Exemplo n.º 1
        private void AddDevice(Device device)
            /* This method is called by the events DeviceDetectionAttempted and DeviceDiscovered.
             * A new item is added to the ListView.

            // Create a new item
            ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(device.Name);

            item.ImageIndex = 0;

            /* Link the item to the Device it represents.  We'll use this property later when
             * we have results on whether or not detection succeeded for this device.
            item.Tag = device;

            /* GPS.NET supports many kinds of devices.  Classes such as BluetoothDevice and SerialDevice
             * inherit from the Device base class.  Try casting the device as one of these other types
             * so we can get more information.
            BluetoothDevice       bluetoothDevice = device as BluetoothDevice;
            SerialDevice          serialDevice    = device as SerialDevice;
            GpsIntermediateDriver gpsid           = device as GpsIntermediateDriver;

            // Is this a Bluetooth device?
            if (bluetoothDevice != null)
                // Yes.  Show the device's address
                item.SubItems.Add("Bluetooth (" + bluetoothDevice.Address.ToString() + ")");
            // Is this the GPS Intermediate Driver (GPSID)?
            else if (gpsid != null)
                // Yes.  Show its "program port," the port which all applications should use
                item.SubItems.Add("Multiplexer (" + gpsid.Port + ")");
            // Is this a serial device?
            else if (serialDevice != null)
                // Yes.  Show the device's serial port
                item.SubItems.Add("Serial (" + serialDevice.Port + ")");

            // Add a status message for this device

            // Finally, add the item to the list view
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void menuSendLog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /* GeoFrameworks welcomes log files from all developers and end-users.  This method will
             * transmit the contents of a log file to us via our web site.
             * PRIVACY NOTICE: No log files contain any personally identifiable information.  The information
             *                 is used strictly for troubleshooting GPS device issues and for building statistics
             *                 such as the most commonly-used GPS devices.
            if (MessageBox.Show("Sending this log file to GeoFrameworks helps us improve your GPS software.  The information is anonymous and confidential.  An internet connection is required.  Would you like to continue?", "Send Log", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Yes)
                    // Show a wait cursor until we're finished
                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                    // Make a new web request
                    HttpWebRequest request = null;
                    if (_Device != null)
                        // We're reporting a log file for a specific device
                        request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://www.geoframeworks.com/GPSDeviceDiagnostics.aspx");
                        // We're reporting a log file for the whole device detection process
                        request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://www.geoframeworks.com/GPSDiagnostics.aspx");

                    // Provide standard credentials for the web request
                    request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                    request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
                    request.UserAgent   = "GPS Diagnostics";
                    request.Method      = "POST";

                    string data = "";

                    // Is a specific device being logged?
                    if (_Device != null)
                        // Yes.  Include some information about the device
                        GpsIntermediateDriver gpsid           = _Device as GpsIntermediateDriver;
                        SerialDevice          serialDevice    = _Device as SerialDevice;
                        BluetoothDevice       bluetoothDevice = _Device as BluetoothDevice;

                        data  = "Device=" + _Device.Name;
                        data += "&IsGps=" + _Device.IsGpsDevice.ToString();
                        data += "&Reliability=" + _Device.Reliability.ToString();

                        if (gpsid != null)
                            data += "&Type=GPSID";
                            data += "&ProgramPort=" + gpsid.Port;

                            if (gpsid.HardwarePort == null)
                                data += "&HardwarePort=None&HardwareBaud=0";
                                data += "&HardwarePort=" + gpsid.HardwarePort.Port;
                                data += "&HardwareBaud=" + gpsid.HardwarePort.BaudRate;
                        else if (serialDevice != null)
                            data += "&Type=Serial";
                            data += "&Port=" + serialDevice.Port;
                            data += "&BaudRate=" + serialDevice.BaudRate.ToString();
                        else if (bluetoothDevice != null)
                            data += "&Type=Bluetooth";
                            data += "&Address=" + bluetoothDevice.Address.ToString();

                            BluetoothEndPoint endPoint = (BluetoothEndPoint)bluetoothDevice.EndPoint;
                            data += "&Service=" + endPoint.Name;

                    // Now append the log
                    data += "&Log=" + _Body;

                    // Get a byte array
                    byte[] buffer = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);

                    // Transmit the request
                    request.ContentLength = buffer.Length;

                    // Get the request stream.
                    Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();

                    // Write the data to the request stream.
                    dataStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    // Close the Stream object.

                    // Get the response.
                    WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();

                    // Display the status.
                    string result = ((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription;

                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

                    if (result == "OK")
                        // Disable the menu now that we've received the file.
                        menuSendLog.Enabled = false;
                        MessageBox.Show("We've received your log and will study it further.  Thanks for taking the time to send it!", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                        // An error occurred while trying to transmit the log.
                        MessageBox.Show("The diagnostics server may not be responding.  Please check to see if you have an internet connection, then try again.", result, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                catch (WebException ex)
                    string resultVerbose = new StreamReader(ex.Response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

                    // Reset the cursor
                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

                    // Inform the user about the error.  What exactly happened?
                    MessageBox.Show("A log could not be sent.  " + ex.Message, "Unable to Send", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Devices_DeviceDetectionCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Calculate the elapsed time since detection started
            TimeSpan     elapsedTime                      = DateTime.Now.Subtract(_DateStarted);
            Device       _PreferredGpsDevice              = null;
            SerialDevice _PreferredSerialGpsDevice        = null;
            SerialDevice _PreferredVirtualSerialGpsDevice = null;

            // Was any device detected?
            if (Devices.GpsDevices.Count != 0)
                // Is any device detected yet?  If not, remember it
                if (_PreferredGpsDevice == null)
                    _PreferredGpsDevice = Devices.GpsDevices[0];

                // Examine all devices
                int count = Devices.GpsDevices.Count;
                for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
                    // Get the current device
                    Device device = Devices.GpsDevices[index];

                    // Is this a serial device?
                    SerialDevice serialDevice = device as SerialDevice;
                    if (serialDevice != null)
                        // Yes. If we don't have a serial device yet, remember it
                        if (_PreferredSerialGpsDevice == null)
                            _PreferredSerialGpsDevice = serialDevice;

                    // Is this a Bluetooth device?
                    BluetoothDevice bluetoothDevice = device as BluetoothDevice;
                    if (bluetoothDevice != null)
                        // Yes.  Does it have a virtual serial port?
                        SerialDevice virtualDevice = bluetoothDevice.VirtualSerialPort;
                        if (virtualDevice != null)
                            // Yes.  Do we have a preferred virtual port yet?
                            if (_PreferredVirtualSerialGpsDevice == null)
                                _PreferredVirtualSerialGpsDevice = virtualDevice;

            Log("          " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ": Detection completed in " + elapsedTime.TotalSeconds + " seconds.");
            Log("C. SUMMARY");

            // Perform an analysis of the host machine
            if (Devices.GpsDevices.Count == 0)
                Log("ERROR     No GPS devices were detected!");
                if (Devices.GpsDevices.Count == 1)
                    Log("          " + Devices.GpsDevices.Count.ToString() + " GPS device is working properly.");
                    Log("          " + Devices.GpsDevices.Count.ToString() + " GPS device are working properly.");

                // Notify of each properly functioning GPS device
                foreach (Device device in Devices.GpsDevices)
                    Log("          " + device.Name + " is working properly and is " + device.Reliability.ToString() + " reliable.");

                    // Remember the first serial device we find (for later)
                    SerialDevice serialDevice = device as SerialDevice;
                    if (serialDevice != null)
                        _PreferredSerialGpsDevice = serialDevice;

                // Do we have a GPS device, but no *serial* devices?
                if (_PreferredSerialGpsDevice == null)
                    Log("WARNING   GPS.NET 3.0 is working properly, but third-party applications not using GPS.NET may not function because no serial GPS device is present.");

            if (GpsIntermediateDriver.Current == null)
                Log("WARNING   The GPS Intermediate Driver is not supported on this device.");
                Log("          The GPS Intermediate Driver (GPSID) is supported on this device.");

                // Is it enabled?
                if (GpsIntermediateDriver.Current.AllowConnections)
                    Log("          The GPS Intermediate Driver (GPSID) is enabled.");
                    Log("WARNING   The GPS Intermediate Driver (GPSID) is turned off.");

                // Did it get detected?
                if (GpsIntermediateDriver.Current.IsGpsDevice)
                    Log("          The GPS Intermediate Driver (GPSID) is properly configured on " + GpsIntermediateDriver.Current.Port + ".");
                    // The GPSID wasn't functioning.  Does it look properly configured?
                    if (GpsIntermediateDriver.Current.HardwarePort == null)
                        Log("WARNING   The GPS Intermediate Driver (GPSID) has no hardware port or baud rate specified.");
                        // Does the port match?
                        if (_PreferredSerialGpsDevice == null)
                            Log("WARNING   No serial GPS devices are available for the GPS Intermediate Driver (GPSID) to use.");
                            Log("WARNING   The GPS Intermediate Driver (GPSID) may be configured to use hardware port " + _PreferredSerialGpsDevice.Port + " at " + _PreferredSerialGpsDevice.BaudRate.ToString() + " baud.");

            // Show a list of alternative ports
            foreach (Device device in Devices.GpsDevices)
                // Skip the GPSID, we want actual serial ports
                GpsIntermediateDriver gpsid = device as GpsIntermediateDriver;
                if (gpsid != null)

                SerialDevice serialDevice = device as SerialDevice;
                if (serialDevice == null)

                Log("          Programs can also be configured to use " + serialDevice.Port + " at " + serialDevice.BaudRate.ToString() + " baud.");

            // Is Bluetooth supported?
            if (Devices.IsBluetoothSupported)
                // Yes.
                Log("          The Microsoft® Bluetooth stack is installed.");

                // Is it turned on?
                if (Devices.IsBluetoothEnabled)
                    // Yes.
                    Log("          Bluetooth is on and working properly.");
                    // No
                    Log("WARNING   Bluetooth is turned off.");
                // There's either no stack or a stack from another provider
                Log("WARNING   The Microsoft® Bluetooth stack is not installed.");


            if (_Output != null)
#if Framework30

            _IsStarted = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        static void Devices_DeviceDetectionStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Log("GPS.NET 3.0 Diagnostics    Copyright © 2009  GeoFrameworks, LLC");

            switch (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major)
            case 4:     // PocketPC 2003
                Log("PocketPC 2003 version " + Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString());

            case 5:     // Windows Mobile
                switch (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor)
                case 0:
                case 1:
                    Log("Windows Mobile 5 version " + Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString());

                case 2:
                    Log("Windows Mobile 6 version " + Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString());

                case 3:
                    Log("Windows Mobile 7 version " + Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString());

                Log("(____?) version " + Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString());

            Log("A. DEVICES TO TEST");

            int loggedDeviceCount       = 0;
            GpsIntermediateDriver gpsid = GpsIntermediateDriver.Current;

            if (gpsid != null)
                Log("  1. GPS Intermediate Driver (GPSID)");
                Log("           Type: GPS Device Multiplexer");
                Log("           Program Port: " + gpsid.Port);
                if (gpsid.HardwarePort == null)
                    Log("WARNING    Hardware Port: (None or built-in GPS)");
                    Log("           Hardware Port: " + gpsid.HardwarePort.Port + " at " + gpsid.HardwarePort.BaudRate.ToString() + " baud");
                if (gpsid.AllowConnections)
                    Log("           Enabled? YES");
                    Log("WARNING    Enabled? NO");

            foreach (SerialDevice device in SerialDevice.Cache)
                Log("  " + loggedDeviceCount.ToString() + ". " + device.Name);
                Log("           Type: Serial Device");
                Log("           Port: " + device.Port);
                Log("           Baud Rate: " + device.BaudRate.ToString());
                Log("           Reliability: " + device.Reliability.ToString());
                Log("           Successes: " + device.SuccessfulDetectionCount.ToString());
                Log("           Failures: " + device.FailedDetectionCount.ToString());

            foreach (BluetoothDevice device in BluetoothDevice.Cache)
                Log("  " + loggedDeviceCount.ToString() + ". " + device.Name);
                Log("           Type: Bluetooth Device");
                Log("           Class: " + device.Class.ToString());
                Log("           Address: " + device.Address.ToString());
                Log("           Reliability: " + device.Reliability.ToString());
                Log("           Successes: " + device.SuccessfulDetectionCount.ToString());
                Log("           Failures: " + device.FailedDetectionCount.ToString());

            Log("          " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ": Detection has started.");

            _DateStarted = DateTime.Now;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public SummaryForm()

            // Add images to our image lists

            // Was any device detected?
            if (Devices.IsDeviceDetected)
                // Yes.  Add all confirmed devices to a listview
                foreach (Device device in Devices.GpsDevices)

                    // Is this the GPS Intermediate Driver?  We only want plain serial devices, so skip it
                    GpsIntermediateDriver gpsidDevice = device as GpsIntermediateDriver;
                    if (gpsidDevice != null)

                    // The "preferred" device is serial, but not the GPSID
                    SerialDevice serialDevice = device as SerialDevice;
                    if (serialDevice != null)
                        preferredSerialDevice = serialDevice;

                // If we have more than two GPS devices, use a smaller ListView view
                if (Devices.GpsDevices.Count > 2)
                    gpsListView.View = View.SmallIcon;

                /* A GPS device was found.  Most third-party applications
                 * require a serial connection.  Is one available for them?
                if (preferredSerialDevice == null && (gpsid == null || !gpsid.IsGpsDevice))
                    /* No.  GPS.NET can still work with Bluetooth, but for most end-users
                     * this can still be a problem.  They'll appreciate help with solving it.
                    AddWarning("Third-party GPS programs may have trouble connecting.", "ConfigureGpsid");
                // Show that no devices were found
                AddError("No GPS devices could be found.", "NoDevices");

            // Let's make a summary of good things and bad things.
            if (gpsid != null)
                // Was the GPS Intermediate Driver detected?
                if (gpsid.IsGpsDevice)
                    // Make an item confirming the GPSID
                    AddMessage("Use the port \"" + gpsid.Port + "\" whenever possible for GPS programs.", "UseGpsidPort");
                    // The GPSID may need to be configured properly.  Let's look at its settings
                    if (gpsid.HardwarePort != null)
                        if (preferredSerialDevice != null && gpsid.HardwarePort.Port.Equals(preferredSerialDevice.Port))
                            AddMessage("The GPS Intermediate Driver was reconfigured to use " + preferredSerialDevice.Name + " on " + preferredSerialDevice.Port + " at " + preferredSerialDevice.BaudRate.ToString() + " baud.", "GpsidReconfigured");
                            AddMessage("Use " + preferredSerialDevice.Port + " at " + preferredSerialDevice.BaudRate.ToString() + " baud for third-party GPS programs.", "ThirdPartyGpsPort");
                            AddWarning("The GPS Intermediate Driver is not working on " + gpsid.HardwarePort.Port + " at " + gpsid.HardwarePort.BaudRate.ToString() + " baud.", "GpsidIncorrectPort");

                            // The current hardware port isn't working, so let's suggest a working device
                            if (preferredSerialDevice != null)
                                AddWarning("Change the GPS Intermediate Driver to use " + preferredSerialDevice.Port + " at " + preferredSerialDevice.BaudRate.ToString() + " baud.", "GpsidFixHardwarePort");
                                // Do we have a Bluetooth device with a virtual port?
                                bool isVirtualPortFound = false;
                                foreach (BluetoothDevice bluetooth in Devices.BluetoothDevices)
                                    // Is this a Bluetooth GPS device?
                                    if (bluetooth.IsGpsDevice)
                                        // Yes.  Does it also have a virtual serial port bound to it?
                                        if (bluetooth.VirtualSerialPort != null)
                                            // Yes.
                                            preferredVirtualSerialDevice = bluetooth.VirtualSerialPort;
                                            isVirtualPortFound           = true;

                                            AddWarning("Change the GPS Intermediate Driver to use the " + bluetooth.Name + " GPS device on "
                                                       + bluetooth.VirtualSerialPort.Port + " at " + bluetooth.VirtualSerialPort.BaudRate.ToString() + " baud.",

                                if (!isVirtualPortFound)
                                    // Do we have a BT device we could pair with?
                                    bool isBluetoothPossible = false;
                                    foreach (BluetoothDevice device in Devices.BluetoothDevices)
                                        if (device.IsGpsDevice)
                                            isBluetoothPossible = true;
                                            AddWarning("Use the Bluetooth Manager to create a virtual serial port for the " + device.Name + ".", "BluetoothCreateVirtualPort");

                                    if (!isBluetoothPossible)
                                        AddError("No devices are available for the GPS Intermediate Driver.", "GpsidNoDevice");
                // The GPSID may need to be configured
                AddWarning("The GPS Intermediate Driver is not supported.", "GpsidNotSupported");

            // Is Bluetooth supported?
            if (!Devices.IsBluetoothSupported)
                // Bluetooth is not supported
                AddWarning("Microsoft® Bluetooth is not supported on this device.", "BluetoothNotSupported");
                // Is Bluetooth on?
                if (Devices.IsBluetoothEnabled)
                    // Bluetooth is on
                    AddMessage("Bluetooth is on and working properly.", "BluetoothOk");
                    // Bluetooth is off
                    AddWarning("Turn Bluetooth on.", "TurnBluetoothOn");

            // Let's look for devices which were previously detected, but not this time
            if (Devices.IsBluetoothSupported && Devices.IsBluetoothEnabled)
                foreach (BluetoothDevice device in Devices.BluetoothDevices)
                    if (device.SuccessfulDetectionCount != 0 &&
                        // Here's a device which worked before, but not now
                        AddWarning("Turn the " + device.Name + " off and back on again.", "TurnDeviceOn");

            // Do we have a serial GPS device to use?
            if (preferredSerialDevice != null)
                // Yes.  The port is different from the GPSID, so help the user know they have an alternative they can try.
                if (gpsid != null && gpsid.IsGpsDevice && !gpsid.Port.Equals(preferredSerialDevice.Port))
                    AddMessage("Though less preferred, you can also use " + preferredSerialDevice.Port + " at " + preferredSerialDevice.BaudRate.ToString() + " baud for third-party GPS programs.",

            // Were there any errors?
            if (errorCount > 0)
                // Yes.  How many devices were found?
                if (Devices.GpsDevices.Count == 0)
                    // None.
                    titleLabel.Text       = "Errors Were Found";
                    descriptionLabel.Text = "Some problems were found.  Click on an error below to try and fix it.";
                    // A device was found, so they can at least use GPS
                    titleLabel.Text       = "Some Problems Were Found";
                    descriptionLabel.Text = "GPS is responding, but some problems were found, too.  Check out the suggestions below.";
            // Were any warnings encountered?
            else if (warningCount > 0)
                // Yes.
                titleLabel.Text       = "Minor Problems Were Found";
                descriptionLabel.Text = "GPS is responding, but some things could be improved.  Check out the suggestions below.";
                // No errors or warnings.  That's great!
                titleLabel.Text       = "You Are Awesome";
                descriptionLabel.Text = "GPS is working properly and no problems were found.";