Exemplo n.º 1
            public static CiStatusLine Create(GitHubStatus status)
                string emoticon = ":grey_question:";

                if (string.Equals(status.State, "success", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    emoticon = ":heavy_check_mark:";
                else if (string.Equals(status.State, "pending", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    emoticon = ":hourglass:";
                else if (string.Equals(status.State, "error", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                         string.Equals(status.State, "failure", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    emoticon = ":x:";

                string line = $" * {emoticon} **{status.Context}** {status.Description}";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status.TargetUrl))
                    line += $" [Details]({status.TargetUrl})";

                return(new CiStatusLine
                    Emoticon = emoticon,
                    MarkdownLine = line
Exemplo n.º 2
    async static Task <int> AddStatus(HttpClient wc, GitHubStatus status, string repository, string hash, string authorization, string comment)
        try {
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
                Console.WriteLine($"{GetEmojii ("error")} A message is required when adding/switching status(es).");

            if (!commented)
                var rv = await AddComment(wc, repository, hash, comment);

                if (rv != 0)
                commented = true;

            var url = $"https://api.github.com/repos/{repository}/statuses/{hash}";
            //Console.WriteLine ($"Adding status using url: {url}");
            var data          = $@"
""state"": {js.Serialize (status.State)},
""target_url"": {js.Serialize (status.Target_Url)},
""description"": {js.Serialize (status.Description)},
""context"": {js.Serialize (status.Context)}
            var content       = new StringContent(data);
            var task          = wc.PostAsync(url, content);
            var create_status = await task;

            if (!create_status.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Console.WriteLine($"Failed to set status: {create_status}");

        } catch (WebException e) {
    async static Task <int> AddStatus(HttpClient wc, GitHubStatus status, string repository, string hash, string authorization, string comment)
        try {
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
                Console.WriteLine($"{GetEmojii ("error")} A message is required when adding/switching status(es).");

            if (!commented)
                var rv = await AddComment(wc, repository, hash, comment);

                if (rv != 0)
                commented = true;

            var url = $"https://api.github.com/repos/{repository}/statuses/{hash}";
            //Console.WriteLine ($"Adding status using url: {url}");
            var data          = $@"
""state"": ""{status.State}"",
""target_url"": ""{status.Target_Url}"",
""description"": ""{status.Description}"",
""context"": ""{status.Context}""
            var content       = new StringContent(data);
            var task          = wc.PostAsync(url, content);
            var create_status = await task;

            //Console.WriteLine ($"Creation result: {wc}");
            //foreach (var h in create_status.RequestMessage.Headers)
            //	Console.WriteLine ($"{h.Key}={h.Value}");
            //Console.WriteLine ($"Status creation result: {create_status}");
        } catch (WebException e) {
    public async static Task <int> Main(string [] args)
        var show_help     = false;
        var hash          = string.Empty;
        var repository    = string.Empty;
        var authorization = string.Empty;
        var new_status    = new GitHubStatus();
        var set_state     = string.Empty;
        var message       = string.Empty;

        var os = new OptionSet {
            { "h|help|?", "Show help", (v) => show_help = true },
            { "hash=", "The hash whose statuses to view/edit", (v) => hash = v },
            { "repository=", "The repository to access (use owner/repo notation, for instance xamarin/xamarin-macios)", (v) => repository = v },
            { "add=", "Add a status with the specified state (error, failure, pending or success)", (v) => new_status.State = v },
            { "target-url=", "The target url of the new/edited status", (v) => new_status.Target_Url = v },
            { "description=", "The description of the new/edited status", (v) => new_status.Description = v },
            { "context=", "The context of the new status", (v) => new_status.Context = v },
            { "authorization=", "The personal access token to use to authorize with GitHub", (v) => authorization = v },
            { "set=", "Sets statuses to the specified state. If --context is passed, only statuses with the specified context will be changed.", (v) => set_state = v },
            { "message=", "A message that will be appended to the tracking comment on the commit. Prepend with @ to specify a filename.", (v) => message = v },

        var others = os.Parse(args);

        if (others.Count > 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Unexpected argument: {0}", others [0]);

        if (show_help || string.IsNullOrEmpty(hash) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(repository))
            Console.WriteLine("github-status-editor [OPTIONS]");

        var hc = new HttpClient();

        hc.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", "xcurl/0.1");
        hc.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "*/*");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorization))
            hc.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("token", authorization);

        var rv = await ReportStatuses(hc, repository, hash);

        if (message.StartsWith("@", StringComparison.Ordinal))
            message = File.ReadAllText(message.Substring(1));

        string comment = string.Empty;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(set_state))
                comment = $"Setting state to `{set_state}` ";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(new_status.Context))
                    comment += $"where context is `{new_status.Context}`";
                    comment += "for all statuses";
                comment += ".";
            else if (new_status.State != null)
                comment = $"Adding new state '{new_status.State}' with context '{new_status.Context}', target url '{new_status.Target_Url}' and description '{new_status.Description}'";
            comment += "\n\n" + message;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(set_state))
            Console.Write("Changing all statuses");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(new_status.Context))
                Console.Write($" with Context=\"{new_status.Context}\"");
            Console.WriteLine($" to \"{set_state}\".");
            foreach (var ghs in rv.Statuses)
                if (ghs.State == set_state)
                    // Status has the expected state
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Status with Context=\"{ghs.Context}\" Description=\"{ghs.Description}\" Target Url=\"{ghs.Target_Url}\" already has the expected state (\"{set_state}\")");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(new_status.Context) && ghs.Context != new_status.Context)
                    // Context doesn't match
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Status with Context=\"{ghs.Context}\" Description=\"{ghs.Description}\" Target Url=\"{ghs.Target_Url}\" does not match context \"{new_status.Context}\", so status won't be updated.");
                ghs.State = set_state;
                var logDescription = string.Empty;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(new_status.Description))
                    ghs.Description = new_status.Description;
                    logDescription  = $" and to Description=\"{ghs.Description}\"";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(new_status.Target_Url))
                    ghs.Target_Url  = new_status.Target_Url;
                    logDescription += $" and to Target Url=\"{ghs.Target_Url}\"";
                Console.WriteLine($"    Setting status with Context=\"{ghs.Context}\" Description=\"{ghs.Description}\" Target Url=\"{ghs.Target_Url}\" to state=\"{set_state}\"{logDescription}");
                var rvS = await AddStatus(hc, ghs, repository, hash, authorization, comment);

                if (rvS != 0)

            await ReportStatuses(hc, repository, hash);


        if (new_status.State != null)
            return(await AddStatus(hc, new_status, repository, hash, authorization, comment));
