private void DecideAndMove() { int attackIndex = 0; //start performing double attack when low on health if ( < (bossChar.maxHealth / 2)) { attackIndex = Random.Range(0, bossChar.characterAttacks.Count); } else { attackIndex = Random.Range(0, bossChar.characterAttacks.Count - 1); } int[] damages = bossChar.PerformAttack(attackIndex); bossFight.currentAttackDamage = Random.Range(damages[0], damages[1] + 1); Vector3 attackPlayerPosition = new Vector3(bossChar.transform.localPosition.x, bossChar.transform.localPosition.y, -0.2f); //special cases switch (attackIndex) { case 0: //normal attack 1 //move, 0.4f, new GoTweenConfig() .localPosition(attackPlayerPosition) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear) .setIterations(2, GoLoopType.PingPong) .onIterationEnd(tween => { if (tween.completedIterations < 2) { bossFight.DamagePlayer(null); } } ) .onComplete(bossFight.ChangeTurn)); break; case 1: //normal attack 2 //move, 0.6f, new GoTweenConfig() .localPosition(attackPlayerPosition) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear) .setIterations(2, GoLoopType.PingPong) .onIterationEnd(tween => { if (tween.completedIterations < 2) { bossFight.DamagePlayer(null); } } ) .onComplete(bossFight.ChangeTurn)); break; case 2: //double attack int attack1 = (bossFight.currentAttackDamage / 3); int attack2 = bossFight.currentAttackDamage - attack1; //move, 0.4f, new GoTweenConfig() .localPosition(attackPlayerPosition) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear) .setIterations(2, GoLoopType.PingPong) .onIterationEnd(tween => { if (tween.completedIterations < 2) { bossFight.currentAttackDamage = attack1; bossFight.DamagePlayer(null); } } ) .onComplete(tween2 => {, 0.6f, new GoTweenConfig() .localPosition(attackPlayerPosition) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear) .setIterations(2, GoLoopType.PingPong) .onIterationEnd(tween3 => { if (tween3.completedIterations < 2) { bossFight.currentAttackDamage = attack2; bossFight.DamagePlayer(null); } } ) .onComplete(bossFight.ChangeTurn)); } )); break; } }
public static Tween scaleTo(this Transform self, float duration, Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false) { return(, duration, new TweenConfig().scale(endValue, isRelative))); }
public static Tween colorTo(this Material self, float duration, Color endValue, MaterialColorType colorType = MaterialColorType.Color) { return(, duration, new TweenConfig().materialColor(endValue, colorType))); }
public static GoTween colorTo(this Material self, float duration, Color endValue, float delay, string colorName = "_Color") { return(, duration, new GoTweenConfig().materialColor(endValue, colorName).setDelay(delay))); }
public void Close() { instance = null;, 0.6f, new TweenConfig().x(this.x - width - 25).expoInOut().removeWhenComplete()); }
public void Attack(Vector2i target) { Vector3 tPos = transform.position + (new Vector3(target.x, target.y) - transform.position) * 0.5f;, 0.5f, TweenManager.TweenConfigCurrent().position(tPos).setEaseType(GoEaseType.Punch).onBegin(PlayHit)); }
public void Kill() { // (gameObject.transform, 0.2f, TweenManager.TweenConfigCurrent().scale(2).onIterationEnd(FinalKill));, 0.2f, TweenManager.TweenConfigCurrent().scale(2).materialColor(Color.clear).onIterationEnd(FinalKill)); }
public static GoTween localPositionTo(this Transform self, float duration, Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false) { return(, duration, new GoTweenConfig().localPosition(endValue, isRelative))); }
public void OnSceneFadedOut(AbstractTween tween) { readyToStartOver = true;, 0.3f, new TweenConfig().floatProp("alpha", 1.0f)); }
public void PerformAttack(int attackIndex) { if (glorten.ReadyToAttack) { int[] damages = glorten.PerformAttack(attackIndex); bossFight.currentAttackDamage = Random.Range(damages[0], damages[1] + 1); //special cases switch (attackIndex) { case 0: //normal attack Vector3 attackBossPosition = new Vector3(glorten.transform.localPosition.x, glorten.transform.localPosition.y, 1.0f); //move, 0.4f, new GoTweenConfig() .localPosition(attackBossPosition) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear) .setIterations(2, GoLoopType.PingPong) .onIterationEnd(tween => { if (tween.completedIterations < 2) { bossFight.DamageBoss(null); } } ) .onComplete(bossFight.ChangeTurn)); break; case 1: //heal Transform healSpell = glorten.transform.Find("HealSpell"); //make decal appear Transform Decal = healSpell.Find("Decal"); if (Decal != null) { SpriteRenderer sr = Decal.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); sr.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); sr.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f);, 5.0f, new GoTweenConfig() .colorProp("color", new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.SineOut) .onComplete(tween => {, 0.5f, new GoTweenConfig() .colorProp("color", new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.SineIn) );, 0.5f, new GoTweenConfig() .scale(new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f)) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.SineIn) ); bossFight.HealPlayer(null); bossFight.ChangeTurn(null); }) ); } //launch particles ParticleSystem[] particles = healSpell.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>(); foreach (ParticleSystem ps in particles) { ps.Play(); } //rotate whole group healSpell.localScale = new Vector3(0.6f, 1.0f, 0.6f);, 5.0f, new GoTweenConfig() .localRotation(new Vector3(0, 1440f, 0), true) .scale(1.0f) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear)); break; case 2: //fire attack Transform fireSpell = glorten.transform.Find("FireSpell"); //rotate fireSpell, 10.0f, new GoTweenConfig() .localRotation(new Vector3(0, 1440f, 0), true) .scale(1.0f) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear)); //make decal appear Transform fireDecal = fireSpell.Find("Decal"); if (fireDecal != null) { SpriteRenderer sr = fireDecal.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); sr.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); sr.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f);, 10.0f, new GoTweenConfig() .colorProp("color", new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.SineOut) .onComplete(tween => {, 0.5f, new GoTweenConfig() .colorProp("color", new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.SineIn) );, 0.5f, new GoTweenConfig() .scale(new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f)) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.SineIn) .onComplete(bossFight.ChangeTurn) ); }) ); } //launch particles ParticleSystem[] fireParticles = fireSpell.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>(); foreach (ParticleSystem ps in fireParticles) { ps.Play(); } int fireball1Damage = (bossFight.currentAttackDamage / 7) * 1; int fireball2Damage = (bossFight.currentAttackDamage / 7) * 2; int fireball3Damage = (bossFight.currentAttackDamage / 7) * 4; //fireball1 Transform fireBall1 = fireSpell.Find("FireBall1"); fireBall1.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, fireBall1.localPosition.y, 0.0f); GoTween fb1tw = new GoTween(fireBall1, 1.0f, new GoTweenConfig() .position(new Vector3(0, 0, 5f), true) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear) .onComplete(tweenfb1 => { bossFight.currentAttackDamage = fireball1Damage; bossFight.DamageBoss(null); })); //fireball2 Transform fireBall2 = fireSpell.Find("FireBall2"); fireBall2.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, fireBall2.localPosition.y, 0.0f); GoTween fb2tw = new GoTween(fireBall2, 1.0f, new GoTweenConfig() .position(new Vector3(0, 0, 5f), true) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear) .onComplete(tweenfb2 => { bossFight.currentAttackDamage = fireball2Damage; bossFight.DamageBoss(null); })); //fireball3 Transform fireBall3 = fireSpell.Find("FireBall3"); fireBall3.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, fireBall3.localPosition.y, 0.0f); GoTween fb3tw = new GoTween(fireBall3, 1.0f, new GoTweenConfig() .position(new Vector3(0, 0, 5f), true) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear) .onComplete(tweenfb3 => { bossFight.currentAttackDamage = fireball3Damage; bossFight.DamageBossBig(null); })); GoTweenChain chain = new GoTweenChain(); chain.appendDelay(3f).append(fb1tw).appendDelay(0.5f).append(fb2tw).appendDelay(0.3f).append(fb3tw);; break; case 3: //hearthquake Transform earthSpell = glorten.transform.Find("EarthSpell"); //rotate spell, 9.0f, new GoTweenConfig() .localRotation(new Vector3(0, 1440f, 0), true) .scale(1.0f) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear)); //make decal appear Transform earthDecal = earthSpell.Find("Decal"); if (earthDecal != null) { SpriteRenderer sr = earthDecal.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); sr.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); sr.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f);, 9.0f, new GoTweenConfig() .colorProp("color", new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.SineOut) .onComplete(tween => {, 0.5f, new GoTweenConfig() .colorProp("color", new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.SineIn) );, 0.5f, new GoTweenConfig() .scale(new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f)) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.SineIn) .onComplete(bossFight.ChangeTurn) ); }) ); } //launch particles ParticleSystem[] earthParticles = earthSpell.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>(); foreach (ParticleSystem ps in earthParticles) { ps.Play(); } //earthquake rocks Transform movingRocks = earthSpell.Find("MovingRocks"); movingRocks.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.56f);, 1.0f, new GoTweenConfig() .position(new Vector3(0, 0, 5f), true) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear) .setDelay(5.0f) .onComplete(bossFight.DamageBossBig)); break; } } }
public void To(float targetAmount, float duration, TweenConfig tc) { Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(this); tc.floatProp("amount", targetAmount);, duration, tc); }
public static GoTween colorTo(this SpriteRenderer self, float duration, Color endValue, bool isRelative = false) { return(, duration, new GoTweenConfig().colorProp("color", endValue, isRelative))); }
public static GoTween rotationTo(this Transform self, float duration, Quaternion endValue, bool isRelative = false) { return(, duration, new GoTweenConfig().rotation(endValue, isRelative))); }
public static GoTween floatTo(this Material self, float duration, float endValue, string propertyName) { return(, duration, new GoTweenConfig().materialFloat(endValue, propertyName))); }
private void NextAction() { switch (nextActionIndex) { case 0: //camera animation BossFightCamera.instance.PlayAnimation(-1); //glorten enter animation glorten.CharacterAnimator.SetBool("walking", true); //move, glortenWalkInTime, new GoTweenConfig() .position(glortenCombatPosition) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.Linear)); //play boss walk animation boss.CharacterAnimator.SetBool("walking", true); nextActionTime = bossWalkInTime; break; case 1: //teleport boss boss.transform.position = new Vector3(bossCombatPosition.x, bossCombatPosition.y, bossCombatPosition.z + 3.0f); //move boss, bossStopTime, new GoTweenConfig() .position(bossCombatPosition) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.SineInOut)); nextActionTime = bossStopTime; break; case 2: //teleport glorten to his position Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(glorten.transform); glorten.transform.position = glortenCombatPosition; //glorten stop animating glorten.CharacterAnimator.SetBool("walking", false); //boss stop animating boss.CharacterAnimator.SetBool("walking", false); nextActionTime = glortenReadyTime; break; case 3: //glorten braces glorten.PlayOnce(-1); nextActionTime = bossRoarTime; break; case 4: //boss roar animation boss.PlayOnce(-1); nextActionTime = bossRoarAudioTime; break; case 5: //boss roar audio if (BossRoar != null) { this.transform.parent = Camera.main.transform; this.transform.localPosition =; AudioSource asource = this.gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); asource.clip = BossRoar; asource.Play(); } nextActionTime = endPause; break; case 6: finished = true; nextActionTime = float.MaxValue; break; } nextActionIndex++; }
public void EnableCollidersSlow() { Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(_collider);, 0.5f, colliderDisableConfig); }
public void Begin(float duration, float strength, GoEaseType easeType = GoEaseType.Linear) { _beginTween =, duration, new GoTweenConfig().floatProp("BlurStrength", strength).setEaseType(easeType)); }
private void Kick() { justKicked = true; bool kickedButton = false; kickOffset = new Vector2(direction, Random.Range(0.1f, 0.3f)); Player otherPlayer = null; int numKicks = Physics2D.OverlapCircleNonAlloc(_transform.position, kickRadius, kickScan, kickMask); //Collider2D[] kickScan = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(_transform.position, kickRadius, kickMask); if (UIManager.current_scene_name == GlobalStrings.SCENE_Select || GameManager.FOUND_SECRET) { // Code to prioritise buttons for (int i = 0; i < numKicks; i++) { Collider2D collider = kickScan[i]; // TODO replace getcomponent by actually naming spawned prefabs by their username if ((collider.CompareTag(GlobalStrings.TAG_CustomiserButton) || collider.CompareTag("SECRET")) && (collider.transform.localPosition.y <= transform.localPosition.y)) { collider.GetComponent<KickButton>().KickAction(this); kickedButton = true; // Adjust offset float jitter = 0.1f; Vector2 diff = (Vector2)(collider.transform.position - _transform.position); kickOffset = diff + new Vector2(-0.8f * Mathf.Sign(diff.x) + Random.Range(-jitter, jitter), 0.45f); break; } } } if (!kickedButton) otherPlayer = ScanKickable(kickScan, numKicks); bool kickSuccess = false; if (otherPlayer != null) { Vector2 posSub = otherPlayer.transform.position - _transform.position; if (!kickedButton) kickOffset = new Vector2(Mathf.Sign (posSub.x) * 2, Random.Range(0.35f, 0.7f)); otherPlayer.Bop(kickOffset, BopType.KICKED, this); if (otherPlayer.Dashing) { achievementMgr.GetAxed(); } // Update sorting - bring slamming pode in front int i0 = sortingOrder; int i1 = otherPlayer.sortingOrder; if (i0 < i1) { SetOrder(i1); otherPlayer.SetOrder(i0); } // SCREENSHAKE YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS cam.ShakeScreen(posSub.normalized * Random.Range(4f, 6f), 0.5f); Squish(SquishType.KICK); kickSuccess = true; _audio.PlayClipOnce("kick_contact", 6f * AudioManager.sfxVol, Random.Range(0.8f, 1.3f)); } else { // Missed the kick, minor visual update Squish(SquishType.KICKMISS); _audio.PlayClipOnce("kick_nocontact", 6f * AudioManager.sfxVol, Random.Range(0.8f, 1.3f)); } float retractTime = (kickSuccess) ? kickHitRetractTime : kickRetractTime; kickTentacleIndex = (Mathf.Sign(kickOffset.x) < 0) ? 0 : 2; // send out nearest tentacle Leg kicker = legs[kickTentacleIndex]; kicker.kicking = true; // Leg tween kickRetractConfig.clearEvents(); kickRetractConfig.setDelay(kickExtendTime); if (kickRetractTween != null) kickRetractTween.destroy(); kickRetractTween =, retractTime, kickRetractConfig); // Set leg thickness over total kick time kicker.StartKicking(kickExtendTime + retractTime); }
public void Show() { Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>()); <SpriteRenderer>(), 0.5f, new GoTweenConfig().colorProp("color", tintColor)); }
public void Hit(int damage, string triggerName = "hit") { Debug.Log("receiving damage: " + damage); health -= damage; if (health <= 0) { health = 0; } //update healthbar if (healthBar != null) { healthBar.SetHealth(health); } //update healthText if (healthText != null) { healthText.gameObject.SetActive(true); healthText.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = healthTextOriginalPosition; Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(healthText); Go.killAllTweensWithTarget(healthText.transform); healthText.text = "-" + damage; healthText.color =;, 2.0f, new GoTweenConfig() .colorProp("color", new Vector4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.SineOut) .onComplete(tween => { tween.rewind(); }));, 2.0f, new GoTweenConfig() .vector2Prop("anchoredPosition", new Vector2(0.0f, 100.0f), true) .setEaseType(GoEaseType.SineOut) .onComplete(tween => { tween.rewind(); healthText.gameObject.SetActive(false); })); } //show particles if (hitParticles != null) { hitParticles.Play(); } //animate if (characterAnimator != null) { PlayClip(HitClip, true); characterAnimator.SetTrigger(triggerName); } if (health == 0) { readyToAttack = false; } }
// to tweens public static GoTween rotationTo(this Transform self, float duration, Vector3 endValue, float delay, bool isRelative = false) { return(, duration, new GoTweenConfig().rotation(endValue, isRelative).setDelay(delay))); }
private void DisplaySolution() { if (Scroll.clickedScroll == null) { return; } var index = Scroll.clickedScroll.scrollIndex; // show answer answerText.text = StarManager.Instance.CurrentAnswers[index];, 0.3f, new GoTweenConfig().colorProp("color", answerColor)); questionText.text = StarManager.Instance.CurrentProblem;, 0.3f, new GoTweenConfig().colorProp("color", Color.white)); // draw all stars in solution var stars = new HashSet <Star>(); var solution = SolutionManager.Instance.Solutions[index]; for (int i = 0; i < solution.Count; i++) { stars.Add(solution[i].From); stars.Add(solution[i].To); } // generate stars var positions = new Dictionary <Star, Vector3>(); foreach (var star in stars) { var littleStar = Instantiate <GameObject>(littleStarPrefab); littleStar.transform.SetParent(transform); var bigPosition = star.gameObject.transform.position; var ratioX = (bigPosition.x - StarManager.Instance.minX) / (StarManager.Instance.maxX - StarManager.Instance.minX); var ratioY = (bigPosition.y - StarManager.Instance.minY) / (StarManager.Instance.maxY - StarManager.Instance.minY); var newX = minX + (maxX - minX) * ratioX; var newy = minY + (maxY - minY) * ratioY; littleStar.transform.position = new Vector3(newX, newy, -9f); littleStars.Add(littleStar); // save the position later for possible connections positions.Add(star, littleStar.transform.position); } // generate little connections for (int i = 0; i < solution.Count; i++) { Vector3 start = positions[solution[i].From]; Vector3 end = positions[solution[i].To]; var dir = end - start; var position = start + (dir / 2f); var littleConnection = Instantiate <GameObject>(littleConnectionPrefab); littleConnection.transform.position = position; littleConnection.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, dir); littleConnection.transform.localScale = new Vector3(littleConnectionWidth, dir.magnitude / 2f, littleConnectionWidth); littleConnection.transform.SetParent(transform); littleConnections.Add(littleConnection); } }
override public void Start() { _background = new FSprite("JungleBlurryBG.png"); AddChild(_background); //this will scale the background up to fit the screen //but it won't let it shrink smaller than 100% _monkey = new BMonkey(); AddChild(_monkey); _monkey.x = -5.0f; _monkey.y = -2.0f; _againButton = new FButton("YellowButton_normal.png", "YellowButton_over.png", "ClickSound"); _againButton.AddLabel("Franchise", "AGAIN?", new Color(0.45f, 0.25f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); AddChild(_againButton); _againButton.y = -110.0f; _againButton.SignalRelease += HandleAgainButtonRelease; _scoreLabel = new FLabel("Franchise", BMain.instance.score + " Bananas"); AddChild(_scoreLabel); _scoreLabel.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.9f, 0.2f); _scoreLabel.y = 110.0f; if (BMain.instance.score > BMain.instance.bestScore) { BMain.instance.bestScore = BMain.instance.score; _isNewBestScore = true; } else { _isNewBestScore = false; } _bestScoreLabel = new FLabel("Franchise", "Best score: " + BMain.instance.bestScore + " Bananas"); AddChild(_bestScoreLabel); _bestScoreLabel.scale = 0.5f; _bestScoreLabel.anchorX = 1.0f; _bestScoreLabel.anchorY = 0.0f; _bestScoreLabel.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.9f, 0.2f); _scoreLabel.scale = 0.0f;, 0.5f, new TweenConfig(). setDelay(0.3f). floatProp("scale", 1.0f). setEaseType(EaseType.BackOut)); _monkey.scale = 0.0f;, 0.5f, new TweenConfig(). setDelay(0.1f). floatProp("scale", 1.0f). setEaseType(EaseType.BackOut)); _againButton.scale = 0.0f;, 0.5f, new TweenConfig(). setDelay(0.3f). floatProp("scale", 1.0f). setEaseType(EaseType.BackOut)); HandleResize(true); //force resize to position everything at the start }
override public void Start() { _badFoodCount = 0; _background = new FSprite("JungleBlurryBG"); AddChild(_background); _closeButton = new FButton("CloseButton_normal", "CloseButton_down", "CloseButton_over", "ClickSound"); AddChild(_closeButton); _closeButton.SignalRelease += HandleCloseButtonRelease; _scoreLabel = new FLabel("Franchise", "0 Bad food"); _scoreLabel.anchorX = 0.0f; _scoreLabel.anchorY = 1.0f; _scoreLabel.scale = 0.75f; _scoreLabel.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.90f, 0.0f); _timeLabel = new FLabel("Franchise", ((int)_secondsLeft) + " Seconds Left"); _timeLabel.anchorX = 1.0f; _timeLabel.anchorY = 1.0f; _timeLabel.scale = 0.75f; _timeLabel.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); AddChild(_scoreLabel); AddChild(_timeLabel); _effectHolder = new FContainer(); AddChild(_effectHolder); _scoreLabel.alpha = 0.0f;, 0.5f, new TweenConfig(). setDelay(0.0f). floatProp("alpha", 1.0f)); _timeLabel.alpha = 0.0f;, 0.5f, new TweenConfig(). setDelay(0.0f). floatProp("alpha", 1.0f). setEaseType(EaseType.BackOut)); _closeButton.scale = 0.0f;, 0.5f, new TweenConfig(). setDelay(0.0f). floatProp("scale", 1.0f). setEaseType(EaseType.BackOut)); TallyScore(); HandleResize(true); //force resize to position everything at the start _particlePrefab = Resources.Load("Particles/BananaParticles") as GameObject; //_particleGO = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); // _particleGO = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject; // = "Particules!"; // _particleGO.transform.localScale = new Vector3(100,100,100); // // _particleNode = new FGameObjectNode(_particleGO, true, true, true); // _particleNode.scale = 100.0f; // // AddChild (_particleNode); // AddChild (_bananaContainer); }
public void HandleMultiTouch(FTouch[] touches) { // don't process input if the game is over if (player_lost_ || player_won_) { return; } foreach (FTouch touch in touches) { if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) { if (!touch_starts.ContainsKey(touch.tapCount)) { touch_starts.Add(touch.tapCount, touch); } else { touch_starts[touch.tapCount] = touch; // update the touch otherwise } touch_start_time = Time.time; } else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended) { // don't process input if the player is currently doing something else /*if(player_.CurrentState != PlayerCharacter.PlayerState.IDLE) * return;*/ FTouch touch_start = touch_starts[touch.tapCount]; Vector2 swipe_vector = touch.position - touch_start.position; // normalize the swipe vector float swipe_magnitude = Mathf.Sqrt(swipe_vector.x * swipe_vector.x + swipe_vector.y * swipe_vector.y); // TODO: Change this to a reasonable threshold if (swipe_magnitude <= 30.0f) { // This is a tap Debug.Log("Detected a tap"); Debug.Log("Tap delta time: " + (Time.time - touch_start_time)); if (Time.time - touch_start_time < .2) { if (touch.position.y < -Futile.screen.halfHeight / 2.0f) { // if already executing a move, first stop it if (curr_player_movement != null) { curr_player_movement.destroy(); } float final_position = touch.position.x; if (touch.position.x < 0 && touch.position.x - player_.width / 2.0f < level_bounding_box.xMin) { final_position = level_bounding_box.xMin + player_.width / 2.0f; } if (touch.position.x > 0 && touch.position.x + player_.width / 2.0f > level_bounding_box.xMax) { final_position = level_bounding_box.xMax - player_.width / 2.0f; } if (final_position == player_.x) { return; } player_.scaleX = Math.Abs(player_.scaleX); if (final_position - player_.x < 0) {"backwards_walk"); } else {"walk"); } player_.CurrentState = PlayerCharacter.PlayerState.WALK; // calculate movement time based on player's speed attribute float tween_time = Math.Abs(player_.x - final_position) / (Futile.screen.width * player_.Speed); curr_player_movement =, tween_time, new TweenConfig().floatProp("x", final_position).onComplete(originalTween => {"idle"); player_.CurrentState = PlayerCharacter.PlayerState.IDLE; })); } } else { Vector2 bacteria_direction = new Vector2(); bacteria_direction.x = touch.position.x - player_.x; bacteria_direction.y = touch.position.y - player_.y; float magnitude = Mathf.Sqrt(bacteria_direction.x * bacteria_direction.x + bacteria_direction.y * bacteria_direction.y); bacteria_direction.x /= magnitude; bacteria_direction.y /= magnitude; CreateBubble(bacteria_direction); if ((float)player_.Health / (float)PlayerCharacter.MAX_HEALTH >= .5f) { bacteria_direction.x *= 1.2f; bacteria_direction.y *= .8f; CreateBubble(bacteria_direction); } if ((float)player_.Health / (float)PlayerCharacter.MAX_HEALTH >= .75f) { bacteria_direction.x *= .6f; bacteria_direction.y *= 1.4f; CreateBubble(bacteria_direction); } } } else { Debug.Log("Detected a swipe"); swipe_vector.x /= swipe_magnitude; swipe_vector.y /= swipe_magnitude; if (touch.position.x < player_.x && touch_start.position.x > player_.x && touch.position.y < (player_.y + player_.height / 2.0f) && touch.position.y > (player_.y - player_.height / 2.0f) && touch_start.position.y < (player_.y + player_.width / 2.0f) && touch_start.position.y > (player_.y - player_.height / 2.0f)) { // this is a block Debug.Log("player block");"block"); player_.CurrentState = PlayerCharacter.PlayerState.BLOCK; } else if (touch.position.x > enemy_.x && touch_start.position.x < enemy_.x && touch.position.y < (enemy_.y + enemy_.height / 2.0f) && touch.position.y > (enemy_.y - enemy_.height / 2.0f) && touch_start.position.y < (enemy_.y + enemy_.height / 2.0f) && touch.position.y > (enemy_.y - enemy_.height / 2.0f)) { // this a punch Debug.Log("player punch");"punch"); player_.CurrentState = PlayerCharacter.PlayerState.PUNCH; player_punch_did_damage = false; } else { CreateBubble(swipe_vector); } } touch_starts.Remove(touch.tapCount); } } }
//class objectMoveInfo //{ // public GameObject obj; // public Vector3 srcPos; //}; void DoFocusAction() { //计算位移距离 FunDamageNode fun = m_oneDamageInfo.damageNode.funDamage; //聚怪中心点 Vector3 centerPos = m_transform.position + m_transform.forward.normalized * fun.offDistance; //中间是否有空气墙 Vector3 wallPos = CoreEntry.gBaseTool.GetWallHitPoint(m_transform.position, centerPos); if (!wallPos.Equals(centerPos)) { //存在空气墙 Vector3 dist = wallPos - m_transform.position; dist = dist * 0.9f; //Vector3 wallGroundPos = CoreEntry.gBaseTool.GetGroundPoint(m_transform.position + dist); centerPos = CoreEntry.gBaseTool.GetGroundPoint(centerPos); } if (centerPos.Equals( { centerPos = m_transform.position; } //需要聚集的怪物 List <ActorObj> actors = CoreEntry.gActorMgr.GetAllMonsterActors(); for (int i = 0; i < actors.Count; i++) { //对IOS出现怪物不动 报错的异常 进行错误处理 if (GameLogicMgr.checkValid(actors[i].gameObject) == false) { continue; } GameObject obj = actors[i].gameObject; ActorObj actorBase = actors[i]; //塔不没有受击 MonsterObj monsterObj = obj.GetComponent <MonsterObj>(); if (monsterObj && monsterObj.m_bIsTower) { continue; } //bool isSkillSuccess = false; if (!m_skillBase.m_actor.IsAimActorType(actorBase)) { continue; } // 有霸体的不能被拉动 if (actorBase.IsActorEndure()) { continue; } //伤害对象 if (CoreEntry.gBaseTool.IsPointInCircleXZ(centerPos, obj.transform.position, fun.radius, 1f)) { //isSkillSuccess = true;, 0.4f, new GoTweenConfig().position(centerPos)); } } StartCoroutine(destroyBox()); }
public static Tween shake(this Transform self, float duration, Vector3 shakeMagnitude, ShakeType shakeType = ShakeType.Position, int frameMod = 1, bool useLocalProperties = false) { return(, duration, new TweenConfig().shake(shakeMagnitude, shakeType, frameMod, useLocalProperties))); }
public override void DoClickToAct() {, ascendTime, new GoTweenConfig().position(new Vector3(0, ascendHeight, 0), true).setEaseType(GoEaseType.QuadInOut).onComplete(OnFloatComplete)); baws = true; }
// to tweens public static Tween eularAnglesTo(this Transform self, float duration, Vector3 endValue, bool isRelative = false) { return(, duration, new TweenConfig().eulerAngles(endValue, isRelative))); }
public void Hide() {, .4f, new GoTweenConfig().colorProp("color", transparent)); gameObject.SetActive(false); }