Exemplo n.º 1
        private void OnVisibleWindowTitleChanged(IntPtr topLevelhWnd, IntPtr hWnd, Process process, string title)
            GlobalLog.LogDebug(string.Format("UI Title Changed: {0} {1} '{2}'", process.ProcessName, hWnd, title));

            //Invoke the UIHandlers registered for this UI (If any exist)
            ProcessUIHandlers(topLevelhWnd, hWnd, process, title, UIHandlerNotification.TitleChanged);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Closes the FileHost and delete all files it contains.
        /// </summary>
        public void Close()
            isClosed = true;

            // delete unique directory
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Deleting folder " + uniqueWriteablePath);
                Directory.Delete(uniqueWriteablePath, true);
            catch (IOException ioe)
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Could not delete " + uniqueWriteablePath + ".");
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Exception message: " + ioe.Message);

            // Delete custom uploaded files, if any.
            foreach (object fileToDelete in customUploadedFiles)
                catch (IOException ioe)
                    GlobalLog.LogDebug("Could not delete " + (string)fileToDelete + ".");
                    GlobalLog.LogDebug("Exception message: " + ioe.Message);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares to bitmaps based on tolerance criteria
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='sourceImage'>Master image for comparison.</param>
        /// <param name='targetImage'>Sampled image for comparison.</param>
        /// <param name='differenceImage'>On return, bitmap with differences highlighted
        /// if any were found, null otherwise.</param>
        /// <param name='criteria'>Criteria for image comparison.</param>
        /// <param name='logBitmaps'>Log bitmaps if comparison fails</param>
        /// <returns>true if master and sample are equal, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool AreBitmapsEqualUsingCriteria(Bitmap sourceImage, Bitmap targetImage, out Bitmap differenceImage, ComparisonCriteria criteria, bool logBitmaps)
            ComparisonOperation operation;
            ComparisonResult    result;

            operation             = new ComparisonOperation();
            operation.Criteria    = criteria;
            operation.MasterImage = sourceImage;
            operation.SampleImage = targetImage;
            result          = operation.Execute();
            differenceImage = null;
            if ((result.CriteriaMet == false))
                AreBitmapsEqual(sourceImage, targetImage, out differenceImage);
                if (logBitmaps)
                    GlobalLog.LogStatus("Logging Images: sourceImage targetImage differencesImage:\r\n");
                    LogImageOnDisk(sourceImage, "sourceImage" + _combinationIndex.ToString() + ".png");
                    LogImageOnDisk(targetImage, "targetImage" + _combinationIndex.ToString() + ".png");
                    LogImageOnDisk(differenceImage, "differencesImage" + _combinationIndex.ToString() + ".png");
Exemplo n.º 4
            public override UIHandlerAction HandleWindow(IntPtr topLevelhWnd, IntPtr hwnd, Process process, string title, UIHandlerNotification notification)
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Display Properties (Appearance tab) window found.");
                AutomationElement window = AutomationElement.FromHandle(topLevelhWnd);

                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Finding Color Scheme combo box and selecting '" + resourceString + "'.");
                Condition         cond             = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, "1114");
                AutomationElement colorSchemeCombo = window.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, cond);

                cond = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, resourceString);
                AutomationElement item = colorSchemeCombo.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, cond);

                // Tell the correct combobox item to be selected
                object patternObject;

                item.TryGetCurrentPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern, out patternObject);
                SelectionItemPattern selectionItemPattern = patternObject as SelectionItemPattern;


                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Finding and clicking the OK Button");
                cond = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, "1");
                AutomationElement okBtn = window.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, cond);

                okBtn.TryGetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern, out patternObject);
                InvokePattern invokePattern = patternObject as InvokePattern;


                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Waiting for appearance to be applied...");

Exemplo n.º 5
        public TestExtenderOutput Generate(int rootIndex)
            TestExtenderOutput txro = new TestExtenderOutput();

            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            if (rootIndex >= this.Generators.Count || rootIndex < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("rootIndex");

            IVariationGenerator vg = this.RootGenerators[rootIndex];

            foreach (VariationItem item in vg.Generate())
                item.IsRoot = true;

            GlobalLog.LogDebug("Generation Time " + rootIndex.ToString() + " : " + timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Calls handlers of RenderedEvent.
 /// </summary>
 private void _FireRenderedEvent(object element)
     // Call event handlers.
     if (RenderedEvent != null)
         GlobalLog.LogDebug("Firing Rendered event...");
         RenderedEvent(element, EventArgs.Empty);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies a file to an arbitrary path.  File will not be cleaned up.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">File to copy</param>
        /// <param name="copyToUrl">Path to server to copy to</param>
        public void UploadFileNonDefaultServer(string filename, string copyToUrl)

            string destination = copyToUrl + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(filename);

            GlobalLog.LogDebug("Copying " + filename + " to " + destination);
            File.Copy(filename, destination, true);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploads a file to the local directory (existing files will be overwritten)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">path to the file to upload</param>
        public void UploadFileLocal(string filename)

            // construct path to destination
            string destination = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileName(filename);

            // copy file
            GlobalLog.LogDebug("Copying " + filename + " to " + destination);
            File.Copy(filename, destination, true);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploads a file to the FileHost (existing files will be overwritten)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">path to the file to upload</param>
        /// <param name="path">directory path to upload to</param>
        public void UploadFile(string filename, string path)
            string directorySeparatorStr = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString();

            if (path == null)
                path = string.Empty;

            if (path != string.Empty && !path.EndsWith(directorySeparatorStr))
                path += directorySeparatorStr;


            string origFileName = filename;

            // construct path to destination
            string destination = uniqueWriteablePath + path + Path.GetFileName(filename);

            // we should really use Path.Combine, but I didn't do it yet, b/c this method uses backslashes for directory
            // separators quite a bit
            // string destination = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(uniqueWriteablePath + path), Path.GetFileName(filename);

            // Trim the path if it's being copied from a binplace directory.
            // Might need to fix this later if anyone actually needs a path like this on a server (seriously doubt it)
            if (filename.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith(@"bin" + directorySeparatorStr + "release" + directorySeparatorStr))
                filename = filename.Remove(0, 12);

            if (PreserveDirectoryStructure)
                // "path" overrides "filename"
                if (path != string.Empty)
                else if (filename.LastIndexOf(directorySeparatorStr) > 0)
                    destination = uniqueWriteablePath + filename;

            // copy file
            if (!alreadyUploadedFiles.Contains(filename))
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Copying " + filename + " to " + destination);
            File.Copy(origFileName, destination, true);
Exemplo n.º 10
 private void CreateDirectory(string directoryPath)
     if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
         GlobalLog.LogDebug("Storing files at " + directoryPath);
         GlobalLog.LogDebug("Path " + directoryPath + " already exists.");
Exemplo n.º 11
        //Evaluate the rules for a UIHandlers that care about this UI
        private void ProcessUIHandlers(IntPtr topLevelhWnd, IntPtr hWnd, Process process, string title, UIHandlerNotification notification)
            foreach (UIHandlerRule rule in handlerRules)
                string procName;
                    procName = process.ProcessName;
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    // The process has exited so we do not need to process any more handlers
                    GlobalLog.LogDebug("Tried to evaluate UI \"" + title + "\" but process had already exited.");

                if (rule.Evaluate(title, procName, notification, hWnd))
                    rule.HasBeenInvoked = true;
                    UIHandlerAction action = UIHandlerAction.Abort;
                    if (Debugger.IsAttached)
                        // If a debugger is attached then don't try catch since it makes debugging inconvenient
                        action = rule.Handler.HandleWindow(topLevelhWnd, hWnd, process, title, notification);
                        // We can't trust the UIHandler to not throw an unhandled exception (crashes the app since the callback in on another thread)
                            action = rule.Handler.HandleWindow(topLevelhWnd, hWnd, process, title, notification);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // If an exception occurs log the exception and return abort
                    //If the action was handled then stop processing rules
                    if (action == UIHandlerAction.Handled)
                    //If the action was aborted then set the abort signal and stop processing rules
                    else if (action == UIHandlerAction.Abort)
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// For all processes running on the system, show the process name
        /// and the name of the file that was used to create the process
        /// </summary>
        private void LogProcessesInfo()
            ProcessSW[]   processes = ProcessSW.GetProcesses();
            StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < processes.Length; i++)
                ProcessSW process = processes[i];
                sb.Append(" ");
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes all files hosted by the FileHost
        /// </summary>
        public void Clear()

            string [] files = Directory.GetFiles(uniqueWriteablePath);

            foreach (string file in files)
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Deleting file " + file + " from " + uniqueWriteablePath + ".");
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a sandboxed instance of a type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="AssemblyName">The assembly where the type lives</param>
 /// <param name="TypeName">The name of the type to construct</param>
 /// <returns>An ObjectHandle of the constructed type</returns>
 internal ObjectHandle CreateInstance(string AssemblyName, string TypeName)
         ObjectHandle oh = sandbox.CreateInstance(AssemblyName, TypeName, false, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, new object[] { }, null, null, null);
     catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Uploads a file and its dependencies to the FileHost (existing files will be overritten)
        /// This methods supports .xps, .application, and .xaml files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">path to the file to upload</param>
        /// <param name="isLocal">Whether files should be copied over the local directory or remote</param>
        public void UploadFileWithDependencies(string filename, bool isLocal)

            string fileType = Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLowerInvariant();

            switch (fileType)
            case ".xps":
                UploadFile(filename, isLocal);

            case ApplicationDeploymentHelper.BROWSER_APPLICATION_EXTENSION:
            case ApplicationDeploymentHelper.STANDALONE_APPLICATION_EXTENSION:
                ArrayList deployDependencies = GetDeployDependencies(filename);

                foreach (string file in deployDependencies)
                    UploadFile(file, isLocal);


            case ".xaml":
                ArrayList xamlDependencies = GetXamlDependencies(filename);

                foreach (string file in xamlDependencies)
                    UploadFile(file, isLocal);


                // don't know how to handle this file
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Unknown file type, passing to UploadFile().");
                UploadFile(filename, isLocal);
Exemplo n.º 16
 private void OnProcessExited(Process process)
     foreach (Process proc in activeProcessesToWaitFor)
         if (proc.Id == process.Id)
             if (activeProcessesToWaitFor.Count == 0)
                 GlobalLog.LogDebug("The process " + proc.Id + " has exited and no more processes with application lifetime are found. Aborting monitoring.");
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void KillProcesses()
     lock (ProcessesToMonitor) {
         foreach (Process process in ProcessesToMonitor)
             if (process.HasExited)
             if (process.CloseMainWindow())
                 GlobalLog.LogDebug("Closing Main window of process " + process.Id + ": " + GetProcessName(process));
                 if (!process.WaitForExit(5000))
                     try {
                         GlobalLog.LogDebug("Killing process " + process.Id + ": " + GetProcessName(process));
                     catch (InvalidOperationException) {
                         //The process has already exited
                     catch (Win32Exception) {
                         //The process has already exited or access is denied (this is probobly a whidbey
                 try {
                     GlobalLog.LogDebug("Killing process " + process.Id + ": " + GetProcessName(process));
                 catch (InvalidOperationException) {
                     //The process has already exited
                 catch (Win32Exception) {
                     //The process has already exited or access is denied (this is probobly a whidbey
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Compare an exception string to the expected string using regular expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actual">String that you would like to compare to.</param>
        /// <param name="expected">Expected string from exception string table.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool CompareMessage(string actual, string expected)
            // Pattern to find all special characters in a string.
            string specialPattern = @"[\^$|?*+()]";

            // Pattern to match arguments in string comparison
            string argumentPattern = ".*";

            // Need to escape metacharacters (specialChars) in string to ensure literal meaning.
            Regex           escapeExpression = new Regex(specialPattern);
            MatchCollection escapeMatches    = escapeExpression.Matches(expected);

            foreach (Match escapeMatch in escapeMatches)
                expected = expected.Replace(escapeMatch.Value, string.Format(@"\{0}", escapeMatch.Value));

            // Need to find and replace string arguments ({0},{1},etc...) in string from resource with
            // argument pattern to match any argument that gets passed into the string.
            Regex           argumentExpression = new Regex(@"{\d*}");
            MatchCollection argumentMatches    = argumentExpression.Matches(expected);

            foreach (Match match in argumentMatches)
                expected = expected.Replace(match.Value, argumentPattern);

            // Create regex expression from modified string from resource and compare it to actual string.
            Regex newExpression = new Regex(expected);

            //This code previously had an issue leading to false failures.
            //The exception string for a XamlParseException contains line/character information after the exception string, but the comparison below
            //was doing a length comparison between the two strings on top of the regex comparison.  This clearly could never match for exceptions
            //containing line/character information.  Just regex-comparing the strings themselves is sufficient and will actually work properly in all cases.
            if (newExpression.IsMatch(actual))
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Expected pattern: " + expected);
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Actual string: " + actual);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public TestExtenderOutput Generate()
            TestExtenderOutput txro = new TestExtenderOutput();

            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            for (int i = 0; i < RootGenerators.Length; i++)
                TestExtenderOutput.MergeTEO(txro, Generate(i));

            GlobalLog.LogDebug("Generation Total Time: " + timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>Creates a bitmap with the image a user sees for a window.</summary>
 /// <param name="windowHandle">Handle to the window.</param>
 /// <returns>The created bitmap.</returns>
 public static Bitmap CreateBitmapFromWindowHandle(IntPtr windowHandle)
     new SecurityPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert();
     Microsoft.Test.Win32.NativeStructs.RECT r = new Microsoft.Test.Win32.NativeStructs.RECT(0, 0, 0, 0);
     //Win32.GetClientRect(windowHandle, ref r);
     NativeMethods.GetClientRect(new HandleRef(new object(), windowHandle), ref r);
     if (r.Width == 0)
         GlobalLog.LogDebug("Unable to retrieve client rectangle for window.");
         GlobalLog.LogDebug("The whole window will be used instead.");
         //Win32.GetWindowRect(windowHandle, ref r);
         NativeMethods.GetWindowRect(new HandleRef(new object(), windowHandle), ref r);
         if (r.Width == 0)
             throw new Exception("The window refuses to provide width.");
     return(CreateBitmapFromWindowHandle(windowHandle, r));
Exemplo n.º 21
            public override UIHandlerAction HandleWindow(IntPtr topLevelhWnd, IntPtr hwnd, Process process, string title, UIHandlerNotification notification)
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Display Configuration window found.");
                AutomationElement window = AutomationElement.FromHandle(topLevelhWnd);

                // get a reference the address bar
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Finding and clicking the OK Button");
                Condition         cond  = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, "1");
                AutomationElement okBtn = window.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, cond);
                object            patternObject;

                okBtn.TryGetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern, out patternObject);
                InvokePattern invokePattern = patternObject as InvokePattern;


                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Waiting for theme to be applied...");

Exemplo n.º 22
        public void IgnoreRunningProcesses()
            lock (ProcessesToIgnore) {
                foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcesses())
                    if (!ProcessesToIgnore.Contains(process.Id))
                        string procName;
                            procName = process.ProcessName;
                        catch (InvalidOperationException)
                            //the process has exited
                        catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception)
                            //strange whidbey

                        //If this process is on that we want to monitor for UI then don't ignore it
                        foreach (string processNameToFind in ProcessesToFind)
                            if (procName.ToLowerInvariant() == processNameToFind.ToLowerInvariant())
                                GlobalLog.LogDebug(string.Format("Ignoring {0} : {1}", procName, process.Id));

Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// looks for a pattern on a given text, calling a method that can process a pattern and return a string to replace that ocurrence
        /// or null to just look for it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalText"></param>
        /// <param name="pattern"></param>
        /// <param name="matchProcessor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string ProcessMatches(string originalText, string pattern, MatchProcessor matchProcessor)
            string text = originalText;
            Regex  r    = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);
            Match  m;
            int    offset = 0;

            for (m = r.Match(text); m.Success; m = m.NextMatch())
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("found=" + m.Groups[1] + " at " + m.Groups[1].Index);
                if (matchProcessor != null)
                    Group  current     = m.Groups[1];
                    string replacement = matchProcessor(current.Value);
                    if (replacement != null)
                        text    = Replace(text, replacement, current.Index + offset, current.Length);
                        offset += (replacement.Length - current.Value.Length);
Exemplo n.º 24
        // Used in XamlTest
        internal static NavigationWindow CreateNavigationWindow(string filename, string callingAssembly, LoadCompletedEventHandler handler)
            NavigationWindow navigationWindow;

            if (BrowserInteropHelper.IsBrowserHosted)
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Browser hosted");
                navigationWindow = (NavigationWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow;
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("not Browser hosted");
                GlobalLog.LogEvidence("Creating a NavigationWindow");
                NavigationWindow navwinsw = new NavigationWindow();
                navigationWindow = navwinsw;

            if (handler != null)
                navigationWindow.LoadCompleted += handler;
            string strUri = "pack://application:,,,/" + callingAssembly + ";component/" + filename;

            GlobalLog.LogEvidence("Navigating to " + strUri);
            navigationWindow.Navigate(new Uri(strUri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

            if (!BrowserInteropHelper.IsBrowserHosted)
                GlobalLog.LogEvidence("Showing the Window");

            DispatcherHelper.DoEvents(0, DispatcherPriority.Input);

Exemplo n.º 25
        public override UIHandlerAction HandleWindow(IntPtr topLevelhWnd, IntPtr hwnd, System.Diagnostics.Process process, string title, UIHandlerNotification notification)
            // Sleep for a bit.  Takes a bit longer for window to be ready in Longhorn.

            // Get a reference to the IE window...
            GlobalLog.LogDebug("Finding IE window");
            AutomationElement ieWindow = AutomationElement.FromHandle(topLevelhWnd);

            if (ApplicationDeploymentHelper.GetIEVersion() >= 8)
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("IE8+ present, using IWebBrowser2 Navigate() for reliability");
                // Other approaches are fine until they meet LCIE.
                // IF this proves to be 100% reliable, this could be the only implementation.
                IENavigationHelper.NavigateInternetExplorer(uriToNavigate.ToString(), process.MainWindowHandle);
                NavigateIEWindow(ieWindow, uriToNavigate);

Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the Activation step
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>returns true if the rest of the steps should be executed, otherwise, false</returns>
        protected override bool BeginStep()
            //Create ApplicationMonitor
            appMonitor = new ApplicationMonitor();

            // If defined, set a value in property bag.  Used for communication test variations to target app
            if (PropertyBagValue != "")
                // Update this code to allow > 1 prop bag values being set at once
                string[] values = PropertyBagValue.Trim().Split('=');
                if (values.Length == 2)
                    DictionaryStore.Current[values[0].Trim()] = values[1].Trim();
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Values must be a single 'foo=bar' format");

            if (hostingPolicyResetter != null)

            if (StrictHostingMode)
                hostingPolicyResetter = HostingRuntimePolicyHelper.SetHostingRuntimePolicyValues(
                    doNotLaunchV3AppInV4Runtime: true);
                hostingPolicyResetter = HostingRuntimePolicyHelper.SetHostingRuntimePolicyValues(
                    doNotLaunchV3AppInV4Runtime: false);

            // upload files to FileHost is specified and scheme is not local
            if (Scheme != ActivationScheme.Local)
                if (SupportFiles.Length > 0)
                    // Create host to copy files to...
                    fileHost = new FileHost(UserDefinedDirectory, (Scheme == ActivationScheme.HttpInternetExternal));
                    // Upload each file
                    foreach (SupportFile suppFile in SupportFiles)
                        // Whether to copy foo\bar\baz.xbap to the foo\bar created on the remote machine or just flattened
                        fileHost.PreserveDirectoryStructure = suppFile.PreserveDirectoryStructure;

                        if (suppFile.IncludeDependencies && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(suppFile.TargetDirectory))
                            GlobalLog.LogEvidence("TargetDirectory with IncludeDependencies not yet implemented");
                            throw new NotImplementedException("TargetDirectory with IncludeDependencies not yet supported");
                        if (suppFile.CustomTestScratchServerPath == null)
                            if (suppFile.IncludeDependencies)
                                fileHost.UploadFile(suppFile.Name, suppFile.TargetDirectory);
                            fileHost.UploadFileNonDefaultServer(suppFile.Name, suppFile.CustomTestScratchServerPath);

                // If no support files are listed, check the parent steps to see if one is a FileHostStep.
                // If this is the case, no need to upload the files as the FileHostStep has already.
                // Don't set throttle rate; this should be set in the markup for the parent's filehost.
                    LoaderStep parent = this.ParentStep;

                    while (parent != null)
                        if (parent.GetType() == typeof(Microsoft.Test.Loaders.Steps.FileHostStep))
                            this.fileHost = ((FileHostStep)parent).fileHost;
                        // Failed to find it in the immediate parent: try til we hit null or the right one
                        parent = parent.ParentStep;

            // register UIHandlers
            foreach (UIHandler handler in UIHandlers)
                if (handler.NamedRegistration != null)
                    appMonitor.RegisterUIHandler(handler, handler.NamedRegistration, handler.Notification);
                    appMonitor.RegisterUIHandler(handler, handler.ProcessName, handler.WindowTitle, handler.Notification);

            string param = "";

            if (FileName.StartsWith("&") && FileName.EndsWith("&"))
                param = DictionaryStore.Current[FileName.Substring(1, FileName.Length - 2)];
                if (param == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(FileName + " is not defined in the property bag; cannot be used to launch app");
                // Allows for launching things in %program files%, which is localized.
                param = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(FileName);

            if (Scheme != ActivationScheme.Local)
                FileHostUriScheme hostScheme = FileHostUriScheme.Unc;
                if (Scheme != ActivationScheme.HttpInternetExternal)
                    hostScheme = (FileHostUriScheme)Enum.Parse(typeof(FileHostUriScheme), Scheme.ToString());
                param = fileHost.GetUri(FileName, hostScheme).ToString();

            // Clear the fusion cache by default.  Can be disabled for custom ClickOnce scenarios
            if (ClearFusionCache)

            // Clear IE History but only if specified (defaults to false).  Only matters for history-based navigation
            if (ClearIEHistory)

            // Launch the appropriate handler...
            switch (Method)
            case ActivationMethod.Launch:
                // This only works for local paths for security reasons.
                if (PresentationHostDebugMode)
                    param = Path.GetFullPath(param);
                    // Workaround ... for some reason on XP64 there's no guarantee that it will actually find PresHost
                    // Even though it verily is in the SysWOW64 directory.  Solution... find the right one before we try
                    string presHostPath = "presentationhost.exe";
                    if ((Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major == 5))
                        presHostPath = (Directory.GetFiles(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot"), "PresentationHost.exe", SearchOption.AllDirectories))[0];
                    appMonitor.StartProcess(presHostPath, " -debug \"" + param + "\"");
                    // Launch process with specified arguments.  If shell: specified, then start that way.
                    // If the arguments are for the URL, directly concatenate them.
                    if ((Arguments.Length > 6) && (Arguments.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("shell:")))
                        appMonitor.StartProcess(param, Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(Arguments.Substring(6)));
                    else if ((Arguments.Length > 11) && (Arguments.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith("currentdir:")))
                        appMonitor.StartProcess(param, Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Arguments.Substring(11)));
                        appMonitor.StartProcess(param + Arguments);

            case ActivationMethod.Navigate:
                // If local we need to fully qualify the path
                if (Scheme == ActivationScheme.Local)
                    param = Path.GetFullPath(param);

                // Fail to IE, since it has far more tests.
                string defaultBrowserExecutable = "iexplore.exe";

                    defaultBrowserExecutable = Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet", null, "iexplore.exe").ToString();
                catch (Exception)
                        defaultBrowserExecutable = Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Clients\StartMenuInternet", null, "iexplore.exe").ToString();
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Do nothing, some machines have been seen in weird states where this is undefined.  Log it anyways.
                        GlobalLog.LogDebug("Unable to get StartMenuInternet key, FireFox or other non-standard browser tests may be affected.  Contact Microsoft if this is the case");
                // Handle the case where this value exists but isnt set to anything usable.  IE is far more common so fall back to it.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultBrowserExecutable))
                    defaultBrowserExecutable = "iexplore.exe";

                // start the default browser... currently just FF or IE.
                if (defaultBrowserExecutable.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("iexplore"))
                    // Create & register IE navigation handler
                    // IE can be strange: About:NavigateIE sometimes gets a cancelled navigation
                    // Workaround:  Be less sensitive about the window title we trigger on.
                    appMonitor.RegisterUIHandler(new NavigateIE(param + Arguments), "iexplore", "RegExp:(Internet Explorer)", UIHandlerNotification.All);
                    appMonitor.StartProcess("iexplore.exe", "about:NavigateIE");
                else if (defaultBrowserExecutable.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("firefox"))
                    if (Scheme == ActivationScheme.Unc)
                        param = param.Replace("file:", "").Replace("/", @"\");
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Don't know how to navigate an instance of \"" + defaultBrowserExecutable + "\" browser!!! Contact Microsoft with this message.");


            // GOTO used here for fallthrough since there's only 2 lines difference.
            case ActivationMethod.EHome:
                goto case ActivationMethod.EHomeFullScreen;

            case ActivationMethod.EHomeFullScreen:
                // If local we need to fully qualify the path
                if (Scheme == ActivationScheme.Local)
                    param = Path.GetFullPath(param);

                // Get a reference to the path for the ehome exe...
                string eHomePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot") + "\\ehome\\ehshell.exe";

                // Fail hard if EHome isnt present on the system.
                // Need to mark testcases accurately in test DB to avoid this.
                if (!File.Exists(eHomePath))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("\"Ehome\" or \"EHomeFullScreen\" method selected but case was run on non-Media-Center-enabled SKU! \n Contact Microsoft for more info on this issue.");

                // Construct args with path to content to launch (MUST be a Uri)
                string eHomeArgs = "/url:\"" + param + "\"";

                // Tack on the argument for full screen if requested
                if (Method == ActivationMethod.EHomeFullScreen)
                    eHomeArgs += " /directmedia:general";

                // Start MCE...
                appMonitor.StartProcess(eHomePath, eHomeArgs);

            // Store the activation path into the property bag.  This way apps or child steps can directly figure out the deployment URI
            DictionaryStore.Current["ActivationStepUri"] = param;

Exemplo n.º 27
        public override UIHandlerAction HandleWindow(IntPtr topLevelhWnd, IntPtr hwnd, System.Diagnostics.Process process, string title, UIHandlerNotification notification)
            //Sleep a second to make sure that the dialog is ready

            //Make sure that the Security Dialog has focus
            GlobalLog.LogDebug("Switching to TrustManager dialog");
            AutomationElement trustManagerWindow;

                trustManagerWindow = AutomationElement.FromHandle(topLevelhWnd);

                if (SystemInformation.Current.IsWow64Process)
                    GlobalLog.LogDebug("Running in a WOW64 process... UI automation unavailable.  Using interop to dismiss dialog...");
                    //Make sure that the Security Dialog has focus
                    SwitchToThisWindow(topLevelhWnd, false);

                    // Switch from "Cancel" to "Install"...
                    MTI.Input.SendKeyboardInput(Key.LeftShift, true);
                    MTI.Input.SendKeyboardInput(Key.Tab, true);
                    MTI.Input.SendKeyboardInput(Key.Tab, false);
                    MTI.Input.SendKeyboardInput(Key.LeftShift, false);
                    // ... And hit enter
                    MTI.Input.SendKeyboardInput(Key.Enter, true);
                    MTI.Input.SendKeyboardInput(Key.Enter, false);
                    //get the localized text of the run button
                    ResourceManager resMan     = new ResourceManager("System.Windows.Forms", typeof(System.Windows.Forms.Form).Assembly);
                    string          runBtnName = resMan.GetString("TrustManagerPromptUI_Run").Replace("&", "");

                    //try to click the run button with two identities then error out
                    if (tryInvokeByAutomationId(trustManagerWindow, "btnInstall") != true)
                        if (tryInvokeByName(trustManagerWindow, "Run Anyway") != true)
                            GlobalLog.LogEvidence("Failed to click any of the expected buttons on the Trust Dialog.  Aborting...");

                if (DictionaryStore.Current["HandledTrustManagerDialog"] == null)
                    DictionaryStore.Current["HandledTrustManagerDialog"] = "once";
                // If we're handling a WOW .application, there is an expected second trust prompt.
                // This will not be fixed until the Whidbey SP1, which is expected post Vista shipping...
                // The workaround is simply to pretend we only saw the dialog once if it's WOW64.
                // The 2nd prompt will have the same process name as the app, NOT dfsvc... so use this to trigger.
                    if (process.ProcessName == "dfsvc")
                        DictionaryStore.Current["HandledTrustManagerDialog"] = "multiple";
                        GlobalLog.LogEvidence("Ignoring second trust dialog as it appears to be a WOW64 application... contact Microsoft if this is not the case");

            // This happens when the dialog is already being dismissed for other reasons.
            catch (System.Windows.Automation.ElementNotAvailableException)
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new File Host for remote testing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userDirectory">Custom-named directory to store files</param>
        /// <param name="useExternalServer"></param>
        public FileHost(string userDirectory, bool useExternalServer)
            customUploadedFiles = new ArrayList();

            GlobalLog.LogDebug("Checking server for old / abandoned test directories... ");
            // Get any directory name that starts with the same three chars as the current time (in Ticks)
            // At this level, these #'s only change once every 11 years or so.
            string[] testScratchDirs;

                testScratchDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(GetServerName() + @"\", DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString().Substring(0, 3) + "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
            catch (System.IO.IOException)
                GlobalLog.LogEvidence("!!!! Error hit while attempting to instantiate FileHost.  Erroring out.  !!!!");
                throw new Exception("Error! The user account running this automation does not have access to the path " + GetServerName() +
                                    "\nPlease load up an explorer window and verify read/write access to the path " + GetServerName() +
                                    "\nFailing that, contact Microsoft for assistance in debugging this issue.");

            // Delete up to three directories.  Three is an arbitrary amount but it prevents this stage from taking more than a couple seconds of time.
            // Will also always cause testcases running to delete more than they can create, which will keep the scratch dir scrubbed.
            for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(testScratchDirs.Length, 3); i++)
                long dirTime = -1;
                if ((long.TryParse(testScratchDirs[i].Replace(GetServerName() + @"\", "").Substring(0, 18), out dirTime)) && dirTime != 0)
                    // 900000000000 = 25 hours in Ticks (Millionths of a second)
                    // At least 24 hours is needed for machines of different regional time zones executing
                    // tests at the same time, since Ticks seems to be locale dependent.
                    if ((DateTime.Now.Ticks - dirTime) > 900000000000)
                        GlobalLog.LogDebug("*** Removing > 2 hour old autogenerated directory " + testScratchDirs[i].Trim() + " from external testscratch server");
                            Directory.Delete(testScratchDirs[i], true);
                            // Do nothing, this can happen occasionally when many testcases start at the exact same time.
                            // Worst case scenario is that the file just doesnt get deleted... this will succeed at some later date.

            // set uniqueWriteablePath
            if (userDirectory != null)
                myDirectoryName = userDirectory;
                myDirectoryName = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();

            uniqueWriteablePath = GetServerName() + @"\" + myDirectoryName + @"\";

            // set uniqueReadOnlyPath.  Long ago this was actually different from writeable path, and could change back again some day...
            uniqueReadOnlyPath = uniqueWriteablePath;

            // create directory
            GlobalLog.LogDebug("Creating directory " + uniqueWriteablePath);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public static void NavigateIEWindow(AutomationElement ieWindow, Uri UriToNavigate)
            // Get a reference the address bar...
            GlobalLog.LogDebug("Finding the IE address bar");

            AndCondition isAddrBar = new AndCondition(new PropertyCondition(ValuePattern.ValueProperty, "about:NavigateIE"),
                                                      new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Edit));
            AutomationElement addressBar = null;

                addressBar = ieWindow.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, isAddrBar);
            catch // Any exception type... can be one of several
            // Retry this a few times in a loop before we go the "old" route.
                for (int countdown = 15; countdown > 0; countdown--)
                        addressBar = ieWindow.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, isAddrBar);
                    catch { } // Still failing :(

                    // Success!
                    if (addressBar != null)

            // Type the URI and press return
            GlobalLog.LogDebug("Typing " + UriToNavigate.ToString() + " into the address bar");

            if (addressBar != null)
                // Don't focus the element because some OS'es will throw an InvalidOperationException
                // and this is unnecessary for ValuePattern.
                ValuePattern vp = addressBar.GetCurrentPattern(ValuePattern.Pattern) as ValuePattern;
                if (vp == null)
                    throw new System.Exception("Couldn't get the valuePattern for the IE address bar! Please contact Microsoft to fix this.");
                GlobalLog.LogEvidence("Could not set focus to address bar.  Attempting to continue...");
                //Sleep a few seconds to make sure that the address bar has focus
                // This section should only work as a backup, since this is unreliable in Japanese (possibly other) languages.
                // But if we fail to get the address bar or its valuepattern, it's better to try to continue.
                MTI.Input.SendUnicodeString(UriToNavigate.ToString(), 1, 15);

            // Wait a second then send a 2nd Enter to the address bar if we're Japanese, as IME is on by default and requires this.
            // If this UIHandler fails for other languages, add their LCID's to the if statement.

            int tryCount = 10;


            AndCondition didNavigate = new AndCondition(new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Text),
                                                        new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "NavigateIE"));
            AutomationElement navigationSuccessElement = null;

                // Can't trust setfocus to work, so instead click on the address bar...
                    // Do nothing... we'll try again in a little bit hoping this has fixed itself.
                // Should disable IME.  For most OS'es this is a no-op.  For east asian, this will preclude the need to hit enter twice
                // (this is unreliable to do by culture)
                // This is broken by DD bugs 201197 - Invariant Assert in TextServicesLoader.Load() when setting IME State
                // If IME is enabled and it matters, we're out of luck since this Asserts.
                // Renable (InputMethod.Current.ImeState = InputMethodState.Off) if this is ever fixed

                MTI.Input.SendKeyboardInput(Key.Enter, true);
                MTI.Input.SendKeyboardInput(Key.Enter, false);

                    navigationSuccessElement = ieWindow.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, didNavigate);
                catch // Any exception type... can be one of several
                    // Do nothing.  Sometimes this happens when this handler is running while IE is shutting down.
            // Don't loop this in Vista... we'll take our chances.
            // LUA causes this to fail since some navigations launch new IE windows.
            while ((navigationSuccessElement != null) && tryCount > 0 && Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major != 6 &&
Exemplo n.º 30
            public override UIHandlerAction HandleWindow(IntPtr topLevelhWnd, IntPtr hwnd, Process process, string title, UIHandlerNotification notification)
                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Appearance settings window found.");
                AutomationElement window = AutomationElement.FromHandle(topLevelhWnd);

                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Finding Color Scheme combo box and selecting correct value.");
                Condition         cond = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, "1114");
                AutomationElement colorSchemeComboBox = window.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, cond);

                // This gets us to the vertical scroll bar
                AutomationElement item = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker.GetFirstChild(colorSchemeComboBox);

                // This gets us to the first item in the list
                item = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker.GetNextSibling(item);

                // On systems which support DWM composition, the first item will be either
                // "Windows Vista Aero" or "Windows Vista Standard" (depending on the SKU).
                // The second item will be "Windows Vista Basic".
                // "Windows Vista Aero" features both DWM composition and glass.
                // "Windows Vista Standard" features DWM composition but no glass.
                // "Windows Vista Basic" does not feature DWM composition or glass.
                // No machine will ever support both Aero and Standard. All machines support Basic.

                // If this machine supports composition, but we want to turn it off,
                // we need to move to the second item in the list, "Windows Vista Basic".
                // Otherwise, we select the first item, either because composition is supported
                // and we want it enabled, or it is not supported.
                if (IsDwmCompositionSupported && newAppearance == DesktopAppearance.AeroWithoutComposition)
                    item = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker.GetNextSibling(item);

                object patternObject;

                item.TryGetCurrentPattern(SelectionItemPattern.Pattern, out patternObject);
                SelectionItemPattern selectionItemPattern = patternObject as SelectionItemPattern;


                // HACK: On recent builds of Vista, UI Automation does not seem to properly
                // notify the dialog that the selection has changed. This message is normally
                // sent by the combo box to the dialog.
                IntPtr wParam = MakeWParam(1114, CBN_SELCHANGE);

                SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, wParam, new IntPtr((int)colorSchemeComboBox.GetCurrentPropertyValue(AutomationElement.NativeWindowHandleProperty)));

                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Finding and clicking the OK Button");
                cond = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty, "1");
                AutomationElement okBtn = window.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, cond);

                okBtn.TryGetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern, out patternObject);
                InvokePattern invokePattern = patternObject as InvokePattern;


                GlobalLog.LogDebug("Waiting for appearance to be applied...");
