Exemplo n.º 1
        private void dataSearch()
            string query = "%";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tgbSearch.Text))
                query = tgbSearch.Text.Trim();
            int    total = 0;
            string sql   = string.Format("select SUPID,SUPNAME,TEL,LINKMAN,LOGINADDR,DECODE(FLAG, 'Y', '审核通过', 'N', '未审核') flag,DECODE(ISDG,'Y','是','N','否') ISDG,DECODE(STR1,'Y','是','否') ISBD from  DOC_SUPPLIER WHERE  (SUPID like '%{0}%' or SUPNAME like'%{0}%') and FLAG<>'E'", query);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lstFLAG.SelectedValue))
                sql += string.Format(" and FLAG = '{0}'", lstFLAG.SelectedValue);
            //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lstISSEND.SelectedValue))
            //    sql += string.Format(" and ISSEND = '{0}'", lstISSEND.SelectedValue);
            DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridSupplier.PageIndex, GridSupplier.PageSize, sql, ref total);

            GridSupplier.RecordCount = total;
            GridSupplier.DataSource  = dtData;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void GridInTo()
            if (GridGoods != null && GridGoods.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (GridRow row in GridGoods.Rows)
                    hfdTEMP.Text += row.Values[1].ToString() + ",";
            hfdTEMP.Text        += tbxSUPID.Text + ",";
            hfdTEMP.Text         = hfdTEMP.Text.TrimEnd(',').Replace(",", "','");
            GridGoods.DataSource = DbHelperOra.Query(@"SELECT T.*,
                                       DECODE(T.STR1, 'Y', '是', '否') STR1NAME,
                                       DECODE(T.ISSUPPLIER, 'Y', '是', '否') ISSUPPLIERNAME,
                                       DECODE(T.ISPRODUCER, '2', '是', '否') ISPRODUCERNAME FROM DOC_SUPPLIERTEMP T WHERE T.SUPID IN ('" + hfdTEMP.Text + "')").Tables[0];

            string s = hfdIsNew.Text;

            hfdTEMP.Text            = "";
            WindowGoods.Hidden      = true;
            tgbSearch.Text          = string.Empty;
            GridSupplier.DataSource = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void dataSearch()
            int    total      = 0;
            string sql        = @"select CODE,NAME,DECODE(FLAG,'Y','正常','N','停用','其他') flag,
                                DECODE(OBJUSER,'SUPPLIER','供应商证照','GOODS','商品证照') objuser,
                                decode(isneed,'Y','是','N','否') isneed,
                                decode(isdate,'Y','是','N','否') isdate,
                                decode(isdup,'Y','是','N','否') isdup,
                                memo, SORT from  doc_license WHERE 1=1";
            string strFLAG    = lstFLAG.SelectedValue.ToString();
            string strOBJUSER = lstOBJUSER.SelectedValue.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strFLAG))
                sql += " and FLAG = '" + strFLAG + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strOBJUSER))
                sql += " and OBJUSER = '******'";
            string query = "%";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tgbSearch.Text))
                query = tgbSearch.Text.Trim();
                sql  += string.Format(" and ( CODE like '%{0}%' or NAME like '%{0}%')", query);
            DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridSupplier.PageIndex, GridSupplier.PageSize, sql, ref total);

            GridSupplier.RecordCount = total;
            GridSupplier.DataSource  = dtData;
            //GridSupplier.DataSource = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format(sql, query));
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void dataSearch()
            string query = "%";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tgbSearch.Text))
                query = tgbSearch.Text.Trim();
            int    total = 0;
            string sql   = string.Format(@"select SUPID,
       DECODE(FLAG, 'Y', '审核通过', 'N', '未审核') flag,
       DECODE(ISDG, 'Y', '是', 'N', '否') ISDG,
       DECODE(STR1, 'Y', '是', '否') ISBD,
       DECODE(ISSUPPLIER, 'Y', '供应商', '')|| DECODE(ISPRODUCER, 'Y', '生产商', '')|| DECODE(ISPSS, 'Y', '配送商', '')  SUPNAMETYPE
 WHERE (SUPID like '%{0}%' or SUPNAME like '%{0}%')", query);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lstFLAG.SelectedValue))
                sql += string.Format(" and FLAG = '{0}'", lstFLAG.SelectedValue);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lstSTR1.SelectedValue))
                sql += string.Format(" and str1 = '{0}'", lstSTR1.SelectedValue);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstSuppType.SelectedValue))
                if (lstSuppType.SelectedValue.Equals("X"))
                    sql += " AND ISSUPPLIER = 'Y' ";
                else if (lstSuppType.SelectedValue.Equals("Y"))
                    sql += " AND ISPSS = 'Y'";
                else if (lstSuppType.SelectedValue.Equals("Z"))
                    sql += " AND ISPRODUCER ='Y' ";
            DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridSupplier.PageIndex, GridSupplier.PageSize, sql, ref total);

            GridSupplier.RecordCount = total;
            GridSupplier.DataSource  = dtData;
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected void btnDelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     hfdIsNew.Text = "D";
     btnUpdate.Enabled       = false;
     btnAddRow.Enabled       = false;
     tgbSearch.Text          = "";
     GridSupplier.DataSource = null;
     WindowGoods.Hidden  = false;
     GridSupplier.Hidden = false;
     PanelCond.Hidden    = true;
     GridSupplier.Height = 420;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void dataSearch1()
            string        sql    = @"  select supid,supname,supcat,regid from doc_supplier t where isagent='Y' and flag='Y' union all select supid,supname,supcat,regid from doc_supplier t where issupplier='Y' ";
            string        query  = "";
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(sql);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trbSearch.Text))
                query = trbSearch.Text.Trim();
                strSql.AppendFormat(" and (supid LIKE '%{0}%' or supname like '%{0}%')", query);
            int total = 0;

            DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridSupplier.PageIndex, GridSupplier.PageSize, strSql.ToString(), ref total);

            GridSupplier.RecordCount = total;
            GridSupplier.DataSource  = dtData;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void dataSearch()
            string query = "%";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tbxSUPPNAME.Text))
                query = tbxSUPPNAME.Text.Trim();
            int    total = 0;
            string sql   = string.Format(@"select SUPID,SUPNAME,DECODE(FLAG, 'Y', '审核通过', 'N', '未审核') flag,DECODE(ISAGENT,'Y','代理商') ISAGENT,TEL,FAX,ZZADDR,EMAIL,LOGINADDR,URL,LEADER,DECODE(ISAGENT, 'Y', '配送商', '') ISAGENTN
                                          from DOC_SUPPLIER WHERE (SUPID like '%{0}%' or SUPNAME like '%{0}%') AND ISAGENT='Y'", query);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ddlFLAG.SelectedValue))
                sql += string.Format(" and FLAG = '{0}'", ddlFLAG.SelectedValue);
            DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridSupplier.PageIndex, GridSupplier.PageSize, sql, ref total);

            GridSupplier.RecordCount = total;
            GridSupplier.DataSource  = dtData;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void dataSearch()
            int    total      = 0;
            string sql        = @"select CODE,NAME,DECODE(FLAG, '1', '待生效', '2', '有效', '3','停用','4','失效','5','删除') flag,
                                DECODE(OBJUSER,'SUP_LIC','供应商证照','PRO_LIC','生产厂家证照','SER_LIC','售后机构证照','AGE_LIC','代理商证照','GOODS_LIC','商品证照','SUPC_LIC','承诺书') objuser,
                                decode(isneed,'Y','是','N','否') isneed,
                                decode(isdate,'Y','是','N','否') isdate,
                                decode(isdup,'Y','是','N','否') isdup,
                                memo, SORT from  doc_license WHERE 1=1";
            string strFLAG    = lstFLAG.SelectedValue.ToString();
            string strOBJUSER = lstOBJUSER.SelectedValue.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strFLAG))
                sql += " and FLAG = '" + strFLAG + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strOBJUSER))
                sql += " and OBJUSER = '******'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtName.Text.Trim()))
                sql += " and Name LIKE '%" + txtName.Text.Trim() + "%'";
            string query = "%";
            //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tgbSearch.Text))
            //    query = tgbSearch.Text.Trim();
            //    sql += string.Format(" and ( CODE like '%{0}%' or NAME like '%{0}%')", query);
            DataTable dtData = PubFunc.DbGetPage(GridSupplier.PageIndex, GridSupplier.PageSize, sql, ref total);

            GridSupplier.RecordCount = total;
            GridSupplier.DataSource  = dtData;
            //GridSupplier.DataSource = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format(sql, query));
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void dataSearch(string type = "left")
            int    total            = 0;
            string msg              = "";
            NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection();

            if (type == "left")
                //if (ddlCATID.SelectedValue.Length > 0) nvc.Add("CATID", ddlCATID.SelectedValue);
                //if (tgbSearch.Text.Length > 0) nvc.Add("CX", tgbSearch.Text);
                //if (ddlDept.SelectedValue.Length > 0) nvc.Add("LEFT", ddlDept.SelectedValue);

                //GridSupplier.DataSource = GetSupplierList(GridSupplier.PageIndex, GridSupplier.PageSize, nvc, ref total, ref msg);
                //GridSupplier.RecordCount = total;
                dtTotal = getDGSupplier();
                DataTable dt = SplitDataTable(dtTotal, GridSupplier.PageIndex, GridSupplier.PageSize);
                GridSupplier.DataSource = dt;
                GridSupplier.RecordCount = dtTotal.Rows.Count;
                hfdGridSupDisabled.Text  = "";

                DataTable dtLocal = DbHelperOra.Query("select * from doc_supplier").Tables[0];
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    foreach (DataRow drLocal in dtLocal.Rows)
                        if (dr["SUPID"].ToString().Equals(drLocal["SUPID"].ToString()))
                            int index = dt.Rows.IndexOf(dr);
                            hfdGridSupDisabled.Text += index.ToString() + ",";
            else if (type == "right")
                if (trbSearch.Text.Length > 0)
                    nvc.Add("CX", trbSearch.Text);
                //if (ddlDept.SelectedValue.Length > 0) nvc.Add("RIGHT", ddlDept.SelectedValue);
                DataTable dt = GetSupplierList(GridCFGSupplier.PageIndex, GridCFGSupplier.PageSize, nvc, ref total, ref msg);
                GridCFGSupplier.DataSource = dt;//GetSupplierList(GridCFGSupplier.PageIndex, GridCFGSupplier.PageSize, nvc, ref total, ref msg);
                GridCFGSupplier.RecordCount = total;

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM DAT_GOODSSTOCK WHERE KCSL > 0 AND SUPID = '" + dr["SUPID"] + "'"))
                        int index = dt.Rows.IndexOf(dr);
                        hfdGridSupDisabled1.Text += index.ToString() + ",";