Exemplo n.º 1
        public string Build()
            var sql = new StringBuilder();




            AppendSqlPartList(sql, GroupBy, "GROUP BY");

            AppendSqlPartList(sql, Having, "HAVING");

            var paging        = Paging.Enabled;
            var pagingWithCte = paging && Paging.UseCte;

            if (pagingWithCte)
                var sqlCte = new StringBuilder();
                sqlCte.Append("WITH CTE_MAIN AS (");
                sqlCte.Append(string.Format("), CTE_COUNT AS (SELECT COUNT(*) AS [{0}] FROM CTE_MAIN)", Paging.CteTotalCountFieldName));
                sqlCte.Append("SELECT * FROM CTE_MAIN, CTE_COUNT");
                AppendSqlPartList(sqlCte, OrderBy, "ORDER BY", removeTable: true);
                sql = sqlCte;
            else if (paging)
                AppendSqlPartList(sql, OrderBy, "ORDER BY");

                AppendSqlPartList(sql, OrderBy, "ORDER BY");

            if (Separator)

Exemplo n.º 2
 public bool CanInLine()
     return(Fields.Count <= MaxInlineColumns
            From.Count == 1 &&
            !From.First().Joins.Any() &&
            (Where == null || Where.CanInline) &&
            (GroupBy == null || !GroupBy.Any()) &&
            (OrderBy == null || !OrderBy.Any()));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override IDataExecutionPlanNode FoldQuery(IDictionary <string, DataSource> dataSources, IQueryExecutionOptions options, IDictionary <string, Type> parameterTypes, IList <OptimizerHint> hints)
            if (_folded)

            Source        = Source.FoldQuery(dataSources, options, parameterTypes, hints);
            Source.Parent = this;

            // Special case for using RetrieveTotalRecordCount instead of FetchXML
            if (options.UseRetrieveTotalRecordCount &&
                Source is FetchXmlScan fetch &&
                (fetch.Entity.Items == null || fetch.Entity.Items.Length == 0) &&
                GroupBy.Count == 0 &&
                Aggregates.Count == 1 &&
                Aggregates.Single().Value.AggregateType == AggregateType.CountStar &&
                dataSources[fetch.DataSource].Metadata[fetch.Entity.name].DataProviderId == null) // RetrieveTotalRecordCountRequest is not valid for virtual entities
                var count = new RetrieveTotalRecordCountNode {
                    DataSource = fetch.DataSource, EntityName = fetch.Entity.name
                var countName = count.GetSchema(dataSources, parameterTypes).Schema.Single().Key;

                if (countName == Aggregates.Single().Key)

                var rename = new ComputeScalarNode
                    Source  = count,
                    Columns =
                        [Aggregates.Single().Key] = new ColumnReferenceExpression
                            MultiPartIdentifier = new MultiPartIdentifier
                            Identifiers = { new Identifier {
                                                Value = countName
                                            } }
                count.Parent = rename;


            if (Source is FetchXmlScan || Source is ComputeScalarNode computeScalar && computeScalar.Source is FetchXmlScan)
                // Check if all the aggregates & groupings can be done in FetchXML. Can only convert them if they can ALL
                // be handled - if any one needs to be calculated manually, we need to calculate them all.
                var canUseFetchXmlAggregate = true;

                // Also track if we can partition the query for larger source data sets. We can't partition DISTINCT aggregates,
                // and need to transform AVG(field) to SUM(field) / COUNT(field)
                var canPartition = true;

                foreach (var agg in Aggregates)
                    if (agg.Value.SqlExpression != null && !(agg.Value.SqlExpression is ColumnReferenceExpression))
                        canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                    if (agg.Value.Distinct && agg.Value.AggregateType != AggregateType.Count)
                        canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                    if (agg.Value.AggregateType == AggregateType.First)
                        canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                    if (agg.Value.Distinct)
                        canPartition = false;

                var fetchXml = Source as FetchXmlScan;
                computeScalar = Source as ComputeScalarNode;

                var partnames = new Dictionary <string, FetchXml.DateGroupingType>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                    ["year"]    = DateGroupingType.year,
                    ["yy"]      = DateGroupingType.year,
                    ["yyyy"]    = DateGroupingType.year,
                    ["quarter"] = DateGroupingType.quarter,
                    ["qq"]      = DateGroupingType.quarter,
                    ["q"]       = DateGroupingType.quarter,
                    ["month"]   = DateGroupingType.month,
                    ["mm"]      = DateGroupingType.month,
                    ["m"]       = DateGroupingType.month,
                    ["day"]     = DateGroupingType.day,
                    ["dd"]      = DateGroupingType.day,
                    ["d"]       = DateGroupingType.day,
                    ["week"]    = DateGroupingType.week,
                    ["wk"]      = DateGroupingType.week,
                    ["ww"]      = DateGroupingType.week

                if (computeScalar != null)
                    fetchXml = (FetchXmlScan)computeScalar.Source;

                    // Groupings may be on DATEPART function, which will have been split into separate Compute Scalar node. Check if all the scalar values
                    // being computed are DATEPART functions that can be converted to FetchXML and are used as groupings
                    foreach (var scalar in computeScalar.Columns)
                        if (!(scalar.Value is FunctionCall func) ||
                            !func.FunctionName.Value.Equals("DATEPART", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                            func.Parameters.Count != 2 ||
                            !(func.Parameters[0] is ColumnReferenceExpression datePartType) ||
                            !(func.Parameters[1] is ColumnReferenceExpression datePartCol))
                            canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                        if (!GroupBy.Any(g => g.MultiPartIdentifier.Identifiers.Count == 1 && g.MultiPartIdentifier.Identifiers[0].Value == scalar.Key))
                            canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                        if (!partnames.ContainsKey(datePartType.GetColumnName()))
                            canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                        // FetchXML dategrouping always uses local timezone. If we're using UTC we can't use it
                        if (!options.UseLocalTimeZone)
                            canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                var metadata = dataSources[fetchXml.DataSource].Metadata;

                // FetchXML is translated to QueryExpression for virtual entities, which doesn't support aggregates
                if (metadata[fetchXml.Entity.name].DataProviderId != null)
                    canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                // Check FetchXML supports grouping by each of the requested attributes
                var fetchSchema = fetchXml.GetSchema(dataSources, parameterTypes);
                foreach (var group in GroupBy)
                    if (!fetchSchema.ContainsColumn(group.GetColumnName(), out var groupCol))

                    var    parts = groupCol.Split('.');
                    string entityName;

                    if (parts[0] == fetchXml.Alias)
                        entityName = fetchXml.Entity.name;
                        entityName = fetchXml.Entity.FindLinkEntity(parts[0]).name;

                    var attr = metadata[entityName].Attributes.SingleOrDefault(a => a.LogicalName == parts[1]);

                    // Can't group by virtual attributes
                    if (attr == null || attr.AttributeOf != null)
                        canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                    // Can't group by multi-select picklist attributes
                    if (attr is MultiSelectPicklistAttributeMetadata)
                        canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FetchXml.FetchType));

                if (canUseFetchXmlAggregate)
                    // FetchXML aggregates can trigger an AggregateQueryRecordLimitExceeded error. Clone the non-aggregate FetchXML
                    // so we can try to run the native aggregate version but fall back to in-memory processing where necessary
                    var clonedFetchXml = new FetchXmlScan
                        DataSource       = fetchXml.DataSource,
                        Alias            = fetchXml.Alias,
                        AllPages         = fetchXml.AllPages,
                        FetchXml         = (FetchXml.FetchType)serializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(fetchXml.FetchXmlString)),
                        ReturnFullSchema = fetchXml.ReturnFullSchema

                    if (Source == fetchXml)
                        Source = clonedFetchXml;
                        clonedFetchXml.Parent = this;
                        computeScalar.Source  = clonedFetchXml;
                        clonedFetchXml.Parent = computeScalar;

                    fetchXml.FetchXml.aggregate          = true;
                    fetchXml.FetchXml.aggregateSpecified = true;
                    fetchXml.FetchXml = fetchXml.FetchXml;

                    var schema = Source.GetSchema(dataSources, parameterTypes);

                    foreach (var grouping in GroupBy)
                        var colName = grouping.GetColumnName();
                        var alias   = grouping.MultiPartIdentifier.Identifiers.Last().Value;
                        DateGroupingType?dateGrouping = null;

                        if (computeScalar != null && computeScalar.Columns.TryGetValue(colName, out var datePart))
                            dateGrouping = partnames[((ColumnReferenceExpression)((FunctionCall)datePart).Parameters[0]).GetColumnName()];
                            colName      = ((ColumnReferenceExpression)((FunctionCall)datePart).Parameters[1]).GetColumnName();

                        schema.ContainsColumn(colName, out colName);

                        var attribute = fetchXml.AddAttribute(colName, a => a.groupbySpecified && a.groupby == FetchBoolType.@true && a.alias == alias, metadata, out _, out var linkEntity);
                        attribute.groupby          = FetchBoolType.@true;
                        attribute.groupbySpecified = true;
                        attribute.alias            = alias;

                        if (dateGrouping != null)
                            attribute.dategrouping          = dateGrouping.Value;
                            attribute.dategroupingSpecified = true;
                        else if (grouping.GetType(schema, null, parameterTypes) == typeof(SqlDateTime))
                            // Can't group on datetime columns without a DATEPART specification
                            canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                        // Add a sort order for each grouping to allow consistent paging
                        var items = linkEntity?.Items ?? fetchXml.Entity.Items;
                        var sort  = items.OfType <FetchOrderType>().FirstOrDefault(order => order.alias == alias);
                        if (sort == null)
                            if (linkEntity == null)
                                fetchXml.Entity.AddItem(new FetchOrderType {
                                    alias = alias
                                linkEntity.AddItem(new FetchOrderType {
                                    alias = alias

                    foreach (var agg in Aggregates)
                        var col     = (ColumnReferenceExpression)agg.Value.SqlExpression;
                        var colName = col == null ? (fetchXml.Alias + "." + metadata[fetchXml.Entity.name].PrimaryIdAttribute) : col.GetColumnName();

                        if (!schema.ContainsColumn(colName, out colName))
                            canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                        var distinct = agg.Value.Distinct ? FetchBoolType.@true : FetchBoolType.@false;

                        FetchXml.AggregateType aggregateType;

                        switch (agg.Value.AggregateType)
                        case AggregateType.Average:
                            aggregateType = FetchXml.AggregateType.avg;

                        case AggregateType.Count:
                            aggregateType = FetchXml.AggregateType.countcolumn;

                        case AggregateType.CountStar:
                            aggregateType = FetchXml.AggregateType.count;

                        case AggregateType.Max:
                            aggregateType = FetchXml.AggregateType.max;

                        case AggregateType.Min:
                            aggregateType = FetchXml.AggregateType.min;

                        case AggregateType.Sum:
                            aggregateType = FetchXml.AggregateType.sum;

                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                        // min, max, sum and avg are not supported for optionset attributes
                        var    parts = colName.Split('.');
                        string entityName;

                        if (parts[0] == fetchXml.Alias)
                            entityName = fetchXml.Entity.name;
                            entityName = fetchXml.Entity.FindLinkEntity(parts[0]).name;

                        var attr = metadata[entityName].Attributes.SingleOrDefault(a => a.LogicalName == parts[1]);

                        if (attr == null)
                            canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                        if (attr is EnumAttributeMetadata && (aggregateType == FetchXml.AggregateType.avg || aggregateType == FetchXml.AggregateType.max || aggregateType == FetchXml.AggregateType.min || aggregateType == FetchXml.AggregateType.sum))
                            canUseFetchXmlAggregate = false;

                        var attribute = fetchXml.AddAttribute(colName, a => a.aggregate == aggregateType && a.alias == agg.Key && a.distinct == distinct, metadata, out _, out _);
                        attribute.aggregate          = aggregateType;
                        attribute.aggregateSpecified = true;
                        attribute.alias = agg.Key;

                        if (agg.Value.Distinct)
                            attribute.distinct          = distinct;
                            attribute.distinctSpecified = true;

                // FoldQuery can be called again in some circumstances. Don't repeat the folding operation and create another try/catch
                _folded = true;

                // Check how we should execute this aggregate if the FetchXML aggregate fails or is not available. Use stream aggregate
                // for scalar aggregates or where all the grouping fields can be folded into sorts.
                var nonFetchXmlAggregate = FoldToStreamAggregate(dataSources, options, parameterTypes, hints);

                if (!canUseFetchXmlAggregate)

                IDataExecutionPlanNode firstTry = fetchXml;

                // If the main aggregate query fails due to having over 50K records, check if we can retry with partitioning. We
                // need a createdon field to be available for this to work.
                if (canPartition)
                    canPartition = metadata[fetchXml.Entity.name].Attributes.Any(a => a.LogicalName == "createdon");

                if (canUseFetchXmlAggregate && canPartition)
                    // Create a clone of the aggregate FetchXML query
                    var partitionedFetchXml = new FetchXmlScan
                        DataSource       = fetchXml.DataSource,
                        Alias            = fetchXml.Alias,
                        AllPages         = fetchXml.AllPages,
                        FetchXml         = (FetchXml.FetchType)serializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(fetchXml.FetchXmlString)),
                        ReturnFullSchema = fetchXml.ReturnFullSchema

                    var partitionedAggregates = new PartitionedAggregateNode
                        Source = partitionedFetchXml
                    partitionedFetchXml.Parent = partitionedAggregates;
                    var partitionedResults = (IDataExecutionPlanNode)partitionedAggregates;


                    foreach (var aggregate in Aggregates)
                        if (aggregate.Value.AggregateType != AggregateType.Average)
                            partitionedAggregates.Aggregates[aggregate.Key] = aggregate.Value;
                            // Rewrite AVG as SUM / COUNT
                            partitionedAggregates.Aggregates[aggregate.Key + "_sum"] = new Aggregate
                                AggregateType = AggregateType.Sum,
                                SqlExpression = aggregate.Value.SqlExpression
                            partitionedAggregates.Aggregates[aggregate.Key + "_count"] = new Aggregate
                                AggregateType = AggregateType.Count,
                                SqlExpression = aggregate.Value.SqlExpression

                            if (partitionedResults == partitionedAggregates)
                                partitionedResults = new ComputeScalarNode {
                                    Source = partitionedAggregates
                                partitionedAggregates.Parent = partitionedResults;

                            // Handle count = 0 => null
                            ((ComputeScalarNode)partitionedResults).Columns[aggregate.Key] = new SearchedCaseExpression
                                WhenClauses =
                                    new SearchedWhenClause
                                        WhenExpression = new BooleanComparisonExpression
                                            FirstExpression  = (aggregate.Key + "_count").ToColumnReference(),
                                            ComparisonType   = BooleanComparisonType.Equals,
                                            SecondExpression = new IntegerLiteral{
                                                Value = "0"
                                        ThenExpression = new NullLiteral()
                                ElseExpression = new BinaryExpression
                                    FirstExpression      = (aggregate.Key + "_sum").ToColumnReference(),
                                    BinaryExpressionType = BinaryExpressionType.Divide,
                                    SecondExpression     = (aggregate.Key + "_count").ToColumnReference()

                            // Find the AVG expression in the FetchXML and replace with _sum and _count
                            var avg      = partitionedFetchXml.Entity.FindAliasedAttribute(aggregate.Key, null, out var linkEntity);
                            var sumCount = new object[]
                                new FetchAttributeType
                                    name  = avg.name,
                                    alias = avg.alias + "_sum",
                                    aggregateSpecified = true,
                                    aggregate          = FetchXml.AggregateType.sum
                                new FetchAttributeType
                                    name  = avg.name,
                                    alias = avg.alias + "_count",
                                    aggregateSpecified = true,
                                    aggregate          = FetchXml.AggregateType.countcolumn

                            if (linkEntity == null)
                                partitionedFetchXml.Entity.Items = partitionedFetchXml.Entity.Items
                                                                   .Except(new[] { avg })
                                linkEntity.Items = linkEntity.Items
                                                   .Except(new[] { avg })

                    var tryPartitioned = new TryCatchNode
                        TrySource       = firstTry,
                        CatchSource     = partitionedResults,
                        ExceptionFilter = ex => GetOrganizationServiceFault(ex, out var fault) && IsAggregateQueryLimitExceeded(fault)
                    partitionedResults.Parent = tryPartitioned;
                    firstTry.Parent           = tryPartitioned;
                    firstTry = tryPartitioned;

                var tryCatch = new TryCatchNode
                    TrySource       = firstTry,
                    CatchSource     = nonFetchXmlAggregate,
                    ExceptionFilter = ex => (ex is QueryExecutionException qee && (qee.InnerException is PartitionedAggregateNode.PartitionOverflowException || qee.InnerException is FetchXmlScan.InvalidPagingException)) || (GetOrganizationServiceFault(ex, out var fault) && IsAggregateQueryRetryable(fault))

                firstTry.Parent             = tryCatch;
                nonFetchXmlAggregate.Parent = tryCatch;

            return(FoldToStreamAggregate(dataSources, options, parameterTypes, hints));