Exemplo n.º 1
 public GrainStateStorageBridge(string grainTypeName, Grain grain, IStorageProvider store)
     if (grainTypeName == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("grainTypeName", "No grain type name supplied");
     if (store == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("store", "No storage provider supplied");
     if (grain == null || grain.GrainState == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("grain.GrainState", "No grain state object supplied");
     this.grainTypeName = grainTypeName;
     this.grain = grain;
     this.store = store;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static List <Color> NeighbourColors(Grain g)
            List <Color> colorlist = new List <Color>();
            int          i         = g.X;
            int          j         = g.Y;

            for (int k = i - 1; k < i + 2; k++)
                for (int l = j - 1; l < j + 2; l++)
                    if (k >= 0 && k < MainWindow.XNumOfCells && l >= 0 && l < MainWindow.YNumOfCells)
                        if (MainWindow.GrainTable[k, l].Color != g.Color)
                            if (!colorlist.Contains(MainWindow.GrainTable[k, l].Color))
                                colorlist.Add(MainWindow.GrainTable[k, l].Color);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public IDisposable RegisterTimer(Grain grain, Func<object, Task> asyncCallback, object state, TimeSpan dueTime, TimeSpan period)
     return grain.Data.RegisterTimer(asyncCallback, state, dueTime, period);
Exemplo n.º 4
 internal ActivationService(Grain grain)
     this.grain = grain;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void DelayDeactivation(Grain grain, TimeSpan timeSpan)
Exemplo n.º 6
        public ActivationData(
            ActivationAddress addr,
            string genericArguments,
            PlacementStrategy placedUsing,
            IActivationCollector collector,
            TimeSpan ageLimit,
            IOptions <SiloMessagingOptions> messagingOptions,
            TimeSpan maxWarningRequestProcessingTime,
            TimeSpan maxRequestProcessingTime,
            IRuntimeClient runtimeClient,
            ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
            if (null == addr)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(addr));
            if (null == placedUsing)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(placedUsing));
            if (null == collector)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collector));

            logger         = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <ActivationData>();
            this.lifecycle = new GrainLifecycle(loggerFactory.CreateLogger <LifecycleSubject>());
            this.maxRequestProcessingTime        = maxRequestProcessingTime;
            this.maxWarningRequestProcessingTime = maxWarningRequestProcessingTime;
            this.messagingOptions = messagingOptions.Value;
            Address     = addr;
            State       = ActivationState.Create;
            PlacedUsing = placedUsing;
            if (!Grain.IsSystemTarget())
                this.collector = collector;

            CollectionAgeLimit = ageLimit;

            GrainReference = GrainReference.FromGrainId(addr.Grain, runtimeClient.GrainReferenceRuntime, genericArguments, Grain.IsSystemTarget() ? addr.Silo : null);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void DeactivateOnIdle(Grain grain)
Exemplo n.º 8
 internal ReminderService(Grain grain)
     registry = grain.Runtime().ReminderRegistry;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public async ValueTask <IFollowSnapshotStorage <PrimaryKey> > CreateFollowSnapshotStorage <PrimaryKey>(Grain grain, PrimaryKey grainId)
            var grainType = grain.GetType();

            if (configureContainer.TryGetValue(grainType, out var value) &&
                value is ConfigureBuilderWrapper <PrimaryKey, StorageConfig, ConfigParameter> builder)
                var dictKey    = builder.Parameter.Singleton ? grainType.FullName : $"{grainType.FullName}-{grainId.ToString()}";
                var configTask = grainConfigDict.GetOrAdd(dictKey, async key =>
                    var newConfig = builder.Generator(grain, grainId, builder.Parameter);
                    var task      = newConfig.Build();
                    if (!task.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
                        await task;
                if (!configTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
                    await configTask;
                var storage = FollowSnapshotStorageDict.GetOrAdd(dictKey, key =>
                    return(new FollowSnapshotStorage <PrimaryKey>(configTask.Result));
                return(storage as FollowSnapshotStorage <PrimaryKey>);
                throw new NotImplementedException($"{nameof(ConfigureBuilderWrapper<PrimaryKey, StorageConfig, ConfigParameter>)} of {grainType.FullName}");
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static IGrainRuntime Runtime(this Grain grain) => grain.Runtime;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public async Task MigrateDuplicateGroups_HasDuplicateIdentifiers_SuccessAsync()
            var container            = _fixture.Bootstrapper.TinyIoCContainer;
            var dbContext            = container.Resolve <IAuthorizationDbContext>();
            var groupMigratorService = container.Resolve <GroupMigratorService>();

            #region Data Setup

            var client = new Client
                ClientId = $"client1-{Guid.NewGuid()}",
                Name     = $"Client 1-{Guid.NewGuid()}"

            var grain = new Grain
                Name = $"dos-{Guid.NewGuid()}"

            var securableItem = new SecurableItem
                Name        = $"datamarts-{Guid.NewGuid()}",
                Grain       = grain,
                ClientOwner = client.ClientId

            client.TopLevelSecurableItem = securableItem;

            var customGroup1 = new Group
                GroupId            = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name               = $"Custom Group 1-{Guid.NewGuid()}",
                Source             = GroupConstants.CustomSource,
                CreatedBy          = "test",
                CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow

            var customGroup2 = new Group
                GroupId            = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name               = $"Custom Group 2-{Guid.NewGuid()}",
                Source             = GroupConstants.CustomSource,
                CreatedBy          = "test",
                CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow

            var groupGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
            var group1    = new Group
                GroupId            = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name               = $"Group 1-{groupGuid}",
                IdentityProvider   = IdentityConstants.ActiveDirectory,
                TenantId           = "12345",
                Source             = GroupConstants.DirectorySource,
                CreatedBy          = "test",
                CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow

            var group2 = new Group
                GroupId            = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name               = $"groUP 1-{groupGuid}",
                IdentityProvider   = IdentityConstants.ActiveDirectory,
                TenantId           = "12345",
                Source             = GroupConstants.DirectorySource,
                CreatedBy          = "test",
                CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow

            var group3 = new Group
                GroupId            = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name               = $"groUP 1-{groupGuid}",
                IdentityProvider   = IdentityConstants.AzureActiveDirectory,
                TenantId           = "12345",
                Source             = GroupConstants.DirectorySource,
                CreatedBy          = "test",
                CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow

            var role1 = new Role
                RoleId        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name          = "Role 1",
                Grain         = grain.Name,
                SecurableItem = securableItem

            var role2 = new Role
                RoleId        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name          = "Role 2",
                Grain         = grain.Name,
                SecurableItem = securableItem,

            var role3 = new Role
                RoleId        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name          = "Role 3",
                Grain         = grain.Name,
                SecurableItem = securableItem,

            var role4 = new Role
                RoleId        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name          = "Role 4",
                Grain         = grain.Name,
                SecurableItem = securableItem,

            var group1Role1 = new GroupRole
                Group = group1,
                Role  = role1

            var group2Role1 = new GroupRole
                Group = group2,
                Role  = role1

            var group2Role2 = new GroupRole
                Group = group2,
                Role  = role2

            var group2Role3 = new GroupRole
                Group     = group2,
                Role      = role3,
                IsDeleted = true

            var group3Role4 = new GroupRole
                Group = group3,
                Role  = role4

            var user1 = new User
                IdentityProvider = IdentityConstants.ActiveDirectory,
                SubjectId        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            var customGroup1User1 = new GroupUser
                Group = customGroup1,
                User  = user1

            var customGroup2User1 = new GroupUser
                Group = customGroup2,
                User  = user1

            var childGroup1 = new ChildGroup
                ChildGroupId       = group1.GroupId,
                ParentGroupId      = customGroup1.GroupId,
                CreatedBy          = "test",
                CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow

            var childGroup2 = new ChildGroup
                ChildGroupId       = group2.GroupId,
                ParentGroupId      = customGroup1.GroupId,
                CreatedBy          = "test",
                CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow

            var childGroup3 = new ChildGroup
                ChildGroupId       = group2.GroupId,
                ParentGroupId      = customGroup2.GroupId,
                CreatedBy          = "test",
                CreatedDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow


            dbContext.Roles.AddRange(new List <Role>

            dbContext.Groups.AddRange(new List <Group>

            dbContext.GroupRoles.AddRange(new List <GroupRole>


            dbContext.GroupUsers.AddRange(new List <GroupUser>

            dbContext.ChildGroups.AddRange(new List <ChildGroup>



            var results = await groupMigratorService.MigrateDuplicateGroups();

            Assert.Equal(1, results.GroupMigrationRecords.Count);
            Assert.Empty(results.GroupMigrationRecords.SelectMany(r => r.Errors));

            var principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new List <Claim>
                new Claim(Claims.Scope, Scopes.ManageClientsScope),
                new Claim(Claims.Scope, Scopes.ReadScope),
                new Claim(Claims.Scope, Scopes.WriteScope),
                new Claim(Claims.ClientId, client.ClientId),
                new Claim(Claims.IdentityProvider, "idP1")
            }, "rolesprincipal"));

            var browser = _fixture.GetBrowser(principal, _storageProvider);

            var getResponse = await browser.Get(HttpUtility.UrlEncode($"/groups/Group 1-{groupGuid}"), with =>
                with.Header("Accept", "application/json");
                with.Query("identityProvider", IdentityConstants.ActiveDirectory);
                with.Query("tenantId", "12345");

            var groupRoleApiModel = getResponse.Body.DeserializeJson <GroupRoleApiModel>();
            var roles             = groupRoleApiModel.Roles.ToList();
            Assert.Equal(2, roles.Count);
            Assert.Contains(roles, r => r.Name == role1.Name);
            Assert.Contains(roles, r => r.Name == role2.Name);

            var parents = groupRoleApiModel.Parents.ToList();
            Assert.Contains(parents, p => p.GroupName == customGroup1.Name);
            Assert.Contains(parents, p => p.GroupName == customGroup2.Name);

            var groupStore = container.Resolve <IGroupStore>();
            await groupStore.Delete(customGroup1.ToModel());

            await groupStore.Delete(customGroup2.ToModel());

            await groupStore.Delete(group1.ToModel());

            await groupStore.Delete(group2.ToModel());

            await groupStore.Delete(group3.ToModel());
Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Name,Calories")] Ingredient ingredient, [Bind("Carbohydrate")] Grain grain)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                grain.Id = ingredient.Id;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            ViewData["Id"] = new SelectList(_context.Ingredient, "Id", "Id", grain.Id);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Name,Calories")] Ingredient ingredient, [Bind("Id,Carbohydrate")] Grain grain)
            if (id != grain.Id)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    ingredient.Id = id;
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!GrainExists(grain.Id))
            ViewData["Id"] = new SelectList(_context.Ingredient, "Id", "Id", grain.Id);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static Placement GetPlacement(this Grain grain)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void DeactivateOnIdle(Grain grain)
Exemplo n.º 16
 public bool Matches(ActivationAddress other)
     return(Grain.Equals(other.Grain) && (Activation?.Equals(other.Activation) ?? other.Activation is null));
Exemplo n.º 17
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return((Silo != null ? Silo.GetHashCode() : 0) ^
            (Grain != null ? Grain.GetHashCode() : 0) ^
            (Activation != null ? Activation.GetHashCode() : 0));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public async ValueTask <IArchiveStorage <PrimaryKey, State> > CreateArchiveStorage <PrimaryKey, State>(Grain grain, PrimaryKey grainId)
            where State : class, new()
            var grainType = grain.GetType();

            if (configureContainer.TryGetValue(grainType, out var value) &&
                value is ConfigureBuilderWrapper <PrimaryKey, StorageConfig, ConfigParameter> builder)
                var dictKey    = builder.Parameter.Singleton ? grainType.FullName : $"{grainType.FullName}-{grainId.ToString()}";
                var configTask = grainConfigDict.GetOrAdd(dictKey, async key =>
                    var newConfig = builder.Generator(grain, grainId, builder.Parameter);
                    var task      = newConfig.Build();
                    if (!task.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
                        await task;
                if (!configTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
                    await configTask;
                var storage = ArchiveStorageDict.GetOrAdd(dictKey, key =>
                    return(new ArchiveStorage <PrimaryKey, State>(serviceProvider.GetService <ISerializer>(), configTask.Result));
                return(storage as IArchiveStorage <PrimaryKey, State>);
                throw new NotImplementedException($"{nameof(ConfigureBuilderWrapper<PrimaryKey, StorageConfig, ConfigParameter>)} of {grainType.FullName}");
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void InitializeData()
            if (Repository <Age> .Get().Count() == 0)
                var list = new List <Age>();
                var root = new Age()
                    Name = "中国历史学年代"
                var ndbx = new Age()
                    Name = "年代不详"
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "夏(约前2070~前1600)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "商(前1600~前1046)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "秦(前221~前206)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "西晋(265~317)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "隋(581~618)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "唐(618~907)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "辽(907~1125)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "西夏(1038~1227)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "金(1115~1234)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "元(1206~1368)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "明(1368~1644)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "清(1616~1911)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "中华民国(1912~1949)", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "中华人民共和国(1949年10月1日成立)", Parent = root

                var zhou = new Age()
                    Name = "周", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "西周(前1046~前771)", Parent = zhou
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "东周(前770~前256)", Parent = zhou
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "春秋时代(前770~前476)", Parent = zhou
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "战国时代(前475~前221)", Parent = zhou

                var han = new Age()
                    Name = "汉", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "西汉(前206~公元25)", Parent = han
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "东汉(25~220)", Parent = han

                var sanguo = new Age()
                    Name = "三国", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "三国·魏(220~265)", Parent = sanguo
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "三国·蜀(221~263)", Parent = sanguo
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "三国·吴(222~280)", Parent = sanguo

                var djslg = new Age()
                    Name = "东晋十六国", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "东晋(317~420)", Parent = djslg
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "十六国(304~439)", Parent = djslg

                var nbc = new Age()
                    Name = "南北朝", Parent = root
                var nc = new Age()
                    Name = "南朝", Parent = nbc
                var bc = new Age()
                    Name = "北朝", Parent = nbc
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "南朝·宋(420~479)", Parent = nc
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "南朝·齐(479~502)", Parent = nc
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "南朝·梁(502~557)", Parent = nc
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "南朝·陈(557~589)", Parent = nc
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "北魏(386~534)", Parent = bc
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "东魏(534~550)", Parent = bc
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "北齐(550~577)", Parent = bc
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "北周(557~581)", Parent = bc

                var wdsg = new Age()
                    Name = "五代十国", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "五代·后梁(907~923)", Parent = wdsg
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "五代·后唐(923~936)", Parent = wdsg
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "五代·后晋(936~947)", Parent = wdsg
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "五代·后汉(947~950)", Parent = wdsg
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "五代•后周(951~960)", Parent = wdsg
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "十国(902~979)", Parent = wdsg

                var song = new Age()
                    Name = "宋", Parent = root
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "北宋(960~1127)", Parent = wdsg
                list.Add(new Age()
                    Name = "南宋(1127~1279)", Parent = wdsg
                list.ForEach(x => Repository <Age> .Add(x));
                foreach (var age in Repository <Age> .Get())
                    if (age.Parent != null)
                        if (age.Parent.Children == null)
                            age.Parent.Children = new HashSet <Age>();

            if (Repository <Author> .Get().Count() == 0)
                Repository <Author> .Add(new Author()
                    Name = "朱屺瞻"
            if (Repository <Category> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <Category>()
                    new Category()
                        Name = "玉石器、宝石"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "陶器"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "瓷器"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "铜器"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "金银器"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "铁器、其他金属器"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "漆器"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "雕塑、造像"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "石器、石刻、砖瓦"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "书法、绘画"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "文具"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "甲骨"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "玺印符牌"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "钱币"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "牙骨角器"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "竹木雕"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "家具"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "珐琅器"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "织绣"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "古籍图书"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "碑帖拓本"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "武器"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "邮品"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "文件、宣传品"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "档案文书"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "名人遗物"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "玻璃器"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "乐器、法器"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "皮革"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "音像制品"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "票据"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "交通、运输工具"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "度量衡器"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "标本、化石"
                    new Category()
                        Name = "其他"
                }.ForEach(p => Repository <Category> .Add(p));
            if (Repository <CollectedTimeRange> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <CollectedTimeRange>()
                    new CollectedTimeRange()
                        Name = "1949.10.1前"
                    new CollectedTimeRange()
                        Name = "1949.10.1-1965"
                    new CollectedTimeRange()
                        Name = "1966-1976"
                    new CollectedTimeRange()
                        Name = "1977-2000"
                    new CollectedTimeRange()
                        Name = "2001至今"
                }.ForEach(p => Repository <CollectedTimeRange> .Add(p));
            if (Repository <DisabilityLevel> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <DisabilityLevel>()
                    new DisabilityLevel()
                        Name = "完整"
                    new DisabilityLevel()
                        Name = "基本完整"
                    new DisabilityLevel()
                        Name = "残缺"
                    new DisabilityLevel()
                        Name = "严重残缺(含缺失部件)"
                }.ForEach(p => Repository <DisabilityLevel> .Add(p));
            if (Repository <Grain> .Get().Count() == 0)
                var list = new List <Grain>();
                var dyzd = new Grain()
                    Name = "单一质地"
                var yjz = new Grain()
                    Name = "有机质", Parent = dyzd
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "木", Parent = yjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "竹", Parent = yjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "纸", Parent = yjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "毛", Parent = yjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "丝", Parent = yjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "皮革", Parent = yjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "骨角牙", Parent = yjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "棉麻纤维", Parent = yjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "其他植物质", Parent = yjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "其他动物质", Parent = yjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "其他有机质", Parent = yjz

                var wjz = new Grain()
                    Name = "无机质", Parent = dyzd
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "石", Parent = wjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "瓷", Parent = wjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "砖瓦", Parent = wjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "泥", Parent = wjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "陶", Parent = wjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "玻璃", Parent = wjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "铁", Parent = wjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "铜", Parent = wjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "宝玉石", Parent = wjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "金", Parent = wjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "银", Parent = wjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "其他金属", Parent = wjz
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "其他无机质", Parent = wjz
                var fh = new Grain()
                    Name = "复合或组合质地"
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "有机复合或组合", Parent = fh
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "无机复合或组合", Parent = fh
                list.Add(new Grain()
                    Name = "有机无机复合或组合", Parent = fh
                list.ForEach(x => Repository <Grain> .Add(x));
                foreach (var grain in Repository <Grain> .Get())
                    if (grain.Parent != null)
                        if (grain.Parent.Children == null)
                            grain.Parent.Children = new HashSet <Grain>();
            if (Repository <Level> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <Level>()
                    new Level()
                        Name = "一级"
                    new Level()
                        Name = "二级"
                    new Level()
                        Name = "三级"
                    new Level()
                        Name = "一般"
                    new Level()
                        Name = "未定级"
                }.ForEach(p => Repository <Level> .Add(p));
            if (Repository <Location> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <Location>()
                    new Location()
                        Name = "研究所"
                    new Location()
                        Name = "所内书籍储藏室"
                    new Location()
                        Name = "所内文物储藏室"
                    new Location()
                        Name = "琉璃河"
                    new Location()
                        Name = "琉璃河仓库"
                }.ForEach(x => Repository <Location> .Add(x));
            if (Repository <RelicIdType> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <RelicIdType>()
                    new RelicIdType()
                        Name = "藏品总登记号"
                    new RelicIdType()
                        Name = "辅助账号"
                    new RelicIdType()
                        Name = "索书号"
                    new RelicIdType()
                        Name = "档案编号"
                    new RelicIdType()
                        Name = "固定资产登记号"
                    new RelicIdType()
                        Name = "财产登记号"
                    new RelicIdType()
                        Name = "出土(水)登记号"
                    new RelicIdType()
                        Name = "其他编号"
                }.ForEach(p => Repository <RelicIdType> .Add(p));
            if (Repository <Source> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <Source>()
                    new Source()
                        Name = "征集购买"
                    new Source()
                        Name = "接受捐赠"
                    new Source()
                        Name = "依法交换"
                    new Source()
                        Name = "拨交"
                    new Source()
                        Name = "移交"
                    new Source()
                        Name = "旧藏"
                    new Source()
                        Name = "发掘"
                    new Source()
                        Name = "采集"
                    new Source()
                        Name = "拣选"
                    new Source()
                        Name = "其他"
                }.ForEach(p => Repository <Source> .Add(p));
            if (Repository <StoringCondition> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <StoringCondition>()
                    new StoringCondition()
                        Name = "状态稳定,不需修复"
                    new StoringCondition()
                        Name = "部分损腐,需要修复"
                    new StoringCondition()
                        Name = "腐蚀损毁严重,急需修复"
                    new StoringCondition()
                        Name = "已修复"
                }.ForEach(p => Repository <StoringCondition> .Add(p));
            if (Repository <Unit> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <Unit>()
                    new Unit()
                        Name = "cm", Type = UnitTypes.Length
                    new Unit()
                        Name = "m", Type = UnitTypes.Length
                    new Unit()
                        Name = "g", Type = UnitTypes.Weight
                    new Unit()
                        Name = "kg", Type = UnitTypes.Weight
                    new Unit()
                        Name = "件", Type = UnitTypes.Relic
                    new Unit()
                        Name = "本", Type = UnitTypes.Relic
                    new Unit()
                        Name = "枚", Type = UnitTypes.Relic
                }.ForEach(x => Repository <Unit> .Add(x));
            if (Repository <WeightRange> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <WeightRange>()
                    new WeightRange()
                        Name = "<0.01 kg"
                    new WeightRange()
                        Name = "0.01-1 kg"
                    new WeightRange()
                        Name = "1-50 kg"
                    new WeightRange()
                        Name = "50-100 kg"
                    new WeightRange()
                        Name = "100-1000 kg"
                    new WeightRange()
                        Name = ">1000 kg"
                }.ForEach(p => Repository <WeightRange> .Add(p));
            if (Repository <Storage> .Get().Count() == 0)
                var list  = new List <Storage>();
                var sjccs = new Storage()
                    Name = "所内书籍储藏室", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().Single(x => x.Name == "研究所")
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架1",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内书籍储藏室"),
                    Parent   = sjccs
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架2",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内书籍储藏室"),
                    Parent   = sjccs
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架3",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内书籍储藏室"),
                    Parent   = sjccs
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架4",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内书籍储藏室"),
                    Parent   = sjccs
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架5",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内书籍储藏室"),
                    Parent   = sjccs

                var wwccs = new Storage()
                    Name = "所内文物储藏室", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().Single(x => x.Name == "研究所")
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架1",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内文物储藏室"),
                    Parent   = wwccs
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架2",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内文物储藏室"),
                    Parent   = wwccs
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架3",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内文物储藏室"),
                    Parent   = wwccs
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架4",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内文物储藏室"),
                    Parent   = wwccs
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架5",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "所内文物储藏室"),
                    Parent   = wwccs

                var llhck = new Storage()
                    Name = "琉璃河仓库", Location = Repository <Location> .Get().Single(x => x.Name == "研究所")
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架1",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "琉璃河仓库"),
                    Parent   = llhck
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架2",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "琉璃河仓库"),
                    Parent   = llhck
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架3",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "琉璃河仓库"),
                    Parent   = llhck
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架4",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "琉璃河仓库"),
                    Parent   = llhck
                list.Add(new Storage()
                    Name     = "储物架5",
                    Location = Repository <Location> .Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "琉璃河仓库"),
                    Parent   = llhck
                list.ForEach(x => Repository <Storage> .Add(x));
            if (Repository <ReceiptType> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <ReceiptType>()
                    new ReceiptType()
                        Type = ReceiptTypes.NewReceipt,
                        Name = "新增入库"
                    new ReceiptType()
                        Type = ReceiptTypes.Return,
                        Name = "提借归还"
                    new ReceiptType()
                        Type = ReceiptTypes.BorrowFromOuterUnit,
                        Name = "借用外馆"
                }.ForEach(x => Repository <ReceiptType> .Add(x));
            if (Repository <DeliveryType> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <DeliveryType>()
                    new DeliveryType()
                        Type = DeliveryTypes.Borrow,
                        Name = "藏品提借"
                    new DeliveryType()
                        Type = DeliveryTypes.ReturnToOutUnit,
                        Name = "归还外馆"
                    new DeliveryType()
                        Type = DeliveryTypes.Unregister,
                        Name = "藏品注销"
                }.ForEach(x => Repository <DeliveryType> .Add(x));
            if (Repository <Department> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <Department>()
                    new Department()
                        Name = "综合科"
                    new Department()
                        Name = "宣传科"
                    new Department()
                        Name = "后勤科"
                    new Department()
                        Name = "仓库管理科"
                    new Department()
                        Name = "古籍研究室"
                }.ForEach(x => Repository <Department> .Add(x));
            if (Repository <User> .Get().Count() == 0)
                new List <User>()
                    new User()
                        Name       = "admin",
                        Password   = "******",
                        Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "综合科")
                    new User()
                        Name       = "张某",
                        Password   = "******",
                        Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "综合科")
                    new User()
                        Name       = "李某",
                        Password   = "******",
                        Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "宣传科")
                    new User()
                        Name       = "刘某",
                        Password   = "******",
                        Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "宣传科")
                    new User()
                        Name       = "赵某",
                        Password   = "******",
                        Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "后勤科")
                    new User()
                        Name       = "徐某",
                        Password   = "******",
                        Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "后勤科")
                    new User()
                        Name       = "钟某",
                        Password   = "******",
                        Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "仓库管理科")
                    new User()
                        Name       = "杨某",
                        Password   = "******",
                        Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "仓库管理科")
                    new User()
                        Name       = "王某",
                        Password   = "******",
                        Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "古籍研究室")
                    new User()
                        Name       = "董某",
                        Password   = "******",
                        Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "古籍研究室")
                    new User()
                        Name       = "夏某",
                        Password   = "******",
                        Department = Repository <Department> .Get().First(x => x.Name == "古籍研究室")
                }.ForEach(x => Repository <User> .Add(x));

            //if (Repository<Relic>.Get().Count() == 0)
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //    {
            //        Repository<Relic>.Add(new Relic()
            //        {
            //            RootAge = Repository<Age>.Get().First(),
            //            Category = Repository<Category>.Get().First(),
            //            CollectedTimeRange = Repository<CollectedTimeRange>.Get().First(),
            //            DisabilityLevel = Repository<DisabilityLevel>.Get().First(),
            //            RootGrain = Repository<Grain>.Get().First(),
            //            Level = Repository<Level>.Get().First(),
            //            IdType = Repository<RelicIdType>.Get().First(),
            //            Source = Repository<Source>.Get().First(),
            //            StoringCondition = Repository<StoringCondition>.Get().First(),
            //            WeightRange = Repository<WeightRange>.Get().First(),
            //            Unit = Repository<Unit>.Get().First(x => x.Name == "件"),
            //            TotalAmount = 100,
            //            Name = "测试文物 -- " + i.ToString(),
            //            OriginalName = "测试文物",
            //            RelicId = (i + 1000).ToString(),
            //            CollectedYearOfTime = "2001"
            //        });
            //    }
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the streamset paths.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="streamPath">The stream path.</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">The start date.</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">The end date.</param>
        /// <param name="startSerialNum">The start serial number.</param>
        /// <param name="endSerialNum">The end serial number.</param>
        /// <param name="grain">The grain.</param>
        /// <returns>List&lt;string&gt;.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// startDate
        /// or
        /// endDate
        /// or
        /// startSerialNum or endSerialNum is null
        /// </exception>
        public static List <string> GenerateStreamsetPaths(string streamPath, DateTime?startDate, DateTime?endDate, int?startSerialNum, int?endSerialNum, Grain grain)
            if (startDate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(startDate));

            if (endDate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(endDate));

            bool requireSerial = streamPath.Contains("%n");

            if (requireSerial && (startSerialNum == null || endSerialNum == null))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startSerialNum or endSerialNum is null");

            var streams = new List <string>();
            var dates   = GenerateDates((DateTime)startDate, (DateTime)endDate, grain);

            foreach (var date in dates)
                var year   = date.Year.ToString();
                var month  = date.Month.ToString("00");
                var day    = date.Day.ToString("00");
                var hour   = date.Hour;
                var stream = CreateStreamPath(streamPath, year, month, day, hour);
                if (requireSerial)
                    for (int currentNum = (int)startSerialNum; currentNum <= (int)endSerialNum; currentNum++)
                        var path = stream.Replace("%n", currentNum.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 21
        internal void SetGrainInstance(Grain grainInstance)
            GrainInstance = grainInstance;
            if (grainInstance != null)
                GrainInstanceType = grainInstance.GetType();

                // Don't ever collect system grains or reminder table grain or memory store grains.
                bool doNotCollect = typeof(IReminderTableGrain).IsAssignableFrom(GrainInstanceType) || typeof(IMemoryStorageGrain).IsAssignableFrom(GrainInstanceType);
                if (doNotCollect)
                    this.collector = null;
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the dates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startDate">The start date.</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">The end date.</param>
        /// <param name="grain">The grain.</param>
        /// <returns>List&lt;DateTime&gt;.</returns>
        private static List <DateTime> GenerateDates(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, Grain grain)
            var currentDate = startDate;
            var dates       = new List <DateTime>();

            while (currentDate <= endDate)
                currentDate = DateUtils.GetNextDate(currentDate, grain);

Exemplo n.º 23
 public void DelayDeactivation(Grain grain, TimeSpan timeSpan)
Exemplo n.º 24
 public void DeactivateOnIdle(Grain grain)
Exemplo n.º 25
 public void DeactivateOnIdle(Grain grain)
Exemplo n.º 26
 public void DeactivateOnIdle(Grain grain)
Exemplo n.º 27
 internal TimerService(Grain grain)
     this.grain    = grain;
     this.registry = grain.Runtime().TimerRegistry;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public void DelayDeactivation(Grain grain, TimeSpan timeSpan)
Exemplo n.º 29
 internal void SetGrainInstance(Grain grainInstance)
     GrainInstance = grainInstance;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public IStorage <TGrainState> GetStorage <TGrainState>(Grain grain) =>
 _storageManager.GetStorage <TGrainState>(grain.GetType().FullName);
Exemplo n.º 31
 public override int GetHashCode() => Grain.GetHashCode() ^ (Activation?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) ^ (Silo?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);
 public TState State <TState>(Grain grain) where TState : class =>
 _grainStateManager.GetState <TState>(grain);
Exemplo n.º 33
 /// <summary>
 /// Deactivate the given <see cref="Grain"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="grain">Grain to Deactivate</param>
 public Task DeactivateAsync(Grain grain)
 /// <summary>
 /// Deactivate the given <see cref="Grain"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="grain">Grain to Deactivate</param>
 public void Deactivate(Grain grain)
Exemplo n.º 35
    public void SetNewCellSizeAndDraw(PictureBox pictureBox, Graphics g, Simulation simulation)
        int maxSizeX = pictureBox.Width / CELL_SIZE + 1;
        int maxSizeY = pictureBox.Height / CELL_SIZE + 1;

        g.FillRectangle(cellBrushClear, 0, 0, maxSizeX * CELL_SIZE + 1, maxSizeY * CELL_SIZE + 1);

        Grain[,] tabTmp = new Grain[SIZE_Y, SIZE_X];

        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_Y; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_X; j++)
                tabTmp[i, j] = simulation.Tab[i, j].Copy();

        int startSizeX = SIZE_X;
        int startSizeY = SIZE_Y;

        // setting new sizes

        SET_SIZES(pictureBox.Width / CELL_SIZE, pictureBox.Height / CELL_SIZE);

        // --------

        simulation.Tab = new Grain[SIZE_Y, SIZE_X];

        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE_Y; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_X; j++)
                simulation.Tab[i, j] = new Grain(j, i, 0);

        int y = SIZE_Y < startSizeY ? SIZE_Y : startSizeY;
        int x = SIZE_X < startSizeX ? SIZE_X : startSizeX;

        for (int i = 0; i < y; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < x; j++)
                simulation.Tab[i, j].State = tabTmp[i, j].State;

        // resizing previous grains


        if (GRID_STATE == GridState.Enable)
            Draw(g, pictureBox);

Exemplo n.º 36
    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            PointerEventData pointerData = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current);

            pointerData.position = Input.mousePosition;

            List <RaycastResult> results = new List <RaycastResult>();
            EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(pointerData, results);

            if (results.Count > 0)
                if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("RetryUI"))

            if (inControl)
                if (results.Count > 0)
                    if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("CarrotUI"))
                        selectedPlot.PlacePlant(plants[1], Team.PLAYER);

                        seedCount       -= plantCost;
                        seedCountUI.text = "" + seedCount;

                        if (!gameStarted)
                            gameStarted = true;
                    else if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("BeetUI"))
                        selectedPlot.PlacePlant(plants[0], Team.PLAYER);
                        seedCount       -= plantCost;
                        seedCountUI.text = "" + seedCount;

                        if (!gameStarted)
                            gameStarted = true;
                    else if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("OptionsUI"))
                        results[0].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <OptionsUI>().TogglePullDown();
                    else if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("AudioButton"))
                        results[0].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <OptionsUI>().ToggleAudio();
                    else if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("CamShakeButton"))
                        results[0].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <OptionsUI>().ToggleCamShake();
                    else if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("QuitButton"))
                    else if (results[0].gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("GrainPickup"))
                        Grain g = results[0].gameObject.GetComponentInParent <Grain>();


                    if (seedCount >= plantCost)
                        Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                        RaycastHit hit;

                        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                            Plot plot = hit.transform.GetComponent <Plot>();

                            if (plot != null)
                                if (selectedPlot == null)
                                    selectedPlot = plot;

                                    if (selectedPlot != plot)
                                        selectedPlot = plot;
                                        selectedPlot = null;