private static void ReadGMLWithoutSpecifyingGMLOptions()
            //ExStart: ReadGMLWithoutSpecifyingGMLOptions
            // Case 1: we try to load schema from Internet.
            // first, we create an instance of GmlOptions class.
            GmlOptions options = new GmlOptions
                // In order to read GML layers features description, Aspose.GIS reads XML schema attached to it.
                // Usually, it is specified in GML files root tag as 'schemaLocation' attribute. If it is not, you need to specify GML schema location
                // youself. In this examples we don't specify it (keep it null), so Aspose.GIS will try to read schema location from XML file.
                SchemaLocation = null,
                // 'schemaLocation' may contain references to schemas located on the Internet. In this case, you need to set this property to 'true' in
                // order to allow Aspose.GIS to load schemas from internet.
                // Basically, if you don't mind Aspose.GIS using internet, you can always keep this true.
                LoadSchemasFromInternet = true,

            // then, we pass it to 'VectorLayer.Open'
            Console.WriteLine("from internet loading...");
            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "file.gml", Drivers.Gml, options))
                foreach (Feature feature in layer)
                    Console.WriteLine(feature.GetValue <string>("attribute"));

            // Case 2: we try to restore the attributes schema by data in file.
            Console.WriteLine("restoration by file data...");
            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "file.gml", Drivers.Gml, new GmlOptions()
                RestoreSchema = true
                foreach (Feature feature in layer)
                    Console.WriteLine(feature.GetValue <string>("attribute"));
            //ExEnd: ReadGMLWithoutSpecifyingGMLOptions
        private static void ReadGMLBySpecifyingGMLOptions()
            //ExStart: ReadGMLBySpecifyingGMLOptions
            GmlOptions options = new GmlOptions
                // In this example we specify custom schemaLocation, since there is no 'schemaLocation' in GML file.
                SchemaLocation          = "  schema.xsd",
                LoadSchemasFromInternet = false,

            Console.WriteLine("custom schema location...");
            using (VectorLayer layer = VectorLayer.Open(dataDir + "file_without_schema_location.gml", Drivers.Gml, options))
                foreach (Feature feature in layer)
                    Console.WriteLine(feature.GetValue <string>("attribute"));
            //ExEnd: ReadGMLBySpecifyingGMLOptions