Exemplo n.º 1
    //Throw this object from x starting position to y target
    //This method is a coroutine
    public virtual IEnumerator <float> Throw(Vector2 target, int arcDegrees)
        if (GameManager.activePlay)
            beingThrown = true;
            //Ignore collisions between this object and the thrower for a short amount of time
            holderData.SetCollisionFlag(this, true);

            //Run-time variables
            float zRate = Mathf.Sqrt(9.8f * Vector2.Distance(GetPosition(), target));

            float arcRadians = arcDegrees * Mathf.PI / 180;
            float factor     = Mathf.Sin(arcRadians) / Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI / 4);

            //Set object to be in front or behind player depending on direction thrown
            Vector2 distance = target - (Vector2)GetPosition();
            //Possessed Objects have no "holder", and so the throw object could be called without holder being defined
            myRenderer.sortingOrder = holderData.GetSortingOrder() + (int)(-distance.y / Mathf.Abs(distance.y));

            Debug.Log("factor is " + factor + ". deltaTime is " + Time.deltaTime);
            shadow.addVelocity((zRate + (4.9f * AVERAGE_DELTA_TIME)) * AVERAGE_DELTA_TIME * factor); //Arc is increased by a factor of 1/factor, multiplying distance by 1/factor
            distance = distance * (1f / factor);                                                     //By increasing distance by a multiple of inverse factor, the speed (and so distance) will be multiplied by factor
            //These two together cause distance to be the same; the distance to target, but it makes the speed and arc different
            shadow.PushDist(distance.normalized * distance.magnitude / (shadow.GetRigidbody().drag *(26f / 15)), ForceMode2D.Impulse);

            //Wait for the object to hit the ground again
            while (shadow.GetHeight() != 0 || shadow.GetHeightVelocity() > 0)
                //When object has come to half its distance and started falling back down, continuously change sortingOrder
                if (shadow.GetHeightVelocity() < 0)
                    myRenderer.sortingOrder = (int)(GetPosition().y *GlobalRegistry.SORTING_Y_MULTIPLIER());
                yield return(Timing.WaitForOneFrame);
            //Object has reached target, so make vibration
            Vibration.Vibrator().MakeVibration((int)((zRate) * FALL_VIBRATION_SIZE), (Vector2)GetPosition(), this);

            //Object may have crashed into other objects and hurt them, so empty the damagedList as well

            //Object is no longer attached to thrower, so let it be able to collide with thrower again
            holderData.SetCollisionFlag(this, false);
            beingThrown = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 void Start()
     myRenderer.sortingOrder = (int)((transform.position.y - myRenderer.bounds.extents.y) * GlobalRegistry.SORTING_Y_MULTIPLIER());
     //Populate Polygon Mesh
     //Call GlobalRegistry for rank of this wall
     //It's possible rank 1 has already called getEntries on this wall, so make sure walLRank hasn't been set yet
     if (wallRank == 0)
         wallRank = GlobalRegistry.GetWallRank();
     if (wallRank == 1)
         rankOne = this;