private static Gray <byte>[,] QuantizeOrientations(Gray <int>[,] orientDegImg)
            var quantizedUnfilteredOrient = new Gray <byte> [orientDegImg.Height(), orientDegImg.Width()];

            using (var uOrientDegImg = orientDegImg.Lock())
                using (var uQuantizedUnfilteredOrient = quantizedUnfilteredOrient.Lock())
                    int * orientDegImgPtr         = (int *)uOrientDegImg.ImageData;
                    byte *qOrinetUnfilteredPtr    = (byte *)uQuantizedUnfilteredOrient.ImageData;
                    int   qOrinetUnfilteredStride = uQuantizedUnfilteredOrient.Stride;

                    int imgWidth  = uOrientDegImg.Width;
                    int imgHeight = uOrientDegImg.Height;

                    for (int j = 0; j < imgHeight; j++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < imgWidth; i++)
                            int angle = orientDegImgPtr[i];
                            qOrinetUnfilteredPtr[i] = AngleQuantizationTable[angle]; //[0-360] -> [...] -> [0-7] (for mapping see "CalculateAngleQuantizationTable()")

                        orientDegImgPtr      += imgWidth; //<Gray<int>> is always alligned
                        qOrinetUnfilteredPtr += qOrinetUnfilteredStride;

        private static List <Feature> ExtractTemplate(Gray <byte>[,] orientationImage, int maxNumOfFeatures, Func <Feature, int> featureImportanceFunc)
            List <Feature> candidates = new List <Feature>();

            using (var uOrientationImage = orientationImage.Lock())
                byte *orientImgPtr    = (byte *)uOrientationImage.ImageData;
                int   orientImgStride = uOrientationImage.Stride;

                int imgWidth  = uOrientationImage.Width;
                int imgHeight = uOrientationImage.Height;

                for (int row = 0; row < imgHeight; row++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < imgWidth; col++)
                        if (orientImgPtr[col] == 0) //quantized orientations are: [1,2,4,8,...,128];

                        var candidate = new Feature(x: col, y: row, angleBinaryRepresentation: orientImgPtr[col]);

                    orientImgPtr += orientImgStride;

            candidates = candidates.OrderByDescending(featureImportanceFunc).ToList(); //order descending
            return(FilterScatteredFeatures(candidates, maxNumOfFeatures, 5));          //candidates.Count must be >= MIN_NUM_OF_FEATURES
        private static Gray <byte>[,] SpreadOrientations(Gray <byte>[,] quantizedOrientationImage, int neghborhood)
            var destImg = quantizedOrientationImage.CopyBlank();

            using (var uQuantizedOrientationImage = quantizedOrientationImage.Lock())
                using (var uDestImg = destImg.Lock())
                    byte *srcImgPtr  = (byte *)uQuantizedOrientationImage.ImageData;
                    int   imgStride  = uQuantizedOrientationImage.Stride;
                    byte *destImgPtr = (byte *)uDestImg.ImageData;

                    int imgHeight = uDestImg.Height;
                    int imgWidth  = uDestImg.Width;

                    for (int row = 0; row < neghborhood; row++)
                        int subImageHeight = imgHeight - row;
                        for (int col = 0; col < neghborhood; col++)
                            OrImageBits(&srcImgPtr[col], destImgPtr,
                                        imgWidth - col, subImageHeight);

                        srcImgPtr += imgStride;

        private unsafe void calculateLinearMapForNeighbour(Gray <byte>[,] responseMap, int neigbourRow, int neighbourCol,
                                                           Gray <byte>[,] linearMap)
            using (var uResponseMap = responseMap.Lock())
                using (var uLinearMap = linearMap.Lock())
                    int neigborhood = this.NeigborhoodSize;

                    byte *linMapPtr    = (byte *)uLinearMap.ImageData;
                    int   linMapStride = uLinearMap.Stride;

                    int   width          = uResponseMap.Width;
                    int   height         = uResponseMap.Height;
                    int   stride         = uResponseMap.Stride;
                    byte *responseMapPtr = (byte *)uResponseMap.GetData(neigbourRow);

                    //Two loops copy every T-th pixel into the linear memory
                    for (int r = neigbourRow; r < height; r += neigborhood)
                        int linMapIdx = 0;
                        for (int c = neighbourCol; c < width; c += neigborhood)
                            linMapPtr[linMapIdx] = responseMapPtr[c];

                        responseMapPtr += stride * neigborhood; //skip neighborhood rows
                        linMapPtr      += linMapStride;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static List <Point> searchSimilarityMap(Gray <short>[,] similarityMap, int minValue, out List <short> values)
            List <Point> positions = new List <Point>();

            values = new List <short>();

            using (var uSimilarityMap = similarityMap.Lock())
                int    width            = uSimilarityMap.Width;
                int    height           = uSimilarityMap.Height;
                int    stride           = uSimilarityMap.Stride; //stride should be == width * sizeof(short) (see linearized maps)
                short *similarityMapPtr = (short *)uSimilarityMap.ImageData;

                for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
                        if (similarityMapPtr[col] >= minValue)
                            positions.Add(new Point(col, row));

                    similarityMapPtr = (short *)((byte *)similarityMapPtr + stride);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates integral image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img">Image.</param>
        /// <returns>Integral image.</returns>
        public static Gray<double>[,] MakeIntegral(this Gray<double>[,] img)
            var dstImg = new Gray<double>[img.Height() + 1, img.Width() + 1];

            using (var uImg = img.Lock())
            using (var uDstImg = dstImg.Lock())
                makeIntegral_Double(uImg, uDstImg);

            return dstImg;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates integral image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img">Image.</param>
        /// <returns>Integral image.</returns>
        public static Gray <double>[,] MakeIntegral(this Gray <double>[,] img)
            var dstImg = new Gray <double> [img.Height() + 1, img.Width() + 1];

            using (var uImg = img.Lock())
                using (var uDstImg = dstImg.Lock())
                    makeIntegral_Double(uImg, uDstImg);

        private Image <Gray <byte> >[,] linearizeResponseMap(Gray <byte>[,] responseMap)
            var linearizedMaps = new Image <Gray <byte> > [NeigborhoodSize, NeigborhoodSize];

            //Outer two for loops iterate over top-left T^2 starting pixels
            for (int rowNeigbor = 0; rowNeigbor < this.NeigborhoodSize; rowNeigbor++)
                for (int colNeigbor = 0; colNeigbor < this.NeigborhoodSize; colNeigbor++)
                    var linearMap = new Gray <byte> [this.LinearMapSize.Height, this.LinearMapSize.Width];
                    calculateLinearMapForNeighbour(responseMap, rowNeigbor, colNeigbor, linearMap);
                    linearizedMaps[rowNeigbor, colNeigbor] = linearMap.Lock();

Exemplo n.º 9
        private static Gray <short>[,] calculateSimilarityMap(ITemplate template, LinearizedMaps maps, Rectangle searchArea)
            Debug.Assert(searchArea.Right <= maps.ImageSize.Width &&
                         searchArea.Bottom <= maps.ImageSize.Height);
            Debug.Assert(template.Size.Width + searchArea.X < maps.ImageSize.Width &&
                         template.Size.Height + searchArea.Y < maps.ImageSize.Height);

            int width  = searchArea.Width / maps.NeigborhoodSize;
            int height = searchArea.Height / maps.NeigborhoodSize;

            Gray <short>[,] similarityMap = new Gray <short> [height, width]; //performance penalty (alloc, dealloc)!!!
            Gray <byte>[,] buffer         = new Gray <byte> [height, width];

            using (var uSimilarityMap = similarityMap.Lock())
                using (var uBuffer = buffer.Lock())
                    int nAddsInBuffer = 0;
                    foreach (var feature in template.Features)
                        var position = new Point(feature.X + searchArea.X, feature.Y + searchArea.Y); //shifted position

                        Point mapPoint;
                        var   neighbourMap = maps.GetMapElement(position, feature.AngleIndex, out mapPoint);

                        neighbourMap.AddTo(uBuffer, mapPoint);

                        if (nAddsInBuffer / GlobalParameters.MAX_SUPPORTED_NUM_OF_FEATURES_ADDDED_AS_BYTE != 0)
                            buffer.Clear(); //clear buffer

                            nAddsInBuffer = 0;

                    bool finalAdd = (template.Features.Length % GlobalParameters.MAX_SUPPORTED_NUM_OF_FEATURES_ADDDED_AS_BYTE != 0);
                    if (finalAdd)

        /// <summary>
        /// Computes gradient orientations from the color image. Orientation from the channel which has the maximum gradient magnitude is taken as the orientation for a location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame">Image.</param>
        /// <param name="magnitudeSqrImage">Squared magnitude image.</param>
        /// <param name="minValidMagnitude">Minimal valid magnitude.</param>
        /// <returns>Orientation image (angles are in degrees).</returns>
        public unsafe static Gray <int>[,] Compute(Gray <byte>[,] frame, out Gray <int>[,] magnitudeSqrImage, int minValidMagnitude)
            var minSqrMagnitude = minValidMagnitude * minValidMagnitude;

            var orientationImage   = new Gray <int> [frame.Height(), frame.Width()];
            var _magnitudeSqrImage = orientationImage.CopyBlank();

            using (var uFrame = frame.Lock())
                ParallelLauncher.Launch(thread =>
                    computeGray(thread, (byte *)uFrame.ImageData, uFrame.Stride, orientationImage, _magnitudeSqrImage, minSqrMagnitude);
                                        frame.Width() - 2 * kernelRadius, frame.Height() - 2 * kernelRadius);

            magnitudeSqrImage = _magnitudeSqrImage;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes moments for the provided image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Image.</param>
        /// <param name="area">Area</param>
        public void Compute(Gray <float>[,] image, Rectangle area)

            float m00, m01, m10, m11, m02, m20, m12, m21, m30, m03;

            using (var uImg = image.Lock(area))
                computeFloat(uImg, Point.Empty, Order,
                             out m00, out m01, out m10,
                             out m11, out m02, out m20,
                             out m12, out m21, out m30, out m03);

            this.M00 += m00; this.M01 += m01; this.M10 += m10;
            this.M11 += m11; this.M02 += m02; this.M20 += m20;
            this.M12 += m12; this.M21 += m21; this.M30 += m30; this.M03 += m03;

            InvM00  = 1f / M00;
            CenterX = M10 * InvM00;
            CenterY = M01 * InvM00;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private Gray <byte>[,] computeResponseMap(Gray <byte>[,] sprededQuantizedImage, int orientationIndex)
            int width       = this.ImageValidSize.Width;
            int height      = this.ImageValidSize.Height;
            var responseMap = new Gray <byte> [height, width];

            using (var uSprededQuantizedImage = sprededQuantizedImage.Lock())
                int   srcStride = uSprededQuantizedImage.Stride;
                byte *srcPtr    = (byte *)uSprededQuantizedImage.ImageData;

                using (var uResponseMap = responseMap.Lock())
                    int   dstStride = uResponseMap.Stride;
                    byte *dstPtr    = (byte *)uResponseMap.ImageData;

                    //za sliku
                    fixed(byte *angleTablePtr = &SimilarityAngleTable[0, 0])
                        byte *orientPtr = angleTablePtr + orientationIndex * SimilarityAngleTable.GetLength(1);

                        for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                            for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
                                //destPtr[col] = SimilarityAngleTable[orient, srcPtr[col]];
                                dstPtr[col] = orientPtr[srcPtr[col]]; //faster way

                            srcPtr += srcStride;
                            dstPtr += dstStride;

Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes moments for the provided image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Image.</param>
        /// <param name="area">Area</param>
        public void Compute(Gray<float>[,] image, Rectangle area)

            float m00, m01, m10, m11, m02, m20, m12, m21, m30, m03;

            using (var uImg = image.Lock(area))
                computeFloat(uImg, Point.Empty, Order,
                             out m00, out m01, out m10,
                             out m11, out m02, out m20,
                             out m12, out m21, out m30, out m03);

            this.M00 += m00; this.M01 += m01; this.M10 += m10;
            this.M11 += m11; this.M02 += m02; this.M20 += m20;
            this.M12 += m12; this.M21 += m21; this.M30 += m30; this.M03 += m03;

            InvM00 = 1f / M00;
            CenterX = M10 * InvM00;
            CenterY = M01 * InvM00;
        /// <summary>
        /// Take only those orientations that have MINIMAL_NUM_OF_SAME_ORIENTED_PIXELS in 3x3 negborhood.
        /// Performs angle transformation into binary form ([0..7] -> [1, 2, 4, 8, ..., 128]) as well.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qunatizedOrientionImg">Quantized orientation image where angles are represented by lables [0..GlobalParameters.NUM_OF_QUNATIZED_ORIENTATIONS] (invalid orientation label included).</param>
        /// <param name="minSameOrientations">Minimal number of same orientations for 3x3 neigborhood. The range is: [0..9] (3x3 neigborhood).</param>
        private static Gray <byte>[,] RetainImportantQuantizedOrientations(Gray <byte>[,] qunatizedOrientionImg, int minSameOrientations)
            if (minSameOrientations < 0 || minSameOrientations > 9 /*3x3 neigborhood*/)
                throw new Exception("Minimal number of same orientations should be in: [0..9].");

            var quantizedFilteredOrient = qunatizedOrientionImg.CopyBlank();

            using (var uQunatizedOrientionImg = qunatizedOrientionImg.Lock())
                using (var uQuantizedFilteredOrient = quantizedFilteredOrient.Lock())
                    //debugImg = new Image<Hsv, byte>(orientDegImg.Width, orientDegImg.Height);
                    //debugImg = null;
                    int qOrinetStride = uQunatizedOrientionImg.Stride;
                    int qOrinetAllign = uQunatizedOrientionImg.Stride - uQunatizedOrientionImg.Width;

                    byte *qOrinetUnfilteredPtr = (byte *)uQunatizedOrientionImg.ImageData + qOrinetStride + 1;
                    byte *qOrinetFilteredPtr   = (byte *)uQuantizedFilteredOrient.ImageData + qOrinetStride + 1;

                    //Debug.Assert(qunatizedOrientionImg.Stride == quantizedFilteredOrient.Stride);

                    int imgWidth  = uQunatizedOrientionImg.Width;
                    int imgHeight = uQunatizedOrientionImg.Height;

                    for (int j = 1; j < imgHeight - 1; j++)
                        for (int i = 1; i < imgWidth - 1; i++)
                            if (*qOrinetUnfilteredPtr != INVALID_QUANTIZED_ORIENTATION)
                                byte[] histogram = new byte[INVALID_QUANTIZED_ORIENTATION + 1]; //gleda se susjedstvo 3x3

                                histogram[qOrinetUnfilteredPtr[-qOrinetStride - 1]]++; histogram[qOrinetUnfilteredPtr[-qOrinetStride + 0]]++; histogram[qOrinetUnfilteredPtr[-qOrinetStride + 1]]++;
                                histogram[qOrinetUnfilteredPtr[-1]]++; histogram[qOrinetUnfilteredPtr[0]]++; histogram[qOrinetUnfilteredPtr[+1]]++;
                                histogram[qOrinetUnfilteredPtr[+qOrinetStride - 1]]++; histogram[qOrinetUnfilteredPtr[+qOrinetStride + 0]]++; histogram[qOrinetUnfilteredPtr[+qOrinetStride + 1]]++;

                                int maxBinVotes = 0; byte quantizedAngle = 0;
                                // find the max direction in the 3x3 box
                                for (byte histBinIdx = 0; histBinIdx < GlobalParameters.NUM_OF_QUNATIZED_ORIENTATIONS /*discard invalid orientation*/; histBinIdx++)
                                    if (histogram[histBinIdx] > maxBinVotes)
                                        maxBinVotes    = histogram[histBinIdx];
                                        quantizedAngle = histBinIdx;

                                if (maxBinVotes >= minSameOrientations)
                                    *qOrinetFilteredPtr = (byte)(1 << quantizedAngle); //[1,2,4,8...128] (8 orientations)
                                //*qOrinetFilteredPtr = (byte)(1 << *qOrinetUnfilteredPtr); //[1,2,4,8...128] (8 orientations)
                                //debugImg[j, i] = new Hsv((*qOrinetFilteredPtr-1) * 35, 100, 100);


                        qOrinetUnfilteredPtr += 1 + qOrinetAllign + 1;
                        qOrinetFilteredPtr   += 1 + qOrinetAllign + 1; //preskoči zadnji piksel, poravnanje, i početni piksel
