Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies any color overriding
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphCellToRender"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual GraphCellToRender AdjustColor(GraphCellToRender graphCellToRender)
            if (OverrideBarColor.HasValue)
                graphCellToRender.Color = OverrideBarColor;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void SetupDisco()

            about.Text = "This graph shows a graphic equaliser for an imaginary song";

            graphView.GraphColor = Application.Driver.MakeAttribute(Color.White, Color.Black);

            var stiple = new GraphCellToRender('\u2593');

            Random r      = new Random();
            var    series = new DiscoBarSeries();
            var    bars   = new List <BarSeries.Bar> ();

            Func <MainLoop, bool> genSample = (l) => {
                // generate an imaginary sample
                for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
                        new BarSeries.Bar(null, stiple, r.Next(0, 100))
                        //ColorGetter = colorDelegate

                // while the equaliser is showing

            Application.MainLoop.AddTimeout(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250), genSample);

            series.Bars = bars;


            // How much graph space each cell of the console depicts
            graphView.CellSize              = new PointF(1, 10);
            graphView.AxisX.Increment       = 0;       // No graph ticks
            graphView.AxisX.ShowLabelsEvery = 0;       // no labels

            graphView.AxisX.Visible = false;
            graphView.AxisY.Visible = false;

Exemplo n.º 3
        private void SetupPopulationPyramid()
             * Age,M,F
             * 0-4,2009363,1915127
             * 5-9,2108550,2011016
             * 10-14,2022370,1933970
             * 15-19,1880611,1805522
             * 20-24,2072674,2001966
             * 25-29,2275138,2208929
             * 30-34,2361054,2345774
             * 35-39,2279836,2308360
             * 40-44,2148253,2159877
             * 45-49,2128343,2167778
             * 50-54,2281421,2353119
             * 55-59,2232388,2306537
             * 60-64,1919839,1985177
             * 65-69,1647391,1734370
             * 70-74,1624635,1763853
             * 75-79,1137438,1304709
             * 80-84,766956,969611
             * 85-89,438663,638892
             * 90-94,169952,320625
             * 95-99,34524,95559
             * 100+,3016,12818*/

            about.Text = "This graph shows population of each age divided by gender";


            // How much graph space each cell of the console depicts
            graphView.CellSize = new PointF(100_000, 1);

            //center the x axis in middle of screen to show both sides
            graphView.ScrollOffset = new PointF(-3_000_000, 0);

            graphView.AxisX.Text            = "Number Of People";
            graphView.AxisX.Increment       = 500_000;
            graphView.AxisX.ShowLabelsEvery = 2;

            // use Abs to make negative axis labels positive
            graphView.AxisX.LabelGetter = (v) => Math.Abs(v.Value / 1_000_000).ToString("N2") + "M";

            // leave space for axis labels
            graphView.MarginBottom = 2;
            graphView.MarginLeft   = 1;

            // do not show axis titles (bars have their own categories)
            graphView.AxisY.Increment       = 0;
            graphView.AxisY.ShowLabelsEvery = 0;
            graphView.AxisY.Minimum         = 0;

            var stiple = new GraphCellToRender(Application.Driver.Stipple);

            // Bars in 2 directions

            // Males (negative to make the bars go left)
            var malesSeries = new BarSeries()
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                Bars        = new List <BarSeries.Bar> ()
                    new BarSeries.Bar("0-4", stiple, -2009363),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("5-9", stiple, -2108550),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("10-14", stiple, -2022370),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("15-19", stiple, -1880611),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("20-24", stiple, -2072674),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("25-29", stiple, -2275138),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("30-34", stiple, -2361054),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("35-39", stiple, -2279836),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("40-44", stiple, -2148253),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("45-49", stiple, -2128343),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("50-54", stiple, -2281421),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("55-59", stiple, -2232388),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("60-64", stiple, -1919839),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("65-69", stiple, -1647391),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("70-74", stiple, -1624635),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("75-79", stiple, -1137438),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("80-84", stiple, -766956),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("85-89", stiple, -438663),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("90-94", stiple, -169952),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("95-99", stiple, -34524),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("100+", stiple, -3016)


            // Females
            var femalesSeries = new BarSeries()
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
                Bars        = new List <BarSeries.Bar> ()
                    new BarSeries.Bar("0-4", stiple, 1915127),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("5-9", stiple, 2011016),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("10-14", stiple, 1933970),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("15-19", stiple, 1805522),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("20-24", stiple, 2001966),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("25-29", stiple, 2208929),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("30-34", stiple, 2345774),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("35-39", stiple, 2308360),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("40-44", stiple, 2159877),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("45-49", stiple, 2167778),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("50-54", stiple, 2353119),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("55-59", stiple, 2306537),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("60-64", stiple, 1985177),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("65-69", stiple, 1734370),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("70-74", stiple, 1763853),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("75-79", stiple, 1304709),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("80-84", stiple, 969611),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("85-89", stiple, 638892),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("90-94", stiple, 320625),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("95-99", stiple, 95559),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("100+", stiple, 12818)

            var softStiple   = new GraphCellToRender('\u2591');
            var mediumStiple = new GraphCellToRender('\u2592');

            for (int i = 0; i < malesSeries.Bars.Count; i++)
                malesSeries.Bars [i].Fill   = i % 2 == 0 ? softStiple : mediumStiple;
                femalesSeries.Bars [i].Fill = i % 2 == 0 ? softStiple : mediumStiple;


            graphView.Annotations.Add(new TextAnnotation()
                Text = "M", ScreenPosition = new Terminal.Gui.Point(0, 10)
            graphView.Annotations.Add(new TextAnnotation()
                Text = "F", ScreenPosition = new Terminal.Gui.Point(graphView.Bounds.Width - 1, 10)

Exemplo n.º 4
         * Country,Both,Male,Female
         * "Switzerland",83.4,81.8,85.1
         * "South Korea",83.3,80.3,86.1
         * "Singapore",83.2,81,85.5
         * "Spain",83.2,80.7,85.7
         * "Cyprus",83.1,81.1,85.1
         * "Australia",83,81.3,84.8
         * "Italy",83,80.9,84.9
         * "Norway",83,81.2,84.7
         * "Israel",82.6,80.8,84.4
         * "France",82.5,79.8,85.1
         * "Luxembourg",82.4,80.6,84.2
         * "Sweden",82.4,80.8,84
         * "Iceland",82.3,80.8,83.9
         * "Canada",82.2,80.4,84.1
         * "New Zealand",82,80.4,83.5
         * "Malta,81.9",79.9,83.8
         * "Ireland",81.8,80.2,83.5
         * "Netherlands",81.8,80.4,83.1
         * "Germany",81.7,78.7,84.8
         * "Austria",81.6,79.4,83.8
         * "Finland",81.6,79.2,84
         * "Portugal",81.6,78.6,84.4
         * "Belgium",81.4,79.3,83.5
         * "United Kingdom",81.4,79.8,83
         * "Denmark",81.3,79.6,83
         * "Slovenia",81.3,78.6,84.1
         * "Greece",81.1,78.6,83.6
         * "Kuwait",81,79.3,83.9
         * "Costa Rica",80.8,78.3,83.4*/

        private void SetupLifeExpectancyBarGraph(bool verticalBars)

            about.Text = "This graph shows the life expectancy at birth of a range of countries";

            var softStiple   = new GraphCellToRender('\u2591');
            var mediumStiple = new GraphCellToRender('\u2592');

            var barSeries = new BarSeries()
                Bars = new List <BarSeries.Bar> ()
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Switzerland", softStiple, 83.4f),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("South Korea", !verticalBars?mediumStiple:softStiple, 83.3f),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Singapore", softStiple, 83.2f),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Spain", !verticalBars?mediumStiple:softStiple, 83.2f),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Cyprus", softStiple, 83.1f),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Australia", !verticalBars?mediumStiple:softStiple, 83),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Italy", softStiple, 83),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Norway", !verticalBars?mediumStiple:softStiple, 83),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Israel", softStiple, 82.6f),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("France", !verticalBars?mediumStiple:softStiple, 82.5f),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Luxembourg", softStiple, 82.4f),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Sweden", !verticalBars?mediumStiple:softStiple, 82.4f),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Iceland", softStiple, 82.3f),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Canada", !verticalBars?mediumStiple:softStiple, 82.2f),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("New Zealand", softStiple, 82),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Malta", !verticalBars?mediumStiple:softStiple, 81.9f),
                    new BarSeries.Bar("Ireland", softStiple, 81.8f)


            if (verticalBars)
                barSeries.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;

                // How much graph space each cell of the console depicts
                graphView.CellSize = new PointF(0.1f, 0.25f);
                // No axis marks since Bar will add it's own categorical marks
                graphView.AxisX.Increment = 0f;
                graphView.AxisX.Text      = "Country";
                graphView.AxisX.Minimum   = 0;

                graphView.AxisY.Increment       = 1f;
                graphView.AxisY.ShowLabelsEvery = 1;
                graphView.AxisY.LabelGetter     = v => v.Value.ToString("N2");
                graphView.AxisY.Minimum         = 0;
                graphView.AxisY.Text            = "Age";

                // leave space for axis labels and title
                graphView.MarginBottom = 2;
                graphView.MarginLeft   = 6;

                // Start the graph at 80 years because that is where most of our data is
                graphView.ScrollOffset = new PointF(0, 80);
                barSeries.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;

                // How much graph space each cell of the console depicts
                graphView.CellSize = new PointF(0.1f, 1f);
                // No axis marks since Bar will add it's own categorical marks
                graphView.AxisY.Increment       = 0f;
                graphView.AxisY.ShowLabelsEvery = 1;
                graphView.AxisY.Text            = "Country";
                graphView.AxisY.Minimum         = 0;

                graphView.AxisX.Increment       = 1f;
                graphView.AxisX.ShowLabelsEvery = 1;
                graphView.AxisX.LabelGetter     = v => v.Value.ToString("N2");
                graphView.AxisX.Text            = "Age";
                graphView.AxisX.Minimum         = 0;

                // leave space for axis labels and title
                graphView.MarginBottom = 2;
                graphView.MarginLeft   = (uint)barSeries.Bars.Max(b => b.Text.Length) + 2;

                // Start the graph at 80 years because that is where most of our data is
                graphView.ScrollOffset = new PointF(80, 0);

Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of a single bar rendered in the given <paramref name="fill"/> that extends
 /// out <paramref name="value"/> graph space units in the default <see cref="Orientation"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text"></param>
 /// <param name="fill"></param>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 public Bar(string text, GraphCellToRender fill, float value)
     Text  = text;
     Fill  = fill;
     Value = value;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void SetupBarSeries(DataTable dt, string countColumnName, int boundsWidth, int boundsHeight)
            var barSeries = new BarSeries();

            var softStiple   = new GraphCellToRender('\u2591');
            var mediumStiple = new GraphCellToRender('\u2592');

            int row            = 0;
            int widestCategory = 0;

            float min = 0;
            float max = 1;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                var label = dr[0].ToString();

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(label))
                    label = "<Null>";

                // treat nulls as 0
                var val = dr[1] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : (float)Convert.ToDouble(dr[1]);

                min = Math.Min(min, val);
                max = Math.Max(max, val);

                widestCategory = Math.Max(widestCategory, label.Length);

                barSeries.Bars.Add(new BarSeries.Bar(label, row++ % 2 == 0 ? softStiple : mediumStiple, val));

            // show bars alphabetically (graph is rendered y=0 at bottom)
            barSeries.Bars = barSeries.Bars.OrderByDescending(b => b.Text).ToList();

            // Configure Axis, Margins etc

            // make sure whole graph fits on axis
            float xIncrement = (max - min) / (boundsWidth);

            // 1 bar per row of console
            graphView.CellSize = new PointF(xIncrement, 1);

            graphView.AxisY.Increment = 0;
            barSeries.Orientation     = Orientation.Horizontal;
            graphView.MarginBottom    = 2;
            graphView.MarginLeft      = (uint)widestCategory + 1;

            // work out how to space x axis without scrolling
            graphView.AxisX.Increment       = 10 * xIncrement;
            graphView.AxisX.ShowLabelsEvery = 1;
            graphView.AxisX.LabelGetter     = (v) => FormatValue(v.Value, min, max);
            graphView.AxisX.Text            = countColumnName;

            graphView.AxisY.Increment       = 1;
            graphView.AxisY.ShowLabelsEvery = 1;

            // scroll to the top of the bar chart so that the natural scroll direction (down) is preserved
            graphView.ScrollOffset = new PointF(0, barSeries.Bars.Count - boundsHeight + 4);
Exemplo n.º 7
 protected override GraphCellToRender AdjustColor(GraphCellToRender graphCellToRender)
     return(FinalColor = base.AdjustColor(graphCellToRender));