Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Disables movement on the grid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="enableCondition">When this condition is true, movement will be enabled.</param>
        /// <param name="waitForEndOfMovement">If the object is moving, its movement will be disabled once its reached
        /// its destination. If false, movement is stopped immediately.</param>
        /// <param name="overridesMoveCondition">This condition to enable movement will override the move condition from an earlier call.</param>
        public void DisableMovement(Condition enableCondition, bool waitForEndOfMovement = true, bool overridesMoveCondition = false)
            //Used to see what object disabled movement
            //StackFrame stackFrame = new StackFrame(1);

            //if (stackFrame != null)
            //    MethodBase method = stackFrame.GetMethod();
            //    if (method != null)
            //        UnityEngine.Debug.Log(method.DeclaringType.Name);

            if (!_canMove && !overridesMoveCondition)

            if (IsMoving && waitForEndOfMovement)
                AddOnMoveEndTempAction(() => { _canMove = false; StopAllCoroutines(); _isMoving = false; });
                _canMove = false;
                _isMoving = false;

            _movementEnableCheck = enableCondition;
            _tempAlignment = Alignment;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void AddItem(ILayoutable item, int rowIndex, int columnIndex, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top)
            if (columnIndex < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Item cannot be placed in a column index less than 0");

            if (rowIndex < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Item cannot be placed in a row index less than 0");

            // Ignore null items
            if (item == null)

            // If this item is already tracked, remove it from the current position
            //   and place the item in the new position
            if (_items.Contains(item))

            // Add the item to the grid collection
            if (_items[rowIndex, columnIndex] != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          string.Format("An item already exists for this grid at row {0} column {1}", rowIndex, columnIndex));

            var alignment = new GridAlignment
                HorizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment,
                VerticalAlignment   = verticalAlignment

            _items.Add(item, alignment, rowIndex, columnIndex);

            // Attach the item to the background sprite
            item.AttachTo(_backgroundSprite, true);
            item.RelativeZ    = 0.1f;
            item.Alpha        = _alpha;
            item.ParentLayout = this;

            if (item.OnAddedToLayout != null)

            _recalculateLayout = true;

            item.OnSizeChangeHandler = sender => _recalculateLayout = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the entity and places it on the grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity to create a new instance of</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position in world space to spawn the entity</param>
        /// <param name="gridAlignment">The side of the grid this entity will belong to</param>
        public static void SpawnEntity(GameObject entity, Vector2 position, GridAlignment gridAlignment = GridAlignment.ANY)
            //Try to get the move script attached
            GridMovementBehaviour moveScript = entity.GetComponent <GridMovementBehaviour>();

            if (!moveScript)
                Debug.LogError("You can't spawn a game object that doesn't have a grid movement script. Game object was " + entity.name);

            //Set spawn point and create instance
            moveScript.Position = position;
            Instantiate(moveScript.gameObject, null);

            moveScript.Alignment = gridAlignment;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Always keep the prefab preview up-to-date
        private void Update()
            gridSettings = settings.GridState;

            gridAlignment  = gridSettings.gridAlignment;
            gridlineCount  = gridSettings.gridlineCount;
            gridSize       = gridSettings.gridSize;
            gridPos        = gridSettings.gridPos;
            gridShiftAxis1 = gridSettings.gridShiftAxis1;
            gridShiftAxis2 = gridSettings.gridShiftAxis2;

            if (settings.Prefab != null && prefabPreview != null)
                prefabPreview.eulerAngles = settings.PrefabState.rotation;
Exemplo n.º 5
        // Always keep the prefab preview up-to-date
        private void Update()
            gridSettings = settings.GridState;

            gridAlignment  = gridSettings.gridAlignment;
            gridlineCount  = gridSettings.gridlineCount;
            gridSize       = gridSettings.gridSize;
            gridPos        = gridSettings.gridPos;
            gridShiftAxis1 = gridSettings.gridShiftAxis1;
            gridShiftAxis2 = gridSettings.gridShiftAxis2;

            if (settings.Prefab && prefabPreview)
                prefabPreview.localEulerAngles = settings.PrefabState.rotation;

            Tools.hidden = isEnabled;
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal static ElementClassSet Class(GridAlignment alignment)
            switch (alignment)
            case GridAlignment.Left:

            case GridAlignment.Right:

            case GridAlignment.Center:

            case GridAlignment.Stretch:

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gradually moves the gameObject from its current position to the position given.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newPosition"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerator LerpPosition(Vector3 newPosition)
            float   lerpVal       = 0;
            Vector3 startPosition = transform.position;

            while (transform.position != newPosition)
                //Sets the current position to be the current position in the interpolation
                transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPosition, newPosition, lerpVal += Time.deltaTime * _speed);
                //Waits until the next fixed update before resuming to be in line with any physics calls
                yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            if (CurrentPanel)
                CurrentPanel.Occupied = !_canBeWalkedThrough;

            MoveDirection  = Vector2.zero;
            _tempAlignment = Alignment;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void Start()
            //Set the starting panel to be occupied
            if (BlackBoardBehaviour.Instance.Grid.GetPanel(_position, out _currentPanel, true, Alignment))
                _currentPanel.Occupied = true;

                if (MoveOnStart)
                    MoveToPanel(_currentPanel, true);
            //    Debug.LogError(name + " could not find starting panel");

            if (_knockbackBehaviour)
                _knockbackBehaviour.AddOnKnockBackAction(() => SetIsMoving(false));

            _tempAlignment = _defaultAlignment;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Disables movement on the grid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="moveEvent">When this event is raised, movement will be enabled.</param>
        /// <param name="intendedSender">Thhe game object that will send the event. If null, movement will be
        /// enabled regardless of what raises the event.</param>
        /// <param name="waitForEndOfMovement">If the object is moving, its movement will be disabled once its reached
        /// its destination. If false, movement is stopped immediately.</param>
        /// <param name="overridesMoveCondition">This condition to enable movement will override the move condition from an earlier call.</param>
        public void DisableMovement(GridGame.Event moveEvent, GameObject intendedSender = null, bool waitForEndOfMovement = true, bool overridesMoveCondition = false)
            if (!_canMove)

            if (IsMoving && waitForEndOfMovement)
                AddOnMoveEndTempAction(() => { _canMove = false; StopAllCoroutines(); });
                _canMove = false;

            _moveEnabledEventListener.Event          = moveEvent;
            _moveEnabledEventListener.IntendedSender = intendedSender;
            _moveEnabledEventListener.AddAction(() => { _canMove = true; });
            _tempAlignment = Alignment;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses A* to find a path from the starting panel to the end panel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startPanel">The panel where the path will start</param>
        /// <param name="endPanel">The panel where the path will end</param>
        /// <param name="allowOccupiedPanels">Whether or not the path should avoid panels that are occupied</param>
        /// <param name="alignment">The grid alignment this path can go through</param>
        /// <returns>A list containing the constructed path</returns>
        public List <PanelBehaviour> GetPath(PanelBehaviour startPanel, PanelBehaviour endPanel, bool allowOccupiedPanels = false, GridAlignment alignment = GridAlignment.ANY)
            PanelNode        panelNode;
            List <PanelNode> openList = new List <PanelNode>();
            PanelNode        start    = new PanelNode {
                panel = startPanel
            PanelNode end = new PanelNode {
                panel = endPanel

            List <PanelNode> closedList = new List <PanelNode>();

            start.fScore =
                CustomHeuristic(startPanel, endPanel);

            while (openList.Count > 0)
                openList  = SortNodes(openList);
                panelNode = openList[0];

                if (panelNode.panel == end.panel)
                    return(ReconstructPath(start, panelNode));


                foreach (PanelBehaviour neighbor in BlackBoardBehaviour.Instance.Grid.GetPanelNeighbors(panelNode.panel.Position))
                    if (ContainsPanel(closedList, neighbor) || ContainsPanel(openList, neighbor))
                    else if (neighbor.Occupied && !allowOccupiedPanels)
                        PanelNode newNode = new PanelNode {
                            panel = neighbor
                        newNode.gScore += panelNode.gScore;
                        newNode.fScore  = newNode.gScore + CustomHeuristic(neighbor, endPanel);
                        newNode.parent  = panelNode;

            return(new List <PanelBehaviour>());
        public static int IndicesToSkip(int totalSelectedShapes, int rowLength, GridAlignment alignment)
            var numOfShapesInLastRow = totalSelectedShapes%rowLength;

            if (alignment == GridAlignment.AlignLeft || alignment == GridAlignment.None || numOfShapesInLastRow == 0)
                return 0;

            if (alignment == GridAlignment.AlignRight)
                return rowLength - numOfShapesInLastRow;

            if (alignment == GridAlignment.AlignCenter)
                var difference = rowLength - numOfShapesInLastRow;
                return difference/2;

            return 0;
 public static void SetDistributeGridAlignment(GridAlignment alignment)
     DistributeGridAlignment = alignment;
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the gameObject from its current panel to the panel at the given position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetPanel">The panel on the grid that the gameObject will travel to.</param>
        /// <param name="snapPosition">If true, teh gameObject will immediately teleport to its destination without a smooth transition.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns false if the panel is occupied or not in the grids array of panels.</returns>
        public bool MoveToPanel(PanelBehaviour targetPanel, bool snapPosition = false, GridAlignment tempAlignment = GridAlignment.NONE)
            if (tempAlignment == GridAlignment.NONE)
                tempAlignment = _defaultAlignment;
                _tempAlignment = tempAlignment;

            if (!targetPanel)

            if (IsMoving && !canCancelMovement || targetPanel.Alignment != tempAlignment && tempAlignment != GridAlignment.ANY || !_canMove)

            _previousPanel = _currentPanel;
            _targetPanel   = targetPanel;

            //Sets the new position to be the position of the panel added to half the gameOgjects height.
            //Adding the height ensures the gameObject is not placed inside the panel.
            float offset = 0;

            if (!_meshFilter)
                offset = transform.localScale.y / 2;
                offset = (_meshFilter.mesh.bounds.size.y * transform.localScale.y) / 2;

            Vector3 newPosition = _targetPanel.transform.position + new Vector3(0, offset, 0);

            _targetPosition = newPosition;

            MoveDirection = targetPanel.Position - _position;


            //If snap position is true, hard set the position to the destination. Otherwise smoothly slide to destination.
            if (snapPosition)
                transform.position = newPosition;
                _MoveRoutine = StartCoroutine(LerpPosition(newPosition));

            //Sets the current panel to be unoccupied if it isn't null
            if (_currentPanel)
                _currentPanel.Occupied = false;

            //Updates the current panel
            _currentPanel          = _targetPanel;
            _currentPanel.Occupied = !_canBeWalkedThrough;
            _position = _currentPanel.Position;

Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the gameObject from its current panel to the panel at the given position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="panelPosition">The position of the panel on the grid that the gameObject will travel to.</param>
        /// <param name="snapPosition">If true, the gameObject will immediately teleport to its destination without a smooth transition.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns false if the panel is occupied or not in the grids array of panels.</returns>
        public bool MoveToPanel(Vector2 panelPosition, bool snapPosition = false, GridAlignment tempAlignment = GridAlignment.NONE, bool canBeOccupied = false, bool reservePanel = true)
            if (tempAlignment == GridAlignment.NONE)
                tempAlignment = _defaultAlignment;
                _tempAlignment = tempAlignment;

            if (IsMoving && !canCancelMovement || !_canMove)
            else if (canCancelMovement && IsMoving)

            //If it's not possible to move to the panel at the given position, return false.
            if (!BlackBoardBehaviour.Instance.Grid.GetPanel(panelPosition, out _targetPanel, _position == panelPosition || canBeOccupied, tempAlignment))

            _previousPanel = _currentPanel;

            //Sets the new position to be the position of the panel added to half the gameObjects height.
            //Adding the height ensures the gameObject is not placed inside the panel.
            float offset = 0;

            if (!_meshFilter)
                offset = transform.localScale.y / 2;
                offset = (_meshFilter.mesh.bounds.size.y * transform.localScale.y) / 2;

            Vector3 newPosition = _targetPanel.transform.position + new Vector3(0, offset, 0);

            _targetPosition = newPosition;

            MoveDirection = panelPosition - _position;


            //If snap position is true, hard set the position to the destination. Otherwise smoothly slide to destination.
            if (snapPosition)
                transform.position = newPosition;
                _MoveRoutine = StartCoroutine(LerpPosition(newPosition));

            //Sets the current panel to be unoccupied if it isn't null
            if (_currentPanel)
                _currentPanel.Occupied = false;

            //Updates the current panel
            _currentPanel = _targetPanel;
            if (reservePanel)
                _currentPanel.Occupied = !_canBeWalkedThrough;
            _position = _currentPanel.Position;

Exemplo n.º 15
        public void AddItem(ILayoutable item, int rowIndex, int columnIndex, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top)
            if (columnIndex < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Item cannot be placed in a column index less than 0");

            if (rowIndex < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Item cannot be placed in a row index less than 0");

            // Ignore null items
            if (item == null)

            // If this item is already tracked, remove it from the current position
            //   and place the item in the new position
            if (_items.Contains(item))

            // Add the item to the grid collection
            if (_items[rowIndex, columnIndex] != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    string.Format("An item already exists for this grid at row {0} column {1}", rowIndex, columnIndex));

            var alignment = new GridAlignment
                HorizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment,
                VerticalAlignment = verticalAlignment

            _items.Add(item, alignment, rowIndex, columnIndex);

            // Attach the item to the background sprite
            item.AttachTo(_backgroundSprite, true);
            item.RelativeZ = 0.1f;
            item.Alpha = _alpha;
            item.ParentLayout = this;

            if (item.OnAddedToLayout != null)

            _recalculateLayout = true;

            item.OnSizeChangeHandler = sender => _recalculateLayout = true;