Exemplo n.º 1
 public void find_Path(GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int fromN, GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int loop, int fromNode, int toNode,
                       ref bool[] mark, ref int[] X, int header, ref int[] searchNode, ref int nSearchNode)
     //must guarantee no EXIT in PdFlow()
     for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[fromN].Node[fromNode].nPost; j++)
         int postNode = graph.Network[fromN].Node[fromNode].Post[j];
         if (mark[postNode] == false && gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Loop(clsLoop, workLoop, postNode, loop))
             X[fromNode]    = postNode;
             mark[postNode] = true;
             if (postNode == toNode)
                 //getResult(ref X, header, toNode, ref searchNode, ref nSearchNode);
                 mark[postNode] = false;
                 mark[postNode] = true;
                 find_Path(graph, fromN, clsLoop, workLoop, loop, postNode, toNode, ref mark, ref X, header, ref searchNode, ref nSearchNode);
                 mark[postNode] = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static int getCID_IL(GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int fromN, GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int loop)
            //gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findIntersection interSect = new gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findIntersection();
            //gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph reduceG = new gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph();

            int[] calDom = null;
            for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry; k++)
                calDom = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findIntersection.find_Intersection(graph.Network[fromN].nNode, calDom, graph.Network[fromN].Node[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].Entry[k]].Dom);

            if (calDom.Length > 0)
                int CID = -1;
                //pick another CID if current CID
                for (int i = calDom.Length - 1; i > -1; i--)
                    if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.check_CID_In_Loop(clsLoop, workLoop, loop, calDom[i]) == false)
                        CID = calDom[i];
                if (CID == -1)
                    MessageBox.Show("Find_IncludeNode of DFlow error", "Error");
                    return(-1); //error
                int header = CID;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static bool check_header(ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int currentLoop, int i, int k, ref int loop)
     for (int j = 0; j < clsLoop.Loop[currentLoop].Loop[i].nChild; j++)
         if (clsLoop.Loop[currentLoop].Loop[i].Node[k] == clsLoop.Loop[currentLoop].Loop[clsLoop.Loop[currentLoop].Loop[i].child[j]].header)
             loop = clsLoop.Loop[currentLoop].Loop[i].child[j];
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static bool check_UntanglingIL(GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int curLoop)
     //if no exclusive entries exist (concurrency = 0) => no Untangling
     for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].Concurrency.Length; i++)
         if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].Concurrency[i] == 0)
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void find_ParentLoop(GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int loop, ref int[] pLoopS, ref int npLoopS)
            if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].parentLoop == -1)

            pLoopS[npLoopS] = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].parentLoop;

            find_ParentLoop(clsLoop, workLoop, clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].parentLoop, ref pLoopS, ref npLoopS);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private int Initialize_loopDAG(GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int currentLoop)
            int countDAG = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[currentLoop].nLoop; i++)
                if (clsLoop.Loop[currentLoop].Loop[i].nEntry == 1)
                    countDAG += 2;
                    countDAG += 3;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void start_Indexing_Acyclic(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, ref GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS, ref GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS_Untangle,
                                                  ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, ref GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, bool[] flag_Check)

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType1.Run_Split_Type1(ref graph, graph.orgNet, graph.midNet);

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.LoopIdentification.Run_FindLoop(ref graph, graph.midNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsLoop.IrreducibleError);

            graph.Network[graph.finalNet] = graph.Network[graph.midNet];
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType2.Run_Split_Type2(ref graph, graph.midNet, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop);

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Dom(ref graph, graph.finalNet);
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Pdom(ref graph, graph.finalNet);
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_DomEI(ref graph, graph.finalNet, -2);
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_PdomEI(ref graph, graph.finalNet);

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.SESEIdentification.find_SESE_WithLoop(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, -2);
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType3.Run_Split_Type3(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, true);

            //Make nesting forest
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeNestingForest.make_NestingForest(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsHWLS, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE);

            GraphVariables.clsError clsError = new gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsError();

            //Fix each SOS entry for Bond and Rigid
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.VerificationG.Initialize_Verification(ref graph, ref clsError, ref clsLoop, ref clsSESE, ref clsHWLS);

            //verify bond first =>>

            int workNet  = graph.finalNet;
            int workLoop = clsLoop.orgLoop;
            int workSESE = clsSESE.finalSESE;

            //== get initial behavior profile ==
            graph.Network[graph.reduceNet] = graph.Network[workNet];
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.extendGraph.full_extentNetwork(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, 0, 0);
            get_InitialBehaviorProfile(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, ref clsHWLS, ref clsLoop, workLoop, ref clsSESE, workSESE, flag_Check);
            //Database storing
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static bool check_CID_In_Loop(GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int curLoop, int canCID)

            int curDepth = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].depth;

            for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].nLoop; i++)
                if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].depth == curDepth)
                    if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Loop(clsLoop, workLoop, canCID, i))
                        if (!(clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].header == canCID && clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].nEntry == 1))
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void build_loopDAG(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int currentLoop,
                                  ref GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, ref GraphVariables.clsLoopDAG clsLoopDAG, int currentLoopDAG)
            int init_n = Initialize_loopDAG(graph, currentN, clsLoop, currentLoop);

            clsLoopDAG.loopDAG[currentLoopDAG].loopDAG  = new GraphVariables.clsLoopDAG.strLoopDAGInfo[init_n];
            clsLoopDAG.loopDAG[currentLoopDAG].nLoopDAG = 0;


            //int count_loopDAG = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[currentLoop].nLoop; i++)
                gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsLoop.strLoopInform loop = clsLoop.Loop[currentLoop].Loop[i];
                if (loop.nEntry == 1) //NL
                    gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_subNetwork(ref graph, currentN, graph.acyclicNet, ref clsLoop, currentLoop, i, ref clsSESE, "FF", -1);
                else //IL
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static bool isConcurrentEntry(GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int curLoop, int cur_concurrency, int entry, int curEnIndex)
     if (cur_concurrency == 0)
         if (entry == curEnIndex)
         for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nEntry; i++)
             if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].Entry[i] == entry)
                 if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].Concurrency[i] == cur_concurrency)
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void add_to_exclusiveInst(GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int tempNet, ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int curLoop, int curEnIndx, int[] InstantNode, int nInstantNode)
            int temp_nExclusive = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nExclusiveInst[curEnIndx];

            int[] temp_exclusiveInst = new int[temp_nExclusive];

            temp_exclusiveInst = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].exclusiveInst[curEnIndx];

            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nExclusiveInst[curEnIndx] = 0;
            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].exclusiveInst[curEnIndx]  = new int[nInstantNode];

            for (int j = 0; j < nInstantNode; j++)
                int orgInstNode = graph.Network[tempNet].Node[InstantNode[j]].orgNum;
                if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].exclusiveInst[curEnIndx], clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nExclusiveInst[curEnIndx], orgInstNode) == false)
                    if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nExclusiveInst[curEnIndx] < 1)
                        clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nExclusiveInst[curEnIndx] = 0;

                    int instIndex = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nExclusiveInst[curEnIndx];
                    clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].exclusiveInst[curEnIndx][instIndex] = orgInstNode;
                    clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nExclusiveInst[curEnIndx] = instIndex;

            int temp_nExclusive_2 = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nExclusiveInst[curEnIndx];

            int[] temp_exclusiveInst_2 = new int[temp_nExclusive_2];
            temp_exclusiveInst_2 = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].exclusiveInst[curEnIndx];

            int[] totalTemp = new int[temp_nExclusive_2 + temp_nExclusive];
            int   nTotal    = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < temp_nExclusive; i++)
                totalTemp[nTotal] = temp_exclusiveInst[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < temp_nExclusive_2; i++)
                if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(totalTemp, nTotal, temp_exclusiveInst_2[i]) == false)
                    totalTemp[nTotal] = temp_exclusiveInst_2[i];
            //cleaning array
            int[] newArray = new int[nTotal];
            for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++)
                newArray[i] = totalTemp[i];

            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nExclusiveInst[curEnIndx] = nTotal;
            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].exclusiveInst[curEnIndx]  = newArray;
            //clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].exclusiveInst[curEnIndx] =
Exemplo n.º 12
        //Get concurrency combination of IL<entries> from their CID (Output => SubNet)
        public static void check_Concurrency(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, int conNet, int subNet, GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int loop, ref GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE)

            graph.Network[conNet] = graph.Network[currentN]; //CIDFlow begining is stored in conNet (Network[8])
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.extendGraph.full_extentNetwork(ref graph, conNet, 0, 0);

            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.copyLoop.copy_Loop(ref clsLoop, workLoop, clsLoop.tempLoop);

            //reduce all loop except "loop" and its parents. (Applied NEW TYPE OF IL REDUCTION) ==>> REDUCE SAME DEPTH??? => ITS OK!!
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.Preprocessing_total_reduceSubgraph(ref graph, conNet, clsLoop, workLoop, loop);

            //make DFlow() + CID in this procedure.
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_subNetwork(ref graph, conNet, subNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.tempLoop, loop, ref clsSESE, "CC", -1); //find concurrency set
            //============ (by pass) using "CC" subgraph to find other parameter (just lazy) ==============
            DFlow_IL_Flow        = null;
            nNodeDFlow_IL        = 0;
            expand_DFlow_IL_Flow = null; //combine DFlow+IL and expand nested loops (if any)
            expand_nNodeDFlow_IL = 0;

            DFlow         = null;
            nDFlow        = 0;
            expand_DFlow  = null;
            expand_nDFlow = 0;

            orgCID = getCID_IL(graph, conNet, clsLoop, workLoop, loop); //CID of original graph index (All entries)

            expand_boundaryNodes = getBoundaryNode(graph, conNet, subNet, clsLoop, workLoop, loop, ref expand_DFlow_IL_Flow, ref expand_nNodeDFlow_IL, ref expand_DFlow, ref expand_nDFlow, true);
            boundaryNodes        = getBoundaryNode(graph, conNet, subNet, clsLoop, workLoop, loop, ref DFlow_IL_Flow, ref nNodeDFlow_IL, ref DFlow, ref nDFlow, false);

            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_subGraph_DFlow(ref graph, conNet, subNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.tempLoop, loop, DFlow, nDFlow, boundaryNodes, orgCID); //subgraph contains DFlow + boundaryNode

            //========>>>>> NEED FIX THE CONCURRENT ENTRY SET IDENTIFICATION => Recording all set, not optimize anything
            make_ConcurrencyInstance(graph, subNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.tempLoop, loop); //find concurrency entry sets using DFlow() => store in clsLoop.
            //========>>>>> MUST FIX <<<<<============

            //some ERRORS here, check it for QUERY paper (Next paper)
            make_ConcurrencyInstance_Untangling(ref graph, subNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.tempLoop, loop); //find the instanceNode to each concurrencySet => store in clsLoop also

            //copy concurrency inform =============== THIS IS FOR THE VERIFICATION PAPER ONLY
            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrency = clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrency; //tranfer all the concurrency value from tempLoop [3] to workloop [2]
            if (clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].Concurrency != null)
                clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].Concurrency = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry];
                for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry; k++)
                    clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].Concurrency[k] = clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].Concurrency[k];

            //copy InstanceNode_DFlow to workLoop - Concurrent Entry
            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrInst = new int[clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrInst.Length]; //tranfer all the concurrency value from tempLoop [3] to workloop [2]
            for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrInst.Length; i++)
                clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrInst[i] = clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrInst[i];

            if (clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].concurrInst != null)
                clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].concurrInst = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrInst.Length][];
                for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrInst.Length; k++)
                    if (clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].concurrInst[k] == null)
                    clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].concurrInst[k] = new int[clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].concurrInst[k].Length];
                    for (int l = 0; l < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrInst[k]; l++)
                        clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].concurrInst[k][l] = clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].concurrInst[k][l];

            //copy InstanceNode_DFlow to workLoop - Exclusive entries
            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nExclusiveInst = new int[clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].nExclusiveInst.Length]; //tranfer all the concurrency value from tempLoop [3] to workloop [2]
            for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nExclusiveInst.Length; i++)
                clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nExclusiveInst[i] = clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].nExclusiveInst[i];

            if (clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].exclusiveInst != null)
                clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].exclusiveInst = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nExclusiveInst.Length][];
                for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nExclusiveInst.Length; k++)
                    if (clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].exclusiveInst[k] == null)
                    clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].exclusiveInst[k] = new int[clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].exclusiveInst[k].Length];
                    for (int l = 0; l < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nExclusiveInst[k]; l++)
                        clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].exclusiveInst[k][l] = clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.tempLoop].Loop[loop].exclusiveInst[k][l];
            //output is the model in Network.SUBNET
            //output: Get Concurrency[] and ConcurrencyInst of DFlow().
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static void make_ConcurrencyInstance_Untangling(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int tempNet, ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int loop)
            //set the initiated value for SearchXOR, nSearch, nCurrentXOR
            int[] SearchXOR   = new int[graph.Network[tempNet].nNode]; // 0-탐색 //navigation??
            int   nSearchXOR  = 0;
            int   nCurrentXOR = 0;

            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrInst = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrency + 1]; //+1 for compatable of concurrencyIndex (loop)
            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].concurrInst  = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrency + 1][];

            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nExclusiveInst = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry];
            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].exclusiveInst  = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry][];

                nCurrentXOR = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[tempNet].nLink; j++)
                    graph.Network[tempNet].Link[j].bInstance = false;

                int[]    InstantNode       = new int[graph.Network[tempNet].nNode];
                int      nInstantNode      = 0;
                string[] strCombination_OR = new string[graph.Network[tempNet].nNode];
                int      sNode             = graph.Network[tempNet].header;
                InstantNode[nInstantNode] = sNode;

                //Instant Flow
                //SearchXOR[] will be use in here //instanceNode() => will find the path of each instance flow (i.g. 1->4->5->8)
                if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeInstanceFlow.find_InstanceNode(ref graph, tempNet, sNode, ref InstantNode, ref nInstantNode, ref SearchXOR, ref nSearchXOR, ref nCurrentXOR, ref strCombination_OR))
                    string[] readable = new string[nInstantNode];
                    readable = convert_Readable(ref graph, tempNet, InstantNode, nInstantNode);

                    for (int k = 0; k <= clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrency; k++)
                        int countE    = 0;
                        int countInst = 0;
                        for (int m = 0; m < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry; m++)
                            if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].Concurrency[m] != k)
                            int curEntry = get_NewNodeIndex(graph, tempNet, clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].Entry[m]);
                            if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(InstantNode, nInstantNode, curEntry) == true)
                                if (k == 0)
                                    add_to_exclusiveInst(graph, tempNet, ref clsLoop, workLoop, loop, m, InstantNode, nInstantNode);
                        if (countE == countInst)
                            //store InstanceNode
                            //set Union of all instance node
                            add_to_concurrInst(graph, tempNet, ref clsLoop, workLoop, loop, k, InstantNode, nInstantNode);
                        if (true)
            } while (nSearchXOR > 0);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static void make_ConcurrencyInstance(GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int loop) //Must check here !!!!!!!!!!!!
            //INPUT: A acyclic graph with single start
            //OUTPUT: Mark into CONCURRENCY field of the clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop];

            int conNum = 0;

            int[][] conEntry = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry][];
            for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry; i++)
                conEntry[i] = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry];

            //set the initiated value for SearchXOR, nSearch, nCurrentXOR
            int[] SearchXOR   = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode]; // 0-탐색 //navigation??
            int   nSearchXOR  = 0;
            int   nCurrentXOR = 0;

                nCurrentXOR = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[currentN].nLink; j++)
                    graph.Network[currentN].Link[j].bInstance = false;

                int[]    InstantNode       = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode];
                int      nInstantNode      = 0;
                string[] strCombination_OR = new string[graph.Network[currentN].nNode];
                int      sNode             = graph.Network[currentN].header;
                InstantNode[nInstantNode] = sNode;

                //Instant Flow 찾으면
                //SearchXOR[] will be use in here //instanceNode() => will find the path of each instance flow (i.g. 1->4->5->8)
                if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeInstanceFlow.find_InstanceNode(ref graph, currentN, sNode, ref InstantNode, ref nInstantNode, ref SearchXOR, ref nSearchXOR, ref nCurrentXOR, ref strCombination_OR))
                    int[] imEntry = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry];
                    bool  isError = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nInstantNode; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry; j++)
                            if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[InstantNode[i]].orgNum == clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].Entry[j])
                                imEntry[j] = 1; //import entry cua node thu j (ko phai node j) = 1 sau nay no co the = 2 3 4 ...
                                isError    = false;
                    if (!isError)
                        //Same Check
                        int    sameCon = 0; //sameConcurrent??
                        bool[] kCon    = new bool[conNum];
                        for (int k = 0; k < conNum; k++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry; j++)
                                if (imEntry[j] == 1 && conEntry[k][j] == 1)
                                    kCon[k] = true;
                        if (sameCon == 0)
                            conEntry[conNum] = imEntry;
                            int     conNum_T   = conNum;
                            int[][] conEntry_T = new int[conNum][];
                            for (int k = 0; k < conNum_T; k++)
                                conEntry_T[k] = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry];
                                for (int j = 0; j < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry; j++)
                                    conEntry_T[k][j] = conEntry[k][j];
                            conNum = 0;
                            for (int k = 0; k < conNum_T; k++)
                                if (kCon[k])
                                for (int j = 0; j < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry; j++)
                                    conEntry[conNum][j] = conEntry[k][j];
                            for (int j = 0; j < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry; j++)
                                conEntry[conNum][j] = 0;
                                if (imEntry[j] == 1)
                                    conEntry[conNum][j] = 1;
                                for (int k = 0; k < conNum_T; k++)
                                    if (!kCon[k])
                                    if (conEntry_T[k][j] == 1)
                                        conEntry[conNum][j] = 1;
                } // if error
            } while (nSearchXOR > 0);

            //here => what I need to know //number of Concurrency = number of Loop Entry
            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].Concurrency = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry];

            int numType = 1;

            for (int k = 0; k < conNum; k++)
                int cntTrue = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry; j++)
                    if (conEntry[k][j] == 1)
                if (cntTrue > 1)
                    for (int j = 0; j < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nEntry; j++)
                        if (conEntry[k][j] == 1)
                            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].Concurrency[j] = numType;
            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[loop].nConcurrency = numType - 1;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public int[] get_InstanceFlow(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int curLoop, int concurEn)
            SearchXOR   = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode]; // 0-탐색
            nSearchXOR  = 0;
            nCurrentXOR = 0;
            nInst       = 0;

            int[] searchNode  = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode];
            int   nSearchNode = 0;

                nCurrentXOR = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[currentN].nLink; j++) //fill all this subnetwork is un-visit
                    graph.Network[currentN].Link[j].bInstance = false;  //bInstance is used for mark the node which have token (instance flow)

                int[]    InstantNode       = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode];
                int      nInstantNode      = 0;
                string[] strCombination_OR = new string[graph.Network[currentN].nNode]; //for indexing the current propagation of OR split e.g., which successors are activated.
                //int nOR_SplitIndex = 0;

                int sNode = graph.Network[currentN].header;
                InstantNode[nInstantNode] = sNode;

                if (find_InstanceNode(ref graph, currentN, sNode, ref InstantNode, ref nInstantNode, ref SearchXOR, ref nSearchXOR, ref nCurrentXOR, ref strCombination_OR)) //find_InstanceNode() => output will be stored in InstantNode[] (Global variable!) - all the node which is activated in currentN.
                    string[] readable = new string[nInstantNode];

                //check whether current InstanceNode contains concurrentEntries or not
                int countE    = 0;
                int countInst = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nConcurrency; i++)
                    if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].Concurrency[i] == concurEn)
                        for (int j = 0; j < nInstantNode; j++)
                            if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[InstantNode[j]].orgNum == clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].Entry[i])
                //if current Inst contain cc_entries set => store it
                if (countE == countInst)
                    //set Union of all instance node
                    for (int j = 0; j < nInstantNode; j++)
                        if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(searchNode, nSearchNode, InstantNode[j]) == false)
                            searchNode[nSearchNode] = InstantNode[j];
            } while (nSearchXOR > 0);

            int[] tempArr = new int[nSearchNode];
            for (int i = 0; i < nSearchNode; i++)
                tempArr[i] = searchNode[i];


            //cardinality = nInst;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static bool make_UntanglingIL(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, int untangleNet, GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS, GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop,
                                             GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int workSESE)

            bool existUntangle = false;

            //scan for all IL and analyze at the lowest lever first.

            graph.Network[untangleNet] = graph.Network[currentN];
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.extendGraph.full_extentNetwork(ref graph, untangleNet, 0, 0); //now work in untangleNet

            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.copyLoop.copy_Loop(ref clsLoop, workLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop);

            int curDepth = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.maxDepth;

                for (int i = 0; i < clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock; i++)
                    if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].depth != curDepth || clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].nEntry == 1)
                        continue;                                                                                     //only get IL
                    int orgLoopIndx = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].refIndex;

                    int newLoopIndx = find_newLoopIndex(graph, untangleNet, clsLoop, workLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop, orgLoopIndx);

                    gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findConcurrencyEntriesIL.check_Concurrency(ref graph, untangleNet, graph.conNet, graph.subNet, clsLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop, newLoopIndx, ref clsSESE); //concurrency[] and concurrencyInst[] were found in clsLoop.

                    //find CID again =>
                    int CID = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findConcurrencyEntriesIL.orgCID;
                    //we can access searchNode[] in fndConcurrencyIL to get DF => then find boundaries nodes of current IL
                    int[] DFlow_IL_Flow        = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findConcurrencyEntriesIL.DFlow_IL_Flow;;
                    int   nNodeDFlow_IL        = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findConcurrencyEntriesIL.nNodeDFlow_IL;
                    int[] expand_DFlow_IL_Flow = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findConcurrencyEntriesIL.expand_DFlow_IL_Flow;
                    int   expand_nNodeDFlow_IL = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findConcurrencyEntriesIL.expand_nNodeDFlow_IL;

                    int[] DFlow         = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findConcurrencyEntriesIL.DFlow;
                    int   nDFlow        = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findConcurrencyEntriesIL.nDFlow;
                    int[] expand_DFlow  = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findConcurrencyEntriesIL.expand_DFlow;
                    int   expand_nDFlow = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findConcurrencyEntriesIL.expand_nDFlow;

                    int[] boundaryNodes       = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findConcurrencyEntriesIL.boundaryNodes;//get the boundaryNode of currentN graph.
                    int[] expand_boundaryNode = gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.findConcurrencyEntriesIL.expand_boundaryNodes;

                    //check whether need to untangle the IL or not? => if need -> next step (Check PdFlow? also)
                    if (!check_UntanglingIL(clsLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop, newLoopIndx))

                    graph.Network[graph.nickNet] = graph.Network[untangleNet];
                    gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.extendGraph.full_extentNetwork(ref graph, graph.nickNet, 0, 0);                                                                        //Using NICKNET for reference of Link
                    remove_DFlow_IL(ref graph, untangleNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop, newLoopIndx, expand_boundaryNode, CID, expand_DFlow_IL_Flow, expand_nNodeDFlow_IL); //must use expand version

                    //Next: make_subNet of new Untangling subGraph based on concurrencyInst[] of current IL
                    //Next: plug into original network + expand loops in DFlow (if any) - links/ edges' index should be modified also
                    gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.combine_subGraph_Untangling(ref graph, graph.nickNet, untangleNet, graph.conNet, graph.subNet, graph.dummyNet, clsLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop, newLoopIndx,
                                                                                       expand_boundaryNode, boundaryNodes, CID); //using subNet as referrence    (also //Using NICKNET for reference of Link)

                    //return true;

                    //final step => polishing the subgraph by removing some unnecessary node (gateways only have 1 incoming/ outgoing edge?)
                    //remove disconnected nodes (~ mark Done = true)
                    removing_disconnectedNode(ref graph, untangleNet);

                    existUntangle = true; //At least done 1 untangle of 1 IL
                    //return true;;

                    for (int k = 0; k < graph.Network[untangleNet].nNode; k++)
                        gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, untangleNet, k);
                    gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType1.Run_Split_Type1(ref graph, graph.untangleNet, graph.midNet);
                    gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.LoopIdentification.Run_FindLoop(ref graph, graph.midNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop, ref clsLoop.IrreducibleError);
                    gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType2.Run_Split_Type2(ref graph, untangleNet, graph.untangleNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop);
            } while (curDepth > 0);

            //find PRE/POST DOM/ PDOM + LOOP + SESE + Node splitting again
            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Network[untangleNet].nNode; i++)
                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, untangleNet, i);

Exemplo n.º 17
        public static void make_NestingForest(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS, ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop,
                                              int workLoop, ref GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int workSESE)
            int bIndex = 0;

            //FBLOCK.FBlock = new strFBlock[SESE[currentSESE].nSESE + Loop[currentLoop].nLoop];
            if (workSESE >= 0 && workLoop >= 0)
                clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock = new GraphVariables.clsHWLS.strFBlock[clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].nSESE + clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].nLoop];
                if (workSESE >= 0)
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock = new GraphVariables.clsHWLS.strFBlock[clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].nSESE];
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock = new GraphVariables.clsHWLS.strFBlock[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].nLoop];

            //Copy SESE
            if (workSESE >= 0 && clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].nSESE > 0)
                //copy SESE and LOOP to FBlock;
                for (int i = 0; i < clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].nSESE; i++)
                    //copy SESE to FBlock
                    //FBlock[bIndex].child = SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].child;
                    //FBlock[bIndex].depth = SESE[currentSESE].SESE[i].depth;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].Entry    = new int[1];
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].Entry[0] = clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[i].Entry;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].Exit     = new int[1];
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].Exit[0]  = clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[i].Exit;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].nEntry   = 1;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].nExit    = 1;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].Node     = clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[i].Node;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].nNode    = clsSESE.SESE[workSESE].SESE[i].nNode;
                    //FBlock[bIndex].parentBlock ??
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].SESE     = true;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].refIndex = i;

            //Copy Loop
            if (workLoop >= 0 && clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].nLoop > 0)
                copy_Loop(ref clsLoop, workLoop, clsLoop.newTempLoop);
                //modify tempLoop => expand the node
                for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.newTempLoop].nLoop; i++)
                    if (clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.newTempLoop].Loop[i].parentLoop != -1)
                        continue;                                                             //only start with the outter loop //Log: Otc28_2020
                    //MAKE A SLIGHT CHANGE HERE ======================================
                    //if (clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.newTempLoop].Loop[i].depth != 1) continue;
                    int   n    = 0;
                    int[] temp = GetFullNode(ref graph, currentN, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.newTempLoop, i, ref n); //get full node of Loop (newTempLoop) update this loop and all child (including header)
                    //remove redundancy in Loop[i].Node[];
                    //temp = removeRedundancyNode(temp);
                //copy Loop to FBlock
                for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.newTempLoop].nLoop; i++)
                    //FBlock[bIndex].child = ??
                    //FBlock[bIndex].depth = ??
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].Entry  = clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.newTempLoop].Loop[i].Entry;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].Exit   = clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.newTempLoop].Loop[i].Exit;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].nEntry = clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.newTempLoop].Loop[i].nEntry;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].nExit  = clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.newTempLoop].Loop[i].nExit;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].Node   = clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.newTempLoop].Loop[i].Node;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].nNode  = clsLoop.Loop[clsLoop.newTempLoop].Loop[i].nNode;
                    //FBlock[bIndex].parentBlock = ??
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].SESE     = false;
                    clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[bIndex].refIndex = i;

            clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock = bIndex;

            //remove same block
            check_Block_Same(ref clsHWLS);
            //Find parent block
            for (int i = 0; i < clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock; i++)
                int j = find_nearestParentBlock(ref clsHWLS, i);
                clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].parentBlock = j;
            //find Children
            for (int i = 0; i < clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock; i++)
                int[] child_of_i = new int[clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock];
                int   nChild     = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock; j++)
                    if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[j].parentBlock == i)
                        child_of_i[nChild] = j;
                clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].child  = child_of_i;
                clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].nChild = nChild;
            //find Depth
            clsHWLS.FBLOCK.maxDepth = 0;
            //int maxDepth = 0;
            int curDepth = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock; i++)
                curDepth = 1;
                //FBLOCK.maxDepth = 1;
                if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].parentBlock != -1)
                clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].depth = curDepth;
                find_BlockDepth(ref clsHWLS, i, ref curDepth);
            if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock > 0 && clsHWLS.FBLOCK.maxDepth == 0)
                clsHWLS.FBLOCK.maxDepth = 1;
Exemplo n.º 18
 //might not use
 private void reduceAllChild(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS, int currBlock, GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop,
                             GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int workSESE, int orgIndex)
     for (int i = 0; i < clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock; i++)
         if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].parentBlock == currBlock)
             if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].SESE == true)
                 gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.reduce_SESE(ref graph, currentN, clsSESE, workSESE, orgIndex);
             if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].SESE == false && clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[orgIndex].nEntry == 1)
                 gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.reduce_Loop(ref graph, currentN, ref clsLoop, workLoop, orgIndex, "", false);
             //if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].SESE == false && clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[orgIndex].nEntry > 1)
             //reduceG.reduce_IrLoop(ref graph, currentN, clsLoop, workLoop, orgIndex);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void total_reduceSubgraph(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS, GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop,
                                         GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int workSESE, int stopDepth) //Reduce all the loops inside (NL, IL)
            int curDepth = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.maxDepth;

            if (curDepth == stopDepth)
            //curDepth = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock; i++)
                    if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].depth != curDepth)
                    int orgIndx = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].refIndex;

                    //If SESE => Make subnetwork and find Dominator Behavior relation matrix (1 matrix)
                    if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].SESE)
                        reduce_SESE(ref graph, currentN, clsSESE, workSESE, orgIndx);

                    //If NL => Make subnetwork and find Dom/ Pdom Behavior relation matrix (2 matrices)
                    if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].SESE == false && clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[orgIndx].nEntry == 1)
                        reduce_Loop(ref graph, currentN, ref clsLoop, workLoop, orgIndx, "", false);

                    //if IL => Find CIPd => Make subnetwork with CIPd and find Dom/ Pdom Behavior relation matrix (2 matrices)
                    if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].SESE == false && clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[orgIndx].nEntry > 1)
                        reduce_IrLoop(ref graph, currentN, clsLoop, workLoop, orgIndx);
            } while (curDepth > stopDepth);
Exemplo n.º 20
        //make an empty space of CID+IL for Untangling the IL latter.
        public static void remove_DFlow_IL(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int tempNet, ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int curLoop,
                                           int[] boundaryNodes, int CID, int[] DFlow_IL_Flow, int nNodeDFlow)
            GraphVariables.clsEdge.strEdge[] imLink = new GraphVariables.clsEdge.strEdge[graph.Network[tempNet].nLink];
            int nImLink = 0;

            //remove the links of  boundary nodes except CID
            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Network[tempNet].nLink; i++)
                int fromNode = graph.Network[tempNet].Link[i].fromNode;
                int toNode   = graph.Network[tempNet].Link[i].toNode;
                if (!(gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(DFlow_IL_Flow, nNodeDFlow, fromNode) == true && gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(DFlow_IL_Flow, nNodeDFlow, toNode) == true))
                    imLink[nImLink] = graph.Network[tempNet].Link[i];
            //mark DONE for removed nodes
            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Network[tempNet].nNode; i++)
                if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(DFlow_IL_Flow, nNodeDFlow, i) && gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(boundaryNodes, boundaryNodes.Length, i) == false && graph.Network[tempNet].Node[i].orgNum != CID)
                    graph.Network[tempNet].Node[i].done = true; //need i?
            graph.Network[tempNet].nLink = nImLink;
            graph.Network[tempNet].Link  = new GraphVariables.clsEdge.strEdge[nImLink];
            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Network[tempNet].nLink; i++)
                graph.Network[tempNet].Link[i] = imLink[i];
            //update pre/post of each nodes
            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Network[tempNet].nNode; i++)
                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, tempNet, i);
Exemplo n.º 21
        //fromN = currentN (as referrence)
        private void make_UntanglingSubGraph(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int fromN, int toN, ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int curLoop,
                                             int[] boundaryNodes, int[] DFlow_IL_Flow, int nNodeDFlow, int[] DFlow, int nDFlow, int orgCID)
            //fill out searchNode of makeSubNetwork (fromN network)
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.searchNode  = new int[nDFlow];
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.nSearchNode = 0;
            int newSubgraph_Index = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < nDFlow; i++)
                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.searchNode[i] = DFlow[i]; //DFlow contain original index of fromN..
                if (DFlow[i] == orgCID)
                    newSubgraph_Index = i;

            //make subNetwork (like SESE)
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_subNode(ref graph, fromN, toN, false, "", true, "OR"); //only add 1 node to subNetwork
            graph.Network[toN].header = newSubgraph_Index;
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_subLink(ref graph, fromN, toN, ref clsLoop, workLoop, curLoop, "", false, null, false, null, -1);
            //One more thing. => connect all boundary nodes in DFlow to virtual new "OR" join

            //makeSubLink_Untangling(ref graph, fromN, toN, boundaryNodes, orgCID); //multiple end subgraph is allowed

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Network[toN].nNode; i++)
                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.clsFindNodeInfo.find_NodeInfo(ref graph, toN, i);

            //============== Do UNTANGLING ===================        (NOW WE HAVE A FULL CLONE SUBGRAPH WITH DFLOW + IL + Boundary nodes => do again everything (include findLoop-reduceLoop)

            int nConcur = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nConcurrency;

            int[] Combine_searchNode = new int[graph.Network[toN].nNode * nConcur];
            int   nCombine           = 0;

            //for each concurrency Entry set
            for (int i = 0; i < nConcur; i++)
                //find searchNode by InstanceFlow from CID to cc_Entries (Remember to mark different node for duplication)
                int[] searchNode  = makInstF.get_InstanceFlow(ref graph, toN, clsLoop, workLoop, curLoop, i); //CheckAgain
                int   nSearchNode = searchNode.Length;
                //combine searchNode with current IL nodes (Remember marking different node for duplication)

                //make_subNetwork for current branch
                //insert node into nodeList (makeSubNode())
                //insert links into linkList (Using searchNode to makeSubLink()) - (Remember to adjust the node index - e.g traceable node[i].orgNum)
                //connect to/with virtual boundary nodes => when merging to original => just replace virtual boundary nodes
                //do again with other branch =>

            //====Make subLink of all nodes in Untangling subgraph (Remember duplication of nodes and Link index when duplication)

            //find nodeInfo

Exemplo n.º 22
        public static int check_real_errors(GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS, GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int currentLoop, ref GraphVariables.clsError clsError, int errorNode) //return(1) => Real; return(2) => Potential; return(3) => Dom
            int[][] adjList = null;
            if (true) //acyclic
                int[]  getPath  = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode];
                int    START    = graph.Network[currentN].header;
                int    nGetPath = 0;
                bool[] Mark     = new bool[graph.Network[currentN].nNode];
                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.mappingGraph.to_adjList_Directed(ref graph, currentN, ref adjList); //We already buil an instance subgraph based on InstanceNode !! Huaahhh~
                //Check "Real error" first
                for (int i = 0; i < clsError.nError; i++)                                                   //filtering the DL or LoS of acyclic only
                    if (!check_Error_Num(clsError, i))
                        continue;                //filtering acylci error
                    bool flag_Real_error = true; //0: real;
                    int  EXIT            = Convert.ToInt32(clsError.Error[i].Node);
                    DFS_Recursive(adjList, ref Mark, START, EXIT, ref getPath, ref nGetPath, clsError, ref flag_Real_error);
                    if (flag_Real_error == true)
                        clsError.Error[i].TypeOfError = "R";
                        clsError.Error[i].TypeOfError = "P";
                //Check "Domiance error" from "Potential error"
                for (int i = 0; i < clsError.nError; i++) //filtering the DL or LoS of acyclic only
                    if (!check_Error_Num(clsError, i))
                        continue;                               //filtering acylci error
                    if (clsError.Error[i].TypeOfError != "R")
                        continue;                                            //only pick REAL errors for referencing
                    int currError = Convert.ToInt32(clsError.Error[i].Node); //This is a real error
                    for (int k = 0; k < clsError.nError; k++)                //filtering the DL or LoS of acyclic only
                        if (!check_Error_Num(clsError, k))
                            continue;                               //filtering acylci error
                        if (clsError.Error[k].Node == clsError.Error[i].Node)
                        if (Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(graph.Network[currentN].Node[currError].DomEI, graph.Network[currentN].Node[currError].nDomEI, Convert.ToInt32(clsError.Error[k].Node)))
                            clsError.Error[k].TypeOfError = "D";
                //Check "Dominance_by_Potential error" of Potential errors (From the leftover potential errors)
                for (int i = 0; i < clsError.nError; i++) //filtering the DL or LoS of acyclic only
                    if (!check_Error_Num(clsError, i))
                        continue;                               //filtering acyclic error
                    if (clsError.Error[i].TypeOfError != "P")
                    int currError = Convert.ToInt32(clsError.Error[i].Node);
                    for (int k = 0; k < clsError.nError; k++) //filtering the DL or LoS of acyclic only
                        if (!check_Error_Num(clsError, k))
                            continue;                               //filtering acylci error
                        if (clsError.Error[k].Node == clsError.Error[i].Node)
                        if (Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(graph.Network[currentN].Node[currError].DomEI, graph.Network[currentN].Node[currError].nDomEI, Convert.ToInt32(clsError.Error[k].Node)))
                            clsError.Error[k].TypeOfError = "DP";
            else //if cylic graph
                //First, check Error type DL, LoS, same with above (Must reduce all loop) => Compute the dominance relations
                //If error from inside NL => check (IF REDUCE LOOP => MUST MARK other reducedLoop as having Error for easily check).
                //If current NL => Take out NL subgraph => run DFS to check "Real_Error" and "Potential_errors" -> Check "Dominance_Errors"
                //If current NL Header is "Real" => keep everything original
                //If current NL Header is "Dom" => All error wil be "Dominace_Errors"
                //If current NL Header is "Potential" => All error will be "Potential_Errors"
                int curDepth = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.maxDepth;
                    for (int k = 0; k < clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock; k++)
                        if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[k].depth != curDepth)
                        int orgIndx = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[k].refIndex;
                        if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[k].SESE == false && clsLoop.Loop[currentLoop].Loop[orgIndx].nEntry == 1)
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_AcyclicSubGraph(ref graph, currentN, graph.subNet, ref clsLoop, currentLoop, orgIndx, "NL");

                            int[]  getPath  = new int[graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode];
                            int    START    = graph.Network[graph.subNet].header;
                            int    nGetPath = 0;
                            bool[] Mark     = new bool[graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode];
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.mappingGraph.to_adjList_Directed(ref graph, graph.subNet, ref adjList); //We already buil an instance subgraph based on InstanceNode !! Huaahhh~
                            //Check "Real error" first
                            for (int i = 0; i < clsError.nError; i++)                                                       //filtering the DL or LoS of acyclic only
                                if (!(clsError.Error[k].messageNum == 3 || clsError.Error[k].messageNum == 4 || clsError.Error[k].messageNum == 29 ||
                                      clsError.Error[k].messageNum == 5 || clsError.Error[k].messageNum == 6))
                                    continue;                //filtering Loop error only [3,4,5,6,29]
                                bool flag_Real_error = true; //0: real;
                                int  EXIT            = Convert.ToInt32(clsError.Error[i].Node);
                                DFS_Recursive(adjList, ref Mark, START, EXIT, ref getPath, ref nGetPath, clsError, ref flag_Real_error);
                                if (flag_Real_error == true)
                                    clsError.Error[i].TypeOfError = "R";
                                    clsError.Error[i].TypeOfError = "P";
                } while (curDepth > 0);

Exemplo n.º 23
        public static int[] getBoundaryNode(GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int finalNet, int subNet, GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int curLoop,
                                            ref int[] tempSet, ref int nTempSet, ref int[] DFlow, ref int nDFlow, bool CheckCombineLoops)
            DFlow    = new int[graph.Network[finalNet].nNode];
            nDFlow   = 0;
            tempSet  = new int[graph.Network[finalNet].nNode];
            nTempSet = 0;
            int[] listCID_Loop = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].nLoop]; //index of reduced loops
            int   nList        = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < graph.Network[subNet].nNode; i++)
                if (graph.Network[subNet].Node[i].orgNum != -1)
                    tempSet[nTempSet] = graph.Network[subNet].Node[i].orgNum;
                    DFlow[nDFlow] = graph.Network[subNet].Node[i].orgNum;
                    if (graph.Network[subNet].Node[i].header == true)
                        listCID_Loop[nList] = graph.Network[subNet].Node[i].headerOfLoop;

            if (CheckCombineLoops)
                //combine tempSet + Loops (Expanded from reduced before)
                for (int i = 0; i < nList; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[listCID_Loop[i]].nNode; j++)
                        if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(tempSet, nTempSet, clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[listCID_Loop[i]].Node[j]) == true)
                        tempSet[nTempSet] = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[listCID_Loop[i]].Node[j];
                        DFlow[nDFlow] = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[listCID_Loop[i]].Node[j];

            //combine tempSet + current IL
            if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(tempSet, nTempSet, clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].header) == false)
                tempSet[nTempSet] = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].header;
            for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].nNode; i++)
                if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(tempSet, nTempSet, clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].Node[i]) == false)
                    tempSet[nTempSet] = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[curLoop].Node[i];

            int[] boundarySet = new int[nTempSet];
            int   nBoundary   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nTempSet; i++)
                int node = tempSet[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[finalNet].nLink; j++)
                    if (graph.Network[finalNet].Link[j].fromNode == node) //boundary nodes is always split-node
                        if (gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.checkGraph.Node_In_Set(tempSet, nTempSet, graph.Network[finalNet].Link[j].toNode) == false)
                            boundarySet[nBoundary] = node;

            int[] returnSet = new int[nBoundary];
            for (int i = 0; i < nBoundary; i++)
                returnSet[i] = boundarySet[i];
Exemplo n.º 24
        public static void start_Indexing(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, ref GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS, ref GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS_Untangle,
                                          ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, ref GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, bool[] flag_Check)

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType1.Run_Split_Type1(ref graph, graph.orgNet, graph.midNet);

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.LoopIdentification.Run_FindLoop(ref graph, graph.midNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsLoop.IrreducibleError);

            graph.Network[graph.finalNet] = graph.Network[graph.midNet];
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType2.Run_Split_Type2(ref graph, graph.midNet, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop);

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Dom(ref graph, graph.finalNet);
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Pdom(ref graph, graph.finalNet);
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_DomEI(ref graph, graph.finalNet, -2);
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_PdomEI(ref graph, graph.finalNet);

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.SESEIdentification.find_SESE_WithLoop(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, -2);
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType3.Run_Split_Type3(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE, true);

            //Make nesting forest
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeNestingForest.make_NestingForest(ref graph, graph.finalNet, ref clsHWLS, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE);

            int  workNet       = graph.finalNet;
            int  workLoop      = clsLoop.orgLoop;
            int  workSESE      = clsSESE.finalSESE;
            bool checkUntangle = false;

            //Untangling of Irreducible loops ==> USING UNTANGLE NET only (new graph)
            if (gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.UntanglingIL.make_UntanglingIL(ref graph, graph.finalNet, graph.untangleNet, clsHWLS, clsLoop, clsLoop.orgLoop, clsSESE, clsSESE.finalSESE))

                //frmAnl.displayProcessModel(ref graph, graph.untangleNet, ref clsLoop, -1, ref clsSESE, -1);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType1.Run_Split_Type1(ref graph, graph.untangleNet, graph.midNet);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.LoopIdentification.Run_FindLoop(ref graph, graph.midNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop, ref clsLoop.IrreducibleError);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType2.Run_Split_Type2(ref graph, graph.midNet, graph.untangleNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop);

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Dom(ref graph, graph.untangleNet);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Pdom(ref graph, graph.untangleNet);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_DomEI(ref graph, graph.untangleNet, -2);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_PdomEI(ref graph, graph.untangleNet);

                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.SESEIdentification.find_SESE_WithLoop(ref graph, graph.untangleNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.untangleSESE, -2);
                gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.NodeSplittingType3.Run_Split_Type3(ref graph, graph.untangleNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.untangleSESE, true);
                gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeNestingForest.make_NestingForest(ref graph, graph.untangleNet, ref clsHWLS_Untangle, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.untangleSESE);

                workNet       = graph.untangleNet;
                workLoop      = clsLoop.untangleLoop;
                workSESE      = clsSESE.untangleSESE;
                checkUntangle = true;

                graph.check_untangle = true;

                //frmAnl.displayProcessModel(ref graph, graph.untangleNet, ref clsLoop, clsLoop.untangleLoop, ref clsSESE, clsSESE.untangleSESE);

            //== get initial behavior profile ==
            graph.Network[graph.reduceNet] = graph.Network[workNet];
            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.extendGraph.full_extentNetwork(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, 0, 0);
            if (checkUntangle)
                get_InitialBehaviorProfile(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, ref clsHWLS_Untangle, ref clsLoop, workLoop, ref clsSESE, workSESE, flag_Check);
                get_InitialBehaviorProfile(ref graph, graph.reduceNet, ref clsHWLS, ref clsLoop, workLoop, ref clsSESE, workSESE, flag_Check);
            //Database storing
Exemplo n.º 25
        //prepare for Concurrency Check and Subgraph making (ONLY REDUCE LOOPS)
        public static void Preprocessing_total_reduceSubgraph(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int curLoop)
            int npLoopS = 0;                                                      //number of parent

            int[] pLoopS = new int[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].nLoop];                 //pLoopS => parent(s) of this loop
            find_ParentLoop(clsLoop, workLoop, curLoop, ref pLoopS, ref npLoopS); // return value of pLoops

            int curDepth = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].maxDepth;

            //curDepth = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].nLoop; i++)
                    if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].depth != curDepth)
                    int orgIndx = i;

                    if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[orgIndx].depth != curDepth)
                    if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[orgIndx].header].Name.Substring(0, 1) == "L")
                    if (orgIndx == curLoop)
                    bool bParent = false;
                    for (int k = 0; k < npLoopS; k++)
                        if (orgIndx == pLoopS[k])
                            bParent = true;
                    if (bParent)

                    //If SESE =>NO REDUCE SESE
                    //if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].SESE) {
                    //    reduce_SESE(ref graph, currentN, clsSESE, workSESE, orgIndx);

                    //If NL => Make subnetwork and find Dom/ Pdom Behavior relation matrix (2 matrices)
                    if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[orgIndx].nEntry == 1)
                        reduce_Loop(ref graph, currentN, ref clsLoop, workLoop, orgIndx, "", false);

                    //if IL => Find CIPd => Make subnetwork with CIPd and find Dom/ Pdom Behavior relation matrix (2 matrices)
                    if (clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[orgIndx].nEntry > 1)
                        reduce_IrLoop_Preprocessing(ref graph, currentN, clsLoop, workLoop, orgIndx);
            } while (curDepth > 0);
Exemplo n.º 26
        public static void Run_Split_Type3(ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int orgLoop,
                                           ref gProAnalyzer.GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int currentSESE, bool isRigidSplit) //isRigidSplit is used for flag to determine whether to split entry of rigid containing start events or not!!

            bool mStop = false;
            int  sNode;
            int  eNode;
            int  curDepth = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].maxDepth;

                for (int j = 0; j < clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].nSESE; j++) //Visit all the SESE flow
                    if (clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[j].depth != curDepth)

                    sNode = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[j].Entry;
                    eNode = clsSESE.SESE[currentSESE].SESE[j].Exit;

                    if (!check_SESE_Entry(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, sNode, j))
                        Type_III_Split_Entry(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, j, 1, sNode, eNode, "");

                    if (!check_SESE_Entry(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, eNode, j))
                        Type_III_Split_Exit(ref graph, currentN, ref clsSESE, currentSESE, j, 1, eNode, eNode);
            } while (curDepth > 0 && !mStop);

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Dom(ref graph, currentN);       //Dom
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_Pdom(ref graph, currentN);      //Postdom

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_DomEI(ref graph, currentN, -1); //SS split node만..... //eDom^-1(NodeD)
            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.DominanceIdentification.find_PdomEI(ref graph, currentN);    // join node만..... //ePdom^-1(NodeR)

            gProAnalyzer.Functionalities.LoopIdentification.Run_FindLoop(ref graph, currentN, ref clsLoop, orgLoop, ref clsLoop.IrreducibleError);
Exemplo n.º 27
        //recursive update Full node of loop[i] and all its child loop[j,k,l]
        public static int[] GetFullNode(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, int i, ref int n)
            int depth = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].maxDepth;
            int loop  = -1;

            //bool check = false;
            int[] tempArr  = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode];
            int   nTempArr = 0;

            int[] tmpLoop = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode];
            //1 header
            // for each node of this loop => if node is header => find again; else => add to arrNode
            for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].nNode; k++)
                tmpLoop = new int[graph.Network[currentN].nNode];
                n       = 0;
                if (check_header(ref clsLoop, workLoop, i, k, ref loop))
                    tmpLoop = GetFullNode(ref graph, currentN, ref clsLoop, workLoop, loop, ref n);
                    addArr(tmpLoop, ref tempArr, n, ref nTempArr);
                    tempArr[nTempArr] = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].Node[k];

            tempArr[nTempArr] = clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].header;
            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].nNode = nTempArr;
            clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[i].Node  = tempArr;
            n = nTempArr;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static int find_newLoopIndex(GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int old_workLoop, int new_workLoop, int loopIndx)
     for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[new_workLoop].nLoop; i++)
         if (clsLoop.Loop[new_workLoop].Loop[i].nEntry == clsLoop.Loop[old_workLoop].Loop[loopIndx].nEntry)
             int countE = 0;
             for (int j = 0; j < clsLoop.Loop[new_workLoop].Loop[i].nEntry; j++)
                 if (graph.Network[currentN].Node[clsLoop.Loop[new_workLoop].Loop[i].Entry[j]].orgNum == clsLoop.Loop[old_workLoop].Loop[loopIndx].Entry[j])
                 if (countE == clsLoop.Loop[new_workLoop].Loop[i].nEntry)
             countE = 0;
Exemplo n.º 29
        private static void copy_Loop(ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int fromLoop, int toLoop)
            clsLoop.Loop[toLoop]          = new GraphVariables.clsLoop.strLoop();
            clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].maxDepth = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].maxDepth;
            clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].nLoop    = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].nLoop;
            clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop     = new GraphVariables.clsLoop.strLoopInform[clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].nLoop];

            for (int i = 0; i < clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].nLoop; i++)
                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].Irreducible = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].Irreducible;
                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].depth       = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].depth;

                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].parentLoop = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].parentLoop;
                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nChild     = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].nChild;
                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].child      = new int[clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nChild];
                for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nChild; k++)
                    clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].child[k] = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].child[k];

                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].header = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].header;

                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nBackEdge = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].nBackEdge;
                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].linkBack  = new int[clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nBackEdge];
                for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nBackEdge; k++)
                    clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].linkBack[k] = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].linkBack[k];

                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nBackSplit = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].nBackSplit;
                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].BackSplit  = new int[clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nBackSplit];
                for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nBackSplit; k++)
                    clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].BackSplit[k] = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].BackSplit[k];

                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nEntry = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].nEntry;
                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].Entry  = new int[clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nEntry];
                for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nEntry; k++)
                    clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].Entry[k] = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].Entry[k];

                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nExit = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].nExit;
                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].Exit  = new int[clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nExit];
                for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nExit; k++)
                    clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].Exit[k] = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].Exit[k];

                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nNode = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].nNode;
                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].Node  = new int[clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nNode];
                for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nNode; k++)
                    clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].Node[k] = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].Node[k];

                clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nConcurrency = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].nConcurrency;
                if (clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].Concurrency != null)
                    clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].Concurrency = new int[clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nEntry];
                    for (int k = 0; k < clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].nEntry; k++)
                        clsLoop.Loop[toLoop].Loop[i].Concurrency[k] = clsLoop.Loop[fromLoop].Loop[i].Concurrency[k];
Exemplo n.º 30
        //Build behavior profile for each header of each decomposed acyclic structure. each matrix for each pair?
        public static void get_InitialBehaviorProfile(ref GraphVariables.clsGraph graph, int currentN, ref GraphVariables.clsHWLS clsHWLS,
                                                      ref GraphVariables.clsLoop clsLoop, int workLoop, ref GraphVariables.clsSESE clsSESE, int workSESE, bool[] flag_Check)
            //input: a decomposed DAG
            //output: behavior profile of it header and its children

            //makeSubNetwork of clsDASPT
            //make instantFlow (AnalyseBehavior_InstF) of HEADER and its childs.
            //create behaviorProfile matrix for HEADER

            //bool[] flag_Check = new bool[8];

            int curDepth = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.maxDepth;

            //curDepth = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < clsHWLS.FBLOCK.nFBlock; i++)
                    if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].depth != curDepth)
                    int orgIndx = clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].refIndex;

                    //If SESE => Make subnetwork and find Dominator Behavior relation matrix (1 matrix)
                    if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].SESE)
                        //Make subnet
                        gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_subNetwork(ref graph, currentN, graph.subNet, ref clsLoop, workSESE, orgIndx, ref clsSESE, "SESE", -1);

                        int    nNode        = graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode;
                        int    x            = graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[graph.Network[graph.subNet].header].Post[0];
                        bool[] returnBhPrfl = new bool[8];

                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].Dom_BhPrfl       = new int[9, nNode + 1];
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].Dom_BhPrfl[0, 0] = graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum; //ENTRY SESE org index.
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].nDomBh           = 1;
                        //get behavior matrix of SESE ENTRY
                        for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode; j++)
                            int y = j;
                            if (x == y || graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum == -1)
                                continue;                                                             //Exclude VS, VE
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.AnalyseBehavior_InstF.check_InstanceBehavior(graph, graph.subNet, x, y, ref returnBhPrfl, flag_Check);
                            store_BehaviorProfile(ref clsHWLS, i, graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum, graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[y].orgNum, returnBhPrfl, true);
                        //reduce current Block LASTLY (already imply by depth pick)
                        gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.reduce_SESE(ref graph, currentN, clsSESE, workSESE, orgIndx);

                    //If NL => Make subnetwork and find Dom/ Pdom Behavior relation matrix (2 matrices)
                    if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].SESE == false && clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[orgIndx].nEntry == 1)
                        //Make subnet
                        gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_AcyclicSubGraph(ref graph, currentN, graph.subNet, ref clsLoop, workLoop, orgIndx, "NL");

                        int nNode = graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode;
                        int x, y;

                        //get behavior matrix of HEADER ENTRY and its childs
                        x = graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[graph.Network[graph.subNet].header].Post[0];       //Get NL Loop HEADER
                        bool[] returnBhPrfl = new bool[8];
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].Dom_BhPrfl       = new int[9, nNode + 2];                      //store itself behavior
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].Dom_BhPrfl[0, 0] = graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum; //Header org index.
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].nDomBh           = 1;
                        for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode; j++)
                            y = j;
                            if (x == y || graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum == -1)
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.AnalyseBehavior_InstF.check_InstanceBehavior(graph, graph.subNet, x, y, ref returnBhPrfl, flag_Check);
                            store_BehaviorProfile(ref clsHWLS, i, graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum, graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[y].orgNum, returnBhPrfl, true);

                        //get behavior matrix of Its childs and HEADER (Pdom)
                        y = get_NodeByName(graph, graph.subNet, "V_HEADER");
                        if (y == -1)
                        returnBhPrfl = new bool[8];
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].Pdom_BhPrfl       = new int[9, nNode + 2];
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].Pdom_BhPrfl[0, 0] = graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[y].orgNum; //Header index.
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].nPdomBh           = 1;
                        for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode; j++)
                            x = j;
                            if (x == y || graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum == -1)
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.AnalyseBehavior_InstF.check_InstanceBehavior(graph, graph.subNet, x, y, ref returnBhPrfl, flag_Check);
                            store_BehaviorProfile(ref clsHWLS, i, graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[y].orgNum, graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum, returnBhPrfl, false);
                        //reduce current Block (NL)
                        gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.reduce_Loop(ref graph, currentN, ref clsLoop, workLoop, orgIndx, "", false);

                    //if IL => Find CIPd => Make subnetwork with CIPd and find Dom/ Pdom Behavior relation matrix (2 matrices)
                    if (clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].SESE == false && clsLoop.Loop[workLoop].Loop[orgIndx].nEntry > 1)
                        //Make subnet
                        gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.makeSubNetwork.make_AcyclicSubGraph(ref graph, currentN, graph.subNet, ref clsLoop, workLoop, orgIndx, "IL");

                        int nNode = graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode;
                        int x, y;

                        //get behavior matrix of HEADER ENTRY and its childs
                        x = graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[graph.Network[graph.subNet].header].Post[0]; //Get CIPd of IL
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].CIPd = graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum;
                        bool[] returnBhPrfl = new bool[8];
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].Dom_BhPrfl       = new int[9, nNode + 2];                      //store itself behavior
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].Dom_BhPrfl[0, 0] = graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum; //CIPd org index.
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].nDomBh           = 1;
                        for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode; j++)
                            y = j;
                            if (x == y || graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum == -1)
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.AnalyseBehavior_InstF.check_InstanceBehavior(graph, graph.subNet, x, y, ref returnBhPrfl, flag_Check);
                            store_BehaviorProfile(ref clsHWLS, i, graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum, graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[y].orgNum, returnBhPrfl, true);
                        //combine from CID(x, y) ==>> MISSING => SOLVED (no need)

                        //get behavior matrix of Its childs and HEADER (Pdom)
                        y = get_NodeByName(graph, graph.subNet, "V_CIPd");
                        if (y == -1)
                        returnBhPrfl = new bool[8];
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].Pdom_BhPrfl       = new int[9, nNode + 2];
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].Pdom_BhPrfl[0, 0] = graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[y].orgNum; //Header index.
                        clsHWLS.FBLOCK.FBlock[i].nPdomBh           = 1;
                        for (int j = 0; j < graph.Network[graph.subNet].nNode; j++)
                            x = j;
                            if (x == y || graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum == -1)
                            gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.AnalyseBehavior_InstF.check_InstanceBehavior(graph, graph.subNet, x, y, ref returnBhPrfl, flag_Check);
                            store_BehaviorProfile(ref clsHWLS, i, graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[y].orgNum, graph.Network[graph.subNet].Node[x].orgNum, returnBhPrfl, false);
                        //combine from CID(x, y) ==>> MISSING => SOLVED (no need)

                        //reduce current Block (IL)
                        gProAnalyzer.Ultilities.reduceGraph.reduce_IrLoop(ref graph, currentN, clsLoop, workLoop, orgIndx);
            } while (curDepth > 0);