Exemplo n.º 1
        public static Graphic NewDonut(double x, double y, double innerRadius, double outerRadius)
            double[] px = new double[NUM];
            double[] py = new double[NUM];
            GeometryAlgorithms.CircleToPoints(x, y, outerRadius, NUM, px, py, AngleDirection.CounterClockwise);

            Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.PointCollection pc = new Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.PointCollection();
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                MapPoint p = new MapPoint(px[i], py[i]);

            PolygonBuilder polygon = new PolygonBuilder(pc);

            GeometryAlgorithms.CircleToPoints(x, y, innerRadius, NUM, px, py, AngleDirection.Clockwise);
            pc = new Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.PointCollection();
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                MapPoint p = new MapPoint(px[i], py[i]);

            Graphic g = new Graphic();

            g.Geometry = polygon.ToGeometry();
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Project a point to polyline.
        // point: (p), polyline: (part)
        // output distance relative to the start point of the polyline: (distance)
        // output projection point: (outPnt)
        // return value:
        //      true: the point is projected on the polyline without extending the polyline
        //      false: the point is projected on the polyline through extending the polyline
        public static bool ProjectPointToPolyline(MapPoint p,
                                                  IEnumerable <MapPoint> part,
                                                  ref double distance, ref MapPoint outPnt)
            Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.PointCollection pts =
                new Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.PointCollection(part);

            distance = 0.0;
            SpatialReference sf = pts[0].SpatialReference;

            double   outx = 0.0, outy = 0.0;
            MapPoint p0, p1;

            for (int i = 0; i < pts.Count - 1; ++i)
                p0 = pts[i];
                p1 = pts[i + 1];

                bool canProject = GeometryAlgorithms.ProjectPointToLine(p.X, p.Y,
                                                                        p0.X, p0.Y, p1.X, p1.Y, ref outx, ref outy);

                if (canProject == true)
                    distance += GeometryAlgorithms.PointDistanceToPoint(outx, outy, p0.X, p0.Y);
                    outPnt    = new MapPoint(outx, outy, sf);
                distance += GeometryAlgorithms.PointDistanceToPoint(p0.X, p0.Y, p1.X, p1.Y);

            // Project the point by extending the polyline
            p0 = pts[0];
            p1 = pts[pts.Count - 1];
            double d0p = GeometryAlgorithms.PointDistanceToPoint(p.X, p.Y, p0.X, p0.Y);
            double d1p = GeometryAlgorithms.PointDistanceToPoint(p.X, p.Y, p1.X, p1.Y);

            if (d0p < d1p)
                // the map point is closer to the beginning of the polyline,
                // then extend the beginning segment.
                p1 = pts[1];
                GeometryAlgorithms.ProjectPointToLine(p.X, p.Y,
                                                      p0.X, p0.Y, p1.X, p1.Y, ref outx, ref outy);
                distance  = GeometryAlgorithms.PointDistanceToPoint(outx, outy, p0.X, p0.Y);
                distance *= -1.0;
                outPnt    = new MapPoint(outx, outy, sf);
                // the map point is closer to the endding of the polyline,
                // since the loop is ended on the last segment, just use the result is OK.
                distance += GeometryAlgorithms.PointDistanceToPoint(outx, outy, p1.X, p1.Y);
                outPnt    = new MapPoint(outx, outy, sf);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static MapPoint InterpolatePointOnLine(MapPoint p1, MapPoint p2, double scale)
            MapPointBuilder p = new MapPointBuilder(p1.SpatialReference);
            double          x = 0.0, y = 0.0;

            GeometryAlgorithms.InterpolatePointOnLine(p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y, scale, ref x, ref y);
            p.X = x;
            p.Y = y;
        private void SimplifyPointData(System.Drawing.Point[] points, double[] measures, int pointCount, int simplificationFactor, System.Drawing.Point[] reducedPoints, double[] reducedMeasures, ref PointD[] pointsBuffer, ref int reducedPointCount)
            System.Drawing.Point endPoint = points[pointCount - 1];
            bool addEndpoint = endPoint == points[0];

            //check for duplicates points at end after they have been converted to pixel coordinates
            //polygons need at least 3 points so don't reduce less than this
            while (pointCount > 2 && (points[pointCount - 1] == points[0]))

            if (pointCount <= 2)
                reducedPoints[0] = points[0];
                if (pointCount == 2)
                    reducedPoints[1] = points[1];
                reducedPointCount = pointCount;
                if (addEndpoint)
                    reducedPoints[reducedPointCount++] = endPoint;
            if (pointsBuffer.Length < pointCount)
                pointsBuffer = new PointD[pointCount];

            for (int n = 0; n < pointCount; ++n)
                pointsBuffer[n].X = points[n].X;
                pointsBuffer[n].Y = points[n].Y;
            List <int> reducedIndices = new List <int>();

            reducedPointCount = GeometryAlgorithms.SimplifyDouglasPeucker(pointsBuffer, reducedIndices, pointCount, simplificationFactor);
            for (int n = 0; n < reducedPointCount; ++n)
                reducedPoints[n] = points[reducedIndices[n]];
                if (measures != null)
                    reducedMeasures[n] = measures[reducedIndices[n]];
            if (addEndpoint)
                reducedPoints[reducedPointCount++] = endPoint;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static Graphic NewCircle(double x, double y, double r)
            double[] px = new double[NUM];
            double[] py = new double[NUM];
            GeometryAlgorithms.CircleToPoints(x, y, r, NUM, px, py, AngleDirection.CounterClockwise);

            Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.PointCollection pc = new Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.PointCollection();
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                MapPoint p = new MapPoint(px[i], py[i]);

Exemplo n.º 6
        private static void Analyze(string stateFips, string tigerFolderPath)
            var countyShapeFile = new ShapeFile(Path.Combine(tigerFolderPath,
            var unifiedShapeFile = new ShapeFile(Path.Combine(tigerFolderPath,
            var unifiedEnumerator = unifiedShapeFile.GetShapeFileEnumerator();

            while (unifiedEnumerator.MoveNext())
                var unifiedFieldValues =
                var st = unifiedFieldValues[0].Trim();
                if (stateFips == null || stateFips == st)
                    var unifiedBounds    = unifiedShapeFile.GetShapeBoundsD(unifiedEnumerator.CurrentShapeIndex);
                    var unifiedData      = unifiedShapeFile.GetShapeDataD(unifiedEnumerator.CurrentShapeIndex);
                    var countyEnumerator = countyShapeFile.GetShapeFileEnumerator(unifiedBounds);
                    var inCounties       = new List <string>();
                    while (countyEnumerator.MoveNext())
                        var countyFieldValues = countyShapeFile.GetAttributeFieldValues(countyEnumerator.CurrentShapeIndex);
                        var inCounty          = false;
                        var countyData        =
                        foreach (var c in countyData)
                            foreach (var p in unifiedData)
                                if (GeometryAlgorithms.PolygonPolygonIntersect(c, c.Length,
                                                                               p, p.Length))
                                    inCounty = true;
                        if (inCounty)
                            inCounties.Add(countyFieldValues[1]); // fips
Exemplo n.º 7
        private VectorTileLayer ProcessPolygonTile(ShapeFile shapeFile, int tileX, int tileY, int zoom, OutputTileFeatureDelegate outputTileFeature)
            int        tileSize   = TileSize;
            RectangleD tileBounds = TileUtil.GetTileLatLonBounds(tileX, tileY, zoom, tileSize);

            //create a buffer around the tileBounds
            tileBounds.Inflate(tileBounds.Width * 0.05, tileBounds.Height * 0.05);

            int simplificationFactor = Math.Min(10, Math.Max(1, SimplificationPixelThreshold));

            System.Drawing.Point tilePixelOffset = new System.Drawing.Point((tileX * tileSize), (tileY * tileSize));

            List <int> indicies = new List <int>();

            shapeFile.GetShapeIndiciesIntersectingRect(indicies, tileBounds);
            GeometryAlgorithms.ClipBounds clipBounds = new GeometryAlgorithms.ClipBounds()
                XMin = -20,
                YMin = -20,
                XMax = tileSize + 20,
                YMax = tileSize + 20

            List <System.Drawing.Point> clippedPolygon = new List <System.Drawing.Point>();

            VectorTileLayer tileLayer = new VectorTileLayer();

            tileLayer.Extent  = (uint)tileSize;
            tileLayer.Version = 2;
            tileLayer.Name    = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(shapeFile.Name) ? shapeFile.Name : System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(shapeFile.FilePath);

            if (indicies.Count > 0)
                foreach (int index in indicies)
                    if (outputTileFeature != null && !outputTileFeature(shapeFile, index, zoom, tileX, tileY))

                    VectorTileFeature feature = new VectorTileFeature()
                        Id           = index.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        Geometry     = new List <List <Coordinate> >(),
                        Attributes   = new List <AttributeKeyValue>(),
                        GeometryType = Tile.GeomType.Polygon

                    //get the point data
                    var recordPoints = shapeFile.GetShapeDataD(index);
                    int partIndex    = 0;
                    foreach (PointD[] points in recordPoints)
                        //convert to pixel coordinates;
                        if (pixelPoints.Length < points.Length)
                            pixelPoints           = new System.Drawing.Point[points.Length + 10];
                            simplifiedPixelPoints = new System.Drawing.Point[points.Length + 10];
                        int pointCount = 0;
                        for (int n = 0; n < points.Length; ++n)
                            Int64 x, y;
                            TileUtil.LLToPixel(points[n], zoom, out x, out y, tileSize);

                            pixelPoints[pointCount].X   = (int)(x - tilePixelOffset.X);
                            pixelPoints[pointCount++].Y = (int)(y - tilePixelOffset.Y);
                        ////check for duplicates points at end after they have been converted to pixel coordinates
                        ////polygons need at least 3 points so don't reduce less than this
                        //while(pointCount > 3 && (pixelPoints[pointCount-1] == pixelPoints[pointCount - 2]))
                        //    --pointCount;

                        int outputCount = 0;
                        SimplifyPointData(pixelPoints, null, pointCount, simplificationFactor, simplifiedPixelPoints, null, ref pointsBuffer, ref outputCount);
                        //simplifiedPixelPoints[outputCount++] = pixelPoints[pointCount-1];

                        if (outputCount > 1)
                            GeometryAlgorithms.PolygonClip(simplifiedPixelPoints, outputCount, clipBounds, clippedPolygon);

                            if (clippedPolygon.Count > 0)
                                //output the clipped polygon
                                List <Coordinate> lineString = new List <Coordinate>();
                                for (int i = clippedPolygon.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                                    lineString.Add(new Coordinate(clippedPolygon[i].X, clippedPolygon[i].Y));

                    //add the record attributes
                    string[] fieldNames = shapeFile.GetAttributeFieldNames();
                    string[] values     = shapeFile.GetAttributeFieldValues(index);
                    for (int n = 0; n < values.Length; ++n)
                        feature.Attributes.Add(new AttributeKeyValue(fieldNames[n], values[n].Trim()));

                    if (feature.Geometry.Count > 0)

Exemplo n.º 8
        private VectorTileLayer ProcessLineStringTile(ShapeFile shapeFile, int tileX, int tileY, int zoom, OutputTileFeatureDelegate outputTileFeature)
            int        tileSize   = TileSize;
            RectangleD tileBounds = TileUtil.GetTileLatLonBounds(tileX, tileY, zoom, tileSize);

            //create a buffer around the tileBounds
            tileBounds.Inflate(tileBounds.Width * 0.05, tileBounds.Height * 0.05);

            int simplificationFactor = Math.Min(10, Math.Max(1, SimplificationPixelThreshold));

            System.Drawing.Point tilePixelOffset = new System.Drawing.Point((tileX * tileSize), (tileY * tileSize));

            List <int> indicies = new List <int>();

            shapeFile.GetShapeIndiciesIntersectingRect(indicies, tileBounds);
            GeometryAlgorithms.ClipBounds clipBounds = new GeometryAlgorithms.ClipBounds()
                XMin = -20,
                YMin = -20,
                XMax = tileSize + 20,
                YMax = tileSize + 20
            bool outputMeasureValues = this.OutputMeasureValues && (shapeFile.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineM || shapeFile.ShapeType == ShapeType.PolyLineZ);

            System.Drawing.Point[] pixelPoints           = new System.Drawing.Point[1024];
            System.Drawing.Point[] simplifiedPixelPoints = new System.Drawing.Point[1024];
            double[] simplifiedMeasures = new double[1024];

            PointD[] pointsBuffer = new PointD[1024];

            VectorTileLayer tileLayer = new VectorTileLayer();

            tileLayer.Extent  = (uint)tileSize;
            tileLayer.Version = 2;
            tileLayer.Name    = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(shapeFile.Name) ? shapeFile.Name : System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(shapeFile.FilePath);

            if (indicies.Count > 0)
                foreach (int index in indicies)
                    if (outputTileFeature != null && !outputTileFeature(shapeFile, index, zoom, tileX, tileY))

                    VectorTileFeature feature = new VectorTileFeature()
                        Id         = index.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                        Geometry   = new List <List <Coordinate> >(),
                        Attributes = new List <AttributeKeyValue>()

                    //get the point data
                    var recordPoints = shapeFile.GetShapeDataD(index);
                    System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection <double[]> recordMeasures = null;

                    if (outputMeasureValues)
                        recordMeasures = shapeFile.GetShapeMDataD(index);

                    List <double> outputMeasures = new List <double>();
                    int           partIndex      = 0;
                    foreach (PointD[] points in recordPoints)
                        double[] measures = recordMeasures != null ? recordMeasures[partIndex] : null;
                        //convert to pixel coordinates;
                        if (pixelPoints.Length < points.Length)
                            pixelPoints           = new System.Drawing.Point[points.Length + 10];
                            simplifiedPixelPoints = new System.Drawing.Point[points.Length + 10];
                            simplifiedMeasures    = new double[points.Length + 10];

                        for (int n = 0; n < points.Length; ++n)
                            Int64 x, y;
                            TileUtil.LLToPixel(points[n], zoom, out x, out y, tileSize);
                            pixelPoints[n].X = (int)(x - tilePixelOffset.X);
                            pixelPoints[n].Y = (int)(y - tilePixelOffset.Y);

                        int outputCount = 0;
                        SimplifyPointData(pixelPoints, measures, points.Length, simplificationFactor, simplifiedPixelPoints, simplifiedMeasures, ref pointsBuffer, ref outputCount);

                        //output count may be zero for short records at low zoom levels as
                        //the pixel coordinates wil be a single point after simplification
                        if (outputCount > 0)
                            List <int> clippedPoints = new List <int>();
                            List <int> parts         = new List <int>();

                            if (outputMeasureValues)
                                List <double> clippedMeasures = new List <double>();
                                GeometryAlgorithms.PolyLineClip(simplifiedPixelPoints, outputCount, clipBounds, clippedPoints, parts, simplifiedMeasures, clippedMeasures);
                                GeometryAlgorithms.PolyLineClip(simplifiedPixelPoints, outputCount, clipBounds, clippedPoints, parts);
                            if (parts.Count > 0)
                                //output the clipped polyline
                                for (int n = 0; n < parts.Count; ++n)
                                    int index1 = parts[n];
                                    int index2 = n < parts.Count - 1 ? parts[n + 1] : clippedPoints.Count;

                                    List <Coordinate> lineString = new List <Coordinate>();
                                    feature.GeometryType = Tile.GeomType.LineString;
                                    //clipped points store separate x/y pairs so there will be two values per measure
                                    for (int i = index1; i < index2; i += 2)
                                        lineString.Add(new Coordinate(clippedPoints[i], clippedPoints[i + 1]));

                    //add the record attributes
                    string[] fieldNames = shapeFile.GetAttributeFieldNames();
                    string[] values     = shapeFile.GetAttributeFieldValues(index);
                    for (int n = 0; n < values.Length; ++n)
                        feature.Attributes.Add(new AttributeKeyValue(fieldNames[n], values[n].Trim()));
                    if (outputMeasureValues)
                        string s = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(outputMeasures, new DoubleFormatConverter(4));
                        feature.Attributes.Add(new AttributeKeyValue(this.MeasuresAttributeName, s));

                    if (feature.Geometry.Count > 0)
Exemplo n.º 9
        private VectorTileLayer ProcessPolygonTile(ISpatialDataSource spatialLayer, int tileX, int tileY, int zoom)
            int        tileSize   = TileSize;
            RectangleD tileBounds = TileUtil.GetTileLatLonBounds(tileX, tileY, zoom, tileSize);

            //create a buffer around the tileBounds
            tileBounds.Inflate(tileBounds.Width * 0.05, tileBounds.Height * 0.05);

            int simplificationFactor = Math.Min(10, Math.Max(1, SimplificationPixelThreshold));

            System.Drawing.Point tilePixelOffset = new System.Drawing.Point((tileX * tileSize), (tileY * tileSize));

            using (IEnumerator <ISpatialData> data = spatialLayer.GetData(new BoundingBox()
                MinX = tileBounds.Left,
                MinY = tileBounds.Top,
                MaxX = tileBounds.Right,
                MaxY = tileBounds.Bottom
                GeometryAlgorithms.ClipBounds clipBounds = new GeometryAlgorithms.ClipBounds()
                    XMin = -20,
                    YMin = -20,
                    XMax = tileSize + 20,
                    YMax = tileSize + 20

                System.Drawing.Point[] pixelPoints           = new System.Drawing.Point[1024];
                System.Drawing.Point[] simplifiedPixelPoints = new System.Drawing.Point[1024];
                PointD[] pointsBuffer = new PointD[1024];

                List <System.Drawing.Point> clippedPolygon = new List <System.Drawing.Point>();

                VectorTileLayer tileLayer = new VectorTileLayer();
                tileLayer.Extent  = (uint)tileSize;
                tileLayer.Version = 2;
                tileLayer.Name    = spatialLayer.Name;

                while (data.MoveNext())
                    ISpatialData spatialData = data.Current;

                    VectorTileFeature feature = new VectorTileFeature()
                        Id           = spatialData.Id,
                        Geometry     = new List <List <Coordinate> >(),
                        Attributes   = new List <AttributeKeyValue>(),
                        GeometryType = Tile.GeomType.Polygon

                    //get the point data
                    var recordPoints = spatialData.Geometry;
                    int partIndex    = 0;
                    foreach (PointD[] points in recordPoints)
                        //convert to pixel coordinates;
                        if (pixelPoints.Length < points.Length)
                            pixelPoints           = new System.Drawing.Point[points.Length + 10];
                            simplifiedPixelPoints = new System.Drawing.Point[points.Length + 10];

                        for (int n = 0; n < points.Length; ++n)
                            Int64 x, y;
                            TileUtil.LLToPixel(points[n], zoom, out x, out y, tileSize);
                            pixelPoints[n].X = (int)(x - tilePixelOffset.X);
                            pixelPoints[n].Y = (int)(y - tilePixelOffset.Y);

                        int outputCount = 0;
                        SimplifyPointData(pixelPoints, null, points.Length, simplificationFactor, simplifiedPixelPoints, null, ref pointsBuffer, ref outputCount);

                        if (outputCount > 1)
                            GeometryAlgorithms.PolygonClip(simplifiedPixelPoints, outputCount, clipBounds, clippedPolygon);

                            if (clippedPolygon.Count > 0)
                                //output the clipped polygon
                                List <Coordinate> lineString = new List <Coordinate>();
                                for (int i = clippedPolygon.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                                    lineString.Add(new Coordinate(clippedPolygon[i].X, clippedPolygon[i].Y));

                    //add the record attributes
                    foreach (var keyValue in spatialData.Attributes)
                        feature.Attributes.Add(new AttributeKeyValue(keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value));

                    if (feature.Geometry.Count > 0)
Exemplo n.º 10
        private VectorTileLayer ProcessLineStringTile(ISpatialDataSource spatialLayer, int tileX, int tileY, int zoom)
            int        tileSize   = TileSize;
            RectangleD tileBounds = TileUtil.GetTileLatLonBounds(tileX, tileY, zoom, tileSize);

            //create a buffer around the tileBounds
            tileBounds.Inflate(tileBounds.Width * 0.05, tileBounds.Height * 0.05);

            int simplificationFactor = Math.Min(10, Math.Max(1, SimplificationPixelThreshold));

            System.Drawing.Point tilePixelOffset = new System.Drawing.Point((tileX * tileSize), (tileY * tileSize));

            using (IEnumerator <ISpatialData> data = spatialLayer.GetData(new BoundingBox()
                MinX = tileBounds.Left,
                MinY = tileBounds.Top,
                MaxX = tileBounds.Right,
                MaxY = tileBounds.Bottom
                GeometryAlgorithms.ClipBounds clipBounds = new GeometryAlgorithms.ClipBounds()
                    XMin = -20,
                    YMin = -20,
                    XMax = tileSize + 20,
                    YMax = tileSize + 20
                bool outputMeasureValues                     = this.OutputMeasureValues && spatialLayer.HasMeasures;
                System.Drawing.Point[] pixelPoints           = new System.Drawing.Point[1024];
                System.Drawing.Point[] simplifiedPixelPoints = new System.Drawing.Point[1024];
                double[] simplifiedMeasures                  = new double[1024];

                PointD[] pointsBuffer = new PointD[1024];

                VectorTileLayer tileLayer = new VectorTileLayer();
                tileLayer.Extent  = (uint)tileSize;
                tileLayer.Version = 2;
                tileLayer.Name    = spatialLayer.Name;

                //int index = 0;
                //foreach (int index in indicies)
                while (data.MoveNext())
                    ISpatialData spatialData = data.Current;

                    VectorTileFeature feature = new VectorTileFeature()
                        Id         = spatialData.Id,
                        Geometry   = new List <List <Coordinate> >(),
                        Attributes = new List <AttributeKeyValue>()

                    //get the point data
                    var recordPoints = spatialData.Geometry;

                    List <double[]> recordMeasures = null;

                    if (outputMeasureValues)
                        recordMeasures = spatialData.Measures;

                    List <double> outputMeasures = new List <double>();
                    int           partIndex      = 0;
                    foreach (PointD[] points in recordPoints)
                        double[] measures = recordMeasures != null ? recordMeasures[partIndex] : null;
                        //convert to pixel coordinates;
                        if (pixelPoints.Length < points.Length)
                            pixelPoints           = new System.Drawing.Point[points.Length + 10];
                            simplifiedPixelPoints = new System.Drawing.Point[points.Length + 10];
                            simplifiedMeasures    = new double[points.Length + 10];

                        for (int n = 0; n < points.Length; ++n)
                            Int64 x, y;
                            TileUtil.LLToPixel(points[n], zoom, out x, out y, tileSize);
                            pixelPoints[n].X = (int)(x - tilePixelOffset.X);
                            pixelPoints[n].Y = (int)(y - tilePixelOffset.Y);

                        int outputCount = 0;
                        SimplifyPointData(pixelPoints, measures, points.Length, simplificationFactor, simplifiedPixelPoints, simplifiedMeasures, ref pointsBuffer, ref outputCount);

                        //output count may be zero for short records at low zoom levels as
                        //the pixel coordinates wil be a single point after simplification
                        if (outputCount > 0)
                            List <int> clippedPoints = new List <int>();
                            List <int> parts         = new List <int>();

                            if (outputMeasureValues)
                                List <double> clippedMeasures = new List <double>();
                                GeometryAlgorithms.PolyLineClip(simplifiedPixelPoints, outputCount, clipBounds, clippedPoints, parts, simplifiedMeasures, clippedMeasures);
                                GeometryAlgorithms.PolyLineClip(simplifiedPixelPoints, outputCount, clipBounds, clippedPoints, parts);
                            if (parts.Count > 0)
                                //output the clipped polyline
                                for (int n = 0; n < parts.Count; ++n)
                                    int index1 = parts[n];
                                    int index2 = n < parts.Count - 1 ? parts[n + 1] : clippedPoints.Count;

                                    List <Coordinate> lineString = new List <Coordinate>();
                                    feature.GeometryType = Tile.GeomType.LineString;
                                    //clipped points store separate x/y pairs so there will be two values per measure
                                    for (int i = index1; i < index2; i += 2)
                                        lineString.Add(new Coordinate(clippedPoints[i], clippedPoints[i + 1]));

                    //add the record attributes
                    foreach (var keyValue in spatialData.Attributes)
                        feature.Attributes.Add(new AttributeKeyValue(keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value));
                    if (outputMeasureValues)
                        string s = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(outputMeasures, new DoubleFormatConverter(4));
                        feature.Attributes.Add(new AttributeKeyValue(this.MeasuresAttributeName, s));

                    if (feature.Geometry.Count > 0)
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static double Distance(MapPoint p1, MapPoint p2)
     return(GeometryAlgorithms.PointDistanceToPoint(p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void GeometryAlgorithmsValidateTest()
            #region testing polygon validation with precision model application

            // polygon remains unchanged after validation
            PrecisionModel  precisionModel = PrecisionModel.Default;
            GeometryFactory factory        = new GeometryFactory(precisionModel, null);
            IPolygon        polygon        = factory.CreatePolygon(new Coordinate[]
                new Coordinate(0.000, 0.000),
                new Coordinate(0.444, 0.000),
                new Coordinate(0.444, 0.040),
                new Coordinate(0.440, 0.040),

            IGeometry result = GeometryAlgorithms.Validate(polygon);
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <IPolygon>(result);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, ((IPolygon)result).Shell.Count);

            // polygon becomes another polygon after validation
            precisionModel = new PrecisionModel(100);
            factory        = new GeometryFactory(precisionModel, null);
            polygon        = factory.CreatePolygon(new Coordinate[]
                new Coordinate(0.000, 0.000),
                new Coordinate(0.444, 0.000),
                new Coordinate(0.444, 0.040),
                new Coordinate(0.440, 0.040),

            result = GeometryAlgorithms.Validate(polygon);
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <IPolygon>(result);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, ((IPolygon)result).Shell.Count);

            // polygon becomes a line after validation
            precisionModel = new PrecisionModel(10);
            factory        = new GeometryFactory(precisionModel, null);
            polygon        = factory.CreatePolygon(new Coordinate[]
                new Coordinate(0.000, 0.000),
                new Coordinate(0.444, 0.000),
                new Coordinate(0.444, 0.040),
                new Coordinate(0.440, 0.040),

            result = GeometryAlgorithms.Validate(polygon);
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <ILineString>(result);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, ((ILineString)result).Count);

            // polygon becomes a point after validation
            precisionModel = new PrecisionModel(1);
            factory        = new GeometryFactory(precisionModel, null);
            polygon        = factory.CreatePolygon(new Coordinate[]
                new Coordinate(0.000, 0.000),
                new Coordinate(0.444, 0.000),
                new Coordinate(0.444, 0.040),
                new Coordinate(0.440, 0.040),

            result = GeometryAlgorithms.Validate(polygon);
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <IPoint>(result);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Coordinate(0, 0), ((IPoint)result).Coordinate);
