/// <summary>
        /// Configures table editing specific parts.
        /// </summary>
        private void ConfigureTableEditing()
            //Create a new TEIM instance which also allows drag and drop
            tableEditorInputMode = new TableEditorInputMode
                //Enable drag & drop
                StripeDropInputMode = { Enabled = true },
                //Maximal level for both reparent and drag and drop is 2
                ReparentStripeHandler =
                    new ReparentStripeHandler {
                    MaxColumnLevel = 2, MaxRowLevel = 2
                //Set the priority higher than for the handle input mode so that handles win if both gestures are possible
                Priority = graphEditorInputMode.HandleInputMode.Priority + 1
            //Add to GEIM

            //Tooltip and context menu stuff for tables
            graphEditorInputMode.ContextMenuItems                  = GraphItemTypes.Node;
            graphEditorInputMode.PopulateItemContextMenu          += graphEditorInputMode_PopulateItemContextMenu;
            graphEditorInputMode.PopulateItemContextMenu          += graphEditorInputMode_PopulateNodeContextMenu;
            graphEditorInputMode.MouseHoverInputMode.QueryToolTip += MouseHoverInputMode_QueryToolTip;

            // we don't provide candidates for the pool nodes, so tell the input mode not to create edges, if
            // there aren't any candidates. That way, we can start marquee selection inside pool nodes
            graphEditorInputMode.CreateEdgeInputMode.UseHitItemsCandidatesOnly = true;
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowGroupingOperations = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the <see cref="GraphEditorInputMode"/> as the <see cref="CanvasControl.InputMode"/>
        /// and initializes the marquee input mode that clears the area of the marquee rectangle.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeInputModes()
            // enable undo/redo support

            // create an input mode to edit graphs
            var editMode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            // create an input mode to clear the area of a marquee rectangle
            // using the right mouse button
            var marqueeClearInputMode = new MarqueeSelectionInputMode {
                PressedRecognizer  = MouseEventRecognizers.RightPressed,
                DraggedRecognizer  = MouseEventRecognizers.RightDragged,
                ReleasedRecognizer = MouseEventRecognizers.RightReleased,
                CancelRecognizer   = KeyEventRecognizers.EscapePressed.Or(MouseEventRecognizers.LostCaptureDuringDrag),
                Template           = new MarqueeClearTemplate()

            // handle dragging the marquee
            marqueeClearInputMode.DragStarting += OnDragStarting;
            marqueeClearInputMode.Dragged      += OnDragged;
            marqueeClearInputMode.DragCanceled += OnDragCanceled;
            marqueeClearInputMode.DragFinished += OnDragFinished;
            // add this mode to the edit mode

            // and install the edit mode into the canvas
            graphControl.InputMode = editMode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the graph and the input mode.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            var graphSnapContext = CreateGraphSnapContext();
            var labelSnapContext = CreateLabelSnapContext();


            // Initialize two free snap lines that are also visualized in the GraphCanvasComponent
            AdditionalSnapLineVisualCreators = new List <AdditionalSnapLineVisualCreator>();
            AddAdditionalSnapLineVisualCreator(new PointD(0, -70), new PointD(500, -70));
            AddAdditionalSnapLineVisualCreator(new PointD(-230, -50), new PointD(-230, 400));

            // Initialize the input mode for this demo
            var graphEditorInputMode = new GraphEditorInputMode
                SnapContext      = graphSnapContext,
                LabelSnapContext = labelSnapContext

            // add an input mode that allows to move the custom AdditionalSnapLines
            graphEditorInputMode.Add(new AdditionalSnapLineMoveInputMode(this)
                Priority = -50
            GraphControl.InputMode = graphEditorInputMode;


            // Initialize the graph by reading it from a file.
        private void OnWindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Set a nicer node style and create the sample graph
            GraphControl.Graph.NodeDefaults.Style = new ShinyPlateNodeStyle {
                Brush = Brushes.Orange


        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the <see cref="GraphEditorInputMode"/> as the <see cref="CanvasControl.InputMode"/>
        /// and initializes the input mode for dropping components.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeInputModes()
            // create a GraphEditorInputMode instance
            var editMode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            GraphControl.InputMode = editMode;

            // add the input mode to drop components
            var graphDropInputMode = new ComponentDropInputMode();

            graphDropInputMode.DragEntered += OnDragStarting;
            graphDropInputMode.DragOver    += OnDragged;
            graphDropInputMode.ItemCreated += OnDragFinished;
            graphDropInputMode.DragLeft    += OnDragCanceled;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void OnLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // enable undo engine

            graphEditorInputMode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            // prepare orthogonal edge editing
            graphEditorInputMode.OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext = new OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext {
                Enabled = false

            // allow grouping operations
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowGroupingOperations = true;

            // prepare snapping
            graphEditorInputMode.SnapContext = new GraphSnapContext {
                Enabled = false

            graphControl.InputMode = graphEditorInputMode;

            // set minimum and maximum sizes for all non-group nodes (group nodes should be able to grow larger so they can
            // contain arbitrary numbers of nodes)
            var sizeConstraintProvider = new NodeSizeConstraintProvider(new SizeD(10, 10), new SizeD(100, 100));

            .SetFactory(node => !graphControl.Graph.IsGroupNode(node), node => sizeConstraintProvider);

            // add a custom input mode to the GraphEditorInputMode that shows a single set of handles when multiple nodes are selected
            nodeGroupResizingInputMode = new NodeGroupResizingInputMode {
                Margins = new InsetsD(10),
                Mode    = NodeGroupResizing.ResizeMode.Resize

            // load sample graph

            // set style defaults
            graphControl.Graph.NodeDefaults.Style = new ShinyPlateNodeStyle {
                Brush = Brushes.Orange
            Color groupNodeColor    = Color.FromArgb(255, 214, 229, 248);
            var   groupNodeDefaults = graphControl.Graph.GroupNodeDefaults;

            groupNodeDefaults.Style = new PanelNodeStyle {
                Color            = groupNodeColor,
                Insets           = new InsetsD(5, 18, 5, 5),
                LabelInsetsColor = groupNodeColor,
            groupNodeDefaults.Labels.Style = new DefaultLabelStyle {
                StringFormat = { Alignment = StringAlignment.Far }
            groupNodeDefaults.Labels.LayoutParameter = InteriorStretchLabelModel.North;

            cmbResizeMode.SelectedIndex = 0;