Exemplo n.º 1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        textValue = gameObject.GetComponent <TextMesh>();
        value     = initialValue;

        textValue.text = value.ToString();
        gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sortingOrder = 3;
        if (gridPositioner != null)
            gridPositioner.mainCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");
            gridPositioner.gameObject.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //TODO: Note buildIndex references
        if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 2)
            RotateCharacterPosition(possibleMoveableChars, possibleMoveableChars.Length, 2);
            RotateCharacterPositionWithList(spawnedEnemies, spawnedEnemies.Count, 1);
            Piece[] cannonPieces = new Piece[allCannons.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < cannonPieces.Length; i++)
                cannonPieces[i] = allCannons[i].cannon;
            RotateCharacterPosition(cannonPieces, cannonPieces.Length, 2);
            Piece[] generatorPieces = new Piece[generators.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < generatorPieces.Length; i++)
                generatorPieces[i] = generators[i].generator;
            RotateCharacterPosition(generatorPieces, generatorPieces.Length, 2);

            if (pirateBoss)
                GridPositioner childPositionerBoss = pirateBoss.thePiece.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <GridPositioner>();

                childPositionerBoss.mainCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");

            timer          += Time.deltaTime;
            coinResetTimer += Time.deltaTime;
        else if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 3)
            RotateCharacterPosition(possibleMoveableChars, possibleMoveableChars.Length, 2);
            RotateCharacterPositionWithList(spawnedEnemies, spawnedEnemies.Count, 1);

            timer          += Time.deltaTime;
            coinResetTimer += Time.deltaTime;
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void RotateCharacterPositionWithList(List <Piece> piecesToRotate, int numOfThesePieces, int numChildGridPositioners)
     for (int i = 0; i < numOfThesePieces; i++)
         GridPositioner[] tempGridPositioners = new GridPositioner[numChildGridPositioners];
         for (int k = 0; k < numChildGridPositioners; k++)
             GridPositioner childPositioner = piecesToRotate[i].thePiece.GetComponent <GridPositioner>();
             //look for the image to rotate
             for (int j = 0; j < piecesToRotate[i].thePiece.transform.childCount; j++)
                 if (piecesToRotate[i].thePiece.transform.GetChild(j).GetComponent <GridPositioner>() != null)
                     if (k == 0)
                         childPositioner = piecesToRotate[i].thePiece.transform.GetChild(j).GetComponent <GridPositioner>();
                         for (int g = k - 1; g >= 0; g--)
                             if (piecesToRotate[i].thePiece.transform.GetChild(j).GetComponent <GridPositioner>() != tempGridPositioners[g])
                                 childPositioner = piecesToRotate[i].thePiece.transform.GetChild(j).GetComponent <GridPositioner>();
             if (childPositioner != piecesToRotate[i].thePiece.GetComponent <GridPositioner>() && childPositioner != null)
                 childPositioner.mainCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");
                 tempGridPositioners[k] = childPositioner;
Exemplo n.º 4
     * private void CoinSpawn(int numCoins, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, float midX, float midY)
     * {
     *  //if the time elapsed is enough to create a coin, make a coin
     *  if (coinResetTimer >= timeToWait)
     *  {
     *      //find a location for the coin
     *      //check for the spots where the coin may not be placed
     *      int[] disallowedRows = new int[possibleMoveableChars.Length + currentNumCoins + numDeadSpaces + spawnedEnemies.Length];
     *      int[] disallowedCols = new int[possibleMoveableChars.Length + currentNumCoins + numDeadSpaces + spawnedEnemies.Length];
     *      for (int i = 0; i < possibleMoveableChars.Length + currentNumCoins + numDeadSpaces + spawnedEnemies.Length; i++)
     *      {
     *          //do not get the same space as a hero
     *          if (i < possibleMoveableChars.Length)
     *          {
     *              disallowedRows[i] = possibleMoveableChars[i].rowPosition;
     *              disallowedCols[i] = possibleMoveableChars[i].colPosition;
     *          }
     *          //do not get the same space as another enemy
     *          else if (i >= possibleMoveableChars.Length && i < possibleMoveableChars.Length + spawnedEnemies.Length)
     *          {
     *              disallowedRows[i] = allCoins[i - possibleMoveableChars.Length].rowPosition;
     *              disallowedCols[i] = allCoins[i - possibleMoveableChars.Length].colPosition;
     *          }
     *          //do not get the same space a coin
     *          else if (i >= possibleMoveableChars.Length + spawnedEnemies.Length && i < possibleMoveableChars.Length + spawnedEnemies.Length + currentNumCoins)
     *          {
     *              disallowedRows[i] = allCoins[i - possibleMoveableChars.Length - spawnedEnemies.Length].rowPosition;
     *              disallowedCols[i] = allCoins[i - possibleMoveableChars.Length - spawnedEnemies.Length].colPosition;
     *          }
     *          //do not get a dead space
     *          else
     *          {
     *              disallowedRows[i] = deadPoints[i - possibleMoveableChars.Length - currentNumCoins - spawnedEnemies.Length].y;
     *              disallowedCols[i] = deadPoints[i - possibleMoveableChars.Length - currentNumCoins - spawnedEnemies.Length].x;
     *          }
     *      }
     *      //by default, cannot place a coin until you find a space that is allowed
     *      bool canPlace = false;
     *      int debugCount = 0;
     *      int row = 0;
     *      int col = 0;
     *      while (!canPlace)
     *      {
     *          //select an arbitrary row and column to place the coin
     *          row = (int)Mathf.Floor(Random.value * universalTileHeight);
     *          col = (int)Mathf.Floor(Random.value * universalTileWidth);
     *          canPlace = CheckIfCanPlace(row, col, disallowedRows, disallowedCols);
     *          //just in case every space is invalid, throw it at (0, 0) after 100 checks
     *          debugCount++;
     *          if (debugCount >= 100)
     *          {
     *              canPlace = true;
     *          }
     *      }
     *      //place the coin
     *      //PlaceObject(tileWidth, tileHeight, row, col, pieceDistance, midX, midY, allCoins[currentNumCoins], currentNumCoins, true);
     *      float halfWidth = (float)tileWidth / 2.0f;
     *      float halfHeight = (float)tileHeight / 2.0f;
     *      float finalXPos = -halfWidth + (float)col * pieceDistance + midX;
     *      float finalYPos = halfHeight - (float)row * pieceDistance - midY;
     *      Vector3 placement = new Vector3(finalXPos, finalYPos, 0.0f);
     *      GameObject piece = Instantiate(allCoins[currentNumCoins].GetPiece(), placement, Quaternion.identity);
     *      allCoins[currentNumCoins].SetName("Coin " + currentNumCoins);
     *      piece.name = allCoins[currentNumCoins].GetName();
     *      allCoins[currentNumCoins].thePiece = piece;
     *      allCoins[currentNumCoins].SetRowAndCol(row, col);
     *      GridPositioner bringDown = piece.GetComponent<GridPositioner>();
     *      bringDown.mainCamera = mainCamera;
     *      bringDown.CheckWhatsBeneath();
     *      //every situation where currentNumCoins increases or decreases, adjust the timeToWait
     *      currentNumCoins++;
     *      timeToWait *= approxGoldenRatio;
     *      coinResetTimer = 0.0f;
     *  }
     * }
    private void SendEverythingDown()
        bool sendingDown = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < allTiles.Length; i++)
            GridPositioner sendDown = allTiles[i].GetComponent <GridPositioner>();
            sendingDown = sendDown.GuideToObjectBeneath(0.1f);
        for (int i = 0; i < possibleMoveableChars.Length; i++)
            if (possibleMoveableChars[i].thePiece)
                GridPositioner sendDown = possibleMoveableChars[i].thePiece.transform.GetComponent <GridPositioner>();
                sendingDown = sendDown.GuideToObjectBeneath(0.1f);
        for (int i = 0; i < allCoins.Length; i++)
            GridPositioner sendDown = allCoins[i].thePiece.GetComponent <GridPositioner>();
            sendingDown = sendDown.GuideToObjectBeneath(0.1f);
        if (numCannons > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < allCannons.Length; i++)
                GridPositioner sendDown = allCannons[i].gameObject.GetComponent <GridPositioner>();
                sendingDown = sendDown.GuideToObjectBeneath(0.1f);
        if (numGenerators > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < generators.Length; i++)
                GridPositioner sendDown = generators[i].gameObject.GetComponent <GridPositioner>();
                sendingDown = sendDown.GuideToObjectBeneath(0.1f);
        if (pirateBoss)
            sendingDown         = pirateBoss.thePiece.GetComponent <GridPositioner>().GuideToObjectBeneath(0.1f);
            isPirateBossSpawned = true;
        else if (isPirateBossSpawned)
            GameObject.Find("WinScreen").GetComponentInChildren <YouWin>().youWon = true;

        if (spawnedEnemies.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < spawnedEnemies.Count; i++)
                if (spawnedEnemies[i] == null)
                    if (i >= spawnedEnemies.Count)
                GridPositioner sendDown = spawnedEnemies[i].thePiece.GetComponent <GridPositioner>();
                sendingDown = sendDown.GuideToObjectBeneath(0.1f);
        if (!sendingDown)