Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void MultipleStreamTestReduced(MediaConfigurationChangeLog changeLog,
                                                 GetStreamSetup getStreamSetup)
            //3.	ONVIF Client will invoke GetVideoSourceConfigurationsRequest message to retrieve
            // all DUT video source configurations.
            //4.	Verify the GetVideoSourceConfigurationsResponse message from the DUT.

            VideoSourceConfiguration[] sourceConfigurations = GetVideoSourceConfigurations();
            CheckConfigurationsList(sourceConfigurations, "Video Source Configuration");

            List <VideoSourceConfiguration> selectedConfigs = MediaTestUtils.SelectConfigurations(sourceConfigurations);

            foreach (VideoSourceConfiguration config in selectedConfigs)
                //5.	ONVIF Client will invoke GetGuaranteedNumberOfVideoEncoderInstancesRequest message
                // (ConfigurationToken = “VSCToken1”, where “VSCToken1” is a first video source configuration
                // token from GetVideoSourceConfigurationsResponse message) to retrieve guaranteed number of
                // video encoder instances per first video source configuration.
                int totalNumber = GetGuaranteedNumberOfVideoEncoderInstances(config.token, out jpeg, out h264, out mpeg);

                //6.	Verify the GetGuaranteedNumberOfVideoEncoderInstancesResponse message from the DUT.
                //7.	Create or find number of profiles equal to TotalNumber from
                // GetGuaranteedNumberOfVideoEncoderInstancesResponse message that contains video source
                // configuration with token “VSCToken1” and video encoder configuration (see Annex A.9).
                List <Profile> profiles = GetProfilesForMultiStreamingTest(config.token,

                Assert(profiles.Count == totalNumber,
                       "Required number of profiles could not be found or created",
                       "Check that required number of profiles has been achieved");

                SetResourcesUsageToMimimal(changeLog, profiles);

                //8.	ONVIF Client invokes GetStreamUriRequest message (Profile Token, RTP-Unicast,
                // UDP transport) to retrieve media stream URI for the first media profile from step 7.

                //9.	DUT sends RTSP URI and parameters defining the lifetime of the URI like
                // ValidUntilConnect, ValidUntilReboot and Timeout in the GetStreamUriResponse message.
                //10.	ONVIF Client verifies the RTSP media stream URI provided by the DUT.
                //11.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP DESCRIBE request.
                //12.	DUT sends 200 OK message and SDP information.
                //13.	 ONVIF Client invokes RTSP SETUP request with transport parameter as RTP/UDP.
                //14.	DUT sends 200 OK message and the media stream information.
                //15.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP PLAY request.
                //16.	DUT sends 200 OK message and starts media streaming.
                //17.	DUT sends JPEG RTP media stream to ONVIF Client over UDP.
                //18.	DUT sends RTCP sender report to ONVIF Client.
                //19.	DUT validates the received RTP and RTCP packets, decodes and renders them.
                //20.	Repeat steps 8-20 to start video streaming for all profiles from step 7.
                //21.	ONVIF Client invokes RTSP TEARDOWN control request at the end of media streaming
                // to terminate the RTSP session for each started stream.
                //22.	DUT sends 200 OK Response and terminates the RTSP Session.

                    this, _semaphore.StopEvent, _username, _password, _messageTimeout,
                    getStreamSetup, _videoForm.NICIndex, profiles, GetStreamUri,
                    (a, name, failTest) => RunStep2(a, name, failTest),
                    (ex) => StepFailed(ex));

                //23.	Repeat steps 5-23 for the rest of video source configurations.
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void ShowMultiple(
            IVideoFormEvent eventConsumer,
            WaitHandle stopEvent,
            string username,
            string password,
            int timeout,
            GetStreamSetup getStreamSetup,
            int NICIndex,
            List <Profile> profiles,
            Func <StreamSetup, string, MediaUri> getStreamUri,
            Action <Action, string, bool> runStep,
            Action <Exception> stepFailed)
            List <VideoStreamForm> streams         = new List <VideoStreamForm>();
            List <WaitHandle>      eventsWorkEnded = new List <WaitHandle>();

            timeout = Math.Max(timeout, 2000 * profiles.Count());

            WaitHandle signalCloseWindow = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            foreach (Profile profile in profiles)
                Profile     currentProfile = profile;
                StreamSetup streamSetup    = getStreamSetup(ref currentProfile);
                if (currentProfile == null)

                VideoStreamForm vsf = new VideoStreamForm();
                vsf.streamSetup       = streamSetup;
                vsf.profile           = currentProfile;
                vsf.getStreamUri      = getStreamUri;
                vsf.messageTimeout    = timeout;
                vsf.username          = username;
                vsf.password          = password;
                vsf.signalCloseWindow = signalCloseWindow;
                vsf.eventConsumer     = eventConsumer;
                vsf.NICIndex          = NICIndex;

            if (0 == streams.Count)

            bool timeoutException = false;

                VideoStreamForm vsfFailed = null;
                foreach (VideoStreamForm vsf in streams)
                    if (0 == WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { stopEvent, vsf.eventOpened, vsf.eventWorkEnded }))
                        throw new StopEventException();
                    if (vsf.exception != null)
                        vsfFailed = vsf;

                foreach (VideoStreamForm vsf in streams)
                    if (vsf.thread.ThreadState != ThreadState.Unstarted && vsf != vsfFailed)
                        vsf.skipLog = true;


                runStep(() =>
                    if (!WaitHandle.WaitAll(eventsWorkEnded.ToArray(), timeout))
                        timeoutException = true;
                        throw new VideoException("Waiting timeout exceeded");
                }, "Closing streams", false);

                if (timeoutException)
                    throw new VideoException("Waiting timeout exceeded");
            // handle halt
            catch (Exception ex)
                runStep(() =>
                    foreach (VideoStreamForm vsf in streams)
                        if (vsf.thread.ThreadState != ThreadState.Unstarted)
                }, "Cleanup", true);
                if (!timeoutException)
                    throw ex;
            runStep(() =>
                // check for exceptions
                if (timeoutException)
                    throw new VideoException("Closing streams failed!");
                foreach (VideoStreamForm vsf in streams)
                    if (vsf.exception != null)
                        throw new VideoException("Profile " + vsf.profile.Name + " failed!");
            }, "Check for test results", true);