Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the <see cref="Gloss"/> for the last added segment.
        /// This method is intended for use with Collection Initializers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gloss"></param>
        public void Add(Gloss gloss)
            if (_Frozen)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Modifying gloss of a frozen GlossyString.");
            if (LastAdded < 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Modifying gloss of a GlossyString without a valid segment.");

            var last = LastAdded;

            LastAdded = -1;
            if (last == 0)

            var p = Pairs[Pairs.Count - 1];

            if (p.Text.Length == last)
                Pairs[Pairs.Count - 1] = new Pair(p.Text, gloss);
                Pairs[Pairs.Count - 1] = new Pair(p.Text.Substring(0, p.Text.Length - last), p.Gloss);
                Pairs.Add(new Pair(p.Text.Substring(p.Text.Length - last), gloss));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public GlossyString Append(string text, Gloss gloss)
            if (text == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("text");
            if (_Frozen)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Appending to a frozen GlossyString.");

            LastAdded = text.Length;
            if (text.Length > 0)
                if (Pairs.Count > 0 && Pairs[Pairs.Count - 1].Gloss == gloss)
                    Pairs[Pairs.Count - 1] = new Pair(Pairs[Pairs.Count - 1].Text + text, gloss);
                    Pairs.Add(new Pair(text, gloss));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestEqualsNull()
            var gloss = new Gloss {
                Language = Language, Def = Def

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void TestEquals()
            var gloss = new Gloss {
                Language = Language, Def = Def

            Assert.That(gloss.Equals(new Gloss {
                Language = Language, Def = Def
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override IPalasoDataObjectProperty Clone()
            var clone = new LexEtymology(Type, Source);

            clone.Gloss   = (MultiText)Gloss.Clone();
            clone.Comment = (MultiText)Comment.Clone();
            clone.Traits  = new List <LexTrait>(Traits.Select(t => t.Clone()));
            clone.Fields  = new List <LexField>(Fields.Select(f => (LexField)f.Clone()));
            //copies from MultiText
            clone.EmbeddedXmlElements = new List <string>(EmbeddedXmlElements);
            clone.Forms = Forms.Select(f => (LanguageForm)f.Clone()).ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a frozen instance of a single string in a uniform gloss.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text"></param>
 /// <param name="gloss"></param>
 public GlossyString(string text, Gloss gloss)
     if (text == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("text");
     if (text.Length == 0)
         Pairs = new Pair[0];
         Pairs = new Pair[] { new Pair(text, gloss) };
     _Frozen = true;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public bool Equals(LexEtymology other)
     if (ReferenceEquals(null, other))
     if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))
     if (!base.Equals(other))
     if (!Gloss.Equals(other.Gloss))
     if (!Comment.Equals(other.Comment))
     if (!Traits.SequenceEqual(other.Traits))
         return(false);                                                 //order matters because we expose a list interface
     if (!Fields.SequenceEqual(other.Fields))
         return(false);                                                 //order matters because we expose a list interface
     if (!Type.Equals(other.Type))
     if (!Source.Equals(other.Source))
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates the current synset. If idSynset is non-null, related synsets references are set to those from
        /// idSynset; otherwise, related synsets are created as shells.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="definition">Definition line of synset from data file</param>
        /// <param name="idSynset">Lookup for related synsets. If null, all related synsets will be created as shells.</param>
        internal void Instantiate(string definition, Dictionary <string, SynSet> idSynset)
            // don't re-instantiate
            if (Instantiated)
                throw new Exception("Synset has already been instantiated");

            /* get lexicographer file name...the enumeration lines up precisely with the wordnet spec (see the lexnames file) except that
             * it starts with None, so we need to add 1 to the definition line's value to get the correct file name */
            var lexicographerFileNumber = int.Parse(GetField(definition, 1)) + 1;

            if (lexicographerFileNumber <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Invalid lexicographer file name number. Should be >= 1.");

            LexicographerFileName = (LexicographerFileName)lexicographerFileNumber;

            // get number of words in the synset and the start character of the word list
            int wordStart;
            var numWords = int.Parse(GetField(definition, 3, out wordStart), NumberStyles.HexNumber);

            wordStart = definition.IndexOf(' ', wordStart) + 1;

            // get words in synset
            Words = new List <string>(numWords);
            for (var i = 0; i < numWords; ++i)
                var wordEnd = definition.IndexOf(' ', wordStart + 1) - 1;
                var wordLen = wordEnd - wordStart + 1;
                var word    = definition.Substring(wordStart, wordLen);
                if (word.Contains(' '))
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected space in word:  " + word);


                // skip lex_id field
                wordStart = definition.IndexOf(' ', wordEnd + 2) + 1;

            // get gloss
            Gloss = definition.Substring(definition.IndexOf('|') + 1).Trim();
            if (Gloss.Contains('|'))
                throw new Exception("Unexpected pipe in gloss");

            // get number and start of relations
            var relationCountField = 3 + (Words.Count * 2) + 1;
            int relationFieldStart;
            var numRelations = int.Parse(GetField(definition, relationCountField, out relationFieldStart));

            relationFieldStart = definition.IndexOf(' ', relationFieldStart) + 1;

            // grab each related synset
            relationSynSets  = new Dictionary <SynSetRelation, List <SynSet> >();
            lexicalRelations = new Dictionary <SynSetRelation, Dictionary <SynSet, Dictionary <int, List <int> > > >();
            for (var relationNum = 0; relationNum < numRelations; ++relationNum)
                string relationSymbol      = null;
                var    relatedSynSetOffset = -1;
                var    relatedSynSetPOS    = WordNetPos.None;
                var    sourceWordIndex     = -1;
                var    targetWordIndex     = -1;

                // each relation has four columns
                for (var relationField = 0; relationField <= 3; ++relationField)
                    var fieldEnd   = definition.IndexOf(' ', relationFieldStart + 1) - 1;
                    var fieldLen   = fieldEnd - relationFieldStart + 1;
                    var fieldValue = definition.Substring(relationFieldStart, fieldLen);

                    // relation symbol
                    if (relationField == 0)
                        relationSymbol = fieldValue;
                    // related synset offset
                    else if (relationField == 1)
                        relatedSynSetOffset = int.Parse(fieldValue);
                    // related synset POS
                    else if (relationField == 2)
                        relatedSynSetPOS = GetPos(fieldValue);
                    // source/target word for lexical relation
                    else if (relationField == 3)
                        sourceWordIndex = int.Parse(fieldValue.Substring(0, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                        targetWordIndex = int.Parse(fieldValue.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                        throw new Exception();

                    relationFieldStart = definition.IndexOf(' ', relationFieldStart + 1) + 1;

                // get related synset...create shell if we don't have a lookup
                var relatedSynSet = idSynset != null
                    ? idSynset[relatedSynSetPOS + ":" + relatedSynSetOffset]
                    : new SynSet(relatedSynSetPOS, relatedSynSetOffset, wordNet);

                // get relation
                var relation = WordNet.GetSynSetRelation(Pos, relationSymbol);

                // add semantic relation if we have neither a source nor a target word index
                if (sourceWordIndex == 0 && targetWordIndex == 0)
                    relationSynSets.EnsureContainsKey(relation, typeof(List <SynSet>));
                // add lexical relation
                    lexicalRelations.EnsureContainsKey(relation, typeof(Dictionary <SynSet, Dictionary <int, List <int> > >));
                    lexicalRelations[relation].EnsureContainsKey(relatedSynSet, typeof(Dictionary <int, List <int> >));
                    lexicalRelations[relation][relatedSynSet].EnsureContainsKey(sourceWordIndex, typeof(List <int>));

                    if (!lexicalRelations[relation][relatedSynSet][sourceWordIndex].Contains(targetWordIndex))

            Instantiated = true;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public int CompareTo(Localization other)
Exemplo n.º 10
 public Pair(string text, Gloss gloss)
     Text = text; Gloss = gloss;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void HaveIdenticalGlossTest()
            const string def  = "YesGloss";
            const string lang = "YesLang";

            var glossYY = new Gloss {
                Def = def, Language = lang
            var glossYN = new Gloss {
                Def = def, Language = "NoLang"
            var glossNY = new Gloss {
                Def = "NoGloss", Language = lang

            var senseEmpty = new Sense {
                Glosses = new List <Gloss> {
                    new Gloss()
            var senseEmptyGYY = new Sense {
                Glosses = new List <Gloss> {
                    new Gloss(), glossYY
            var senseEmptyGNYGYY = new Sense {
                Glosses = new List <Gloss> {
                    new Gloss(), glossNY, glossYY
            var senseGYNGNY = new Sense {
                Glosses = new List <Gloss> {
                    glossYN, glossNY

            var wordWithOnlyGYY = new Word
                Senses = new List <Sense> {
                    new Sense(), senseEmpty, senseEmptyGYY
            var wordAlsoWithGYY = new Word
                Senses = new List <Sense> {
                    senseGYNGNY, new Sense(), senseEmptyGNYGYY, senseEmpty
            var wordWithoutGYY = new Word
                Senses = new List <Sense> {
                    senseEmpty, senseGYNGNY, new Sense()

            Assert.IsFalse(DuplicateFinder.HaveIdenticalGloss(new Word(), new Word()));
            Assert.IsFalse(DuplicateFinder.HaveIdenticalGloss(new Word(), wordWithOnlyGYY));
            Assert.IsFalse(DuplicateFinder.HaveIdenticalGloss(wordWithoutGYY, new Word()));
            Assert.IsFalse(DuplicateFinder.HaveIdenticalGloss(wordWithOnlyGYY, wordWithoutGYY));

            Assert.IsTrue(DuplicateFinder.HaveIdenticalGloss(wordWithOnlyGYY, wordAlsoWithGYY));
            Assert.IsTrue(DuplicateFinder.HaveIdenticalGloss(wordAlsoWithGYY, wordWithOnlyGYY));