Exemplo n.º 1
    // Spawns selected object in a random position and parents it accordingly
    private GridCheck SpawnObject(GameObject objToSpawn, Transform parent)
        GridCheck gridCheck    = null;
        int       attemptCount = 10;

        while (attemptCount > 0)         // Limit the number of attempts so we don't hang
            GameObject go = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(objToSpawn) as GameObject;
            if (go != null)
                go.transform.position = lg.RandomPosition;
                go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

                GridCheck gc = go.GetComponent <GridCheck>();

                go.transform.position = gc.GetPosition(GridManager.Grid);

                if (!gc.CanPlace())                 // Checks if the object can be placed in the specified location, destroys if it can't
                    attemptCount--;                     // Minus attempt count so we can break out if the object can't find a position

                gridCheck = gc;
                go.name = objToSpawn.name;

Exemplo n.º 2
    // Draws a dragable handle in the scene view and detect if it has moved
    private void DrawHandle(GridCheck g, GeneratedObject ge, Color color, int hIndex)

        // Draw a separate handle to visualize that this object has been selected
        if (objectSelected && hIndex == selectedHandleIndex + 1)
            Handles.color = Color.red;
            Handles.FreeMoveHandle(9999, g.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, 0.55f, Vector3.one, Handles.CircleHandleCap);

        Handles.color = color;                // Se the colour of the actual handle
        startPos      = g.transform.position; // Set the starting position before the handle starts moving

        // Draw the actual handle and save it's position in a variable
        //Vector3 dPos = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(hIndex, g.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, 0.45f, Vector3.one, Handles.CircleHandleCap);
        Vector3 dPos = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(hIndex, g.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, 0.225f, Vector3.one, Handles.DotHandleCap);

        if (dPos != startPos) // Check if this handle has moved and set the scene to dirty if it has,
        {                     // Because even though it's moving a gameobject the scene can't detect a chance so it doesn't save...

        g.transform.position = dPos;   // Set the new position have to set this twice because of the way obstacles are set up
        dPos = g.GetPosition(lg.grid); // Get the nearest grid position of the set position
        g.transform.position = dPos;   // Set the new position on the grid
        ge.position          = dPos;   // Set the position for the generator to track and save
