Exemplo n.º 1
        /*private void PlotScan(MSScan argScan)
         * {
         *  ZedGraph.PointPairList pplPeak = new ZedGraph.PointPairList();
         *  for (int i = 0; i < argScan.ScanMZs.Length; i++)
         *  {
         *      pplPeak.Add(argScan.ScanMZs[i], argScan.ScanIntensities[i]);
         *  }
         *  ZedGraph.GraphPane Pane = zedScan.GraphPane;
         *  Pane.XAxis.MajorTic.IsInside = false;
         *  Pane.XAxis.MinorTic.IsInside = false;
         *  Pane.CurveList.Clear();
         *  Pane.AddStick("Peaks", pplPeak, Color.Red);
         *  Pane.XAxis.Scale.Min = argScan.ScanMZs[0] - 10;
         *  Pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = argScan.ScanMZs[argScan.ScanMZs.Length - 1] - 10;
         *  Pane.Title.Text = "No. " + txtScanNo.Text;
         *  zedScan.AxisChange();
         * }*/

        private void dgView_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            if (e.RowIndex < 0)

            GlycanStructure Structure = ReportStructure[Convert.ToInt32(dgView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value)];

            if (GS.FullSequencedStructures.Count != 0)
                Structure = GS.FullSequencedStructures[Convert.ToInt32(dgView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value)];

            float ParentMono    = scan.ParentMonoMW;
            float ParentAVGMono = scan.ParentAVGMonoMW;

            /*lblPPM.Text = "                                 Mono       AVG\n" +
             *                        "                  "+ParentMono.ToString() + "                 " + ParentAVGMono.ToString() + "\n" +
             *                        "Hex:         " + (GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMass(Glycan.Type.Hex)).ToString("0000.000") + "(" + MassUtility.GetMassPPM(GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMass(Glycan.Type.Hex), ParentMono).ToString("00000.000") + ")   " +
             *                        (GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanAVGMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.Hex)).ToString("0000.000") + "(" + MassUtility.GetMassPPM(GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanAVGMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.Hex), ParentAVGMono).ToString("00000.000") + ")\n" +
             *                        "HexNAc:  " + (GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMass(Glycan.Type.HexNAc)).ToString("0000.000") + "(" + MassUtility.GetMassPPM(GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMass(Glycan.Type.HexNAc), ParentMono).ToString("00000.000") + ") " +
             *                        (GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanAVGMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.HexNAc)).ToString("0000.000") + "(" + MassUtility.GetMassPPM(GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanAVGMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.HexNAc), ParentAVGMono).ToString("00000.000") + ")\n" +
             *                        "deHex:     " + (GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMass(Glycan.Type.DeHex)).ToString("0000.000") + "(" + MassUtility.GetMassPPM(GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMass(Glycan.Type.DeHex), ParentMono).ToString("00000.000") + ") " +
             *                        (GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanAVGMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.DeHex)).ToString("0000.000") + "(" + MassUtility.GetMassPPM(GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanAVGMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.DeHex), ParentAVGMono).ToString("00000.000") + ")\n" +
             *                        "Sia:          " + (GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMass(Glycan.Type.NeuAc)).ToString("0000.000") + "(" + MassUtility.GetMassPPM(GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMass(Glycan.Type.NeuAc), ParentMono).ToString("00000.000") + ")  " +
             *                        (GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanAVGMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.NeuAc)).ToString("0000.000") + "(" + MassUtility.GetMassPPM(GS.PeptideMonoMass + Structure.GlycanAVGMonoMass + GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.NeuAc), ParentAVGMono).ToString("00000.000") + ")\n";*/
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void ListFragementStructure(GlycanStructure argStructure)
            DataTable  dtDetail    = new DataTable();
            DataColumn dcID        = new DataColumn("ID", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
            DataColumn dcMass      = new DataColumn("Mass", Type.GetType("System.Single"));
            DataColumn dcScore     = new DataColumn("Score", Type.GetType("System.Single"));
            DataColumn dcStructure = new DataColumn("Structure", typeof(Image));


            //dgDetail.DataSource = dtDetail;
            //dgDetail.Columns[0].Width = 30;
            //dgDetail.Columns[1].Width = 70;
            //dgDetail.Columns[2].Width = 50;
            //dgDetail.Columns[3].Width = 315;

            dtDetail.DefaultView.Sort = "Mass";
            int           idx        = 0;
            float         TotalScore = 0.0f;
            GlycansDrawer GDRaw;

            foreach (GlycanTreeNode frm in argStructure.TheoreticalFragment)
                DataRow row = dtDetail.NewRow();
                row[0] = idx;
                float glycanmass = COL.GlycoLib.GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(frm.GlycanType, argStructure.Charge) + argStructure.Y1.Mass - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, argStructure.Charge);

                int closepeakidx = MassUtility.GetClosestMassIdx(scan.MSPeaks, glycanmass);
                row[1] = glycanmass;

                if (MassUtility.GetMassPPM(glycanmass, scan.MSPeaks[closepeakidx].MonoisotopicMZ) < _torelance)
                    row[2] = scan.MSPeaks[closepeakidx].MonoIntensity / scan.MaxIntensity;
                    row[2] = 0.0f;
                GDRaw  = new GlycansDrawer(frm.GetIUPACString(), false);
                row[3] = GDRaw.GetImage();
                TotalScore = TotalScore + Convert.ToSingle(row[2]);

            DataRow dtrow = dtDetail.NewRow();

            dtrow[0] = idx;
            dtrow[1] = GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(argStructure.Root.GlycanType, argStructure.Charge) + argStructure.Y1.Mass - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, argStructure.Charge);
            dtrow[2] = TotalScore;
            GDRaw    = new GlycansDrawer(argStructure.IUPACString, false);
            dtrow[3] = GDRaw.GetImage();
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static float GetGlycopeptideMZ(string argPeptide, GlycanStructure argGlycan, int argCharge)
     float TotalMZ = 0.0f;
     AminoAcidMass AAMS = new AminoAcidMass();
     float PeptideMonoMass = AAMS.GetAVGMonoMW(argPeptide, true);
     float GlycanMass = 0.0f;
     GlycanMass = GlycanMass + argGlycan.NoOfHex*GlycoLib.GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.Hex);
     GlycanMass = GlycanMass + argGlycan.NoOfHexNac * GlycoLib.GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.HexNAc);
     GlycanMass = GlycanMass + argGlycan.NoOfDeHex * GlycoLib.GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.DeHex);
     GlycanMass = GlycanMass + argGlycan.NoOfNeuAc * GlycoLib.GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.NeuAc);
     GlycanMass = GlycanMass + argGlycan.NoOfNeuGc * GlycoLib.GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMass(Glycan.Type.NeuGc);
     TotalMZ = (PeptideMonoMass + GlycanMass + MassLib.Atoms.ProtonMass*argCharge)/argCharge;
     return TotalMZ;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private string GetRepresentStructure(GlycanStructure argCompleteGS, int argNodeID)
            int                   ID         = argNodeID;
            GlycanStructure       Clone      = (GlycanStructure)argCompleteGS.Clone();
            List <GlycanTreeNode> removelist = new List <GlycanTreeNode>();

            foreach (GlycanTreeNode node in Clone.Root.FetchAllGlycanNode())
                if (node.NodeID > argNodeID)
            removelist.Sort(delegate(GlycanTreeNode t1, GlycanTreeNode t2) { return(t2.NodeID.CompareTo(t1.NodeID)); });
            foreach (GlycanTreeNode node in removelist)
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void ListIDPeak(GlycanStructure argStructure)
            DataTable  dtIDPeak    = new DataTable();
            DataColumn dcMass      = new DataColumn("Glycopeptide m/z", Type.GetType("System.Single"));
            DataColumn dcScore     = new DataColumn("Score", Type.GetType("System.Single"));
            DataColumn dcStructure = new DataColumn("Structure", typeof(Image));

            dgIDPeak.DataSource       = dtIDPeak;
            dgIDPeak.Columns[0].Width = 70;
            dgIDPeak.Columns[1].Width = 50;
            dgIDPeak.Columns[2].Width = 315;

            dtIDPeak.DefaultView.Sort = "Glycopeptide m/z";

            GlycansDrawer GDraw;

            foreach (GlycanTreeNode GT in argStructure.Root.FetchAllGlycanNode())
                DataRow row = dtIDPeak.NewRow();
                row[0] = GT.IDMass;
                row[1] = GT.IDIntensity;
                string tmp = argStructure.GetSequqncedIUPACwNodeID(GT.NodeID);
                GDraw  = new GlycansDrawer(tmp);
                row[2] = GDraw.GetImage();
            dgIDPeak.Sort(dgIDPeak.Columns[0], ListSortDirection.Descending);
            for (int i = 0; i < dtIDPeak.Rows.Count; i++)
            this.dgIDPeak.Columns[2].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static Image GetAnnotatedImage(string argPeptide, MSScan argScan, List<MSPoint> argPeaks, GlycanStructure argStructure)
            float MaxX = argStructure.Root.FetchAllGlycanNode().OrderByDescending(o => o.IDMass).ToList()[0].IDMass;
            if (MaxX + 100 > 2000.0)
                MaxX = 2000.0f;
                MaxX = MaxX + 100;
            ZedGraph.GraphPane Pane = new ZedGraph.GraphPane(new RectangleF(0.0f, 0.0f, 2000.0f, 1500.0f), argScan.ScanNo.ToString(), "Mass", "Intensity");
            //ZedGraph.MasterPane Pane = new ZedGraph.MasterPane(argTitle,new RectangleF(0.0f, 0.0f, 2400.0f, 1800.0f) );
            Pane.XAxis.MajorTic.IsInside = false;
            Pane.XAxis.MinorTic.IsInside = false;
            Pane.Legend.IsVisible = false;
            ZedGraph.PointPairList Peaks = new ZedGraph.PointPairList();

            double MaxIntensity = 0.0;
            foreach (MSPoint p in argPeaks)
                if (p.Intensity > MaxIntensity && p.Mass<=MaxX)
                    MaxIntensity = p.Intensity;
            foreach (MSPoint p in argPeaks)
                if (p.Mass <= MaxX)
                    Peaks.Add(p.Mass, (p.Intensity/MaxIntensity)*100.0);
            Pane.AddStick("Peaks", Peaks, Color.Red);

            //Y1 text object
            /* ZedGraph.TextObj txtY1 = new ZedGraph.TextObj("Y1", argStructure.Y1.MZ, 102);
             txtY1.FontSpec.Size = txtY1.FontSpe.cSize*0.5f;
             txtY1.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
             Pane.GraphObjList.Insert(0, txtY1);*/

            GlycansDrawer GS;
            double previousBoundary = 0;

            foreach (GlycanTreeNode t in argStructure.Root.FetchAllGlycanNode().OrderBy(o => o.IDMass).ToList())

                GS = new GlycansDrawer(t.IUPACFromRoot, false);
                double glycopeptideMZ = t.IDMass;
                //double glycopeptideMZ =argStructure.Y1.Mass - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, FGS.Charge);
                //glycopeptideMZ = glycopeptideMZ +
                //                 FGS.NoOfHexNac * GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, FGS.Charge);
                //glycopeptideMZ = glycopeptideMZ +
                //                 FGS.NoOfHex*GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.Hex, FGS.Charge);
                //glycopeptideMZ = glycopeptideMZ +
                //                 FGS.NoOfDeHex * GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.DeHex, FGS.Charge);
                //glycopeptideMZ = glycopeptideMZ +
                //                 FGS.NoOfNeuAc * GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuAc, FGS.Charge);
                //glycopeptideMZ = glycopeptideMZ +
                //                 FGS.NoOfNeuGc * GlycanMass.GetGlycanAVGMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuGc, FGS.Charge);
                Image imgStructure = GlycanImage.RotateImage(GS.GetImage(), 270);

                ZedGraph.TextObj txtGlycanMz = new ZedGraph.TextObj(glycopeptideMZ.ToString("0.000"), 100, 131);

                double PositionX = glycopeptideMZ;

                if (previousBoundary >= PositionX)
                    PositionX = previousBoundary + 20;

                if (imgStructure.Width > txtGlycanMz.Location.Width)
                    previousBoundary = imgStructure.Width + PositionX;
                    previousBoundary = (float)txtGlycanMz.Location.Width + PositionX;
                ZedGraph.ImageObj glycan = new ZedGraph.ImageObj(imgStructure, PositionX, 130, imgStructure.Width + 20, imgStructure.Height);

                glycan.IsScaled = false;
                glycan.Location.AlignV = ZedGraph.AlignV.Bottom;

                txtGlycanMz.Location.X = glycan.Location.X + (float)glycan.Image.Width / 2 - (float)txtGlycanMz.Location.Width / 2;
                txtGlycanMz.FontSpec.Size = txtGlycanMz.FontSpec.Size * 0.3f;
                txtGlycanMz.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;


                double interval = 100000;
                int idx = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Peaks.Count; i++)
                    if (Math.Abs(Peaks[i].X - glycopeptideMZ) < interval)
                        interval = Math.Abs((float)Peaks[i].X - glycopeptideMZ);
                        idx = i;
                string mzLabelwPPM = Peaks[idx].X.ToString("0.000");// + "\n(" + Math.Abs(glycopeptideMZ - (float)Peaks[idx].X).ToString("0") + "da)";
                ZedGraph.TextObj PeakLabel = new ZedGraph.TextObj(mzLabelwPPM, Peaks[idx].X, Peaks[idx].Y + 3.0);
                PeakLabel.FontSpec.Size = PeakLabel.FontSpec.Size * 0.3f;
                PeakLabel.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
                PeakLabel.FontSpec.Fill.IsVisible = false;

            Pane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 145;
            Pane.XAxis.Scale.Min = Convert.ToInt32(argStructure.Y1.Mass - 100);
            Pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = Peaks[Peaks.Count - 1].X + 100;
            //Glycan Structure
            GS = new GlycansDrawer(argStructure.IUPACString, false);
            Image imgStruc = RotateImage( GS.GetImage() ,180);
            ZedGraph.ImageObj fullStructure = new ZedGraph.ImageObj(imgStruc, Pane.XAxis.Scale.Min + 20, 140, imgStruc.Width + 20, imgStruc.Height);
            fullStructure.IsScaled = false;
            //Glycan M/Z
            double glycopeptidemz = GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(argStructure.Root.GlycanType,argStructure.Charge) + argStructure.Y1.Mass - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, argStructure.Charge);
            ZedGraph.TextObj txtGlycanMZ = new ZedGraph.TextObj("\n              Precursor:" + argScan.ParentMZ.ToString("0.000")+"(" +argScan.ParentCharge.ToString()+")"+
                                                                                                                "\nPeptide Sequence:" + argPeptide
                    , Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.X2, 140);
            txtGlycanMZ.FontSpec.Size = txtGlycanMZ.FontSpec.Size * 0.3f;
            txtGlycanMZ.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
            txtGlycanMZ.FontSpec.Fill.IsVisible = false;
            Image tmp = (Image)Pane.GetImage();

            return tmp;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            openFileDialog1.Filter           = "Raw files (*.RAW,*.mzXML)|*.RAW;*.mzXML";
            openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;
            if (txtScanNo.Text == "" || txtPeptideSeq.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill the information");
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                _torelance          = Convert.ToSingle(txtPeaKTol.Text);
                _precursorTorelance = Convert.ToSingle(txtPrecusorTol.Text);
                int ScanNo = 0;
                if (Int32.TryParse(txtScanNo.Text, out ScanNo) == false)
                    MessageBox.Show("Input Scan Number Error");

                if (Path.GetExtension(openFileDialog1.FileName).ToLower() == ".raw")
                    ThermoRawReader RawReader = new COL.MassLib.ThermoRawReader(openFileDialog1.FileName);

                    /*GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters clsParameters = new GlypID.Peaks.clsPeakProcessorParameters();
                     * clsParameters.SignalToNoiseThreshold = 0.0f;
                     * clsParameters.PeakBackgroundRatio = 0.01f;*/
                    //RawReader.SetPeakProcessorParameter(2, 2);
                    scan = RawReader.ReadScan(ScanNo);
                    //scan = new mzXMLReader(openFileDialog1.FileName).ReadScan(ScanNo);

                int NoNeuAc = 0;
                int NoNeuGc = 0;
                if (rdoNeuAc.Checked)
                    NoNeuAc = Convert.ToInt32(txtSia.Text);
                    NoNeuGc = Convert.ToInt32(txtSia.Text);

                List <int> SequenceParameters = new List <int>();

                GS = new GlycanSequencing_MultipleScoring(scan, scan.ParentCharge, Convert.ToInt32(txtHex.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtHexNAc.Text), Convert.ToInt32(txtdeHex.Text), NoNeuAc, NoNeuGc, @"D:\tmp", true, 0.8f, 10, SequenceParameters, Peptides.ReadFastaFile(txtPeptideSeq.Text));
                GS.NumbersOfPeaksForSequencing = 140;
                GS.UseAVGMass = true;
                GS.CreatePrecursotMZ          = true;
                GS.RewardForCompleteStructure = 3;

                //lstPeak.Items.Add("Top " + GS.FilteredPeaks.Count.ToString() + "  peaks");
                //lstPeak.Items.Add("m/z / normailzed intensity ");
                //foreach (MSPoint p in GS.FilteredPeaks)
                //    lstPeak.Items.Add(p.Mass.ToString("0.0000") +"/" + p.Intensity.ToString("0.0000"));

                bool isFullSeq = false;
                ReportStructure = GS.SequencedStructures;
                if (ReportStructure.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("No Structure Found");
                if (GS.FullSequencedStructures.Count != 0)
                    ReportStructure = GS.FullSequencedStructures;
                    isFullSeq       = true;
                AminoAcidMass AA = new AminoAcidMass();
                for (int i = 0; i < ReportStructure.Count; i++)
                    GlycanStructure gt  = ReportStructure[i];
                    DataRow         row = dtTrees.NewRow();
                    //row.Add(new Object[] (gt.Mass.ToString("0.0000"), gt.Score.ToString("0.0000"),gt.GetIUPACString()));
                    row["ID"]                  = i.ToString();
                    row["Glycan Mass"]         = gt.GlycanAVGMonoMass.ToString("0.0000");
                    row["Y1"]                  = gt.Y1.Mass.ToString("0.0000");;
                    row["Core Score"]          = Convert.ToSingle((gt.CoreScore).ToString("0.00"));
                    row["Branch Score"]        = Convert.ToSingle((gt.BranchScore).ToString("0.00"));
                    row["Append Glycan Score"] = Convert.ToSingle((gt.InCompleteScore).ToString("0.00"));
                    if (gt.IsCompleteByPrecursorDifference)
                        row["PPM"] =
                                    gt.GlycanMonoMass + AA.GetMonoMW(gt.PeptideSequence, true) +
                                    GetGlycanMassByGlycanString(gt.RestGlycanString), GS.PrecusorMonoMass)
                        row["PPM"] =
                                    gt.GlycanMonoMass + AA.GetMonoMW(gt.PeptideSequence, true), GS.PrecusorMonoMass).ToString("0.00"));
                    row["Peptide"]       = gt.PeptideSequence;
                    row["Append Glycan"] = gt.RestGlycanString;
                    row["IUPAC"]         = gt.IUPACString;

                    GlycansDrawer GDRaw  = new GlycansDrawer(gt.IUPACString, false);
                    Image         tmpImg = GDRaw.GetImage();
                    row["Structure"] = tmpImg;
                dtTrees.DefaultView.Sort = "Glycan Mass DESC";

                for (int i = 0; i < dgView.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (Convert.ToSingle(dgView.Rows[i].Cells["PPM"].Value) <= Convert.ToSingle(txtPrecusorTol.Text))
                        dgView.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Red;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void DrawsequencingGraph(GlycanStructure argStructure)
            zedSequence.GraphPane.Legend.IsVisible = false;
            List <String> tmp = argStructure.Root.GetSequencingMapList();

            if (tmp.Count == 0)
            float Xmin = Convert.ToSingle(tmp[0].Split('-')[0]);
            float Xmax = Convert.ToSingle(tmp[tmp.Count - 1].Split('-')[2]);

            if (Xmax == 0.0f)
                Xmax = scan.MSPeaks[scan.MSPeaks.Count - 1].MonoMass;
            double YMax = 0.0;

            ZedGraph.PointPairList pplPeak = new ZedGraph.PointPairList();
            for (int i = 0; i < GS.FilteredPeaks.Count; i++)
                if (GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Mass >= Xmin + 10.0f && GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Mass <= Xmax + 10.0f)
                    if (GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Intensity > YMax)
                        YMax = GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Intensity;
            for (int i = 0; i < GS.FilteredPeaks.Count; i++)
                if (GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Mass >= Xmin + 10.0f && GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Mass <= Xmax + 10.0f)
                    pplPeak.Add(GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Mass, GS.FilteredPeaks[i].Intensity / YMax * 100.0f);

            ZedGraph.GraphPane Pane = zedSequence.GraphPane;

            Pane.XAxis.MajorTic.IsInside = false;
            Pane.XAxis.MinorTic.IsInside = false;
            Pane.AddStick("Peaks", pplPeak, Color.Red);
            //Pane.XAxis.Scale.Min = Xmin - 10;
            //Pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = Xmax + 10;
            Pane.Title.Text = "No. " + txtScanNo.Text + "; Y1 m/z:" + argStructure.Y1.Mass.ToString("0.000");//+ "  Structure:" + Convert.ToString(dgView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value);
            double YLevel = YMax;
            double outX, outY, outY2, diff;

            Pane.ReverseTransform(new Point(100, 100), out outX, out outY);
            Pane.ReverseTransform(new Point(100, 110), out outX, out outY2);
            diff = outY - outY2;
            GlycanTreeNode GT = argStructure.Root;//GS.GlycanTrees[e.RowIndex];

            //Peak Interval
            //List<string> SeqList = new List<string>();
            //for (int i = 0; i < GT.GetSequencingMapList().Count; i++)
            //    //Split the string
            //    string[] strArray = GT.GetSequencingMapList()[i].Split('-');
            //    ZedGraph.TextObj TxtObg = new ZedGraph.TextObj();
            //    TxtObg.Text = strArray[1];
            //    double Start = Convert.ToDouble(strArray[0]);
            //    double End = Convert.ToDouble(strArray[2]);

            //    System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle LineStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
            //    if (Start == 0)
            //    {
            //        if (strArray[1] == "HexNAc")
            //        {
            //            Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        else if (strArray[1] == "DeHex")
            //        {
            //            Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.DeHex, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        else if (strArray[1] == "Hex")
            //        {
            //            Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.Hex, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        else if (strArray[1] == "NeuAc")
            //        {
            //            Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuAc, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuGc, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        TxtObg.Text = TxtObg.Text + "?";
            //        LineStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        if (strArray[1] == "HexNAc")
            //        {
            //            Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        else if (strArray[1] == "DeHex")
            //        {
            //            Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.DeHex, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        else if (strArray[1] == "Hex")
            //        {
            //            Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.Hex, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        else if (strArray[1] == "NeuAc")
            //        {
            //            Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuAc, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            Start = End - GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuGc, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    if (End == 0)
            //    {
            //        if (strArray[1] == "HexNAc")
            //        {
            //            End = Start + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.HexNAc, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        else if (strArray[1] == "DeHex")
            //        {
            //            End = Start + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.DeHex, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        else if (strArray[1] == "Hex")
            //        {
            //            End = Start + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.Hex, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        else if (strArray[1] == "NeuAc")
            //        {
            //            End = Start + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuAc, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            End = Start + GlycanMass.GetGlycanMasswithCharge(Glycan.Type.NeuGc, GT.Charge);
            //        }
            //        TxtObg.Text = TxtObg.Text + "?";
            //        LineStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
            //    }
            //    //Determine the Y level
            //    int Ylevel = 0;
            //    if (SeqList.Count == 0)
            //    {
            //        SeqList.Add(Start.ToString() + "," + End.ToString() + ",0");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {

            //        for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
            //        {
            //            double PreStart = Convert.ToDouble(SeqList[j].Split(',')[0]);
            //            double PreEnd = Convert.ToDouble(SeqList[j].Split(',')[1]);
            //            int Prelevel = Convert.ToInt32(SeqList[j].Split(',')[2]);
            //            if ((PreStart <= Start && Start <= PreEnd))
            //            {
            //                if (Math.Abs(PreEnd - Start) <= 10.0)
            //                {
            //                    Ylevel = Prelevel;
            //                    break;
            //                }
            //                else
            //                {
            //                    Ylevel = Prelevel + 1;
            //                    break;
            //                }
            //            }
            //        }
            //        SeqList.Add(Start.ToString() + "," + End.ToString() + "," + Ylevel.ToString());
            //    }
            //    TxtObg.FontSpec.Size = TxtObg.FontSpec.Size * 0.8f;
            //    YLevel = YMax + diff * Ylevel;
            //    ZedGraph.LineObj Lne = new ZedGraph.LineObj(Start, YLevel + diff, Start, YLevel - diff); //Left V Line
            //    Pane.GraphObjList.Add(Lne);

            //    Lne = new ZedGraph.LineObj(End, YLevel + diff, End, YLevel - diff); //Right V Line
            //    Pane.GraphObjList.Add(Lne);

            //    Lne = new ZedGraph.LineObj(Start, YLevel, End, YLevel);  //Add Line
            //    Lne.Line.Style = LineStyle;
            //    Pane.GraphObjList.Add(Lne);

            //    //ZedGraph.ArrowObj arr= new ZedGraph.ArrowObj(Start, YLevel, End, YLevel);
            //    //arr.IsArrowHead = true;
            //    //arr.Line.Style = LineStyle;
            //    //Pane.GraphObjList.Add(arr);

            //    TxtObg.Location = new ZedGraph.Location(((Start + End) / 2), (double)YLevel, ZedGraph.CoordType.AxisXYScale);
            //    TxtObg.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
            //    TxtObg.Location.AlignH = ZedGraph.AlignH.Center;
            //    TxtObg.Location.AlignV = ZedGraph.AlignV.Center;
            //    Pane.GraphObjList.Insert(0, TxtObg);

            GlycansDrawer GDraw;
            double        previousX2 = 0;

            List <GlycanTreeNode> Fragements = argStructure.Root.FetchAllGlycanNode();

            Fragements.Sort(delegate(GlycanTreeNode T1, GlycanTreeNode T2) { return(Comparer <float> .Default.Compare(T1.IDMass, T2.IDMass)); });
            foreach (GlycanTreeNode FGS in Fragements)
                string Exp = argStructure.GetIUPACfromParentToNodeID(FGS.NodeID);
                //Queue<string> tmpQue = new Queue<string>();
                //for (int i = 0; i < Exp.Length; i++)
                //    int NodeID = 0;
                //    if (Exp[i].StartsWith("(") || Exp[i].StartsWith(")"))
                //    {
                //        NodeID = Convert.ToInt32(Exp[i].Split(',')[0].Substring(1));
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        NodeID = Convert.ToInt32(Exp[i].Split(',')[0]);
                //    }
                //    if (NodeID > FGS.NodeID)
                //    {
                //        if (Exp[i].StartsWith("(") || Exp[i].StartsWith(")"))
                //        {
                //            tmpQue.Enqueue(Exp[i].Substring(0, 1));  //
                //        }
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        tmpQue.Enqueue(Exp[i]);
                //    }
                //string IUPAC = "";

                //    string tmp =tmpQue.Dequeue();
                //    if(tmp == "(" && tmpQue.Peek() == ")" )
                //    {
                //    }


                string tmpIUPAC = argStructure.GetSequqncedIUPACwNodeID(FGS.NodeID);
                GDraw = new GlycansDrawer(tmpIUPAC);
                float glycopeptideMZ = FGS.IDMass;
                if (double.IsNaN(glycopeptideMZ))
                Image imgStructure = RotateImage(GDraw.GetImage(), 270);

                double PositionX = glycopeptideMZ;
                if (previousX2 >= PositionX)
                    PositionX = previousX2 + 20;

                ZedGraph.ImageObj glycan = new ZedGraph.ImageObj(imgStructure, PositionX, 130, imgStructure.Width * 0.3f, imgStructure.Height * 0.3f);

                glycan.IsScaled        = true;
                glycan.Location.AlignV = ZedGraph.AlignV.Bottom;

                ZedGraph.TextObj txtGlycanMz = new ZedGraph.TextObj(glycopeptideMZ.ToString("0.000"), 100, 140);
                txtGlycanMz.Location.X                = Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.X1 + (Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.X2 - Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.X1) / 2;
                txtGlycanMz.FontSpec.Size             = txtGlycanMz.FontSpec.Size * 0.5f;
                txtGlycanMz.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;

                if (Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.X2 > Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 2].Location.X2)
                    previousX2 = Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.X2;
                    previousX2 = Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 2].Location.X2;

            Pane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 145;
            Pane.XAxis.Scale.Min = Convert.ToInt32(argStructure.Y1.Mass - 100);
            Pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = pplPeak[pplPeak.Count - 1].X + 100;

            //Glycan Structure on the Right Top Header
            GDraw = new GlycansDrawer(argStructure.IUPACString, false);
            Image imgStruc = GDraw.GetImage();

            ZedGraph.ImageObj fullStructure = new ZedGraph.ImageObj(imgStruc, 0.01f, 0.01f, imgStruc.Width, imgStruc.Height);

            fullStructure.IsScaled = false;

            Pane.GraphObjList[Pane.GraphObjList.Count - 1].Location.CoordinateFrame = ZedGraph.CoordType.PaneFraction;