public GrainStateStorageBridge(string grainTypeName, Grain grain, IStorageProvider store) { if (grainTypeName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("grainTypeName", "No grain type name supplied"); } if (store == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("store", "No storage provider supplied"); } if (grain == null || grain.GrainState == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("grain.GrainState", "No grain state object supplied"); } this.grainTypeName = grainTypeName; this.grain = grain; = store; }
public static List <Color> NeighbourColors(Grain g) { List <Color> colorlist = new List <Color>(); int i = g.X; int j = g.Y; for (int k = i - 1; k < i + 2; k++) { for (int l = j - 1; l < j + 2; l++) { if (k >= 0 && k < MainWindow.XNumOfCells && l >= 0 && l < MainWindow.YNumOfCells) { if (MainWindow.GrainTable[k, l].Color != g.Color) { if (!colorlist.Contains(MainWindow.GrainTable[k, l].Color)) { colorlist.Add(MainWindow.GrainTable[k, l].Color); } } } } } return(colorlist); }
public IDisposable RegisterTimer(Grain grain, Func<object, Task> asyncCallback, object state, TimeSpan dueTime, TimeSpan period) { return grain.Data.RegisterTimer(asyncCallback, state, dueTime, period); }
internal ActivationService(Grain grain) { this.grain = grain; }
public void DelayDeactivation(Grain grain, TimeSpan timeSpan) { grain.Data.DelayDeactivation(timeSpan); }
public ActivationData( ActivationAddress addr, string genericArguments, PlacementStrategy placedUsing, IActivationCollector collector, TimeSpan ageLimit, IOptions <SiloMessagingOptions> messagingOptions, TimeSpan maxWarningRequestProcessingTime, TimeSpan maxRequestProcessingTime, IRuntimeClient runtimeClient, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) { if (null == addr) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(addr)); } if (null == placedUsing) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(placedUsing)); } if (null == collector) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collector)); } logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <ActivationData>(); this.lifecycle = new GrainLifecycle(loggerFactory.CreateLogger <LifecycleSubject>()); this.maxRequestProcessingTime = maxRequestProcessingTime; this.maxWarningRequestProcessingTime = maxWarningRequestProcessingTime; this.messagingOptions = messagingOptions.Value; ResetKeepAliveRequest(); Address = addr; State = ActivationState.Create; PlacedUsing = placedUsing; if (!Grain.IsSystemTarget()) { this.collector = collector; } CollectionAgeLimit = ageLimit; GrainReference = GrainReference.FromGrainId(addr.Grain, runtimeClient.GrainReferenceRuntime, genericArguments, Grain.IsSystemTarget() ? addr.Silo : null); }
public void DeactivateOnIdle(Grain grain) { this.runtimeClient.DeactivateOnIdle(grain.Data.ActivationId); }
internal ReminderService(Grain grain) { registry = grain.Runtime().ReminderRegistry; }
public async ValueTask <IFollowSnapshotStorage <PrimaryKey> > CreateFollowSnapshotStorage <PrimaryKey>(Grain grain, PrimaryKey grainId) { var grainType = grain.GetType(); if (configureContainer.TryGetValue(grainType, out var value) && value is ConfigureBuilderWrapper <PrimaryKey, StorageConfig, ConfigParameter> builder) { var dictKey = builder.Parameter.Singleton ? grainType.FullName : $"{grainType.FullName}-{grainId.ToString()}"; var configTask = grainConfigDict.GetOrAdd(dictKey, async key => { var newConfig = builder.Generator(grain, grainId, builder.Parameter); var task = newConfig.Build(); if (!task.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { await task; } return(newConfig); }); if (!configTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { await configTask; } var storage = FollowSnapshotStorageDict.GetOrAdd(dictKey, key => { return(new FollowSnapshotStorage <PrimaryKey>(configTask.Result)); }); return(storage as FollowSnapshotStorage <PrimaryKey>); } else { throw new NotImplementedException($"{nameof(ConfigureBuilderWrapper<PrimaryKey, StorageConfig, ConfigParameter>)} of {grainType.FullName}"); } }
public static IGrainRuntime Runtime(this Grain grain) => grain.Runtime;
public async Task MigrateDuplicateGroups_HasDuplicateIdentifiers_SuccessAsync() { var container = _fixture.Bootstrapper.TinyIoCContainer; var dbContext = container.Resolve <IAuthorizationDbContext>(); var groupMigratorService = container.Resolve <GroupMigratorService>(); #region Data Setup var client = new Client { ClientId = $"client1-{Guid.NewGuid()}", Name = $"Client 1-{Guid.NewGuid()}" }; var grain = new Grain { Name = $"dos-{Guid.NewGuid()}" }; var securableItem = new SecurableItem { Name = $"datamarts-{Guid.NewGuid()}", Grain = grain, ClientOwner = client.ClientId }; client.TopLevelSecurableItem = securableItem; var customGroup1 = new Group { GroupId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = $"Custom Group 1-{Guid.NewGuid()}", Source = GroupConstants.CustomSource, CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow }; var customGroup2 = new Group { GroupId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = $"Custom Group 2-{Guid.NewGuid()}", Source = GroupConstants.CustomSource, CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow }; var groupGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var group1 = new Group { GroupId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = $"Group 1-{groupGuid}", IdentityProvider = IdentityConstants.ActiveDirectory, TenantId = "12345", Source = GroupConstants.DirectorySource, CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow }; var group2 = new Group { GroupId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = $"groUP 1-{groupGuid}", IdentityProvider = IdentityConstants.ActiveDirectory, TenantId = "12345", Source = GroupConstants.DirectorySource, CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow }; var group3 = new Group { GroupId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = $"groUP 1-{groupGuid}", IdentityProvider = IdentityConstants.AzureActiveDirectory, TenantId = "12345", Source = GroupConstants.DirectorySource, CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow }; var role1 = new Role { RoleId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Role 1", Grain = grain.Name, SecurableItem = securableItem }; var role2 = new Role { RoleId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Role 2", Grain = grain.Name, SecurableItem = securableItem, }; var role3 = new Role { RoleId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Role 3", Grain = grain.Name, SecurableItem = securableItem, }; var role4 = new Role { RoleId = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Role 4", Grain = grain.Name, SecurableItem = securableItem, }; var group1Role1 = new GroupRole { Group = group1, Role = role1 }; var group2Role1 = new GroupRole { Group = group2, Role = role1 }; var group2Role2 = new GroupRole { Group = group2, Role = role2 }; var group2Role3 = new GroupRole { Group = group2, Role = role3, IsDeleted = true }; var group3Role4 = new GroupRole { Group = group3, Role = role4 }; var user1 = new User { IdentityProvider = IdentityConstants.ActiveDirectory, SubjectId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; var customGroup1User1 = new GroupUser { Group = customGroup1, User = user1 }; var customGroup2User1 = new GroupUser { Group = customGroup2, User = user1 }; var childGroup1 = new ChildGroup { ChildGroupId = group1.GroupId, ParentGroupId = customGroup1.GroupId, CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow }; var childGroup2 = new ChildGroup { ChildGroupId = group2.GroupId, ParentGroupId = customGroup1.GroupId, CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow }; var childGroup3 = new ChildGroup { ChildGroupId = group2.GroupId, ParentGroupId = customGroup2.GroupId, CreatedBy = "test", CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow }; dbContext.Clients.Add(client); dbContext.Grains.Add(grain); dbContext.SecurableItems.Add(securableItem); dbContext.Roles.AddRange(new List <Role> { role1, role2, role3, role4 }); dbContext.Groups.AddRange(new List <Group> { customGroup1, customGroup2, group1, group2, group3 }); dbContext.GroupRoles.AddRange(new List <GroupRole> { group1Role1, group2Role1, group2Role2, group2Role3, group3Role4 }); dbContext.Users.Add(user1); dbContext.GroupUsers.AddRange(new List <GroupUser> { customGroup1User1, customGroup2User1 }); dbContext.ChildGroups.AddRange(new List <ChildGroup> { childGroup1, childGroup2, childGroup3 }); dbContext.SaveChanges(); #endregion var results = await groupMigratorService.MigrateDuplicateGroups(); Assert.Equal(1, results.GroupMigrationRecords.Count); Assert.Empty(results.GroupMigrationRecords.SelectMany(r => r.Errors)); var principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new List <Claim> { new Claim(Claims.Scope, Scopes.ManageClientsScope), new Claim(Claims.Scope, Scopes.ReadScope), new Claim(Claims.Scope, Scopes.WriteScope), new Claim(Claims.ClientId, client.ClientId), new Claim(Claims.IdentityProvider, "idP1") }, "rolesprincipal")); var browser = _fixture.GetBrowser(principal, _storageProvider); var getResponse = await browser.Get(HttpUtility.UrlEncode($"/groups/Group 1-{groupGuid}"), with => { with.HttpRequest(); with.Header("Accept", "application/json"); with.Query("identityProvider", IdentityConstants.ActiveDirectory); with.Query("tenantId", "12345"); }); var groupRoleApiModel = getResponse.Body.DeserializeJson <GroupRoleApiModel>(); var roles = groupRoleApiModel.Roles.ToList(); Assert.Equal(2, roles.Count); Assert.Contains(roles, r => r.Name == role1.Name); Assert.Contains(roles, r => r.Name == role2.Name); var parents = groupRoleApiModel.Parents.ToList(); Assert.Contains(parents, p => p.GroupName == customGroup1.Name); Assert.Contains(parents, p => p.GroupName == customGroup2.Name); var groupStore = container.Resolve <IGroupStore>(); await groupStore.Delete(customGroup1.ToModel()); await groupStore.Delete(customGroup2.ToModel()); await groupStore.Delete(group1.ToModel()); await groupStore.Delete(group2.ToModel()); await groupStore.Delete(group3.ToModel()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Name,Calories")] Ingredient ingredient, [Bind("Carbohydrate")] Grain grain) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Ingredient.Add(ingredient); grain.Id = ingredient.Id; _context.Add(grain); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["Id"] = new SelectList(_context.Ingredient, "Id", "Id", grain.Id); return(View(grain)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Name,Calories")] Ingredient ingredient, [Bind("Id,Carbohydrate")] Grain grain) { if (id != grain.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { ingredient.Id = id; _context.Ingredient.Update(ingredient); _context.Update(grain); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!GrainExists(grain.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["Id"] = new SelectList(_context.Ingredient, "Id", "Id", grain.Id); return(View(grain)); }
public static Placement GetPlacement(this Grain grain) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void DeactivateOnIdle(Grain grain) { RuntimeClient.Current.DeactivateOnIdle(grain.Data.ActivationId); }
public bool Matches(ActivationAddress other) { return(Grain.Equals(other.Grain) && (Activation?.Equals(other.Activation) ?? other.Activation is null)); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return((Silo != null ? Silo.GetHashCode() : 0) ^ (Grain != null ? Grain.GetHashCode() : 0) ^ (Activation != null ? Activation.GetHashCode() : 0)); }
public async ValueTask <IArchiveStorage <PrimaryKey, State> > CreateArchiveStorage <PrimaryKey, State>(Grain grain, PrimaryKey grainId) where State : class, new() { var grainType = grain.GetType(); if (configureContainer.TryGetValue(grainType, out var value) && value is ConfigureBuilderWrapper <PrimaryKey, StorageConfig, ConfigParameter> builder) { var dictKey = builder.Parameter.Singleton ? grainType.FullName : $"{grainType.FullName}-{grainId.ToString()}"; var configTask = grainConfigDict.GetOrAdd(dictKey, async key => { var newConfig = builder.Generator(grain, grainId, builder.Parameter); var task = newConfig.Build(); if (!task.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { await task; } return(newConfig); }); if (!configTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { await configTask; } var storage = ArchiveStorageDict.GetOrAdd(dictKey, key => { return(new ArchiveStorage <PrimaryKey, State>(serviceProvider.GetService <ISerializer>(), configTask.Result)); }); return(storage as IArchiveStorage <PrimaryKey, State>); } else { throw new NotImplementedException($"{nameof(ConfigureBuilderWrapper<PrimaryKey, StorageConfig, ConfigParameter>)} of {grainType.FullName}"); } }
public void InitializeData() { if (Repository <Age> .Get().Count() == 0) { var list = new List <Age>(); var root = new Age() { Name = "中国历史学年代" }; var ndbx = new Age() { Name = "年代不详" }; list.Add(root); list.Add(ndbx); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "夏(约前2070~前1600)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "商(前1600~前1046)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "秦(前221~前206)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "西晋(265~317)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "隋(581~618)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "唐(618~907)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "辽(907~1125)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "西夏(1038~1227)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "金(1115~1234)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "元(1206~1368)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "明(1368~1644)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "清(1616~1911)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "中华民国(1912~1949)", Parent = root }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "中华人民共和国(1949年10月1日成立)", Parent = root }); var zhou = new Age() { Name = "周", Parent = root }; list.Add(zhou); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "西周(前1046~前771)", Parent = zhou }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "东周(前770~前256)", Parent = zhou }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "春秋时代(前770~前476)", Parent = zhou }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "战国时代(前475~前221)", Parent = zhou }); var han = new Age() { Name = "汉", Parent = root }; list.Add(han); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "西汉(前206~公元25)", Parent = han }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "东汉(25~220)", Parent = han }); var sanguo = new Age() { Name = "三国", Parent = root }; list.Add(sanguo); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "三国·魏(220~265)", Parent = sanguo }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "三国·蜀(221~263)", Parent = sanguo }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "三国·吴(222~280)", Parent = sanguo }); var djslg = new Age() { Name = "东晋十六国", Parent = root }; list.Add(djslg); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "东晋(317~420)", Parent = djslg }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "十六国(304~439)", Parent = djslg }); var nbc = new Age() { Name = "南北朝", Parent = root }; list.Add(nbc); var nc = new Age() { Name = "南朝", Parent = nbc }; list.Add(nc); var bc = new Age() { Name = "北朝", Parent = nbc }; list.Add(bc); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "南朝·宋(420~479)", Parent = nc }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "南朝·齐(479~502)", Parent = nc }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "南朝·梁(502~557)", Parent = nc }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "南朝·陈(557~589)", Parent = nc }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "北魏(386~534)", Parent = bc }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "东魏(534~550)", Parent = bc }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "北齐(550~577)", Parent = bc }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "北周(557~581)", Parent = bc }); var wdsg = new Age() { Name = "五代十国", Parent = root }; list.Add(wdsg); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "五代·后梁(907~923)", Parent = wdsg }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "五代·后唐(923~936)", Parent = wdsg }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "五代·后晋(936~947)", Parent = wdsg }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "五代·后汉(947~950)", Parent = wdsg }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "五代•后周(951~960)", Parent = wdsg }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "十国(902~979)", Parent = wdsg }); var song = new Age() { Name = "宋", Parent = root }; list.Add(song); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "北宋(960~1127)", Parent = wdsg }); list.Add(new Age() { Name = "南宋(1127~1279)", Parent = wdsg }); list.ForEach(x => Repository <Age> .Add(x)); foreach (var age in Repository <Age> .Get()) { if (age.Parent != null) { if (age.Parent.Children == null) { age.Parent.Children = new HashSet <Age>(); } age.Parent.Children.Add(age); } } } if (Repository <Author> .Get().Count() == 0) { Repository <Author> .Add(new Author() { Name = "朱屺瞻" }); } if (Repository <Category> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <Category>() { new Category() { Name = "玉石器、宝石" }, new Category() { Name = "陶器" }, new Category() { Name = "瓷器" }, new Category() { Name = "铜器" }, new Category() { Name = "金银器" }, new Category() { Name = "铁器、其他金属器" }, new Category() { Name = "漆器" }, new Category() { Name = "雕塑、造像" }, new Category() { Name = "石器、石刻、砖瓦" }, new Category() { Name = "书法、绘画" }, new Category() { Name = "文具" }, new Category() { Name = "甲骨" }, new Category() { Name = "玺印符牌" }, new Category() { Name = "钱币" }, new Category() { Name = "牙骨角器" }, new Category() { Name = "竹木雕" }, new Category() { Name = "家具" }, new Category() { Name = "珐琅器" }, new Category() { Name = "织绣" }, new Category() { Name = "古籍图书" }, new Category() { Name = "碑帖拓本" }, new Category() { Name = "武器" }, new Category() { Name = "邮品" }, new Category() { Name = "文件、宣传品" }, new Category() { Name = "档案文书" }, new Category() { Name = "名人遗物" }, new Category() { Name = "玻璃器" }, new Category() { Name = "乐器、法器" }, new Category() { Name = "皮革" }, new Category() { Name = "音像制品" }, new Category() { Name = "票据" }, new Category() { Name = "交通、运输工具" }, new Category() { Name = "度量衡器" }, new Category() { Name = "标本、化石" }, new Category() { Name = "其他" } }.ForEach(p => Repository <Category> .Add(p)); } if (Repository <CollectedTimeRange> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <CollectedTimeRange>() { new CollectedTimeRange() { Name = "1949.10.1前" }, new CollectedTimeRange() { Name = "1949.10.1-1965" }, new CollectedTimeRange() { Name = "1966-1976" }, new CollectedTimeRange() { Name = "1977-2000" }, new CollectedTimeRange() { Name = "2001至今" } }.ForEach(p => Repository <CollectedTimeRange> .Add(p)); } if (Repository <DisabilityLevel> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <DisabilityLevel>() { new DisabilityLevel() { Name = "完整" }, new DisabilityLevel() { Name = "基本完整" }, new DisabilityLevel() { Name = "残缺" }, new DisabilityLevel() { Name = "严重残缺(含缺失部件)" } }.ForEach(p => Repository <DisabilityLevel> .Add(p)); } if (Repository <Grain> .Get().Count() == 0) { var list = new List <Grain>(); var dyzd = new Grain() { Name = "单一质地" }; list.Add(dyzd); var yjz = new Grain() { Name = "有机质", Parent = dyzd }; list.Add(yjz); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "木", Parent = yjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "竹", Parent = yjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "纸", Parent = yjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "毛", Parent = yjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "丝", Parent = yjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "皮革", Parent = yjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "骨角牙", Parent = yjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "棉麻纤维", Parent = yjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "其他植物质", Parent = yjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "其他动物质", Parent = yjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "其他有机质", Parent = yjz }); var wjz = new Grain() { Name = "无机质", Parent = dyzd }; list.Add(wjz); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "石", Parent = wjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "瓷", Parent = wjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "砖瓦", Parent = wjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "泥", Parent = wjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "陶", Parent = wjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "玻璃", Parent = wjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "铁", Parent = wjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "铜", Parent = wjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "宝玉石", Parent = wjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "金", Parent = wjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "银", Parent = wjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "其他金属", Parent = wjz }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "其他无机质", Parent = wjz }); var fh = new Grain() { Name = "复合或组合质地" }; list.Add(fh); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "有机复合或组合", Parent = fh }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "无机复合或组合", Parent = fh }); list.Add(new Grain() { Name = "有机无机复合或组合", Parent = fh }); list.ForEach(x => Repository <Grain> .Add(x)); foreach (var grain in Repository <Grain> .Get()) { if (grain.Parent != null) { if (grain.Parent.Children == null) { grain.Parent.Children = new HashSet <Grain>(); } grain.Parent.Children.Add(grain); } } } if (Repository <Level> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <Level>() { new Level() { Name = "一级" }, new Level() { Name = "二级" }, new Level() { Name = "三级" }, new Level() { Name = "一般" }, new Level() { Name = "未定级" } }.ForEach(p => Repository <Level> .Add(p)); } if (Repository <Location> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <Location>() { new Location() { Name = "研究所" }, new Location() { Name = "所内书籍储藏室" }, new Location() { Name = "所内文物储藏室" }, new Location() { Name = "琉璃河" }, new Location() { Name = "琉璃河仓库" } }.ForEach(x => Repository <Location> .Add(x)); } if (Repository <RelicIdType> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <RelicIdType>() { new RelicIdType() { Name = "藏品总登记号" }, new RelicIdType() { Name = "辅助账号" }, new RelicIdType() { Name = "索书号" }, new RelicIdType() { Name = "档案编号" }, new RelicIdType() { Name = "固定资产登记号" }, new RelicIdType() { Name = "财产登记号" }, new RelicIdType() { Name = "出土(水)登记号" }, new RelicIdType() { Name = "其他编号" } }.ForEach(p => Repository <RelicIdType> .Add(p)); } if (Repository <Source> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <Source>() { new Source() { Name = "征集购买" }, new Source() { Name = "接受捐赠" }, new Source() { Name = "依法交换" }, new Source() { Name = "拨交" }, new Source() { Name = "移交" }, new Source() { Name = "旧藏" }, new Source() { Name = "发掘" }, new Source() { Name = "采集" }, new Source() { Name = "拣选" }, new Source() { Name = "其他" } }.ForEach(p => Repository <Source> .Add(p)); } if (Repository <StoringCondition> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <StoringCondition>() { new StoringCondition() { Name = "状态稳定,不需修复" }, new StoringCondition() { Name = "部分损腐,需要修复" }, new StoringCondition() { Name = "腐蚀损毁严重,急需修复" }, new StoringCondition() { Name = "已修复" } }.ForEach(p => Repository <StoringCondition> .Add(p)); } if (Repository <Unit> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <Unit>() { new Unit() { Name = "cm", Type = UnitTypes.Length }, new Unit() { Name = "m", Type = UnitTypes.Length }, new Unit() { Name = "g", Type = UnitTypes.Weight }, new Unit() { Name = "kg", Type = UnitTypes.Weight }, new Unit() { Name = "件", Type = UnitTypes.Relic }, new Unit() { Name = "本", Type = UnitTypes.Relic }, new Unit() { Name = "枚", Type = UnitTypes.Relic }, }.ForEach(x => Repository <Unit> .Add(x)); } if (Repository <WeightRange> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <WeightRange>() { new WeightRange() { Name = "<0.01 kg" }, new WeightRange() { Name = "0.01-1 kg" }, new WeightRange() { Name = "1-50 kg" }, new WeightRange() { Name = "50-100 kg" }, new WeightRange() { Name = "100-1000 kg" }, new WeightRange() { Name = ">1000 kg" } }.ForEach(p => Repository <WeightRange> .Add(p)); } if (Repository <Storage> .Get().Count() == 0) { var list = new List <Storage>(); var sjccs = new Storage() { Name = "所内书籍储藏室", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().Single(x => x.Name == "研究所") }; list.Add(sjccs); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架1", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内书籍储藏室"), Parent = sjccs }); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架2", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内书籍储藏室"), Parent = sjccs }); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架3", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内书籍储藏室"), Parent = sjccs }); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架4", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内书籍储藏室"), Parent = sjccs }); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架5", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内书籍储藏室"), Parent = sjccs }); var wwccs = new Storage() { Name = "所内文物储藏室", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().Single(x => x.Name == "研究所") }; list.Add(wwccs); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架1", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内文物储藏室"), Parent = wwccs }); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架2", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内文物储藏室"), Parent = wwccs }); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架3", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内文物储藏室"), Parent = wwccs }); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架4", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内文物储藏室"), Parent = wwccs }); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架5", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内文物储藏室"), Parent = wwccs }); var llhck = new Storage() { Name = "琉璃河仓库", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().Single(x => x.Name == "研究所") }; list.Add(llhck); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架1", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "琉璃河仓库"), Parent = llhck }); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架2", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "琉璃河仓库"), Parent = llhck }); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架3", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "琉璃河仓库"), Parent = llhck }); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架4", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "琉璃河仓库"), Parent = llhck }); list.Add(new Storage() { Name = "储物架5", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "琉璃河仓库"), Parent = llhck }); list.ForEach(x => Repository <Storage> .Add(x)); } if (Repository <ReceiptType> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <ReceiptType>() { new ReceiptType() { Type = ReceiptTypes.NewReceipt, Name = "新增入库" }, new ReceiptType() { Type = ReceiptTypes.Return, Name = "提借归还" }, new ReceiptType() { Type = ReceiptTypes.BorrowFromOuterUnit, Name = "借用外馆" } }.ForEach(x => Repository <ReceiptType> .Add(x)); } if (Repository <DeliveryType> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <DeliveryType>() { new DeliveryType() { Type = DeliveryTypes.Borrow, Name = "藏品提借" }, new DeliveryType() { Type = DeliveryTypes.ReturnToOutUnit, Name = "归还外馆" }, new DeliveryType() { Type = DeliveryTypes.Unregister, Name = "藏品注销" } }.ForEach(x => Repository <DeliveryType> .Add(x)); } if (Repository <Department> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <Department>() { new Department() { Name = "综合科" }, new Department() { Name = "宣传科" }, new Department() { Name = "后勤科" }, new Department() { Name = "仓库管理科" }, new Department() { Name = "古籍研究室" } }.ForEach(x => Repository <Department> .Add(x)); } if (Repository <User> .Get().Count() == 0) { new List <User>() { new User() { Name = "admin", Password = "******", Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "综合科") }, new User() { Name = "张某", Password = "******", Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "综合科") }, new User() { Name = "李某", Password = "******", Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "宣传科") }, new User() { Name = "刘某", Password = "******", Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "宣传科") }, new User() { Name = "赵某", Password = "******", Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "后勤科") }, new User() { Name = "徐某", Password = "******", Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "后勤科") }, new User() { Name = "钟某", Password = "******", Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "仓库管理科") }, new User() { Name = "杨某", Password = "******", Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "仓库管理科") }, new User() { Name = "王某", Password = "******", Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "古籍研究室") }, new User() { Name = "董某", Password = "******", Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "古籍研究室") }, new User() { Name = "夏某", Password = "******", Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "古籍研究室") } }.ForEach(x => Repository <User> .Add(x)); } //if (Repository<Relic>.Get().Count() == 0) //{ // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) // { // Repository<Relic>.Add(new Relic() // { // RootAge = Repository<Age>.Get().First(), // Category = Repository<Category>.Get().First(), // CollectedTimeRange = Repository<CollectedTimeRange>.Get().First(), // DisabilityLevel = Repository<DisabilityLevel>.Get().First(), // RootGrain = Repository<Grain>.Get().First(), // Level = Repository<Level>.Get().First(), // IdType = Repository<RelicIdType>.Get().First(), // Source = Repository<Source>.Get().First(), // StoringCondition = Repository<StoringCondition>.Get().First(), // WeightRange = Repository<WeightRange>.Get().First(), // Unit = Repository<Unit>.Get().First(x => x.Name == "件"), // TotalAmount = 100, // Name = "测试文物 -- " + i.ToString(), // OriginalName = "测试文物", // RelicId = (i + 1000).ToString(), // CollectedYearOfTime = "2001" // }); // } //} }
/// <summary> /// Generates the streamset paths. /// </summary> /// <param name="streamPath">The stream path.</param> /// <param name="startDate">The start date.</param> /// <param name="endDate">The end date.</param> /// <param name="startSerialNum">The start serial number.</param> /// <param name="endSerialNum">The end serial number.</param> /// <param name="grain">The grain.</param> /// <returns>List<string>.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"> /// startDate /// or /// endDate /// or /// startSerialNum or endSerialNum is null /// </exception> public static List <string> GenerateStreamsetPaths(string streamPath, DateTime?startDate, DateTime?endDate, int?startSerialNum, int?endSerialNum, Grain grain) { if (startDate == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(startDate)); } if (endDate == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(endDate)); } bool requireSerial = streamPath.Contains("%n"); if (requireSerial && (startSerialNum == null || endSerialNum == null)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("startSerialNum or endSerialNum is null"); } var streams = new List <string>(); var dates = GenerateDates((DateTime)startDate, (DateTime)endDate, grain); foreach (var date in dates) { var year = date.Year.ToString(); var month = date.Month.ToString("00"); var day = date.Day.ToString("00"); var hour = date.Hour; var stream = CreateStreamPath(streamPath, year, month, day, hour); if (requireSerial) { for (int currentNum = (int)startSerialNum; currentNum <= (int)endSerialNum; currentNum++) { var path = stream.Replace("%n", currentNum.ToString()); streams.Add(path); } } else { streams.Add(stream); } } return(streams); }
internal void SetGrainInstance(Grain grainInstance) { GrainInstance = grainInstance; if (grainInstance != null) { GrainInstanceType = grainInstance.GetType(); // Don't ever collect system grains or reminder table grain or memory store grains. bool doNotCollect = typeof(IReminderTableGrain).IsAssignableFrom(GrainInstanceType) || typeof(IMemoryStorageGrain).IsAssignableFrom(GrainInstanceType); if (doNotCollect) { this.collector = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Generates the dates. /// </summary> /// <param name="startDate">The start date.</param> /// <param name="endDate">The end date.</param> /// <param name="grain">The grain.</param> /// <returns>List<DateTime>.</returns> private static List <DateTime> GenerateDates(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, Grain grain) { var currentDate = startDate; var dates = new List <DateTime>(); while (currentDate <= endDate) { dates.Add(currentDate); currentDate = DateUtils.GetNextDate(currentDate, grain); } return(dates); }
public void DeactivateOnIdle(Grain grain) { CheckRuntimeContext(); this.runtimeClient.DeactivateOnIdle(grain.Data.ActivationId); }
internal TimerService(Grain grain) { this.grain = grain; this.registry = grain.Runtime().TimerRegistry; }
public void DelayDeactivation(Grain grain, TimeSpan timeSpan) { CheckRuntimeContext(); grain.Data.DelayDeactivation(timeSpan); }
internal void SetGrainInstance(Grain grainInstance) { GrainInstance = grainInstance; }
public IStorage <TGrainState> GetStorage <TGrainState>(Grain grain) => _storageManager.GetStorage <TGrainState>(grain.GetType().FullName);
public override int GetHashCode() => Grain.GetHashCode() ^ (Activation?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) ^ (Silo?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);
public TState State <TState>(Grain grain) where TState : class => _grainStateManager.GetState <TState>(grain);
/// <summary> /// Deactivate the given <see cref="Grain"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="grain">Grain to Deactivate</param> public Task DeactivateAsync(Grain grain) { return(_grainLifecycle.TriggerStopAsync()); }
/// <summary> /// Deactivate the given <see cref="Grain"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="grain">Grain to Deactivate</param> public void Deactivate(Grain grain) { grain.OnDeactivateAsync().Wait(1000); }
public void SetNewCellSizeAndDraw(PictureBox pictureBox, Graphics g, Simulation simulation) { int maxSizeX = pictureBox.Width / CELL_SIZE + 1; int maxSizeY = pictureBox.Height / CELL_SIZE + 1; g.FillRectangle(cellBrushClear, 0, 0, maxSizeX * CELL_SIZE + 1, maxSizeY * CELL_SIZE + 1); Grain[,] tabTmp = new Grain[SIZE_Y, SIZE_X]; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_Y; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_X; j++) { tabTmp[i, j] = simulation.Tab[i, j].Copy(); } } int startSizeX = SIZE_X; int startSizeY = SIZE_Y; // setting new sizes SET_SIZES(pictureBox.Width / CELL_SIZE, pictureBox.Height / CELL_SIZE); // -------- simulation.Tab = new Grain[SIZE_Y, SIZE_X]; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_Y; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_X; j++) { simulation.Tab[i, j] = new Grain(j, i, 0); } } int y = SIZE_Y < startSizeY ? SIZE_Y : startSizeY; int x = SIZE_X < startSizeX ? SIZE_X : startSizeX; for (int i = 0; i < y; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < x; j++) { simulation.Tab[i, j].State = tabTmp[i, j].State; } } // resizing previous grains simulation.Resize(); if (GRID_STATE == GridState.Enable) { Draw(g, pictureBox); } simulation.Display(g); }
private void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { PointerEventData pointerData = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current); pointerData.position = Input.mousePosition; List <RaycastResult> results = new List <RaycastResult>(); EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(pointerData, results); if (results.Count > 0) { if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("RetryUI")) { ResetGame(); } } if (inControl) { if (results.Count > 0) { if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("CarrotUI")) { selectedPlot.PlacePlant(plants[1], Team.PLAYER); seedCount -= plantCost; seedCountUI.text = "" + seedCount; if (!gameStarted) { opponent.Activate(); HideTutorialUI(); gameStarted = true; } } else if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("BeetUI")) { selectedPlot.PlacePlant(plants[0], Team.PLAYER); seedCount -= plantCost; seedCountUI.text = "" + seedCount; if (!gameStarted) { opponent.Activate(); HideTutorialUI(); gameStarted = true; } } else if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("OptionsUI")) { results[0].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <OptionsUI>().TogglePullDown(); } else if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("AudioButton")) { results[0].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <OptionsUI>().ToggleAudio(); } else if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("CamShakeButton")) { results[0].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <OptionsUI>().ToggleCamShake(); } else if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("QuitButton")) { Application.Quit(); } else if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("GrainPickup")) { Grain g = results[0].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Grain>(); ChangeSeedCount(g.GrainValue); g.Interact(); } } else { if (seedCount >= plantCost) { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { Plot plot = hit.transform.GetComponent <Plot>(); if (plot != null) { if (selectedPlot == null) { selectedPlot = plot; selectedPlot.ShowPopup(); } else { selectedPlot.HidePopup(); if (selectedPlot != plot) { selectedPlot = plot; selectedPlot.ShowPopup(); } else { selectedPlot = null; } } } } } } } } }