompleteWithinMonths);
     ValidFor        = DisplayStringHelper.ConvertNumberToMonthsString(groupCourse.ValidityMonths);
     ReturnPageQuery = returnPageQuery;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public bool RemoveUnusedButMatchingGroupCourses(GroupCourse proposalGroupCourse, Guid[] usedGroupCourseIds)
            var unusedCourses = _courseRepository.GetMatchingGroupCourses(
                excludedGroupCourseIds: usedGroupCourseIds

            foreach (var unusedCourse in unusedCourses)

Exemplo n.º 11
            private void SolveAndApplyGroupCourseComposition(GroupCourse proposalGroupCourse)
                var solverParticipants = proposalGroupCourse.Participants.Select(p => new SolverParticipant(p.Participant, courseNiveauId: proposalGroupCourse.NiveauId)).ToArray();
                var solverResults      = Enumerable.Range(1, proposalGroupCourse.MaximalBoundedInstructorCount())
                                         .SelectMany(i => _solver.Solve(new SolverParam(i, solverParticipants)))

                var committedGroupCourseIds = new Guid[0];

                foreach (var efficientCourse in EfficientResult(solverResults).Courses)
                    var participantIds = efficientCourse.Participants.Select(p => p.Id).ToArray();

                    var course = _courseCreationService.GetOrCreateGroupCourse(proposalGroupCourse, participantIds, committedGroupCourseIds);
                    course.ApplyInstructor(() =>
                                                   proposalGroupCourse.Discipline, proposalGroupCourse.GetAllCourseDates(_serializationService).ToArray()

                    var isNew = course.RowVersion == null || course.RowVersion.Length == 0;


                    if (isNew)
                        _queue.Publish(new CommittedCourseCreatedMessage(course.Instructor?.Id, course.Id));
                        _queue.Publish(new CommittedCourseChangedMessage(course.Instructor?.Id, course.Id));

                    committedGroupCourseIds = committedGroupCourseIds.Concat(new[] { course.Id }).ToArray();

                if (_courseCreationService.RemoveUnusedButMatchingGroupCourses(proposalGroupCourse, committedGroupCourseIds))
Exemplo n.º 12
        private Email BuildEnrolmentEmail(
            string emailAddress,
            string fullName,
            GroupCourse course,
            var    baseUrl = configuration.GetAppRootPath();
            var    linkToLearningPortal = baseUrl + "/LearningPortal/Current";
            var    linkToCourse         = baseUrl + "/LearningMenu/" + course.CustomisationId;
            string emailBodyText        = $@"
                Dear {fullName}
                This is an automated message to notify you that you have been enrolled on the course
                by the system because a previous course completion has expired.
                To login to the course directly click here:{linkToCourse}.
                To login to the Learning Portal to access and complete your course click here:
            string emailBodyHtml        = $@"
                <p>Dear {fullName}</p>
                <p>This is an automated message to notify you that you have been enrolled on the course
                by the system because a previous course completion has expired.</p>
                <p>To login to the course directly <a href=""{linkToCourse}"">click here</a>.</p>
                <p>To login to the Learning Portal to access and complete your course
                <a href=""{linkToLearningPortal}"">click here</a>.</p>";

            if (completeByDate != null)
                emailBodyText += $"The date the course should be completed by is {completeByDate.Value:dd/MM/yyyy}";
                emailBodyHtml +=
                    $"<p>The date the course should be completed by is {completeByDate.Value:dd/MM/yyyy}</p>";

            var body = new BodyBuilder
                TextBody = emailBodyText,
                HtmlBody = emailBodyHtml,

            return(new Email(EnrolEmailSubject, body, emailAddress));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void GetAllCourseDates_ThreeWeekMondayFridayMorningCourse()
            // Arrange
            var course = new GroupCourse(default(Discipline), default(CourseStatus), default(int), new DateTime(2018, 4, 30));

            course.SetPeriodsOptions(SerializationService, CreateOptions(ThreeWeekMondayFridayMorningCourse()));

            // Act
            var result = course.GetAllCourseDates(SerializationService).ToArray();

            // Assert
            var allStartTimes = result.Select(r => r.Start);

                new DateTime(2018, 4, 30, 8, 15, 0),
                new DateTime(2018, 5, 4, 8, 15, 0),
                new DateTime(2018, 5, 7, 8, 0, 0),
                new DateTime(2018, 5, 11, 8, 0, 0),
                new DateTime(2018, 5, 14, 7, 0, 0),
                new DateTime(2018, 5, 18, 7, 0, 0)

            var allEndTimes = result.Select(r => r.End);

                new DateTime(2018, 4, 30, 12, 0, 0),
                new DateTime(2018, 5, 4, 12, 0, 0),
                new DateTime(2018, 5, 7, 12, 0, 0),
                new DateTime(2018, 5, 11, 12, 0, 0),
                new DateTime(2018, 5, 14, 11, 0, 0),
                new DateTime(2018, 5, 18, 11, 0, 0)
        private void SetUpAddCourseEnrolProcessFakes(GroupCourse groupCourse)
                () => groupsDataService.InsertGroupCustomisation(
                    A <int> ._,
                    A <int> ._,
                    A <int> ._,
                    A <int> ._,
                    A <bool> ._,
                    A <int?> ._

            A.CallTo(() => groupsDataService.GetGroupDelegates(A <int> ._))
            .Returns(new List <GroupDelegate> {

                () => groupsDataService.GetGroupCourseIfVisibleToCentre(groupCourse.GroupCustomisationId, centreId)
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void AssignCourseToGroup(List <SubmitGroupAssignment> model)
     foreach (var x in model)
         // check the recod is exist or not
         var RecodrExist = db.GroupCourses.Where(y => y.GroupID == x.GroupId && y.CourseId == x.CourseId).FirstOrDefault();
         // if record exist then update the record
         if (RecodrExist != null)
             if (x.AssignmentStatus == true && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.AssignmentDate))
                 RecodrExist.ExpiryDate     = DateTime.ParseExact(x.AssignmentDate + " 23:59:59", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dateformatForCalanderServerSide"].ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                 RecodrExist.AssignedStatus = true;
                 RecodrExist.ExpiryDate     = null;
                 RecodrExist.AssignedStatus = false;
             RecodrExist.DateLastModified = DateTime.Now;
             RecodrExist.LastModifiedByID = Convert.ToInt64(Session["UserID"]);
         } // create the new record of group and course relationship.
         else if (x.AssignmentStatus == true && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.AssignmentDate))
             GroupCourse NewRecord = new GroupCourse();
             NewRecord.CourseId       = x.CourseId;
             NewRecord.GroupID        = x.GroupId;
             NewRecord.ExpiryDate     = DateTime.ParseExact(x.AssignmentDate + " 23:59:59", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dateformatForCalanderServerSide"].ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
             NewRecord.AssignedStatus = true;
             NewRecord.CreationDate   = DateTime.Now;
             NewRecord.CreatedById    = Convert.ToInt64(Session["UserID"]);
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void SetupEnrolProcessFakes(
            int newProgressId,
            int relatedTutorialId,
            GroupCourse groupCourse,
            Progress?progress = null
            A.CallTo(() => clockService.UtcNow).Returns(testDate);
            A.CallTo(() => groupsDataService.GetGroupCoursesForCentre(A <int> ._)).Returns(
                new List <GroupCourse> {
            var progressRecords = progress == null ? new List <Progress>() : new List <Progress> {

            A.CallTo(() => progressDataService.GetDelegateProgressForCourse(A <int> ._, A <int> ._))
                () => progressDataService.CreateNewDelegateProgress(
                    A <int> ._,
                    A <int> ._,
                    A <int> ._,
                    A <DateTime> ._,
                    A <int> ._,
                    A <int?> ._,
                    A <DateTime?> ._,
                    A <int> ._
            A.CallTo(() => tutorialContentDataService.GetTutorialIdsForCourse(A <int> ._))
            .Returns(new List <int> {
        private void EnrolDelegateOnGroupCourse(
            int delegateUserId,
            string delegateUserFullName,
            GroupCourse groupCourse,
            bool isAddCourseToGroup
            var completeByDate = groupCourse.CompleteWithinMonths != 0
                ? (DateTime?)clockService.UtcNow.AddMonths(groupCourse.CompleteWithinMonths)
                : null;

            var candidateProgressOnCourse =
            var existingRecordsToUpdate =
                    p => ProgressShouldBeUpdatedOnEnrolment(p, isAddCourseToGroup)

            if (existingRecordsToUpdate.Any())
                foreach (var progressRecord in existingRecordsToUpdate)
                    var updatedSupervisorAdminId = groupCourse.SupervisorAdminId > 0 && !isAddCourseToGroup
                        ? groupCourse.SupervisorAdminId.Value
                        : progressRecord.SupervisorAdminId;
                var newProgressId = progressDataService.CreateNewDelegateProgress(
                    groupCourse.SupervisorAdminId ?? 0

                var tutorialsForCourse =

                foreach (var tutorial in tutorialsForCourse)
                    progressDataService.CreateNewAspProgress(tutorial, newProgressId);

            if (delegateUserEmailAddress != null)
                var email = BuildEnrolmentEmail(
                var addedByProcess =
                    isAddCourseToGroup ? AddCourseToGroupAddedByProcess : AddDelegateToGroupAddedByProcess;
                emailService.ScheduleEmail(email, addedByProcess);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddGroupCourse([FromForm] GroupCourse groupCourse)
            var _groupCourse = await this.groupCourseRepository.Create(groupCourse);

        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            #region BanRoleWebPage

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanRoleWebPage>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.RoleId, x.WebPageId });

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanRoleWebPage>()
            .HasOne(brwp => brwp.Role)
            .WithMany(r => r.BanRoleWebPages)
            .HasForeignKey(brwp => brwp.RoleId);

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanRoleWebPage>()
            .HasOne(brwp => brwp.WebPage)
            .WithMany(wp => wp.BanRoleWebPages)
            .HasForeignKey(brwp => brwp.WebPageId);


            #region BanClassroomPeriodTimeslot

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanClassroomPeriodTimeslot>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.ClassroomId, x.PeriodTimeslotId });

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanClassroomPeriodTimeslot>()
            .HasOne(bcpt => bcpt.Classroom)
            .WithMany(c => c.BanClassroomPeriodTimeslots)
            .HasForeignKey(bcpt => bcpt.ClassroomId);

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanClassroomPeriodTimeslot>()
            .HasOne(bcpt => bcpt.PeriodTimeslot)
            .WithMany(c => c.BanClassroomPeriodTimeslots)
            .HasForeignKey(bcpt => bcpt.PeriodTimeslotId);


            #region BanTeacherPeriodTimeslot

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanTeacherPeriodTimeslot>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.TeacherId, x.PeriodTimeslotId });

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanTeacherPeriodTimeslot>()
            .HasOne(btpt => btpt.Teacher)
            .WithMany(c => c.BanTeacherPeriodTimeslots)
            .HasForeignKey(btpt => btpt.TeacherId);

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanTeacherPeriodTimeslot>()
            .HasOne(btpt => btpt.PeriodTimeslot)
            .WithMany(c => c.BanTeacherPeriodTimeslots)
            .HasForeignKey(btpt => btpt.PeriodTimeslotId);


            #region TeacherCourse

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeacherCourse>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.TeacherId, x.CourseId });

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeacherCourse>()
            .HasOne(tc => tc.Teacher)
            .WithMany(t => t.TeacherCourses)
            .HasForeignKey(tc => tc.TeacherId);

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeacherCourse>()
            .HasOne(tc => tc.Course)
            .WithMany(c => c.TeacherCourses)
            .HasForeignKey(tc => tc.CourseId);


            #region GroupCourse

            modelBuilder.Entity <GroupCourse>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.GroupId, x.CourseId });

            modelBuilder.Entity <GroupCourse>()
            .HasOne(gc => gc.Group)
            .WithMany(g => g.GroupCourses)
            .HasForeignKey(gc => gc.GroupId);

            modelBuilder.Entity <GroupCourse>()
            .HasOne(gc => gc.Course)
            .WithMany(c => c.GroupCourses)
            .HasForeignKey(gc => gc.CourseId);


            #region TeachingUnitClassroomType

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeachingUnitClassroomType>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.TeachingUnitId, x.ClassroomTypeId });

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeachingUnitClassroomType>()
            .HasOne(tuct => tuct.TeachingUnit)
            .WithMany(tu => tu.TeachingUnitClassroomTypes)
            .HasForeignKey(tuct => tuct.TeachingUnitId);

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeachingUnitClassroomType>()
            .HasOne(tuct => tuct.ClassroomType)
            .WithMany(ct => ct.TeachingUnitClassroomTypes)
            .HasForeignKey(tuct => tuct.ClassroomTypeId);


            #region ScheduleCell

            modelBuilder.Entity <ScheduleCell>()
            .HasKey(x => new { x.ClassroomId, x.PeriodTimeslotId });


            #region Инициализация БД начальными значениями

            #region Недели

            var week1 = new Week()
                Id = 1, Name = "Первая неделя"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Week>().HasData(week1);


            #region Дни недели

            var day1 = new Day()
                Id = 1, Name = "Понедельник", DayOfWeek = 1
            var day2 = new Day()
                Id = 2, Name = "Вторник", DayOfWeek = 2
            var day3 = new Day()
                Id = 3, Name = "Среда", DayOfWeek = 3
            var day4 = new Day()
                Id = 4, Name = "Четверг", DayOfWeek = 4
            var day5 = new Day()
                Id = 5, Name = "Пятница", DayOfWeek = 5
            var day6 = new Day()
                Id = 6, Name = "Суббота", DayOfWeek = 6

            modelBuilder.Entity <Day>().HasData(day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6);


            #region Таймслоты в течении дня

            var dayTimeslot1 = new DayTimeslot()
                Id = 1, Name = "1 пара", StartTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0)
            var dayTimeslot2 = new DayTimeslot()
                Id = 2, Name = "2 пара", StartTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 10, 45, 0)
            var dayTimeslot3 = new DayTimeslot()
                Id = 3, Name = "3 пара", StartTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 12, 45, 0)
            var dayTimeslot4 = new DayTimeslot()
                Id = 4, Name = "4 пара", StartTime = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0)

            modelBuilder.Entity <DayTimeslot>().HasData(dayTimeslot1, dayTimeslot2, dayTimeslot3, dayTimeslot4);


            #region Таймслоты в планируемом периоде

            var periodTimeslots = new PeriodTimeslot[24];
            for (var i = 1; i <= 24; i++)
                periodTimeslots[i - 1] = new PeriodTimeslot()
                    Id = i, WeekId = week1.Id, DayId = (i - 1) / 4 + 1, DayTimeslotId = (i - 1) % 4 + 1

            modelBuilder.Entity <PeriodTimeslot>().HasData(periodTimeslots);


            #region Учебные корпуса

            var building1 = new Building()
                Id = 1, Name = "Главный корпус", ShortName = "ГЛ"
            var building2 = new Building()
                Id = 2, Name = "Лабораторный корпус", ShortName = "ЛК"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Building>().HasData(building1, building2);


            #region Типы аудиторий по назначению

            var classroomType1 = new ClassroomType()
                Id = 1, Name = "Лек. ауд."
            var classroomType2 = new ClassroomType()
                Id = 2, Name = "Практ. ауд."
            var classroomType3 = new ClassroomType()
                Id = 3, Name = "Лаб. ауд."

            modelBuilder.Entity <ClassroomType>().HasData(classroomType1, classroomType2, classroomType3);


            #region Аудитории

            var classroom1 = new Classroom()
                Id = 1, Name = "ГЛ 1", Number = 1, Capacity = 25, ClassroomTypeId = classroomType1.Id, BuildingId = building1.Id
            var classroom2 = new Classroom()
                Id = 2, Name = "ГЛ 2", Number = 2, Capacity = 25, ClassroomTypeId = classroomType2.Id, BuildingId = building1.Id
            var classroom3 = new Classroom()
                Id = 3, Name = "ГЛ 3", Number = 3, Capacity = 50, ClassroomTypeId = classroomType2.Id, BuildingId = building1.Id
            var classroom4 = new Classroom()
                Id = 4, Name = "ГЛ 4", Number = 4, Capacity = 25, ClassroomTypeId = classroomType3.Id, BuildingId = building1.Id

            var classroom5 = new Classroom()
                Id = 5, Name = "ЛК 1", Number = 1, Capacity = 50, ClassroomTypeId = classroomType1.Id, BuildingId = building2.Id
            var classroom6 = new Classroom()
                Id = 6, Name = "ЛК 2", Number = 2, Capacity = 50, ClassroomTypeId = classroomType3.Id, BuildingId = building2.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <Classroom>().HasData(classroom1, classroom2, classroom3, classroom4, classroom5, classroom6);


            #region Ограничения "Аудитория - Таймслот в планируемом периоде"

            var banClassrooms = new List <(int classroomId, int periodTimeslotId)>()
                (1, 4), (1, 7), (1, 8), (1, 20),
                (2, 5), (2, 6), (2, 15), (2, 16),
                (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 10), (3, 11),
                (4, 8), (4, 9), (4, 17), (4, 18),
                (5, 9), (5, 10),
                (6, 13), (6, 14), (6, 19), (6, 20)
            }.Select(x => new BanClassroomPeriodTimeslot()
                ClassroomId = x.classroomId, PeriodTimeslotId = x.periodTimeslotId

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanClassroomPeriodTimeslot>().HasData(banClassrooms);


            #region Факультеты

            var faculty1 = new Faculty()
                Id = 1, Name = "Факультет информационных технологий и управления", ShortName = "ФИТУ"
            var faculty2 = new Faculty()
                Id = 2, Name = "Строительный факультет", ShortName = "СФ"
            var faculty3 = new Faculty()
                Id = 3, Name = "Механический факультет", ShortName = "МФ"
            var faculty4 = new Faculty()
                Id = 4, Name = "Энергетический факультет", ShortName = "ЭНФ"
            var faculty5 = new Faculty()
                Id = 5, Name = "Технологический факультет", ShortName = "ТФ"
            var faculty6 = new Faculty()
                Id = 6, Name = "Факультет транспорта и логистики", ShortName = "ФТиЛ"
            var faculty7 = new Faculty()
                Id = 7, Name = "Факультет инноватики и организации производства", ShortName = "ФИОП"
            var faculty8 = new Faculty()
                Id = 8, Name = "Факультет геологии, горного и нефтегазового дела", ShortName = "ФГГНГД"
            var faculty9 = new Faculty()
                Id = 9, Name = "Институт фундаментального инженерного образования", ShortName = "ИФИО"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Faculty>().HasData(faculty1, faculty2, faculty3, faculty4, faculty5, faculty6, faculty7, faculty8, faculty9);


            #region Кафедры

            var department1 = new Department()
                Id = 1, Name = "Программное обеспечение вычислительной техники", FacultyId = faculty1.Id
            var department2 = new Department()
                Id = 2, Name = "Информационные и измерительные системы и технологии", FacultyId = faculty1.Id
            var department3 = new Department()
                Id = 3, Name = "Автоматика и телемеханика", FacultyId = faculty1.Id

            var department4 = new Department()
                Id = 4, Name = "Промышленное, гражданское строительство, геотехника и фундаментостроение", FacultyId = faculty2.Id
            var department5 = new Department()
                Id = 5, Name = "Градостроительство, проектирование зданий и сооружений", FacultyId = faculty2.Id

            var department6 = new Department()
                Id = 6, Name = "Технология машиностроения", FacultyId = faculty3.Id
            var department7 = new Department()
                Id = 7, Name = "Мехатроника и гидропневмоавтоматика", FacultyId = faculty3.Id

            var department8 = new Department()
                Id = 8, Name = "Электромеханика и электрические аппараты", FacultyId = faculty4.Id
            var department9 = new Department()
                Id = 9, Name = "Электрические станции и электроэнергетические системы", FacultyId = faculty4.Id
            var department10 = new Department()
                Id = 10, Name = "Электроснабжение и электропривод", FacultyId = faculty4.Id

            var department11 = new Department()
                Id = 11, Name = "Высшая математика", FacultyId = faculty9.Id
            var department12 = new Department()
                Id = 12, Name = "Физика и Фотоника", FacultyId = faculty9.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <Department>().HasData(department1, department2, department3, department4,
                                                       department5, department6, department7, department8, department9, department10, department11, department12);


            #region Учебные группы

            var group1 = new Group()
                Id = 1, Name = "ФИТУ 1-1, 1-2", StudentsCount = 45, CoursesNumber = 1
            var group2 = new Group()
                Id = 2, Name = "ФИТУ 1-1", StudentsCount = 15, CoursesNumber = 1, ParentGroupId = 1, DepartmentId = department1.Id
            var group3 = new Group()
                Id = 3, Name = "ФИТУ 1-2", StudentsCount = 30, CoursesNumber = 1, ParentGroupId = 1, DepartmentId = department2.Id

            var group4 = new Group()
                Id = 4, Name = "ФИТУ 2-3Б, 2-4", StudentsCount = 40, CoursesNumber = 2
            var group5 = new Group()
                Id = 5, Name = "ФИТУ 2-3Б", StudentsCount = 10, CoursesNumber = 2, ParentGroupId = 4, DepartmentId = department2.Id
            var group6 = new Group()
                Id = 6, Name = "ФИТУ 2-4", StudentsCount = 30, CoursesNumber = 2, ParentGroupId = 4, DepartmentId = department3.Id

            var group7 = new Group()
                Id = 7, Name = "ФИТУ 3-1, 3-4", StudentsCount = 40, CoursesNumber = 3
            var group8 = new Group()
                Id = 8, Name = "ФИТУ 3-1", StudentsCount = 20, CoursesNumber = 3, ParentGroupId = 7, DepartmentId = department1.Id
            var group9 = new Group()
                Id = 9, Name = "ФИТУ 3-4", StudentsCount = 20, CoursesNumber = 3, ParentGroupId = 7, DepartmentId = department3.Id

            var group10 = new Group()
                Id = 10, Name = "ФИТУ 4-3Б, 4-4", StudentsCount = 32, CoursesNumber = 4
            var group11 = new Group()
                Id = 11, Name = "ФИТУ 4-3Б", StudentsCount = 15, CoursesNumber = 4, ParentGroupId = 10, DepartmentId = department2.Id
            var group12 = new Group()
                Id = 12, Name = "ФИТУ 4-4", StudentsCount = 17, CoursesNumber = 4, ParentGroupId = 10, DepartmentId = department3.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <Group>().HasData(group1, group2, group3, group4, group5, group6, group7, group8, group9, group10, group11, group12);


            #region Должности преподавателей

            var post1 = new Post()
                Id = 1, Name = "Ассистент кафедры ПОВТ", Description = "асс. каф. ПОВТ"
            var post2 = new Post()
                Id = 2, Name = "Cтарший преподаватель кафедры ПОВТ", Description = "ст. преп. каф. ПОВТ"
            var post3 = new Post()
                Id = 3, Name = "Доцент кафедры ПОВТ", Description = "доц. каф. ПОВТ"
            var post4 = new Post()
                Id = 4, Name = "Профессор кафедры ПОВТ", Description = "проф. каф. ПОВТ"

            var post5 = new Post()
                Id = 5, Name = "Доцент кафедры АиТ", Description = "доц. каф. АиТ"
            var post6 = new Post()
                Id = 6, Name = "Профессор кафедры АиТ", Description = "проф. каф. АиТ"

            var post7 = new Post()
                Id = 7, Name = "Профессор кафедры ФиФ", Description = "проф. каф. ФиФ"
            var post8 = new Post()
                Id = 8, Name = "Доцент кафедры ВМ", Description = "доц. каф. ВМ"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Post>().HasData(post1, post2, post3, post4, post5, post6, post7, post8);


            #region Преподаватели

            var teacher1 = new Teacher()
                Id = 1, FirstName = "Константин", SecondName = "Соколов", MiddleName = "Алексеевич", PostId = post5.Id, DepartmentId = department3.Id, Gender = GenderType.Male, Birthday = new DateTime(1986, 9, 3)
            var teacher2 = new Teacher()
                Id = 2, FirstName = "Светлана", SecondName = "Сычёва", MiddleName = "Игоревна", PostId = post3.Id, DepartmentId = department1.Id, Gender = GenderType.Female, Birthday = new DateTime(1984, 11, 29)
            var teacher3 = new Teacher()
                Id = 3, FirstName = "Семён", SecondName = "Хромченко", MiddleName = "Сергеевич", PostId = post4.Id, DepartmentId = department1.Id, Gender = GenderType.Male, Birthday = new DateTime(1980, 8, 15)
            var teacher4 = new Teacher()
                Id = 4, FirstName = "Анатолий", SecondName = "Петров", MiddleName = "Львович", PostId = post7.Id, DepartmentId = department12.Id, Gender = GenderType.Male, Birthday = new DateTime(1972, 7, 18)
            var teacher5 = new Teacher()
                Id = 5, FirstName = "Оксана", SecondName = "Кириченко", MiddleName = "Якововна", PostId = post8.Id, DepartmentId = department11.Id, Gender = GenderType.Female, Birthday = new DateTime(1978, 2, 6)

            modelBuilder.Entity <Teacher>().HasData(teacher1, teacher2, teacher3, teacher4, teacher5);


            #region Ограничения "Преподаватель - Таймслот в планируемом периоде"

            var banTeachers = new List <(int teacherId, int periodTimeslotId)>()
                (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4),
                (2, 5), (2, 6), (2, 7), (2, 8),
                (3, 9), (3, 10), (3, 11), (3, 12),
                (4, 13), (4, 14), (4, 15), (4, 16),
                (5, 17), (5, 18), (5, 19), (5, 20)
            }.Select(x => new BanTeacherPeriodTimeslot()
                TeacherId = x.teacherId, PeriodTimeslotId = x.periodTimeslotId

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanTeacherPeriodTimeslot>().HasData(banTeachers);


            #region Дисциплины

            var course1 = new Course()
                Id = 1, Name = "Информационные технологии"
            var course2 = new Course()
                Id = 2, Name = "Электротехника"
            var course3 = new Course()
                Id = 3, Name = "Базы данных"
            var course4 = new Course()
                Id = 4, Name = "Программирование"
            var course5 = new Course()
                Id = 5, Name = "Компьютерные сети"
            var course6 = new Course()
                Id = 6, Name = "Физика"
            var course7 = new Course()
                Id = 7, Name = "Математика"
            var course8 = new Course()
                Id = 8, Name = "Линейная алгебра"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Course>().HasData(course1, course2, course3, course4, course5, course6, course7, course8);


            #region Таблица связка "Преподаватель - Дисциплина"

            var teacherCourse1 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id
            var teacherCourse2 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course2.Id
            var teacherCourse3 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course3.Id
            var teacherCourse4 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course4.Id
            var teacherCourse5 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id
            var teacherCourse6 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id
            var teacherCourse7 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id
            var teacherCourse8 = new TeacherCourse()
                TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeacherCourse>().HasData(teacherCourse1, teacherCourse2, teacherCourse3, teacherCourse4,
                                                          teacherCourse5, teacherCourse6, teacherCourse7, teacherCourse8);


            #region Таблица связка "Учебная группа - Дисциплина"

            var groupCourse1 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id
            var groupCourse2 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group2.Id, CourseId = course1.Id
            var groupCourse3 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group3.Id, CourseId = course1.Id

            var groupCourse4 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group4.Id, CourseId = course2.Id
            var groupCourse5 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group5.Id, CourseId = course2.Id
            var groupCourse6 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group6.Id, CourseId = course2.Id

            var groupCourse7 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group7.Id, CourseId = course3.Id
            var groupCourse8 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group8.Id, CourseId = course3.Id
            var groupCourse9 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group9.Id, CourseId = course3.Id

            var groupCourse10 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group10.Id, CourseId = course4.Id
            var groupCourse11 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group11.Id, CourseId = course4.Id
            var groupCourse12 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group12.Id, CourseId = course4.Id

            var groupCourse13 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group10.Id, CourseId = course5.Id
            var groupCourse14 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group11.Id, CourseId = course5.Id
            var groupCourse15 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group12.Id, CourseId = course5.Id

            var groupCourse16 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group2.Id, CourseId = course6.Id
            var groupCourse17 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group3.Id, CourseId = course6.Id

            var groupCourse18 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id
            var groupCourse19 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group6.Id, CourseId = course7.Id

            var groupCourse20 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group8.Id, CourseId = course8.Id
            var groupCourse21 = new GroupCourse()
                GroupId = group9.Id, CourseId = course8.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <GroupCourse>().HasData(groupCourse1, groupCourse2, groupCourse3, groupCourse4, groupCourse5, groupCourse6, groupCourse7,
                                                        groupCourse8, groupCourse9, groupCourse10, groupCourse11, groupCourse12, groupCourse13, groupCourse14, groupCourse15,
                                                        groupCourse16, groupCourse17, groupCourse18, groupCourse19, groupCourse20, groupCourse21);


            #region Виды учебных занятий

            var lessonType1 = new LessonType()
                Id = 1, Name = "Лекция"
            var lessonType2 = new LessonType()
                Id = 2, Name = "Практ. зан."
            var lessonType3 = new LessonType()
                Id = 3, Name = "Лаб. зан."

            modelBuilder.Entity <LessonType>().HasData(lessonType1, lessonType2, lessonType3);


            #region Учебные единицы

            var teachingUnit1 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 1, GroupId = group1.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit2 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 2, GroupId = group2.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit3 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 3, GroupId = group2.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit4 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 4, GroupId = group3.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit5 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 5, GroupId = group3.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course1.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit6 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 6, GroupId = group4.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course2.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit7 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 7, GroupId = group5.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course2.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit8 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 8, GroupId = group5.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course2.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit9 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 9, GroupId = group6.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course2.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit10 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 10, GroupId = group6.Id, TeacherId = teacher1.Id, CourseId = course2.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit11 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 11, GroupId = group7.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course3.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit12 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 12, GroupId = group8.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course3.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit13 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 13, GroupId = group8.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course3.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit14 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 14, GroupId = group9.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course3.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit15 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 15, GroupId = group9.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course3.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit16 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 16, GroupId = group10.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course4.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit17 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 17, GroupId = group11.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course4.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit18 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 18, GroupId = group11.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course4.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit19 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 19, GroupId = group12.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course4.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit20 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 20, GroupId = group12.Id, TeacherId = teacher2.Id, CourseId = course4.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit21 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 21, GroupId = group11.Id, TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit22 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 22, GroupId = group11.Id, TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit23 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 23, GroupId = group11.Id, TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit24 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 24, GroupId = group12.Id, TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit25 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 25, GroupId = group12.Id, TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit26 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 26, GroupId = group12.Id, TeacherId = teacher3.Id, CourseId = course5.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit27 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 27, GroupId = group2.Id, TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit28 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 28, GroupId = group2.Id, TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit29 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 29, GroupId = group2.Id, TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit30 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 30, GroupId = group3.Id, TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit31 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 31, GroupId = group3.Id, TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit32 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 32, GroupId = group3.Id, TeacherId = teacher4.Id, CourseId = course6.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit33 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 33, GroupId = group5.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit34 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 34, GroupId = group5.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit35 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 35, GroupId = group5.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit36 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 36, GroupId = group6.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit37 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 37, GroupId = group6.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit38 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 38, GroupId = group6.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course7.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit39 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 39, GroupId = group8.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit40 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 40, GroupId = group8.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit41 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 41, GroupId = group8.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            var teachingUnit42 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 42, GroupId = group9.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType1.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1
            var teachingUnit43 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 43, GroupId = group9.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType2.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 2
            var teachingUnit44 = new TeachingUnit()
                Id = 44, GroupId = group9.Id, TeacherId = teacher5.Id, CourseId = course8.Id, LessonTypeId = lessonType3.Id, CountInPeriodTimeslot = 1

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeachingUnit>().HasData(
                teachingUnit1, teachingUnit2, teachingUnit3, teachingUnit4, teachingUnit5,
                teachingUnit6, teachingUnit7, teachingUnit8, teachingUnit9, teachingUnit10,
                teachingUnit11, teachingUnit12, teachingUnit13, teachingUnit14, teachingUnit15,
                teachingUnit16, teachingUnit17, teachingUnit18, teachingUnit19, teachingUnit20,
                teachingUnit21, teachingUnit22, teachingUnit23, teachingUnit24, teachingUnit25,
                teachingUnit26, teachingUnit27, teachingUnit28, teachingUnit29, teachingUnit30,
                teachingUnit31, teachingUnit32, teachingUnit33, teachingUnit34, teachingUnit35,
                teachingUnit36, teachingUnit37, teachingUnit38, teachingUnit39, teachingUnit40,
                teachingUnit41, teachingUnit42, teachingUnit43, teachingUnit44);


            #region Таблица связка "Учебная единица - Тип аудитории по назначению"

            var teachingUnitClassroomTypes = new List <(int teachingUnitId, int classroomTypeId)>()
                (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 2), (5, 3),
                (6, 1), (7, 2), (8, 3), (9, 2), (10, 3),
                (11, 1), (12, 2), (13, 3), (14, 2), (15, 3),
                (16, 1), (17, 2), (18, 3), (19, 2), (20, 3),
                (21, 1), (22, 2), (23, 3), (24, 1), (25, 2), (26, 3),
                (27, 1), (28, 2), (29, 3), (30, 1), (31, 2), (32, 3),
                (33, 1), (34, 2), (35, 3), (36, 1), (37, 2), (38, 3),
                (39, 1), (40, 2), (41, 3), (42, 1), (43, 2), (44, 3)
            }.Select(x => new TeachingUnitClassroomType()
                TeachingUnitId = x.teachingUnitId, ClassroomTypeId = x.classroomTypeId

            modelBuilder.Entity <TeachingUnitClassroomType>().HasData(teachingUnitClassroomTypes);


            #region Ячейки расписания


            #region  оли

            var role1 = new Role()
                Id = 1, Name = "Administrator", Description = "Администратор веб-приложения"
            var role2 = new Role()
                Id = 2, Name = "Methodist", Description = "Методист учебного отдела ВУЗа"
            var role3 = new Role()
                Id = 3, Name = "Teacher", Description = "Преподаватель"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Role>().HasData(role1, role2, role3);


            #region Страницы

            var webPage1 = new WebPage()
                Id = 1, Name = "Редактирование факультетов", Path = @"^(/administration/faculties)"
            var webPage2 = new WebPage()
                Id = 2, Name = "Редактирование кафедр", Path = @"^(/administration/departments)"

            modelBuilder.Entity <WebPage>().HasData(webPage1, webPage2);


            #region Ограничения "Роль-страница"

            var banRoleWebPage1 = new BanRoleWebPage()
                RoleId = role2.Id, WebPageId = webPage2.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <BanRoleWebPage>().HasData(banRoleWebPage1);


            #region Пользователи

            var user1 = new User()
                Id         = 1,
                Login      = "******",
                Password   = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("123")),
                FirstName  = "Игорь",
                SecondName = "Николаев",
                MiddleName = "Германович",
                IsLocked   = false,
                Gender     = GenderType.Male,
                RoleId     = role1.Id

            var user2 = new User()
                Id         = 2,
                Login      = "******",
                Password   = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("123")),
                FirstName  = "Сергей",
                SecondName = "Иванов",
                MiddleName = "Владимирович",
                IsLocked   = false,
                Gender     = GenderType.Male,
                RoleId     = role2.Id

            var user3 = new User()
                Id         = 3,
                Login      = "******",
                Password   = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("123")),
                FirstName  = "Ульяна",
                SecondName = "Зиновьева",
                MiddleName = "Григорьева",
                IsLocked   = false,
                Gender     = GenderType.Female,
                RoleId     = role2.Id

            var user4 = new User()
                Id         = 4,
                Login      = "******",
                Password   = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("123")),
                FirstName  = "Анатолий",
                SecondName = "Петров",
                MiddleName = "Львович",
                IsLocked   = false,
                Gender     = GenderType.Male,
                RoleId     = role3.Id

            var user5 = new User()
                Id         = 5,
                Login      = "******",
                Password   = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("123")),
                FirstName  = "Константин",
                SecondName = "Соколов",
                MiddleName = "Алексеевич",
                IsLocked   = true,
                Gender     = GenderType.Male,
                RoleId     = role3.Id

            modelBuilder.Entity <User>().HasData(user1, user2, user3, user4, user5);


Exemplo n.º 20
 public Task <GroupCourse> Upsert(GroupCourse groupCourse)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 21
 public ICollection <Period> Resolve(GroupCourse source, CourseDto destination, ICollection <Period> destMember, ResolutionContext context)