IEnumerator GenerateEnemy(ObjectPooler enemyPool, AddActive addActive, GetActive getActive, int phase)
        int active = 0;

        while (true)
            if (generate)
                // Determine how many enemies are currently active.
                active = getActive();

                // Get the current phase to determine how many enemies should be generated.
                int max =[phase];

                //if( max >= 3 )
                //	max = 3;

                // Generate the appropriate number of enemies.
                while (active < max)
                    active = addActive();

                    // Wait a short time between each generated enemy.
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.25f));
            // Wait 1 second before checking if more enemies should be generated.
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1));
    void Start()
        if (generate)
            // Initialize delegates.
            AddActive addA = AddEnemyTypeA;
            AddActive addB = AddEnemyTypeB;
            GetActive getA = GetEnemyTypeA;
            GetActive getB = GetEnemyTypeB;

            // Initialize object pools.
            enemyPoolA.Initialize(enemyA, 5, trans);
            enemyPoolB.Initialize(enemyB, 5, trans);

            // Start generation coroutines.
            StartCoroutine(GenerateEnemy(enemyPoolA, addA, getA, (int)References.GamePhases.TypeAEnemyPhase));
            StartCoroutine(GenerateEnemy(enemyPoolB, addB, getB, (int)References.GamePhases.TypeBEnemyPhase));
 void AssertActiveFlag(GetActive getActive, SetActive setActive)