Exemplo n.º 1
 public void postRender(GooseEntity g, Graphics e)
     _G.goose          = g;
     _G.graphics       = e;
     e.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighSpeed;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void preRenderEvent(GooseEntity goose, Graphics g)
     if (goose.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("CustomMouseNab"))
         g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
         FollowMouseLowAccelerationTask.ChangeColorTaskData data = (FollowMouseLowAccelerationTask.ChangeColorTaskData)goose.currentTaskData;
         Vector2 v = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(radians(data.dir)), (float)Math.Sin(radians(data.dir)));
         if (data.ONEPUNCH)
             goose.direction = data.dir;
             if (Config.settings.EnableParticle)
                 TEST.Velocity        = v * Config.settings.ParticleVelocity;
                 TEST.VelocityAngle   = 1 / data.dir;
                 TEST.Size            = Config.settings.ParticlesSize;
                 TEST.EmitterLocation = goose.rig.head2EndPoint;
         if (Config.settings.EnableParticle)
             TEST.EmitterLocation = goose.rig.head2EndPoint;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void drawXYpos(GooseEntity g, Graphics graph)
            Vector2 gPos = g.position;
            String  gp   = "xy: (" + Math.Round(gPos.x) + ", " + Math.Round(gPos.y) + ")";

            InfoLine(g, graph, gp, 1);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public override GooseTaskData GetNewTaskData(GooseEntity s)
     return(new TaskData()
         value = DynValue.NewTable(script)
        // 4. Override "GetNewTaskData"
        // Create a 'blank state' on the given goose. Called just before the Task begins running.
        public override GooseTaskData GetNewTaskData(GooseEntity goose)
            GrabbingOctocatTaskData taskData = new GrabbingOctocatTaskData();

            IntPtr activeWindow = GetForegroundWindow();
            Rect   lpRect       = new Rect();
            bool   success      = GetWindowRect(activeWindow, out lpRect);

            if (!success)
                taskData.activeWindowTopRightCorner = new Vector2((int)500, (int)500);
                if (Double.IsNaN(lpRect.Right) || lpRect.Right < 1)
                    lpRect.X     = 0;
                    lpRect.Width = (SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width - 75);
                    Console.WriteLine("NaN right detected, attempting to update rect");
                taskData.activeWindowTopRightCorner = new Vector2((int)lpRect.Right, (int)lpRect.Top);
            string output = "Top: " + lpRect.Top + " Right: " + lpRect.Right;


            // TODO: Remove me
            // taskData.activeWindowTopRightCorner = new Vector2((float)500, (float)500);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void tick(GooseEntity goose)
            if (!isOn())
            if (!(goose.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("RunToBed")) && !(goose.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("Sleeping")))
                API.Goose.setCurrentTaskByID(goose, "RunToBed", false);
            if (goose.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("RunToBed"))
                goose.targetPos.x = position.X + 25;
                goose.targetPos.y = position.Y + 25;

                if (API.Goose.isGooseAtTarget(goose, 40))
                    asleep = true;

                    API.Goose.setSpeed(goose, GooseEntity.SpeedTiers.Walk);
                    API.Goose.setCurrentTaskByID(goose, "Sleeping", false);
            else if (goose.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("Sleeping"))
                goose.direction = 0;

                if (Time.time - lastAnimateTime > animationGap)
                    lastAnimateTime = Time.time;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void PostTick(GooseEntity goose)
     for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override GooseTaskData GetNewTaskData(GooseEntity goose)
            RunToBedTaskData taskData = new RunToBedTaskData();

            taskData.timeStarted = Time.time;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void DrawGUI(GooseEntity g, Graphics e)
            cc = colors[clr++ % colors.Count];

            if (menu)
                string menuName = "// SizzurpMods GUI //";
                int    h        = (int)(e.MeasureString(menuName, menuFont).Height + 2);
                int    w        = (int)(e.MeasureString(menuName, menuFont).Width + 4);

                Pen   ol = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0)));
                Brush bk = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0));
                Brush bg = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50));
                Brush sl = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(75, 75, 75));
                Pen   so = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(25, 25, 25)));
                Brush fg = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200));
                e.FillRectangle(bg, new Rectangle(2, 2, w, 1 + ((mgr.mods.Count + 1) * h) + 4));
                e.DrawRectangle(ol, new Rectangle(2, 2, w, 1 + ((mgr.mods.Count + 1) * h) + 4));

                int f = 1;
                foreach (char s in menuName)
                    string c  = rep(" ", f - 1) + s + rep(" ", menuName.Length - f);
                    Brush  rb = new SolidBrush(colors[((clr * 9) + (f * ((f / colors.Count) + 10))) % colors.Count]);
                    e.DrawString(c, menuFont, bk, 6, 6);
                    e.DrawString(c, menuFont, rb, 5, 5);
                e.DrawLine(ol, new Point(2, 2 + h), new Point(w + 1, 2 + h));

                for (int i = 0; i < mgr.mods.Count; i++)
                    Mod mod = mgr.mods[i];

                    int x  = 5;
                    int y  = x + (h * (i + 1));
                    int nx = x;

                    if (this.i == i)
                        e.DrawRectangle(so, new Rectangle(x - 1, y - 1, w - 4, h + 1));
                        e.FillRectangle(sl, new Rectangle(x, y, w - 5, h));

                    if (!mod.isFunc)
                        string status  = mod.Toggled ? "[X] " : "[ ] ";
                        Color  statClr = mod.Toggled ? Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0) : Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0);

                        e.DrawString(status, menuFont, Brushes.Black, x + 1, y + 1);
                        e.DrawString(status, menuFont, new SolidBrush(statClr), x, y);

                        nx += (int)e.MeasureString(status, menuFont).Width;

                    e.DrawString(mod.Name, menuFont, Brushes.Black, nx + 1, y);
                    e.DrawString(mod.Name, menuFont, fg, nx, y);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void OneTimeInitialization(GooseEntity g)
            Console.WriteLine("Goose OneTimeInitialization");

            if (costume == "sanic")
                Console.WriteLine("Goose Value Intialization - Costume Sanic");

                g.parameters.WalkSpeed   = 80 * 2.5f;
                g.parameters.RunSpeed    = 200 * 2.5f;
                g.parameters.ChargeSpeed = 400 * 2.5f; Sonicgoose

                g.currentSpeed = 80 * 2.5f;

                g.renderData.brushGooseOutline = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(1, 34, 107));
                g.renderData.brushGooseWhite   = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(31, 88, 216));

                costumeBMP = Sonicgoose.Properties.Resources.sonichair;

                InjectionPoints.PostRenderEvent += SanicPostRender;

            if (costume == "ghost")
                Console.WriteLine("Goose Value Intialization - Costume Ghost");

                g.renderData.brushGooseOutline = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent);
                g.renderData.brushGooseWhite   = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent);

            InjectionPoints.PreTickEvent -= OneTimeInitialization;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void PreRender(GooseEntity goose, Graphics g)
     for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override GooseTaskData GetNewTaskData(GooseEntity goose)
            ChaseLaserTaskData taskData = new ChaseLaserTaskData();

            taskData.timeStarted = Time.time;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void PreTick(GooseEntity goose)

            if (goose.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("ChargeToBall") && !items[0].isOn())
                API.Goose.setSpeed(goose, GooseEntity.SpeedTiers.Walk);
            else if ((goose.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("ChargeToStick") || goose.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("ReturnStick")) && !items[1].isOn())
                API.Goose.setSpeed(goose, GooseEntity.SpeedTiers.Walk);
            else if ((goose.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("RunToBed") || goose.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("Sleeping")) && !items[2].isOn())
                API.Goose.setSpeed(goose, GooseEntity.SpeedTiers.Walk);
            else if (goose.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("ChaseLaser") && !items[3].isOn())
                API.Goose.setSpeed(goose, GooseEntity.SpeedTiers.Walk);
Exemplo n.º 14
 private void PreRenderEvent(GooseEntity goose, Graphics g)
     if (feedOut)
         g.DrawImage(theImage, pointOfCrumbs.X, pointOfCrumbs.Y, imageSize, imageSize);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override GooseTaskData GetNewTaskData(GooseEntity goose)
            SleepingTaskData taskData = new SleepingTaskData();

            taskData.timeStarted = Time.time;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void InfoLine(GooseEntity g, Graphics graph, String txt, int lnNum)
            Size   txtLen = graph.MeasureString(txt, SystemFonts.DefaultFont).ToSize();
            PointF txtPos = new PointF(g.position.x + 25, g.position.y + 25 + 14 * lnNum);

            graph.FillRectangle(brushWhite, new Rectangle(Point.Round(txtPos), txtLen));
            graph.DrawString(txt, SystemFonts.DefaultFont, brushBlack, txtPos);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void PostTick(GooseEntity g)
     if (IsMouseOnGoose(g) && Input.leftMouseButton.Held == true && g.currentTask != 4)
         g.position  = new Vector2(Input.mouseX - 5, Input.mouseY);
         g.direction = g.direction + rnd.Next(-10, 10);
Exemplo n.º 18
 private void PreRender(GooseEntity goos, Graphics g)
     if (portalson)
         g.DrawImage(p1img, p1pos.x - p1img.Size.Width / 2, p1pos.y - p1img.Size.Height / 2);
         g.DrawImage(p2img, p2pos.x - p2img.Size.Width / 2, p2pos.y - p2img.Size.Height / 2);
Exemplo n.º 19
        // 4. Override "RunTask"
        // Run a frame of this Task on the given goose.
        public override void RunTask(GooseEntity goose)
            // This function is only called when we're the currently running task.
            // The goose's taskData will be of this task's type.
            CheckWindowTaskData data = (CheckWindowTaskData)goose.currentTaskData;

            /*goose.currentTaskData.activeWindow = GetActiveWindow();*/
Exemplo n.º 20
        // 4. Override "GetNewTaskData"
        // Create a 'blank state' on the given goose. Called just before the Task begins running.
        public override GooseTaskData GetNewTaskData(GooseEntity goose)
            MoveGoos taskData = new MoveGoos();

            taskData.timeStarted          = Time.time;
            taskData.originalAcceleration = goose.currentAcceleration;

Exemplo n.º 21
        // 4. Override "GetNewTaskData"
        // Create a 'blank state' on the given goose. Called just before the Task begins running.
        public override GooseTaskData GetNewTaskData(GooseEntity goose)
            AngryOctocatTaskData taskData = new AngryOctocatTaskData();

            //SystemParameters sysParam = new SystemParameters();
            taskData.timeStarted = Time.time;

Exemplo n.º 22
        public void PostRender(GooseEntity g, Graphics graph)
            String taskNow = tasks[g.currentTask];
            PointF aaa     = new PointF(g.position.x + 10, g.position.y + 10);
            Point  bbb     = new Point((int)(g.position.x + 10), (int)g.position.y + 10);

            graph.FillRectangle(brushWhite, new Rectangle(bbb, new Size(12 * 10, 14)));
            graph.DrawString(taskNow, SystemFonts.DefaultFont, brushBlack, aaa);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public void PostTick(GooseEntity g)
     if (g.currentTask == 4)
         g.targetPos = new Vector2(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y);
         health     -= 0.5f;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void PostRender(GooseEntity g, Graphics graph)
            InfolnNum = 0;
            ConslnNum = 0;

            drawTask(g, graph);
            drawXYpos(g, graph);

            drawConsole(g, graph);
Exemplo n.º 25
        // 4. Override "GetNewTaskData"
        // Create a 'blank state' on the given goose. Called just before the Task begins running.
        public override GooseTaskData GetNewTaskData(GooseEntity goose)
            HappyOctocatTaskData taskData = new HappyOctocatTaskData();

            taskData.screenHeight = (int)SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height;
            taskData.screenWidth  = (int)SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width;

            Console.WriteLine(taskData.screenHeight + " " + taskData.screenWidth);

Exemplo n.º 26
        public void drawCursorDistance(GooseEntity g, Graphics graph)
            Vector2 gPos   = g.position;
            float   mXDist = gPos.x - MouseX;
            float   mYDist = gPos.y - MouseY;
            float   mDist  = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(mXDist, 2) + Math.Pow(mYDist, 2));

            String str = "dist to Mouse: " + Math.Round(mDist, 2) + "";

            InfoLine(g, graph, str, 2);
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void PostTick(GooseEntity g)
            // Do whatever you want here.

            // If we're running our mod's task
            if (g.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("FollowMouseDrifty"))
                // Lock our goose facing one direction for some reason?
                g.direction = 0;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void PostTick(GooseEntity goose)
            if (goose.currentTask == 0)
                if (GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Up) != 0)
                    goose.targetPos = new Vector2(goose.position.x, goose.position.y - 1);

                    API.Goose.setCurrentTaskByID(goose, "ArrowControl", false);
                if (GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Down) != 0)
                    goose.targetPos = new Vector2(goose.position.x, goose.position.y + 1);
                    API.Goose.setCurrentTaskByID(goose, "ArrowControl", false);
                if (GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Left) != 0)
                    goose.targetPos = new Vector2(goose.position.x - 1, goose.position.y);
                    API.Goose.setCurrentTaskByID(goose, "ArrowControl", false);
                if (GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Right) != 0)
                    goose.targetPos = new Vector2(goose.position.x + 1, goose.position.y);
                    API.Goose.setCurrentTaskByID(goose, "ArrowControl", false);
            // Do whatever you want here.
            if (API.Goose.isGooseAtTarget(goose, 1))
                if (GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Up) != 0)
                    goose.targetPos = new Vector2(goose.position.x, goose.position.y - 10);

                    API.Goose.setCurrentTaskByID(goose, "ArrowControl", false);
                if (GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Down) != 0)
                    goose.targetPos = new Vector2(goose.position.x, goose.position.y + 10);
                    API.Goose.setCurrentTaskByID(goose, "ArrowControl", false);
                if (GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Left) != 0)
                    goose.targetPos = new Vector2(goose.position.x - 10, goose.position.y);
                    API.Goose.setCurrentTaskByID(goose, "ArrowControl", false);
                if (GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.Right) != 0)
                    goose.targetPos = new Vector2(goose.position.x + 10, goose.position.y);
                    API.Goose.setCurrentTaskByID(goose, "ArrowControl", false);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void PostTick(GooseEntity g)
            if (!justTeleported && portalson)
                if ((g.position.x > p1pos.x - p1img.Size.Width / 2) && (g.position.x < p1pos.x + p1img.Size.Width / 2) && (g.position.y > p1pos.y - p1img.Size.Height / 2) && (g.position.y < p1pos.y + p1img.Size.Height / 2))
                    g.position = p2pos;
                    justTeleported = true;
                else if ((g.position.x > p2pos.x - p2img.Size.Width / 2) && (g.position.x < p2pos.x + p2img.Size.Width / 2) && (g.position.y > p2pos.y - p2img.Size.Height / 2) && (g.position.y < p2pos.y + p2img.Size.Height / 2))
                    g.position = p1pos;
                    justTeleported = true;
            if ((g.position.x < p1pos.x - p1img.Size.Width / 2 || g.position.x > p1pos.x + p1img.Size.Width / 2 || g.position.y < p1pos.y - p1img.Size.Height / 2 || g.position.y > p1pos.y + p1img.Size.Height / 2) && (g.position.x < p2pos.x - p2img.Size.Width / 2 || g.position.x > p2pos.x + p2img.Size.Width / 2 || g.position.y < p2pos.y - p2img.Size.Height / 2 || g.position.y > p2pos.y + p2img.Size.Height / 2))
                justTeleported = false;

            if ((GetAsyncKeyState((Keys)Enum.Parse(typeof(Keys), "p", true)) != 0))
                if ((GetAsyncKeyState((Keys)Enum.Parse(typeof(Keys), "D1", true)) != 0))
                    p1pos = new Vector2(Input.mouseX, Input.mouseY);
                if ((GetAsyncKeyState((Keys)Enum.Parse(typeof(Keys), "D2", true)) != 0))
                    p2pos = new Vector2(Input.mouseX, Input.mouseY);
                if ((GetAsyncKeyState((Keys)Enum.Parse(typeof(Keys), "D0", true)) != 0) && !p0pressed)
                    portalson = !portalson;
                    p0pressed = true;
                    p0pressed = false;

            // If we're running our mod's task
            if (g.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("Portal1") && portalson)
                g.targetPos     = p1pos;
                g.extendingNeck = true;
            if (g.currentTask == API.TaskDatabase.getTaskIndexByID("Portal2") && portalson)
                g.targetPos     = p2pos;
                g.extendingNeck = true;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public override void RunTask(GooseEntity goose)
            ReturnStickTaskData data = (ReturnStickTaskData)goose.currentTaskData;

            API.Goose.setSpeed(goose, GooseEntity.SpeedTiers.Charge);

            if (Time.time - data.timeStarted > 10)
                API.Goose.setSpeed(goose, GooseEntity.SpeedTiers.Walk);