public void SampleForDIXmlResponses()
            // Obtain the certificate for use with TLS and signing
            X509Certificate2 cert = X509CertificateUtil.GetCertificate(
                "Serial Number",

            // Create PCEHR header
            CommonPcehrHeader header = PcehrHeaderHelper.CreateHeader();

            // Override this value to the current patient's IHI.
            header.IhiNumber = "IHI";

            // Instantiate the client
            // SVT endpoint is ""
            // production endpoint is ""
            GetViewClient getViewClient = new GetViewClient(new Uri("https://GetViewEndpoint"), cert, cert);

            // Add server certificate validation callback
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += ValidateServiceCertificate;

                getView request = new getView()
                    // Creates a diagnosticImagingReportView
                    view = new diagnosticImagingReportView()
                        fromDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10),
                        toDate   = DateTime.Now,
                        // versionNumber can be found in the "PCEHR View Service - Technical Service Specification" via
                        // If the specification doesn't specify the version number then it is 1.0
                        versionNumber = "Version number here"

                var responseStatus = getViewClient.GetView(header, request);

                // Convert XML response into Class for diagnosticImagingReportView
                XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
                xml.PreserveWhitespace = true;
                diagnosticImagingReportViewResponse data = new diagnosticImagingReportViewResponse();
                data = (diagnosticImagingReportViewResponse)DeserialiseElementToClass(xml.DocumentElement, data);

                // Get the soap request and response
                string soapRequest  = getViewClient.SoapMessages.SoapRequest;
                string soapResponse = getViewClient.SoapMessages.SoapResponse;
            catch (FaultException fex)
                // Handle any errors
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void GetMedicareOverview()
            //Get Certificate and Header objects
            CertAndHeaderInfo CertAndHeaderInfo = Support.CertAndHeaderFactory.Get(
                certSerial: "06fba6",
                serialHPIO: "8003629900019338",
                patientType: Support.PatientType.CalebDerrington);

            // Obtain the certificate for use with TLS and signing
            X509Certificate2 cert = CertAndHeaderInfo.Certificate;

            // Create PCEHR header
            CommonPcehrHeader header = CertAndHeaderInfo.Header;

            // Instantiate the client
            // SVT endpoint is ""
            // production endpoint is ""
            GetViewClient getViewClient = new GetViewClient(new Uri(""), cert, cert);

            // Add server certificate validation callback
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += Support.CertificateHelper.ValidateServiceCertificate;

                getView request = new getView()
                    // For MedicareOverview
                    view = new medicareOverview()
                        fromDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10),
                        toDate   = DateTime.Now,
                        //versionNumber can be found in the "PCEHR View Service - Technical Service Specification" via
                        //If the specification doesn't specify the version number then it is 1.0
                        //Currently 1.0 and 1.1
                        versionNumber = "1.1"

                var responseStatus = getViewClient.GetView(header, request);

                // Treat response like a getDocument - unzip package
                if (responseStatus.view != null)
                    var zipfile =;
                    // and Unzip

                // Get the soap request and response
                string soapRequest  = getViewClient.SoapMessages.SoapRequest;
                string soapResponse = getViewClient.SoapMessages.SoapResponse;
            catch (FaultException fex)
                // Handle any errors
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void GetHealthRecordOverview()
            //Get Certificate and Header objects
            CertAndHeaderInfo CertAndHeaderInfo = Support.CertAndHeaderFactory.Get(
                certSerial: "06fba6",
                serialHPIO: "8003629900019338",
                patientType: Support.PatientType.CalebDerrington);

            // Obtain the certificate for use with TLS and signing
            X509Certificate2 cert = CertAndHeaderInfo.Certificate;

            // Create PCEHR header
            CommonPcehrHeader header = CertAndHeaderInfo.Header;

            // Instantiate the client
            // SVT endpoint is ""
            // production endpoint is ""
            GetViewClient getViewClient = new GetViewClient(new Uri(""), cert, cert);

            // Add server certificate validation callback
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += Support.CertificateHelper.ValidateServiceCertificate;

                getView request = new getView()
                    // Creates a healthRecordOverView
                    view = new healthRecordOverView()
                        clinicalSynopsisLength = 200,
                        // versionNumber can be found in the "PCEHR View Service - Technical Service Specification" via
                        // If the specification doesn't specify the version number then it is 1.0
                        versionNumber = "1.1"

                var responseStatus = getViewClient.GetView(header, request);

                // Get the soap request and response
                string soapRequest  = getViewClient.SoapMessages.SoapRequest;
                string soapResponse = getViewClient.SoapMessages.SoapResponse;

                // Convert XML response into Class for healthRecordOverview
                XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
                xml.PreserveWhitespace = true;
                healthRecordOverviewResponse data = new healthRecordOverviewResponse();
                data = (healthRecordOverviewResponse)DeserialiseElementToClass(xml.DocumentElement, data);
            catch (FaultException fex)
                // Handle any errors
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void GetPathologyView()
            //Get Certificate and Header objects
            CertAndHeaderInfo CertAndHeaderInfo = Support.CertAndHeaderFactory.Get(
                certSerial: "06fba6",
                serialHPIO: "8003629900019338",
                patientType: Support.PatientType.CalebDerrington);

            // Obtain the certificate for use with TLS and signing
            X509Certificate2 cert = CertAndHeaderInfo.Certificate;

            // Create PCEHR header
            CommonPcehrHeader header = CertAndHeaderInfo.Header;

            // Instantiate the client
            // SVT endpoint is ""
            // production endpoint is ""
            GetViewClient getViewClient = new GetViewClient(new Uri(""), cert, cert);

            // Add server certificate validation callback
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += Support.CertificateHelper.ValidateServiceCertificate;

                getView request = new getView()
                    // Creates a pathologyReportView
                    view = new pathologyReportView()
                        //2 years = 365 * 2 Days
                        fromDate = DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan((365 * 2), 0, 0, 0)),
                        toDate   = DateTime.Now,
                        // versionNumber can be found in the "PCEHR View Service - Technical Service Specification" via
                        // If the specification doesn't specify the version number then it is 1.0
                        versionNumber = "1.0"

                var responseStatus = getViewClient.GetView(header, request);

                // Convert XML response into Class for pathologyReportView
                XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
                xml.PreserveWhitespace = true;
                pathologyReportViewResponse data = new pathologyReportViewResponse();
                data = (pathologyReportViewResponse)DeserialiseElementToClass(xml.DocumentElement, data);

                // Get the soap request and response
                string soapRequest  = getViewClient.SoapMessages.SoapRequest;
                string soapResponse = getViewClient.SoapMessages.SoapResponse;

                foreach (var item in data.pathologyReport.OrderByDescending(x => x.reportInformation.CDAeffectiveTime))
                    Console.WriteLine($"DocumentId: {item.reportInformation.documentId}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"DocumentLink: {item.reportInformation.documentLink}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"ReportName: {item.reportInformation.reportName}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"PathologistLocalReportId: {item.reportInformation.pathologistLocalReportId}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"ReportStatus(code): {item.reportInformation.reportStatus.code}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"DateTimeRequested: {item.testRequesterInformation.dateTimeRequested}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"CDAeffectiveTime: {item.reportInformation.CDAeffectiveTime}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"DateTimeReportAuthored: {item.reportInformation.dateTimeReportAuthored}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"DateTimeAuthorisation: {item.reportInformation.dateTimeAuthorisation}");
                    foreach (var Report in item.pathologyTestResult)
                        Console.WriteLine($"  -------------------------------------------------");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  TestResultName(code): {Report.testResultName.code}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  TestResultName(displayName): {Report.testResultName.displayName}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  TestResultName(originalText): {Report.testResultName.originalText}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  PathologyDiscipline(code): {Report.pathologyDiscipline.code}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  OverallTestResultStatus(code): {Report.overallTestResultStatus.code}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"  SpecimenCollectionDate: {Report.specimenCollectionDate}");
            catch (FaultException fex)
                // Handle any errors
        // Sample code for these CDA response getViews

        // Nehta.VendorLibrary.PCEHR.PrescriptionAndDispenseView.prescriptionAndDispenseView
        // Nehta.VendorLibrary.PCEHR.MedicareOverview.medicareOverview
        // Nehta.VendorLibrary.PCEHR.HealthCheckScheduleView.healthCheckScheduleView
        // Nehta.VendorLibrary.PCEHR.ObservationView.observationView

        public void SampleForCdaDocumentResponses()
            // Obtain the certificate for use with TLS and signing
            X509Certificate2 cert = X509CertificateUtil.GetCertificate(
                "Serial Number",

            // Create PCEHR header
            CommonPcehrHeader header = PcehrHeaderHelper.CreateHeader();

            // Instantiate the client
            // SVT endpoint is ""
            // production endpoint is ""
            GetViewClient getViewClient = new GetViewClient(new Uri("https://GetViewEndpoint"), cert, cert);

            // Add server certificate validation callback
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += ValidateServiceCertificate;

                getView request = new getView()
                    // For PrescriptionAndDispenseView
                    view = new prescriptionAndDispenseView()
                        fromDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10),
                        toDate   = DateTime.Now,
                        // versionNumber can be found in the "PCEHR View Service - Technical Service Specification" via
                        // If the specification doesn't specify the version number then it is 1.0
                        versionNumber = "Version number here"

                    // For MedicareOverview
                    //view = new medicareOverview()
                    //    fromDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10),
                    //    toDate = DateTime.Now,
                    // versionNumber can be found in the "PCEHR View Service - Technical Service Specification" via
                    // If the specification doesn't specify the version number then it is 1.0
                    //    versionNumber = "Version number here"

                    // For HealthCheckScheduleView
                    //view = new healthCheckScheduleView()
                    //    jurisdiction = healthCheckScheduleViewJurisdiction.NSW,
                    // versionNumber can be found in the "PCEHR View Service - Technical Service Specification" via
                    // If the specification doesn't specify the version number then it is 1.0
                    //    versionNumber = "Version number here"

                    // For ObservationView
                    //view = new observationView()
                    //    fromDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10),
                    //    toDate = DateTime.Now,
                    // versionNumber can be found in the "PCEHR View Service - Technical Service Specification" via
                    // If the specification doesn't specify the version number then it is 1.0
                    //    versionNumber = "Version number here"
                    //    documentSource = observationViewDocumentSource.ALL,
                    //    observationType = observationViewObservationType.WEIGHT,
                    //    referenceData = observationViewReferenceData.CDC

                var responseStatus = getViewClient.GetView(header, request);

                // Treat response like a getDocument - unzip package
                if (responseStatus.view != null)
                    var zipfile =;
                    // and Unzip

                // Get the soap request and response
                string soapRequest  = getViewClient.SoapMessages.SoapRequest;
                string soapResponse = getViewClient.SoapMessages.SoapResponse;
            catch (FaultException fex)
                // Handle any errors