Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a vector that will draw one axis of the satellite's body axes.
        /// </summary>
        private static GraphicalVector CreateAxesVector(Platform platform, CartesianElement cartesianElement, Color color, string identifier)
            var graphicalVector = new GraphicalVector
                // Compute the vector for the given element in the satellite's body axes.
                Vector = platform.OrientationAxes.GetVectorElement(cartesianElement),
                // Specify the visual appearance of the vector.
                VectorGraphics = new VectorGraphics
                    Length = 10.0,
                    Color  = color,
                LocationPoint = platform.LocationPoint,

            // Set the identifier for the vector in the CZML document.
            graphicalVector.Extensions.Add(new IdentifierExtension(identifier));

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Platform for the requested satellite using a TLE for position.
        /// The satellite will be visually represented by a labeled glTF model,
        /// the satellite's orbit will be shown, and vectors will be drawn for
        /// the body axes of the satellite, plus a vector indicating the direction
        /// of the sun.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateSatellite()
            // Get the current TLE for the given satellite identifier.
            var tleList = TwoLineElementSetHelper.GetTles(m_satelliteIdentifier, JulianDate.Now);

            // Use the epoch of the first TLE, since the TLE may have been loaded from offline data.
            m_epoch = tleList[0].Epoch;

            // Propagate the TLE and use that as the satellite's location point.
            var locationPoint = new Sgp4Propagator(tleList).CreatePoint();

            m_satellite = new Platform
                Name          = "Satellite " + m_satelliteIdentifier,
                LocationPoint = locationPoint,
                // Orient the satellite using Vehicle Velocity Local Horizontal (VVLH) axes.
                OrientationAxes = new AxesVehicleVelocityLocalHorizontal(m_earth.FixedFrame, locationPoint),

            // Set the identifier for the satellite in the CZML document.
            m_satellite.Extensions.Add(new IdentifierExtension(m_satelliteIdentifier));

            // Configure a glTF model for the satellite.
            m_satellite.Extensions.Add(new ModelGraphicsExtension(new ModelGraphics
                // Link to a binary glTF file.
                Model = new CesiumResource(GetModelUri("satellite.glb"), CesiumResourceBehavior.LinkTo),
                // By default, Cesium plays all animations in the model simultaneously, which is not desirable.
                RunAnimations = false,

            // Configure a label for the satellite.
            m_satellite.Extensions.Add(new LabelGraphicsExtension(new LabelGraphics
                // Use the name of the satellite as the text of the label.
                Text = m_satellite.Name,
                // Change the color of the label after 12 hours. This demonstrates specifying that
                // a value varies over time using intervals.
                FillColor = new TimeIntervalCollection <Color>
                    // Green for the first half day...
                    new TimeInterval <Color>(JulianDate.MinValue, m_epoch.AddDays(0.5), Color.Green, true, false),
                    // Red thereafter.
                    new TimeInterval <Color>(m_epoch.AddDays(0.5), JulianDate.MaxValue, Color.Red, false, true),
                // Only show label when camera is far enough from the satellite,
                // to avoid visually clashing with the model.
                DistanceDisplayCondition = new Bounds(1000.0, double.MaxValue),

            // Configure graphical display of the orbital path of the satellite.
            m_satellite.Extensions.Add(new PathGraphicsExtension(new PathGraphics
                // Configure the visual appearance of the line.
                Material = new PolylineOutlineMaterialGraphics
                    Color        = Color.White,
                    OutlineWidth = 1.0,
                    OutlineColor = Color.Black,
                Width = 2.0,
                // Lead and Trail time indicate how much of the path to render.
                LeadTime  = Duration.FromMinutes(44.0).TotalSeconds,
                TrailTime = Duration.FromMinutes(44.0).TotalSeconds,

            // Create vectors for the X, Y, and Z axes of the satellite.
            m_satelliteXAxis = CreateAxesVector(m_satellite, CartesianElement.X, Color.Green, "SatelliteX");
            m_satelliteYAxis = CreateAxesVector(m_satellite, CartesianElement.Y, Color.Red, "SatelliteY");
            m_satelliteZAxis = CreateAxesVector(m_satellite, CartesianElement.Z, Color.Blue, "SatelliteZ");

            // Create a vector from the satellite to the Sun.

            // Compute the vector from the satellite's location to the Sun's center of mass.
            var sunCenterOfMassPoint = CentralBodiesFacet.GetFromContext().Sun.CenterOfMassPoint;
            var vectorSatelliteToSun = new VectorTrueDisplacement(m_satellite.LocationPoint, sunCenterOfMassPoint);

            // Create the visual vector.
            m_satelliteSunVector = new GraphicalVector
                LocationPoint  = m_satellite.LocationPoint,
                Vector         = vectorSatelliteToSun,
                VectorGraphics = new VectorGraphics
                    Length = 5.0,
                    Color  = Color.Yellow,

            // Set the identifier for the vector in the CZML document.
            m_satelliteSunVector.Extensions.Add(new IdentifierExtension("SunVector"));

            // Orient the solar panels on the satellite model to point at the sun.
            var satelliteYVector = m_satellite.OrientationAxes.GetVectorElement(CartesianElement.Y);

            // allow only Z axis to rotate to follow sun vector. Constrain sun vector to Y, and satellite Y vector to X.
            var constrainedAxes = new AxesAlignedConstrained(satelliteYVector, AxisIndicator.First, vectorSatelliteToSun, AxisIndicator.Second);

            // Satellite axes are Vehicle Velocity Local Horizontal (VVLH) axes, where X is forward and Z is down,
            // but Cesium model axes are Z forward, Y up. So, create an axes rotates to the Cesium model axes.
            var offset = new UnitQuaternion(new ElementaryRotation(AxisIndicator.First, -Math.PI / 2)) *
                         new UnitQuaternion(new ElementaryRotation(AxisIndicator.Third, Math.PI / 2));
            var cesiumModelAxes = new AxesFixedOffset(m_satellite.OrientationAxes, offset);

            // The rotation will be from the Cesium model axes to the constrained axes.
            var solarPanelRotationAxes = new AxesInAxes(constrainedAxes, cesiumModelAxes);

            // Add a node transformation to rotate the SolarPanels node of the model.
            m_satellite.Extensions.GetByType <ModelGraphicsExtension>().ModelGraphics.NodeTransformations = new Dictionary <string, NodeTransformationGraphics>
                    "SolarPanels", new NodeTransformationGraphics
                        Rotation = new AxesCesiumProperty(solarPanelRotationAxes)