Exemplo n.º 1
        public void GraphInterpreter_should_implement_chained_identity()
            WithTestSetup((setup, lastEvents) =>
                var source = setup.NewUpstreamProbe <int>("source");
                var sink   = setup.NewDownstreamProbe <int>("sink");

                // Constructing an assembly by hand and resolving ambiguities
                var assembly = new GraphAssembly(
                    stages: new IGraphStageWithMaterializedValue <Shape, object>[] { _identity, _identity },
                    originalAttributes: new[] { Attributes.None, Attributes.None },
                    inlets: new Inlet[] { _identity.Inlet, _identity.Inlet, null },
                    inletOwners: new[] { 0, 1, -1 },
                    outlets: new Outlet[] { null, _identity.Outlet, _identity.Outlet },
                    outletOwners: new[] { -1, 0, 1 }

                setup.Interpreter.AttachDownstreamBoundary(2, sink);
                setup.Interpreter.AttachUpstreamBoundary(0, source);


                lastEvents().Should().BeEquivalentTo(new RequestOne(source));

                lastEvents().Should().BeEquivalentTo(new OnNext(sink, 1));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private Flow <TIn, TOut2, NotUsed> FaultyFlow <TIn, TOut, TOut2>(Flow <TIn, TOut, NotUsed> flow) where TOut : TOut2
            Func <Flow <TOut, TOut2, NotUsed> > createGraph = () =>
                var stage    = new FaultyFlowStage <TOut, TOut2>();
                var assembly = new GraphAssembly(new IGraphStageWithMaterializedValue <Shape, object>[] { stage }, new[] { Attributes.None },
                                                 new Inlet[] { stage.Shape.Inlet, null }, new[] { 0, -1 }, new Outlet[] { null, stage.Shape.Outlet }, new[] { -1, 0 });

                var t = assembly.Materialize(Attributes.None, assembly.Stages.Select(s => s.Module).ToArray(),
                                             new Dictionary <IModule, object>(), _ => { });

                var inHandlers  = t.Item1;
                var outHandlers = t.Item2;
                var logics      = t.Item3;

                var shell = new GraphInterpreterShell(assembly, inHandlers, outHandlers, logics, stage.Shape, Settings,

                var props =
                    Props.Create(() => new BrokenActorInterpreter(shell, "a3"))
                var impl = Sys.ActorOf(props, "broken-stage-actor");

                var subscriber = new ActorGraphInterpreter.BoundarySubscriber <TOut>(impl, shell, 0);
                var publisher  = new FaultyFlowPublisher <TOut2>(impl, shell);

                impl.Tell(new ActorGraphInterpreter.ExposedPublisher(shell, 0, publisher));


Exemplo n.º 3
        public void GraphInterpreter_should_implement_chained_identity()
            WithTestSetup((setup, lastEvents) =>
                var source = setup.NewUpstreamProbe<int>("source");
                var sink = setup.NewDownstreamProbe<int>("sink");

                // Constructing an assembly by hand and resolving ambiguities
                var assembly = new GraphAssembly(
                    stages: new IGraphStageWithMaterializedValue<Shape, object>[] {_identity, _identity},
                    originalAttributes: new[] {Attributes.None, Attributes.None},
                    inlets: new Inlet[] {_identity.Inlet, _identity.Inlet, null},
                    inletOwners: new[] {0, 1, -1},
                    outlets: new Outlet[] {null, _identity.Outlet, _identity.Outlet},
                    outletOwners: new[] {-1, 0, 1}

                setup.Interpreter.AttachDownstreamBoundary(2, sink);
                setup.Interpreter.AttachUpstreamBoundary(0, source);


                lastEvents().Should().BeEquivalentTo(new RequestOne(source));

                lastEvents().Should().BeEquivalentTo(new OnNext(sink, 1));
Exemplo n.º 4
            protected override object MaterializeAtomic(AtomicModule atomic, Attributes effectiveAttributes,
                                                        IDictionary <IModule, object> materializedValues)
                if (IsDebug)
                    Console.WriteLine($"materializing {atomic}");

                if (atomic is ISinkModule)
                    var    sink = (ISinkModule)atomic;
                    object materialized;
                    var    subscriber = sink.Create(CreateMaterializationContext(effectiveAttributes), out materialized);
                    AssignPort(sink.Shape.Inlets.First(), subscriber);
                    materializedValues.Add(atomic, materialized);
                else if (atomic is ISourceModule)
                    var    source = (ISourceModule)atomic;
                    object materialized;
                    var    publisher = source.Create(CreateMaterializationContext(effectiveAttributes), out materialized);
                    AssignPort(source.Shape.Outlets.First(), publisher);
                    materializedValues.Add(atomic, materialized);
                else if (atomic is IStageModule)
                    // FIXME: Remove this, only stream-of-stream ops need it
                    var stage = (IStageModule)atomic;
                    // assumes BaseType is StageModule<>
                    var methodInfo = ProcessorForMethod.MakeGenericMethod(atomic.GetType().BaseType.GenericTypeArguments);
                    var parameters = new object[]
                    { stage, effectiveAttributes, _materializer.EffectiveSettings(effectiveAttributes), null };
                    var    processor    = methodInfo.Invoke(this, parameters);
                    object materialized = parameters[3];
                    AssignPort(stage.In, UntypedSubscriber.FromTyped(processor));
                    AssignPort(stage.Out, UntypedPublisher.FromTyped(processor));
                    materializedValues.Add(atomic, materialized);
                //else if (atomic is TlsModule)
                else if (atomic is GraphModule)
                    var graph = (GraphModule)atomic;
                    MaterializeGraph(graph, effectiveAttributes, materializedValues);
                else if (atomic is GraphStageModule)
                    var stage = (GraphStageModule)atomic;
                    var graph =
                        new GraphModule(
                            GraphAssembly.Create(stage.Shape.Inlets, stage.Shape.Outlets, new[] { stage.Stage }),
                            stage.Shape, stage.Attributes, new IModule[] { stage });
                    MaterializeGraph(graph, effectiveAttributes, materializedValues);

Exemplo n.º 5
            public void ManualInit(GraphAssembly assembly)
                var mat = assembly.Materialize(Attributes.None, assembly.Stages.Select(s => s.Module).ToArray(),
                                               new Dictionary <IModule, object>(), s => { });
                var inHandlers  = mat.Item1;
                var outHandlers = mat.Item2;
                var logics      = mat.Item3;

                _interpreter = new GraphInterpreter(assembly, NoMaterializer.Instance, _logger, inHandlers, outHandlers, logics, (l, o, a) => {}, false);
Exemplo n.º 6
            protected override object MaterializeAtomic(AtomicModule atomic, Attributes effectiveAttributes,
                                                        IDictionary <IModule, object> materializedValues)
                if (IsDebug)
                    Console.WriteLine($"materializing {atomic}");

                if (atomic is ISinkModule)
                    var    sink = (ISinkModule)atomic;
                    object materialized;
                    var    subscriber = sink.Create(CreateMaterializationContext(effectiveAttributes), out materialized);
                    AssignPort(sink.Shape.Inlets.First(), subscriber);
                    materializedValues.Add(atomic, materialized);
                else if (atomic is ISourceModule)
                    var    source = (ISourceModule)atomic;
                    object materialized;
                    var    publisher = source.Create(CreateMaterializationContext(effectiveAttributes), out materialized);
                    AssignPort(source.Shape.Outlets.First(), publisher);
                    materializedValues.Add(atomic, materialized);
                else if (atomic is IProcessorModule)
                    var stage        = atomic as IProcessorModule;
                    var t            = stage.CreateProcessor();
                    var processor    = t.Item1;
                    var materialized = t.Item2;

                    AssignPort(stage.In, UntypedSubscriber.FromTyped(processor));
                    AssignPort(stage.Out, UntypedPublisher.FromTyped(processor));
                    materializedValues.Add(atomic, materialized);
                //else if (atomic is TlsModule)
                else if (atomic is GraphModule)
                    var graph = (GraphModule)atomic;
                    MaterializeGraph(graph, effectiveAttributes, materializedValues);
                else if (atomic is GraphStageModule)
                    var stage = (GraphStageModule)atomic;
                    var graph =
                        new GraphModule(
                            GraphAssembly.Create(stage.Shape.Inlets, stage.Shape.Outlets, new[] { stage.Stage }),
                            stage.Shape, stage.Attributes, new IModule[] { stage });
                    MaterializeGraph(graph, effectiveAttributes, materializedValues);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public GraphInterpreter(
            GraphAssembly assembly,
            IMaterializer materializer,
            ILoggingAdapter log,
            IInHandler[] inHandlers,
            IOutHandler[] outHandlers,
            GraphStageLogic[] logics,
            Action<GraphStageLogic, object, Action<object>> onAsyncInput,
            bool fuzzingMode)
            Logics = logics;
            Assembly = assembly;
            Materializer = materializer;
            Log = log;
            InHandlers = inHandlers;
            OutHandlers = outHandlers;
            OnAsyncInput = onAsyncInput;
            FuzzingMode = fuzzingMode;

            ConnectionSlots = new object[assembly.ConnectionCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < ConnectionSlots.Length; i++)
                ConnectionSlots[i] = Empty.Instance;

            PortStates = new int[assembly.ConnectionCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < PortStates.Length; i++)
                PortStates[i] = InReady;

            RunningStagesCount = Assembly.Stages.Length;

            _shutdownCounter = new int[assembly.Stages.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < _shutdownCounter.Length; i++)
                var shape = assembly.Stages[i].Shape;
                _shutdownCounter[i] = shape.Inlets.Count() + shape.Outlets.Count();

            _eventQueue = new int[1 << (32 - (assembly.ConnectionCount - 1).NumberOfLeadingZeros())];
            _mask = _eventQueue.Length - 1;