Exemplo n.º 1
    private const float PARALLEL_POSITION_OFFSET = 25;   // how far off from the origin are these people swinging

    // Called when the user clicks the "Begin Simulation" button
    // Processes the input
    public void BeginComplexSimulation()
        // Get numbers from the input fields
            numAgents     = int.Parse(numAgentsInput.text);
            holeDist      = float.Parse(holeDistInput.text);
            holeDistRand  = float.Parse(holeDistRandInput.text);
            timePerGen    = float.Parse(timePerGenInput.text);
            crossoverProb = float.Parse(crossoverProbInput.text);
            mutationProb  = float.Parse(mutationProbInput.text);
            numGens       = int.Parse(numGensInput.text);
            numElites     = int.Parse(elitismInput.text);
            if (mutationProb < 0 || mutationProb > 1 || crossoverProb < 0 || crossoverProb > 1)
                Debug.LogWarning("Crossover and mutation values should be between 0 and 1!");
            if (numAgents < 0 || holeDist < 0 || holeDistRand < 0 || timePerGen < 0 || numGens < 0)
                Debug.LogWarning("None of these numbers should be negative!");
            Debug.LogWarning("Only numbers are allowed in the input fields!");
        // Get the values from the dropdown options
        fitnessFunc    = (GolferSettings.Fitness)fitnessDropdown.value;
        moveableJoints = (GolferSettings.MoveableJointsExtent)jointsDropdown.value;
        clubGrip       = (GolferSettings.ClubGrip)gripDropdown.value;

        // Create the GolferSettings object
        settings = new GolferSettings(fitnessFunc, moveableJoints, clubGrip, holeDist);

        // hide the main menu UI
        // display the simulation UI
        // Begin the simulation coroutine
Exemplo n.º 2
    /* @author John Gansallo */
    public void ExportCSV()
        // get all the data needed for the filename
        GeneticManager chrom1Manager = GetComponent <GeneticManager>();
        int            numGens       = chrom1Manager.numGens;
        int            numAgents     = chrom1Manager.numAgents;

        GolferSettings.Fitness fitnessFunc = chrom1Manager.fitnessFunc;
        GolferSettings.MoveableJointsExtent moveableJoints = chrom1Manager.moveableJoints;
        GolferSettings.ClubGrip             clubGrip       = chrom1Manager.clubGrip;
        float holeDist      = chrom1Manager.holeDist;
        float holeDistRand  = chrom1Manager.holeDistRand;
        float timePerGen    = chrom1Manager.timePerGen;
        float crossoverProb = chrom1Manager.crossoverProb;
        float mutationProb  = chrom1Manager.mutationProb;
        int   numElites     = chrom1Manager.numElites;

        // get the actual data for the csv
        float[,] results1 = chrom1Manager.GetResults();
        float[,] results2 = GetComponent <GeneticManager2>().GetResults();
        float[,] results3 = GetComponent <GeneticManager3>().GetResults();

        string filename = "numGens-" + numGens;

        filename += "_fitness-" + (fitnessFunc == GolferSettings.Fitness.accuracy ? "accuracy" : "distance");
        filename += "_jointsExtent-" + (moveableJoints == GolferSettings.MoveableJointsExtent.armsTorso ? "upperBody" : "fullBody");
        filename += "_grip-" + (clubGrip == GolferSettings.ClubGrip.oneHand ? "1hand" : "2hand");
        filename += "_numAgents-" + numAgents;
        if (fitnessFunc == GolferSettings.Fitness.accuracy)
            filename += "_holeDist-" + holeDist;
            filename += "_holeRandOffset-" + holeDistRand;
        filename += "_genTime-" + timePerGen;
        filename += "_pc-" + crossoverProb;
        filename += "_mc-" + mutationProb;
        filename += "_elitism-" + numElites;
        string path = Application.dataPath + @"/" + filename + ".csv";

        if (!File.Exists(path))
            // Create a file to write to.
            using (StreamWriter gen = File.CreateText(path))
                gen.WriteLine("Generation #,Chrom1 Best Fitness,Chrom1 Average Fitness,Chrom2 Best Fitness,Chrom2 Average Fitness,Chrom3 Best Fitness,Chrom3 Average Fitness");
                for (int i = 0; i < results1.GetLength(0); i++)
                    float avgFit1  = 0;
                    float avgFit2  = 0;
                    float avgFit3  = 0;
                    float bestFit1 = Single.MinValue;
                    float bestFit2 = Single.MinValue;
                    float bestFit3 = Single.MinValue;
                    for (int j = 0; j < numAgents; j++)
                        avgFit1 += results1[i, j];
                        avgFit2 += results2[i, j];
                        avgFit3 += results3[i, j];
                        if (results1[i, j] > bestFit1)
                            bestFit1 = results1[i, j];
                        if (results2[i, j] > bestFit2)
                            bestFit2 = results2[i, j];
                        if (results3[i, j] > bestFit3)
                            bestFit3 = results3[i, j];
                    avgFit1 = avgFit1 / numAgents;
                    avgFit2 = avgFit2 / numAgents;
                    avgFit3 = avgFit3 / numAgents;
                    gen.WriteLine((i + 1).ToString() + "," + bestFit1 + "," + avgFit1 + "," + bestFit2 + "," + avgFit2 + "," + bestFit3 + "," + avgFit3);