Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Creates new Cards as well as the corresponding CardIdentities. All cards are created in the same group.</summary>
        /// <param name="id">An array with the new CardIdentity ids.</param>
        /// <param name="type">An array containing the corresponding CardModel guids (encrypted)</param>
        /// <param name="group">The group, in which the cards are added.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="CreateCard(int[], ulong[], Group[])"> to add cards to several groups</seealso>
        public void CreateCard(int[] id, ulong[] type, Group group)
            Player owner = Player.Find((byte)(id[0] >> 16));

            if (owner == null)
                Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, EventIds.Event, "[CreateCard] Player not found.");
            //var c = new Card(owner,id[0], type[0], Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition, null, false);
            var c = Card.Find(id[0]);

            Program.TracePlayerEvent(owner, "{0} creates {1} {2} in {3}'s {4}", owner.Name, id.Length, c == null ? "card" : c.Name, group.Owner.Name, group.Name);
            // Ignore cards created by oneself
            if (owner == Player.LocalPlayer)
            for (int i = 0; i < id.Length; i++)
                //Card c = new Card(owner, id[i], type[i], Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition, null, false);
                //group.AddAt(c, group.Count);
                var card = new Card(owner, id[i], type[i], null, false);
                group.AddAt(card, group.Count);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Part of a shuffle process.</summary>
        /// <param name="group">The group being shuffled.</param>
        /// <param name="card">An array containing the CardIdentity ids to shuffle.</param>
        //public void Shuffle(Group group, int[] card)
        //    // Array to hold the new aliases (sent to CreateAlias)
        //    ulong[] aliases = new ulong[card.Length];
        //    // Intialize the group shuffle
        //    group.FilledShuffleSlots = 0;
        //    group.HasReceivedFirstShuffledMessage = false;
        //    group.MyShufflePos = new short[card.Length];
        //    // Check if we received enough cards
        //    if (Player.Count - 1 <= 0) return;
        //    if (card.Length < group.Count / (Player.Count - 1))
        //        Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, EventIds.Event, "[Shuffle] Too few cards received.");
        //    // Do the shuffling
        //    var rnd = new CryptoRandom();
        //    for (int i = card.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        //    {
        //        int r = rnd.Next(i + 1);
        //        int tc = card[r];
        //        card[r] = card[i];
        //        // Create a new alias, if the card is not face up
        //        CardIdentity ci = CardIdentity.Find(tc);
        //        if (group.FindByCardIdentity(ci) != null)
        //        {
        //            card[i] = tc; aliases[i] = ulong.MaxValue;
        //            ci.Visible = true;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            ci = new CardIdentity(ExtensionMethods.GenerateCardId());
        //            ci.MySecret = ci.Alias = true;
        //            ci.Key = ((ulong)Crypto.PositiveRandom()) << 32 | (uint)tc;
        //            card[i] = ci.Id; aliases[i] = Crypto.ModExp(ci.Key);
        //            ci.Visible = false;
        //        }
        //        // Give a random position to the card
        //        group.MyShufflePos[i] = (short)Crypto.Random(group.Count);
        //    }
        //    // Send the results
        //    Program.Client.Rpc.CreateAlias(card, aliases);
        //    Program.Client.Rpc.Shuffled(group, card, group.MyShufflePos);

        public void Shuffled(Group group, int[] card, short[] pos)
            // Check the args
            if (card.Length != pos.Length)
                Program.TraceWarning("[Shuffled] Cards and positions lengths don't match.");
            // Insert the cards
            for (int j = 0; j < card.Length; j++)
                // Get the wished position
                int i = pos[j];
                // Get the card
                CardIdentity ci = CardIdentity.Find(card[j]);
                if (ci == null)
                    Program.TraceWarning("[Shuffled] Card not found.");
                // Check if the slot is free, otherwise choose the first free one
                //if (i >= group.Count || group[i].Type != null) i = group.FindNextFreeSlot(i);
                //if (i >= group.Count) continue;
                // Set the type
                //group[i].Type = ci;
                var mcard = group[j];
                group.AddAt(mcard, i);
                group[i].SetVisibility(ci.Visible ? DataNew.Entities.GroupVisibility.Everybody : DataNew.Entities.GroupVisibility.Nobody, null);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Creates new Cards as well as the corresponding CardIdentities. All cards are created in the same group.</summary>
        /// <param name="id">An array with the new CardIdentity ids.</param>
        /// <param name="type">An array containing the corresponding CardModel guids (encrypted)</param>
        /// <param name="group">The group, in which the cards are added.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="CreateCard(int[], ulong[], Group[])"> to add cards to several groups</seealso>
        public void CreateCard(int[] id, ulong[] type, Group group)
            Player owner = Player.Find((byte)(id[0] >> 16));

            if (owner == null)
                Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, EventIds.Event, "[CreateCard] Player not found.");
            // Ignore cards created by oneself
            if (owner == Player.LocalPlayer)
            for (int i = 0; i < id.Length; i++)
                Card c = new Card(owner, id[i], type[i], Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition, null, false);
                group.AddAt(c, group.Count);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>Creates new Cards as well as the corresponding CardIdentities. The cards may be in different groups.</summary>
        /// <param name="id">An array with the new CardIdentity ids.</param>
        /// <param name="type">An array containing the corresponding CardModel guids (encrypted)</param>
        /// <param name="groups">An array indicating the group the cards must be loaded into.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="CreateCard(int[], ulong[], Group)"> for a more efficient way to insert cards inside one group.</seealso>
        private static void CreateCard(IList <int> id, IList <ulong> type, IList <Group> groups)
            Player owner = Player.Find((byte)(id[0] >> 16));

            if (owner == null)
                Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, EventIds.Event, "[CreateCard] Player not found.");
            // Ignore cards created by oneself
            if (owner == Player.LocalPlayer)
            for (int i = 0; i < id.Count; i++)
                Card  c     = new Card(owner, id[i], type[i], null, false);
                Group group = groups[i];
                group.AddAt(c, group.Count);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>Creates new Cards as well as the corresponding CardIdentities. All cards are created in the same group.</summary>
        /// <param name="id">An array with the new CardIdentity ids.</param>
        /// <param name="type">An array containing the corresponding CardModel guids (encrypted)</param>
        /// <param name="group">The group, in which the cards are added.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="CreateCard(int[], ulong[], Group[])"> to add cards to several groups</seealso>
        public void CreateCard(int[] id, ulong[] type, Group group)
            Player owner = Player.Find((byte)(id[0] >> 16));
            if (owner == null)
                Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, EventIds.Event, "[CreateCard] Player not found.");
            //var c = new Card(owner,id[0], type[0], Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition, null, false);
            var c = Card.Find(id[0]);

            Program.TracePlayerEvent(owner, "{0} creates {1} {2} in {3}'s {4}", owner.Name, id.Length, c == null ? "card" : c.Name, group.Owner.Name,group.Name);
            // Ignore cards created by oneself
            if (owner == Player.LocalPlayer) return;
            for (int i = 0; i < id.Length; i++)
                //Card c = new Card(owner, id[i], type[i], Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition, null, false);
                //group.AddAt(c, group.Count);
                var card = new Card(owner,id[i], type[i], null, false);
                group.AddAt(card, group.Count);
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>Creates new Cards as well as the corresponding CardIdentities. All cards are created in the same group.</summary>
 /// <param name="id">An array with the new CardIdentity ids.</param>
 /// <param name="type">An array containing the corresponding CardModel guids (encrypted)</param>
 /// <param name="group">The group, in which the cards are added.</param>
 /// <seealso cref="CreateCard(int[], ulong[], Group[])"> to add cards to several groups</seealso>
 public void CreateCard(int[] id, ulong[] type, Group group)
     Player owner = Player.Find((byte)(id[0] >> 16));
     if (owner == null)
         Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, EventIds.Event, "[CreateCard] Player not found.");
     // Ignore cards created by oneself
     if (owner == Player.LocalPlayer) return;
     for (int i = 0; i < id.Length; i++)
         Card c = new Card(owner, id[i], type[i], Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition, null, false);
         group.AddAt(c, group.Count);
Exemplo n.º 7
        //Temporarily store group visibility information for LoadDeck. //bug (google) #20

        public void LoadDeck(Deck deck)
            Player  player  = deck.IsShared ? Player.GlobalPlayer : Player.LocalPlayer;
            GameDef def     = Program.Game.Definition;
            DeckDef deckDef = deck.IsShared ? def.SharedDeckDefinition : def.DeckDefinition;
            CardDef cardDef = def.CardDefinition;
            int     nCards  = deck.CardCount;
            var     ids     = new int[nCards];
            var     keys    = new ulong[nCards];
            var     cards   = new Card[nCards];
            var     groups  = new Group[nCards];
            var     gtmps   = new List <GrpTmp>(); //for temp groups visibility
            int     j       = 0;

            foreach (Deck.Section section in deck.Sections)
                DeckSectionDef sectionDef = deckDef.Sections[section.Name];
                if (sectionDef == null)
                    throw new InvalidFileFormatException("Invalid section '" + section.Name + "' in deck file.");
                Group group = player.Groups.First(x => x.Name == sectionDef.Group);

                //In order to make the clients know what the card is (if visibility is set so that they can see it),
                //we have to set the visibility to Nobody, and then after the cards are sent, set the visibility back
                //to what it was. //bug (google) #20
                var gt = new GrpTmp(group, group.Visibility, group.Viewers.ToList());
                if (!gtmps.Contains(gt))
                    group.SetVisibility(false, false);
                foreach (Deck.Element element in section.Cards)
                    CardModel mod = Database.GetCardById(element.Card.Id);
                    for (int i = 0; i < element.Quantity; i++)
                    { //for every card in the deck, generate a unique key for it, ID for it
                        ulong key = ((ulong)Crypto.PositiveRandom()) << 32 | element.Card.Id.Condense();
                        int   id  = GenerateCardId();
                        ids[j]    = id;
                        keys[j]   = Crypto.ModExp(key);
                        groups[j] = group;
                        var card = new Card(player, id, key, cardDef, mod, true);
                        cards[j++] = card;
                        group.AddAt(card, group.Count);

                    // Load images in the background
                    string pictureUri = element.Card.Picture;
                        new Func <string, BitmapImage>(ImageUtils.CreateFrozenBitmap),
                        DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle, pictureUri);
            Program.Client.Rpc.LoadDeck(ids, keys, groups);

            //reset the visibility to what it was before pushing the deck to everybody. //bug (google) #20
            foreach (GrpTmp g in gtmps)
                switch (g.Visibility)
                case GroupVisibility.Everybody:
                    g.Group.SetVisibility(true, false);

                case GroupVisibility.Nobody:
                    g.Group.SetVisibility(false, false);

                    foreach (Player p in g.Viewers)
                        g.Group.AddViewer(p, false);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void Do()
            if (Doing != null)
                Doing(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            if (Card == null || Card.Group == null || To == null)

#if (DEBUG)
            Debug.WriteLine("Moving " + Card.Name + " from " + From + " to " + To);
            bool shouldSee = Card.FaceUp, shouldLog = true;
            var  oldGroup = Card.Group;
            var  oldIndex = Card.GetIndex();
            var  oldX     = (int)Card.X;
            var  oldY     = (int)Card.Y;
            // Move the card
            if (Card.Group != To)
                if (Card.DeleteWhenLeavesGroup)
                    Card.Group = null;
                //TODO Card.Delete();
                    Card.SetFaceUp(FaceUp);//FaceUp may be false - it's one of the constructor parameters for this
                    Card.X = X;
                    Card.Y = Y;
                    To.AddAt(Card, Idx);
                    Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMoveCard(Who, Card, oldGroup, To, oldIndex, Idx, oldX, oldY, X, Y);
                shouldLog = false;
                Card.X    = X;
                Card.Y    = Y;
                if (To.Cards.IndexOf(Card) != Idx)
                    if (To.Ordered)
                        Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, EventIds.Event | EventIds.PlayerFlag(Who),
                                                 "{0} reorders {1}", Who, To);
                Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMoveCard(Who, Card, oldGroup, To, oldIndex, Idx, oldX, oldY, X, Y);
            // Should the card be named in the log ?
            shouldSee |= Card.FaceUp;
            // Prepare the message
            if (shouldLog)
                Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, EventIds.Event | EventIds.PlayerFlag(Who),
                                         "{0} moves '{1}' to {3}{2}",
                                         Who, shouldSee ? Card.Type : (object)"Card",
                                         To, To is Pile && Idx > 0 && Idx + 1 == To.Count ? "the bottom of " : "");

            if (Done != null)
                Done(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>Creates new Cards as well as the corresponding CardIdentities. All cards are created in the same group.</summary>
        /// <param name="id">An array with the new CardIdentity ids.</param>
        /// <param name="type">An array containing the corresponding CardModel guids (encrypted)</param>
        /// <param name="group">The group, in which the cards are added.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="CreateCard(int[], ulong[], Group[])"> to add cards to several groups</seealso>
        public void CreateCard(int[] id, Guid[] type, string[] size, Group group)
            if (Player.Find((byte)(id[0] >> 16)) == Player.LocalPlayer) return;
            for (int i = 0; i < id.Length; i++)
                Player owner = group.Owner;
                if (owner == null)
                    Program.GameMess.Warning("[CreateCard] Player not found.");
                //var c = new Card(owner,id[0], type[0], Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition, null, false);
                var c = Card.Find(id[0]);

                Program.GameMess.PlayerEvent(owner, "{0} creates {1} {2} in {3}'s {4}", owner.Name, id.Length, c == null ? "card" : (object)c, group.Owner.Name, group.Name);
                // Ignore cards created by oneself

                //Card c = new Card(owner, id[i], type[i], Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition, null, false);
                //group.AddAt(c, group.Count);
                var card = new Card(owner, id[i], Program.GameEngine.Definition.GetCardById(type[i]), false, size[i]); group.AddAt(card, group.Count);
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: Move.cs Projeto: uwat79/OCTGN
        public override void Do()
            if (Doing != null)
                Doing(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            if (Card == null)

            if (To == null)
                Log.DebugFormat("To == null {0}", Card.Id);

            if (Card.Group == null)
                Log.DebugFormat("Card.Group == null {0}", Card.Id);

#if (DEBUG)
            Debug.WriteLine("Moving " + Card.Name + " from " + From + " to " + To);
            bool shouldSee = Card.FaceUp, shouldLog = true;
            var  oldGroup     = Card.Group;
            var  oldIndex     = Card.GetIndex();
            var  oldX         = (int)Card.X;
            var  oldY         = (int)Card.Y;
            var  oldHighlight = Card.HighlightColorString;
            var  oldMarkers   = Card.MarkersString;
            // Move the card
            if (Card.Group != To)
                if (Card.DeleteWhenLeavesGroup)
                    Card.Group = null;
                //TODO Card.Delete();
                    Card.CardMoved = true;
                    Card.SetFaceUp(FaceUp);//FaceUp may be false - it's one of the constructor parameters for this
                    Card.X = X;
                    Card.Y = Y;
                    To.AddAt(Card, Idx);
                    if ((oldGroup != To) || (oldX != X) || (oldY != Y))
                        if (IsScriptMove)
                            Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnScriptedMoveCard_3_1_0_1(Who, Card, oldGroup, To, oldIndex, Idx, oldX, oldY, X, Y, IsScriptMove, oldHighlight, oldMarkers);
                            Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMoveCard_3_1_0_1(Who, Card, oldGroup, To, oldIndex, Idx, oldX, oldY, X, Y, IsScriptMove, oldHighlight, oldMarkers);
                    Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMoveCard_3_1_0_0(Who, Card, oldGroup, To, oldIndex, Idx, oldX, oldY, X, Y, IsScriptMove);
                shouldLog = false;
                if ((Card.X != X) || (Card.Y != Y))
                    Card.CardMoved = true;
                Card.X = X;
                Card.Y = Y;
                if (To.Cards.IndexOf(Card) != Idx)
                    if (To.Ordered)
                        Program.GameMess.PlayerEvent(Who, "reorders {0}", To);
                if ((oldGroup != To) || (oldX != X) || (oldY != Y))
                    if (IsScriptMove)
                        Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnScriptedMoveCard_3_1_0_1(Who, Card, oldGroup, To, oldIndex, Idx, oldX, oldY, X, Y, IsScriptMove, oldHighlight, oldMarkers);
                        Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMoveCard_3_1_0_1(Who, Card, oldGroup, To, oldIndex, Idx, oldX, oldY, X, Y, IsScriptMove, oldHighlight, oldMarkers);
                Program.GameEngine.EventProxy.OnMoveCard_3_1_0_0(Who, Card, oldGroup, To, oldIndex, Idx, oldX, oldY, X, Y, IsScriptMove);
            // Should the card be named in the log ?
            shouldSee |= Card.FaceUp;
            // Prepare the message
            if (shouldLog)
                Program.GameMess.PlayerEvent(Who, "moves '{0}' to {2}{1}",
                                             shouldSee ? Card.Type : (object)"Card",
                                             To, To is Pile && Idx > 0 && Idx + 1 == To.Count ? "the bottom of " : "");

            if (Done != null)
                Done(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>Creates new Cards as well as the corresponding CardIdentities. All cards are created in the same group.</summary>
        /// <param name="id">An array with the new CardIdentity ids.</param>
        /// <param name="type">An array containing the corresponding CardModel guids (encrypted)</param>
        /// <param name="group">The group, in which the cards are added.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="CreateCard(int[], ulong[], Group[])"> to add cards to several groups</seealso>
        public void CreateCard(int[] id, Guid[] type, string[] size, Group group)
            if (Player.Find((byte)(id[0] >> 16)) == Player.LocalPlayer)
            for (int i = 0; i < id.Length; i++)
                Player owner = group.Owner;
                if (owner == null)
                    Program.GameMess.Warning("[CreateCard] Player not found.");
                //var c = new Card(owner,id[0], type[0], Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition, null, false);
                var c = Card.Find(id[0]);

                Program.GameMess.PlayerEvent(owner, "{0} creates {1} {2} in {3}'s {4}", owner.Name, id.Length, c == null ? "card" : (object)c, group.Owner.Name, group.Name);
                // Ignore cards created by oneself

                //Card c = new Card(owner, id[i], type[i], Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition, null, false);
                //group.AddAt(c, group.Count);
                var card = new Card(owner, id[i], Program.GameEngine.Definition.GetCardById(type[i]), false, size[i]); group.AddAt(card, group.Count);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>Creates new Cards as well as the corresponding CardIdentities. The cards may be in different groups.</summary>
        /// <param name="id">An array with the new CardIdentity ids.</param>
        /// <param name="type">An array containing the corresponding CardModel guids (encrypted)</param>
        /// <param name="groups">An array indicating the group the cards must be loaded into.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="CreateCard(int[], ulong[], Group)"> for a more efficient way to insert cards inside one group.</seealso>
        private static void CreateCard(IList <int> id, IList <Guid> type, IList <Group> groups, IList <string> sizes, string sleeveUrl = "")
            // Ignore cards created by oneself
            if (Player.Find((byte)(id[0] >> 16)) == Player.LocalPlayer)
            for (int i = 0; i < id.Count; i++)
                Group  group = groups[i];
                Player owner = group.Owner;
                if (owner == null)
                    //Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, EventIds.Event, "[CreateCard] Player not found.");
                    Program.GameMess.Warning("[CreateCard] Player not found.");

                Card c = new Card(owner, id[i], Program.GameEngine.Definition.GetCardById(type[i]), false, sizes[i]); c.SetSleeve(sleeveUrl); group.AddAt(c, group.Count);
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>Part of a shuffle process.</summary>
 /// <param name="group">The group being shuffled.</param>
 /// <param name="card">An array containing the CardIdentity ids to shuffle.</param>
 //public void Shuffle(Group group, int[] card)
 //    // Array to hold the new aliases (sent to CreateAlias)
 //    ulong[] aliases = new ulong[card.Length];
 //    // Intialize the group shuffle
 //    group.FilledShuffleSlots = 0;
 //    group.HasReceivedFirstShuffledMessage = false;
 //    group.MyShufflePos = new short[card.Length];
 //    // Check if we received enough cards
 //    if (Player.Count - 1 <= 0) return;
 //    if (card.Length < group.Count / (Player.Count - 1))
 //        Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, EventIds.Event, "[Shuffle] Too few cards received.");
 //    // Do the shuffling
 //    var rnd = new CryptoRandom();
 //    for (int i = card.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
 //    {
 //        int r = rnd.Next(i + 1);
 //        int tc = card[r];
 //        card[r] = card[i];
 //        // Create a new alias, if the card is not face up
 //        CardIdentity ci = CardIdentity.Find(tc);
 //        if (group.FindByCardIdentity(ci) != null)
 //        {
 //            card[i] = tc; aliases[i] = ulong.MaxValue;
 //            ci.Visible = true;
 //        }
 //        else
 //        {
 //            ci = new CardIdentity(ExtensionMethods.GenerateCardId());
 //            ci.MySecret = ci.Alias = true;
 //            ci.Key = ((ulong)Crypto.PositiveRandom()) << 32 | (uint)tc;
 //            card[i] = ci.Id; aliases[i] = Crypto.ModExp(ci.Key);
 //            ci.Visible = false;
 //        }
 //        // Give a random position to the card
 //        group.MyShufflePos[i] = (short)Crypto.Random(group.Count);
 //    }
 //    // Send the results
 //    Program.Client.Rpc.CreateAlias(card, aliases);
 //    Program.Client.Rpc.Shuffled(group, card, group.MyShufflePos);
 public void Shuffled(Group group, int[] card, short[] pos)
     // Check the args
     if (card.Length != pos.Length)
         Program.TraceWarning("[Shuffled] Cards and positions lengths don't match.");
     // Insert the cards
     for (int j = 0; j < card.Length; j++)
         // Get the wished position
         int i = pos[j];
         // Get the card
         CardIdentity ci = CardIdentity.Find(card[j]);
         if (ci == null)
             Program.TraceWarning("[Shuffled] Card not found.");
         // Check if the slot is free, otherwise choose the first free one
         //if (i >= group.Count || group[i].Type != null) i = group.FindNextFreeSlot(i);
         //if (i >= group.Count) continue;
         // Set the type
         //group[i].Type = ci;
         var mcard = group[j];
         group.AddAt(mcard, i);
         group[i].SetVisibility(ci.Visible ? DataNew.Entities.GroupVisibility.Everybody : DataNew.Entities.GroupVisibility.Nobody, null);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>Part of a shuffle process.</summary>
        /// <param name="group">The group being shuffled.</param>
        /// <param name="card">An array containing the CardIdentity ids to shuffle.</param>
        //public void Shuffle(Group group, int[] card)
        //    // Array to hold the new aliases (sent to CreateAlias)
        //    ulong[] aliases = new ulong[card.Length];
        //    // Intialize the group shuffle
        //    group.FilledShuffleSlots = 0;
        //    group.HasReceivedFirstShuffledMessage = false;
        //    group.MyShufflePos = new short[card.Length];
        //    // Check if we received enough cards
        //    if (Player.Count - 1 <= 0) return;
        //    if (card.Length < group.Count / (Player.Count - 1))
        //        Program.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, EventIds.Event, "[Shuffle] Too few cards received.");
        //    // Do the shuffling
        //    var rnd = new CryptoRandom();
        //    for (int i = card.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        //    {
        //        int r = rnd.Next(i + 1);
        //        int tc = card[r];
        //        card[r] = card[i];
        //        // Create a new alias, if the card is not face up
        //        CardIdentity ci = CardIdentity.Find(tc);
        //        if (group.FindByCardIdentity(ci) != null)
        //        {
        //            card[i] = tc; aliases[i] = ulong.MaxValue;
        //            ci.Visible = true;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            ci = new CardIdentity(ExtensionMethods.GenerateCardId());
        //            ci.MySecret = ci.Alias = true;
        //            ci.Key = ((ulong)Crypto.PositiveRandom()) << 32 | (uint)tc;
        //            card[i] = ci.Id; aliases[i] = Crypto.ModExp(ci.Key);
        //            ci.Visible = false;
        //        }
        //        // Give a random position to the card
        //        group.MyShufflePos[i] = (short)Crypto.Random(group.Count);
        //    }
        //    // Send the results
        //    Program.Client.Rpc.CreateAlias(card, aliases);
        //    Program.Client.Rpc.Shuffled(group, card, group.MyShufflePos);
        public void Shuffled(Group group, int[] card, short[] pos)
            // Check the args
            if (card.Length != pos.Length)
                Program.TraceWarning("[Shuffled] Cards and positions lengths don't match.");
            //Build the Dict. of new locations
            var shuffled = new Dictionary<int, Card>();
            for (int i = 0; i < card.Length; i++)
                // Get the card
                CardIdentity ci = CardIdentity.Find(card[i]);
                if (ci == null)
                    Program.TraceWarning("[Shuffled] Card not found.");
                group[i].SetVisibility(ci.Visible ? DataNew.Entities.GroupVisibility.Everybody : DataNew.Entities.GroupVisibility.Nobody, null);
            //Move cards to their new indexes
            for (int i = 0; i < card.Length; i++)
                group.AddAt(shuffled[i], i);
