Exemplo n.º 1
        private StateBase getData(Phase phase, int nAction)
            GetDataArgs args = m_brain.getDataArgs(phase, 0, nAction, true);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private StateBase getData(int nAction)
            GetDataArgs args = m_brain.getDataArgs(nAction);

Exemplo n.º 3
        private StateBase getData(Phase phase, int nAction, int nIdx)
            GetDataArgs args = m_brain.getDataArgs(phase, nAction);

            args.State.Data.Index = nIdx;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async void GetData(GetDataArgs getDataArgs)
            var data = await getDataArgs.M.GetDataAsync(getDataArgs._Uri);

            foreach (var item in data.Dataset.Data)
                DataItems items = DataItems.GetItems(item);
                view.DataGridItems = items;
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected override bool getData(GetDataArgs e)
            Tuple <State, double, bool> state = null;

            if (e.Reset)
                if (m_firststate != null)
                    state        = m_firststate;
                    m_firststate = null;
                    state = m_igym.Reset();

            if (e.Action >= 0)
                state = m_igym.Step(e.Action);

            bool        bIsOpen   = (m_nUiId >= 0) ? true : false;
            int         nDataLen  = 0;
            SimpleDatum stateData = state.Item1.GetData(false, out nDataLen);

            e.State         = new StateBase(m_igym.GetActionSpace().Count());
            e.State.Reward  = 0;
            e.State.Data    = stateData;
            e.State.Done    = state.Item3;
            e.State.IsValid = true;

            if (m_sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds > 1000)
                int    nMax       = (int)GetProperty("GlobalMaxIterations");
                int    nIteration = (int)GetProperty("GlobalIteration");
                double dfPct      = (nMax == 0) ? 0 : (double)nIteration / (double)nMax;
                e.OutputLog.Progress = dfPct;
                e.OutputLog.WriteLine("(" + dfPct.ToString("P") + ") Global Iteration #" + nIteration.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override bool getData(GetDataArgs e)
            Tuple <State, double, bool> state = null;

            if (e.Reset)
                state = m_igym.Reset();

            if (e.Action >= 0)
                state = m_igym.Step(e.Action);

            bool bIsOpen = (m_nUiId >= 0) ? true : false;
            Tuple <Bitmap, SimpleDatum> data = m_igym.Render(bIsOpen, 512, 512, true);
            int         nDataLen             = 0;
            SimpleDatum stateData            = state.Item1.GetData(false, out nDataLen);
            Observation obs = new Observation(data.Item1, ImageData.GetImage(data.Item2), m_igym.RequiresDisplayImage, stateData.RealData, state.Item2, state.Item3);

            e.State         = new StateBase(m_igym.GetActionSpace().Count());
            e.State.Reward  = obs.Reward;
            e.State.Data    = data.Item2;
            e.State.Done    = obs.Done;
            e.State.IsValid = true;

            if (m_gymui != null && m_nUiId >= 0)
                m_gymui.Render(m_nUiId, obs);

            if (m_sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds > 1000)
                double dfPct = (GlobalEpisodeMax == 0) ? 0 : (double)GlobalEpisodeCount / (double)GlobalEpisodeMax;
                e.OutputLog.Progress = dfPct;
                e.OutputLog.WriteLine("(" + dfPct.ToString("P") + ") Global Episode #" + GlobalEpisodeCount.ToString() + "  Global Reward = " + GlobalRewards.ToString() + " Exploration Rate = " + ExplorationRate.ToString("P") + " Optimal Selection Rate = " + OptimalSelectionRate.ToString("P"));

Exemplo n.º 7
        public float[] Run(int nN)
                Stopwatch sw            = new Stopwatch();
                float[]   rgPredictions = new float[nN];


                m_bIsDataReal = true;

                if (m_rgVocabulary != null)
                    m_bIsDataReal = m_rgVocabulary.IsDataReal;

                m_mycaffe.Log.Enable = false;

                if (m_bIsDataReal && !m_bUsePreloadData)
                    string strSolverErr = "";
                    int    nLookahead   = 1;
                    if (m_nSolverSequenceLength >= 0 && m_nSolverSequenceLength < m_nSequenceLength)
                        nLookahead = m_nSequenceLength - m_nSolverSequenceLength;

                    rgPredictions = new float[nN * 2 * nLookahead];

                    for (int i = 0; i < nN; i++)
                        GetDataArgs e = getDataArgs(Phase.RUN, 0, 0, true);

                        int nExpectedCount = m_blobData.count();
                        m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(nExpectedCount, e.State.Data.ItemCount, strSolverErr + "The size of the data received ('" + e.State.Data.ItemCount.ToString() + "') does mot match the expected data count of '" + nExpectedCount.ToString() + "'!");
                        m_blobData.mutable_cpu_data = e.State.Data.GetData <T>();

                        if (m_blobLabel != null)
                            nExpectedCount = m_blobLabel.count();
                            m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(nExpectedCount, e.State.Label.ItemCount, strSolverErr + "The size of the label received ('" + e.State.Label.ItemCount.ToString() + "') does not match the expected label count of '" + nExpectedCount.ToString() + "'!");
                            m_blobLabel.mutable_cpu_data = e.State.Label.GetData <T>();

                        double             dfLoss;
                        BlobCollection <T> colResults = m_net.Forward(out dfLoss);
                        Blob <T>           blobOutput = colResults[0];

                        if (m_blobOutput != null)
                            blobOutput = m_blobOutput;

                        float[] rgResults = Utility.ConvertVecF <T>(blobOutput.update_cpu_data());

                        for (int j = nLookahead; j > 0; j--)
                            float fPrediction = getLastPrediction(rgResults, m_rgVocabulary, j);
                            int   nIdx        = e.State.Label.ItemCount - j;
                            float fActual     = (float)e.State.Label.GetDataAtF(nIdx);

                            int nIdx0 = ((nLookahead - j) * nN * 2);
                            int nIdx1 = nIdx0 + nN;

                            if (m_dfScale != 1.0 && m_dfScale > 0)
                                fActual /= (float)m_dfScale;

                            if (m_rgVocabulary == null || m_bDisableVocabulary)
                                if (m_dfScale != 1.0 && m_dfScale > 0)
                                    fPrediction /= (float)m_dfScale;

                                rgPredictions[nIdx0 + i] = fPrediction;
                                rgPredictions[nIdx1 + i] = fActual;
                                rgPredictions[nIdx0 + i] = (float)m_rgVocabulary.GetValueAt((int)fPrediction, true);
                                rgPredictions[nIdx1 + i] = (float)m_rgVocabulary.GetValueAt((int)fActual, true);

                        if (sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds > 1000)
                            double dfPct = (double)i / (double)nN;
                            m_mycaffe.Log.Enable   = true;
                            m_mycaffe.Log.Progress = dfPct;
                            m_mycaffe.Log.WriteLine("Running at " + dfPct.ToString("P") + " complete...");
                            m_mycaffe.Log.Enable = false;

                        if (m_mycaffe.CancelEvent.WaitOne(0))
                    int      nIdx    = 0;
                    List <T> rgInput = rgInput = getInitialInput(m_bIsDataReal);

                    for (int i = 0; i < nN; i++)
                        T[] rgInputVector = new T[m_blobData.count()];
                        for (int j = 0; j < m_nSequenceLength; j++)
                            // The batch is filled with 0 except for the first sequence which is the one we want to use for prediction.
                            nIdx = j * m_nBatchSize;
                            rgInputVector[nIdx] = rgInput[j];

                        m_blobData.mutable_cpu_data = rgInputVector;

                        double             dfLoss;
                        BlobCollection <T> colResults = m_net.Forward(out dfLoss);
                        Blob <T>           blobOutput = colResults[0];

                        if (m_blobOutput != null)
                            blobOutput = m_blobOutput;

                        float[] rgResults   = Utility.ConvertVecF <T>(blobOutput.update_cpu_data());
                        float   fPrediction = getLastPrediction(rgResults, m_rgVocabulary, 1);

                        //Add the new prediction and discard the oldest one
                        rgInput.Add((T)Convert.ChangeType(fPrediction, typeof(T)));

                        if (m_rgVocabulary == null || m_bDisableVocabulary)
                            rgPredictions[i] = fPrediction;
                            rgPredictions[i] = (float)m_rgVocabulary.GetValueAt((int)fPrediction);

                        if (sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds > 1000)
                            double dfPct = (double)i / (double)nN;
                            m_mycaffe.Log.Enable   = true;
                            m_mycaffe.Log.Progress = dfPct;
                            m_mycaffe.Log.WriteLine("Running at " + dfPct.ToString("P") + " complete...");
                            m_mycaffe.Log.Enable = false;

                        if (m_mycaffe.CancelEvent.WaitOne(0))

            catch (Exception excpt)
                throw excpt;
                m_mycaffe.Log.Enable = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void FeedNet(bool bTrain)
            bool  bFound;
            int   nIdx;
            Phase phase = (bTrain) ? Phase.TRAIN : Phase.TEST;

            // Real Data
            if (m_bIsDataReal)
                if (m_bUsePreloadData)
                    double[] rgdfData = (bTrain) ? m_rgdfTrainData : m_rgdfTestData;

                    // Re-order the data according to caffe input specification for LSTM layer.
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_nBatchSize; i++)
                        int nCurrentValIdx = m_random.Next(rgdfData.Length - m_nSequenceLength - 1);

                        for (int j = 0; j < m_nSequenceLength; j++)
                            // Feed the net with input data and labels (clips are always the same)
                            double dfData = rgdfData[nCurrentValIdx + j];
                            // Labels are the same with an offset of +1
                            double dfLabel   = rgdfData[nCurrentValIdx + j + 1]; // predict next value
                            float  fDataIdx  = findIndex(dfData, out bFound);
                            float  fLabelIdx = findIndex(dfLabel, out bFound);

                            // LSTM: Create input data, the data must be in the order
                            // seq1_val1, seq2_val1, ..., seqBatch_Size_val1, seq1_val2, seq2_val2, ..., seqBatch_Size_valSequence_Length
                            if (m_lstmType == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM)
                                nIdx = m_nBatchSize * j + i;

                            // LSTM_SIMPLE: Create input data, the data must be in the order
                            // seq1_val1, seq1_val2, ..., seq1_valBatchSize, seq2_val1, seq2_val2, ..., seqSequenceLength_valBatchSize
                                nIdx = i * m_nBatchSize + j;

                            m_rgDataInput[nIdx] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(fDataIdx, typeof(T));

                            if (m_nSequenceLengthLabel == (m_nSequenceLength * m_nBatchSize) || j == m_nSequenceLength - 1)
                                m_rgLabelInput[nIdx] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(fLabelIdx, typeof(T));

                    m_blobData.mutable_cpu_data  = m_rgDataInput;
                    m_blobLabel.mutable_cpu_data = m_rgLabelInput;
                    m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(m_nBatchSize, m_nThreads, "The 'Threads' setting of " + m_nThreads.ToString() + " must match the batch size = " + m_nBatchSize.ToString() + "!");

                    List <GetDataArgs> rgDataArgs = new List <GetDataArgs>();

                    if (m_nBatchSize == 1)
                        GetDataArgs e = getDataArgs(phase, 0, 0, true, m_nBatchSize);
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_nBatchSize; i++)
                            rgDataArgs.Add(getDataArgs(phase, i, 0, true, m_nBatchSize));

                        if (!m_dataPool.Run(rgDataArgs))
                            m_mycaffe.Log.FAIL("Data Time Out - Failed to collect all data to build the RNN batch!");

                    double[] rgData  = rgDataArgs[0].State.Data.GetData <double>();
                    double[] rgLabel = rgDataArgs[0].State.Label.GetData <double>();
                    double[] rgClip  = rgDataArgs[0].State.Clip.GetData <double>();

                    int nDataLen  = rgData.Length;
                    int nLabelLen = rgLabel.Length;
                    int nClipLen  = rgClip.Length;
                    int nDataItem = nDataLen / nLabelLen;

                    if (m_nBatchSize > 1)
                        rgData  = new double[nDataLen * m_nBatchSize];
                        rgLabel = new double[nLabelLen * m_nBatchSize];
                        rgClip  = new double[nClipLen * m_nBatchSize];

                        for (int i = 0; i < m_nBatchSize; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < m_nSequenceLength; j++)
                                // LSTM: Create input data, the data must be in the order
                                // seq1_val1, seq2_val1, ..., seqBatch_Size_val1, seq1_val2, seq2_val2, ..., seqBatch_Size_valSequence_Length
                                if (m_lstmType == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM)
                                    nIdx = m_nBatchSize * j + i;

                                // LSTM_SIMPLE: Create input data, the data must be in the order
                                // seq1_val1, seq1_val2, ..., seq1_valBatchSize, seq2_val1, seq2_val2, ..., seqSequenceLength_valBatchSize
                                    nIdx = i * m_nBatchSize + j;

                                Array.Copy(rgDataArgs[i].State.Data.GetData <double>(), 0, rgData, nIdx * nDataItem, nDataItem);
                                rgLabel[nIdx] = rgDataArgs[i].State.Label.GetDataAtD(j);
                                rgClip[nIdx]  = rgDataArgs[i].State.Clip.GetDataAtD(j);

                    string strSolverErr = "";
                    if (m_nSolverSequenceLength >= 0 && m_nSolverSequenceLength != m_nSequenceLength)
                        strSolverErr = "The solver parameter 'SequenceLength' length of " + m_nSolverSequenceLength.ToString() + " must match the model sequence length of " + m_nSequenceLength.ToString() + ".  ";

                    int nExpectedCount = m_blobData.count();
                    m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(nExpectedCount, rgData.Length, strSolverErr + "The size of the data received ('" + rgData.Length.ToString() + "') does mot match the expected data count of '" + nExpectedCount.ToString() + "'!");
                    m_blobData.mutable_cpu_data = Utility.ConvertVec <T>(rgData);

                    nExpectedCount = m_blobLabel.count();
                    m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(nExpectedCount, rgLabel.Length, strSolverErr + "The size of the label received ('" + rgLabel.Length.ToString() + "') does not match the expected label count of '" + nExpectedCount.ToString() + "'!");
                    m_blobLabel.mutable_cpu_data = Utility.ConvertVec <T>(rgLabel);

                    nExpectedCount = m_blobClip.count();
                    m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(nExpectedCount, rgClip.Length, strSolverErr + "The size of the clip received ('" + rgClip.Length.ToString() + "') does not match the expected clip count of '" + nExpectedCount.ToString() + "'!");
                    m_blobClip.mutable_cpu_data = Utility.ConvertVec <T>(rgClip);
            // Byte Data (uses a vocabulary if available)
                byte[] rgData = (bTrain) ? m_rgTrainData : m_rgTestData;
                // Create input data, the data must be in the order
                // seq1_char1, seq2_char1, ..., seqBatch_Size_char1, seq1_char2, seq2_char2, ..., seqBatch_Size_charSequence_Length
                // As seq1_charSequence_Length == seq2_charSequence_Length-1 == seq3_charSequence_Length-2 == ... we can perform block copy for efficientcy.
                // Labels are the same with an offset of +1

                // Re-order the data according to caffe input specification for LSTM layer.
                for (int i = 0; i < m_nBatchSize; i++)
                    int nCurrentCharIdx = m_random.Next(rgData.Length - m_nSequenceLength - 2);

                    for (int j = 0; j < m_nSequenceLength; j++)
                        // Feed the net with input data and labels (clips are always the same)
                        byte bData = rgData[nCurrentCharIdx + j];
                        // Labels are the same with an offset of +1
                        byte  bLabel    = rgData[nCurrentCharIdx + j + 1]; // predict next character
                        float fDataIdx  = findIndex(bData, out bFound);
                        float fLabelIdx = findIndex(bLabel, out bFound);

                        // LSTM: Create input data, the data must be in the order
                        // seq1_val1, seq2_val1, ..., seqBatch_Size_val1, seq1_val2, seq2_val2, ..., seqBatch_Size_valSequence_Length
                        if (m_lstmType == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM)
                            nIdx = m_nBatchSize * j + i;

                        // LSTM_SIMPLE: Create input data, the data must be in the order
                        // seq1_val1, seq1_val2, ..., seq1_valBatchSize, seq2_val1, seq2_val2, ..., seqSequenceLength_valBatchSize
                            nIdx = i * m_nBatchSize + j;

                        m_rgDataInput[nIdx] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(fDataIdx, typeof(T));

                        if (m_nSequenceLengthLabel == (m_nSequenceLength * m_nBatchSize) || j == m_nSequenceLength - 1)
                            m_rgLabelInput[nIdx] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(fLabelIdx, typeof(T));

                m_blobData.mutable_cpu_data  = m_rgDataInput;
                m_blobLabel.mutable_cpu_data = m_rgLabelInput;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void Run(GetDataArgs args)
     m_args = args;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void FeedNet(bool bTrain)
            bool bFound;
            int  nIdx;

            // Real Data
            if (m_bIsDataReal)
                if (m_bUsePreloadData)
                    double[] rgdfData = (bTrain) ? m_rgdfTrainData : m_rgdfTestData;

                    // Re-order the data according to caffe input specification for LSTM layer.
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_nBatchSize; i++)
                        int nCurrentValIdx = m_random.Next(rgdfData.Length - m_nSequenceLength - 1);

                        for (int j = 0; j < m_nSequenceLength; j++)
                            // Feed the net with input data and labels (clips are always the same)
                            double dfData = rgdfData[nCurrentValIdx + j];
                            // Labels are the same with an offset of +1
                            double dfLabel   = rgdfData[nCurrentValIdx + j + 1]; // predict next value
                            float  fDataIdx  = findIndex(dfData, out bFound);
                            float  fLabelIdx = findIndex(dfLabel, out bFound);

                            // LSTM: Create input data, the data must be in the order
                            // seq1_val1, seq2_val1, ..., seqBatch_Size_val1, seq1_val2, seq2_val2, ..., seqBatch_Size_valSequence_Length
                            if (m_lstmType == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM)
                                nIdx = m_nBatchSize * j + i;

                            // LSTM_SIMPLE: Create input data, the data must be in the order
                            // seq1_val1, seq1_val2, ..., seq1_valBatchSize, seq2_val1, seq2_val2, ..., seqSequenceLength_valBatchSize
                                nIdx = i * m_nBatchSize + j;

                            m_rgDataInput[nIdx] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(fDataIdx, typeof(T));

                            if (m_nSequenceLengthLabel == (m_nSequenceLength * m_nBatchSize) || j == m_nSequenceLength - 1)
                                m_rgLabelInput[nIdx] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(fLabelIdx, typeof(T));

                    m_blobData.mutable_cpu_data  = m_rgDataInput;
                    m_blobLabel.mutable_cpu_data = m_rgLabelInput;
                    GetDataArgs e = getDataArgs(0, true);

                    string strSolverErr = "";
                    if (m_nSolverSequenceLength >= 0 && m_nSolverSequenceLength != m_nSequenceLength)
                        strSolverErr = "The solver parameter 'SequenceLength' length of " + m_nSolverSequenceLength.ToString() + " must match the model sequence length of " + m_nSequenceLength.ToString() + ".  ";

                    int nExpectedCount = m_blobData.count();
                    m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(nExpectedCount, e.State.Data.ItemCount, strSolverErr + "The size of the data received ('" + e.State.Data.ItemCount.ToString() + "') does mot match the expected data count of '" + nExpectedCount.ToString() + "'!");
                    m_blobData.mutable_cpu_data = Utility.ConvertVec <T>(e.State.Data.RealData);

                    nExpectedCount = m_blobLabel.count();
                    m_mycaffe.Log.CHECK_EQ(nExpectedCount, e.State.Label.ItemCount, strSolverErr + "The size of the label received ('" + e.State.Label.ItemCount.ToString() + "') does not match the expected label count of '" + nExpectedCount.ToString() + "'!");
                    m_blobLabel.mutable_cpu_data = Utility.ConvertVec <T>(e.State.Label.RealData);
            // Byte Data (uses a vocabulary if available)
                byte[] rgData = (bTrain) ? m_rgTrainData : m_rgTestData;
                // Create input data, the data must be in the order
                // seq1_char1, seq2_char1, ..., seqBatch_Size_char1, seq1_char2, seq2_char2, ..., seqBatch_Size_charSequence_Length
                // As seq1_charSequence_Length == seq2_charSequence_Length-1 == seq3_charSequence_Length-2 == ... we can perform block copy for efficientcy.
                // Labels are the same with an offset of +1

                // Re-order the data according to caffe input specification for LSTM layer.
                for (int i = 0; i < m_nBatchSize; i++)
                    int nCurrentCharIdx = m_random.Next(rgData.Length - m_nSequenceLength - 1);

                    for (int j = 0; j < m_nSequenceLength; j++)
                        // Feed the net with input data and labels (clips are always the same)
                        byte bData = rgData[nCurrentCharIdx + j];
                        // Labels are the same with an offset of +1
                        byte  bLabel    = rgData[nCurrentCharIdx + j + 1]; // predict next character
                        float fDataIdx  = findIndex(bData, out bFound);
                        float fLabelIdx = findIndex(bLabel, out bFound);

                        // LSTM: Create input data, the data must be in the order
                        // seq1_val1, seq2_val1, ..., seqBatch_Size_val1, seq1_val2, seq2_val2, ..., seqBatch_Size_valSequence_Length
                        if (m_lstmType == LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM)
                            nIdx = m_nBatchSize * j + i;

                        // LSTM_SIMPLE: Create input data, the data must be in the order
                        // seq1_val1, seq1_val2, ..., seq1_valBatchSize, seq2_val1, seq2_val2, ..., seqSequenceLength_valBatchSize
                            nIdx = i * m_nBatchSize + j;

                        m_rgDataInput[nIdx] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(fDataIdx, typeof(T));

                        if (m_nSequenceLengthLabel == (m_nSequenceLength * m_nBatchSize) || j == m_nSequenceLength - 1)
                            m_rgLabelInput[nIdx] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(fLabelIdx, typeof(T));

                m_blobData.mutable_cpu_data  = m_rgDataInput;
                m_blobLabel.mutable_cpu_data = m_rgLabelInput;