Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static async Task Update()

            await Task.Run(() =>
                    Logger.Info("Checking for a new version of CoolFish");
                    var latestInfo = GithubAPI.GetLatestVersionId();
                    if (latestInfo.HasValue)
                        Logger.Info("A new version of CoolFish was found. Downloading the latest version.");
                        MessageBox.Show("A new version of CoolFish was found. We will now update to the latest version", "Update Required",

                        Logger.Info("Download Complete.");
                        MessageBox.Show("The download has completed. Please extract the zip file in the CoolFish directory. This application will now close.");
                        Logger.Info("No new versions available.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Warn("Exception thrown while trying to check for a new version", ex);
Exemplo n.º 2
 internal static async Task Update()
     await Task.Run(() =>
             Logger.Info("Checking for a new version of CoolFish");
             Tuple <int, string> latestInfo = GithubAPI.GetLatestVersionInfo();
             if (latestInfo != null)
                 Logger.Info("A new version of CoolFish was found. Downloading the latest version.");
                 MessageBox.Show("A new version of CoolFish was found. We will now update to the latest version", "Update Required",
                 GithubAPI.DownloadAsset(latestInfo.Item1, latestInfo.Item2);
                 Logger.Info("No new versions available.");
         catch (Exception ex)
             Logger.Warn("Exception thrown while trying to check for a new version", ex);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Release()
            GithubRelease ckan = GithubAPI.GetLatestRelease("KSP-CKAN/Test", false);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void DeployFromImage(string cloneName,
                                           string deploymentName = null,
                                           string branchName     = null,
                                           string imagePath      = null,
                                           string destPath       = null)
            string repoBranch    = branchName != null ? branchName : PyRevitLabsConsts.TragetBranch;
            string imageSource   = imagePath != null ? imagePath : GithubAPI.GetBranchArchiveUrl(PyRevitLabsConsts.OriginalRepoId, repoBranch);
            string imageFilePath = null;

            // verify image is zip
            if (!imageSource.ToLower().EndsWith(GithubAPI.ArchiveFileExtension))
                throw new PyRevitException("Clone source must be a ZIP image.");

            logger.Debug("Image file is \"{0}\"", imageSource);

            // determine destination path if not provided
            if (destPath is null)
                destPath = Path.Combine(PyRevitLabsConsts.PyRevitPath, PyRevitConsts.DefaultCopyInstallName);

            // check existing destination path
            if (CommonUtils.VerifyPath(destPath))
                destPath = destPath.NormalizeAsPath();
                logger.Debug("Destination path already exists {0}", destPath);
                destPath = Path.Combine(destPath, cloneName);
                logger.Debug("Using subpath {0}", destPath);
                if (CommonUtils.VerifyPath(destPath))
                    throw new PyRevitException(string.Format("Destination path already exists \"{0}\"", destPath));

            logger.Debug("Destination path determined as \"{0}\"", destPath);

            // process source
            // decide to download if source is a url
            if (imageSource.IsValidHttpUrl())
                try {
                    var pkgDest = Path.Combine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP"), Path.GetFileName(imageSource));
                    logger.Info("Downloading package \"{0}\"", imageSource);
                    logger.Debug("Downloading package \"{0}\" to \"{1}\"", imageSource, pkgDest);
                    imageFilePath =
                        CommonUtils.DownloadFile(imageSource, pkgDest, progressToken: Path.GetFileName(imageSource));
                    logger.Debug("Downloaded to \"{0}\"", imageFilePath);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new PyRevitException(
                              string.Format("Error downloading repo image file \"{0}\" | {1}", imageSource, ex.Message)
            // otherwise check if the source is a file and exists
            else if (CommonUtils.VerifyFile(imageSource))
                imageFilePath = imageSource;
            // otherwise the source format is unknown
                throw new PyRevitException(string.Format("Unknown source \"{0}\"", imageSource));

            // now extract the file
            if (imageFilePath != null)
                var stagedImage = Path.Combine(

                // delete existing
                if (CommonUtils.VerifyPath(stagedImage))
                    logger.Debug("Deleting existing temp staging path \"{0}\"", stagedImage);

                // unpack image
                logger.Info("Preparing package for deployment...");

                try {
                    logger.Debug("Staging package to \"{0}\"", stagedImage);
                    ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(imageFilePath, stagedImage);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new PyRevitException(
                              string.Format("Error unpacking \"{0}\" | {1}", imageFilePath, ex.Message)

                // make a pyrevit clone and handle deployment
                try {
                    var clone = new PyRevitClone(stagedImage);

                    // deployment: copy the needed directories
                    logger.Info("Deploying to \"{0}\"", destPath);

                    if (deploymentName != null)
                        // deploy the requested deployment
                        // throws exceptions if deployment does not exist or on copy error
                        Deploy(clone.ClonePath, deploymentName, destPath);
                        logger.Debug("Deploying complete clone from image...");
                        CommonUtils.CopyDirectory(clone.ClonePath, destPath);

                    // cleanup temp files
                    logger.Debug("Cleaning up temp files after clone from image...");
                    try {
                    catch (Exception delEx) {
                        logger.Error(string.Format("Error cleaning up temp staging files \"{0}\" | {1}",
                                                   destPath, delEx.Message));

                    // record image deployment settings
                    try {
                        RecordDeploymentArgs(cloneName, deploymentName, branchName, imagePath, destPath);
                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        logger.Debug(string.Format("Exception occured after clone from image complete. " +
                                                   "Deleting clone \"{0}\" | {1}", destPath, ex.Message));
                        try {
                        catch (Exception delEx) {
                            logger.Error(string.Format("Error post-install cleanup on \"{0}\" | {1}",
                                                       destPath, delEx.Message));

                        // cleanup completed, now baloon up the exception
                        throw ex;

                    // register the clone
                    VerifyAndRegisterClone(cloneName, destPath);

                    logger.Info("Package deployed and registered.");
                catch (PyRevitException ex) {
                    logger.Error("Can not find a valid clone inside extracted package. | {0}", ex.Message);
                throw new PyRevitException(
                          string.Format("Unknown error occured getting package from \"{0}\"", imageSource)
Exemplo n.º 5
 // Find releases
 public static List <PyRevitRelease> GetReleases() =>
 GithubAPI.GetReleases <PyRevitRelease>(PyRevitLabsConsts.OriginalRepoId).OrderByDescending(r => r.CreatedTimeStamp).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 6
 public GHGetIgnore(String CachePath, Options Flags = Options.None)
     flags = Flags;
     _gh   = new GithubAPI(CachePath, flags);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <IActionResult> GithubReturn([Required] string code, [Required] string state)
            if (!githubConfigured)
                return(Problem("Github OAuth is not configured on the server"));

            var(session, result) = await FetchAndCheckSessionForSsoReturn(state, OAuthController.GithubCLASource);

            // Return in case of failure
            if (result != null)

            if (session == null)
                throw new Exception("Logic error, returned null session without returning an error result");

            var signature = await Database.InProgressClaSignatures.FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.SessionId == session.Id);

            if (signature == null)
                return(NotFound("No active signature to authorize against"));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(session.SsoReturnUrl))
                return(NotFound("Session not setup with a return URL"));

            var accessToken = await GetAccessTokenFromCode(code, session.SsoReturnUrl);

            // Clear things here already to make sure even on partial failure the request can't be repeated

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                return(this.WorkingForbid("Failed to retrieve access token from Github"));

            // We got an access token, authentication was successful. Now we can fetch the user data
            var githubAPI = new GithubAPI(githubLog, accessToken)
                ThrowIfNotConfigured = true


            List <GithubEmail> emails;

                user = await githubAPI.GetCurrentUserInfo() ?? throw new Exception("Github user data is null");

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Login) || user.Id == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Didn't get username or id");

                emails = await githubAPI.GetCurrentUserEmails();

                if (emails == null || emails.Count < 1)
                    throw new Exception("Didn't get user email info");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.LogWarning("Failed to get user info from github due to error: {@E}", e);
                return(this.WorkingForbid("Failed to retrieve user info from Github"));

            var email = emails.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Primary && e.Verified) ?? emails.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Verified);

            if (email == null)
                return(this.WorkingForbid("Failed to get any verified email from your Github account"));

            // Disallow attaching if this is an account that doesn't need a CLA signature
            if (claExemptions.IsExempt(user.Login))
                           "This Github account is exempt from CLA signing and can't be attached to a signature"));

            // We store both username and user id to be able to detect if someone changes their username (as an extra
            // guarantee)
            signature.GithubAccount = user.Login;
            signature.GithubUserId  = user.Id;
            signature.GithubEmail   = email.Email;
            signature.GithubSkipped = false;

            await Database.SaveChangesAsync();

                "OAuth through Github succeeded, attaching {Login} ({Id1}) to signature of session {Id2}" +
                " (github email: {GithubEmail})",
                user.Login, user.Id, session.Id, signature.GithubEmail);
