Exemplo n.º 1
        private static IGeometry CreateJ(IGeometry g)
            var gf = FunctionsUtil.GetFactoryOrDefault(g);

            var jTop = new Coordinate[]
                new Coordinate(0, HEIGHT),
                new Coordinate(J_WIDTH, HEIGHT),
                new Coordinate(J_WIDTH, J_RADIUS)
            var jBottom = new Coordinate[]
                new Coordinate(J_WIDTH - J_RADIUS, 0),
                new Coordinate(0, 0)

            var gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory(gf);

            gsf.Base      = new Coordinate(J_WIDTH - 2 * J_RADIUS, 0);
            gsf.Size      = 2 * J_RADIUS;
            gsf.NumPoints = 10;
            var jArc = gsf.CreateArc(1.5 * Math.PI, 0.5 * Math.PI);

            var coordList = new CoordinateList();

            coordList.Add(jTop, false);
            coordList.Add(((IGeometry)jArc).Reverse().Coordinates, false, 1, jArc.NumPoints - 1);
            coordList.Add(jBottom, false);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private IGeometry RandomGeometry(int points)
            //a circle
            NtsSpatialContext     ctx = (NtsSpatialContext)base.ctx;
            GeometricShapeFactory gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory(ctx.GeometryFactory);

            gsf.Centre    = (new Coordinate(0, 0));
            gsf.Size      = (180);//diameter
            gsf.NumPoints = (points);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestBigPolygon()
            var shapeFactory = new GeometricShapeFactory(GeomFactory);

            shapeFactory.Base      = new Coordinate(0, 0);
            shapeFactory.Size      = 1000;
            shapeFactory.NumPoints = 1000;
            IGeometry geom = shapeFactory.CreateRectangle();

            RunWKBTest(geom, 2, false);
        public static Polygon CreateCircle(Coordinate origin, double size, int nPts)
            var gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory();

            gsf.Centre    = origin;
            gsf.Size      = size;
            gsf.NumPoints = nPts;
            var circle = gsf.CreateCircle();

Exemplo n.º 5
        static IGeometry CreateTestCircle(Coordinate origin, double size, int nPts)
            GeometricShapeFactory gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory();

            gsf.Centre    = origin;
            gsf.Size      = size;
            gsf.NumPoints = nPts;
            IGeometry circle = gsf.CreateCircle();

            //    System.out.println(circle);
Exemplo n.º 6
        static ILineString CreateTestLine(Coordinate basePt, double size, int nPts)
            var gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory();

            gsf.Centre    = basePt;
            gsf.Size      = size;
            gsf.NumPoints = nPts;
            IGeometry circle = gsf.CreateCircle();

            // System.out.println(circle);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public IGeometry CreateLine(Coordinate @base, double size, int nPts)
            var gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory();

            gsf.Centre    = _origin;
            gsf.Size      = size;
            gsf.NumPoints = nPts;
            var circle = gsf.CreateCircle();

//    System.out.println(circle);
        public static Polygon CreateSquare(Coordinate origin, double size)
            var gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory();

            gsf.Centre    = origin;
            gsf.Size      = size;
            gsf.NumPoints = 4;
            var g = gsf.CreateRectangle();

            // Polygon gRect = gsf.createRectangle();
            // Geometry g = gRect.getExteriorRing();
Exemplo n.º 9
        static IGeometry CreateCircle(Coordinate origin, double size, int nPts)
            GeometricShapeFactory gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory();

            gsf.Centre    = origin;
            gsf.Size      = size;
            gsf.NumPoints = nPts;
            IGeometry circle = gsf.CreateCircle();

            // Polygon gRect = gsf.createRectangle();
            // Geometry g = gRect.getExteriorRing();
Exemplo n.º 10
        public IGeometry CreateCircle(int nPts)
            var gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory(_geomFact);

            gsf.Centre    = _origin;
            gsf.Size      = _size;
            gsf.NumPoints = nPts;
            var circle = gsf.CreateCircle();

            // var gRect = gsf.CreateRectangle();
            // var g = gRect.ExteriorRing);
        public static IGeometry Supercircle(IGeometry g, int nPts, double pow)
            var gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory();

            gsf.NumPoints = nPts;
            if (g != null)
                gsf.Envelope = g.EnvelopeInternal;
                gsf.Envelope = new Envelope(0, 1, 0, 1);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void GetIntersectionAreaCircles()
            var factory = new GeometricShapeFactory {
                Size = 20
            var circle = factory.CreateCircle();

            factory.Centre = new Coordinate(0, 5);
            var circle2 = factory.CreateCircle();

            //self area
            Assert.AreEqual(circle.Area, GeometryHelper.GetSampledIntersectionArea(circle, circle), 10);

            var actualArea = GeometryHelper.GetIntersectionArea(circle, circle2);

            Assert.AreEqual(102.68839131234732, actualArea, 0.1);
            Assert.AreEqual(actualArea, GeometryHelper.GetSampledIntersectionArea(circle, circle2), 10);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static IGeometry CreateS(IGeometry g)
            var gf = FunctionsUtil.GetFactoryOrDefault(g);

            double centreX = WIDTH - S_RADIUS;

            var top = new[]
                new Coordinate(WIDTH, HEIGHT),
                new Coordinate(centreX, HEIGHT)
            var bottom = new[]
                new Coordinate(centreX, 0),
                new Coordinate(WIDTH - 2 * S_RADIUS, 0)

            var gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory(gf);

            gsf.Centre    = new Coordinate(centreX, HEIGHT - S_RADIUS);
            gsf.Size      = 2 * S_RADIUS;
            gsf.NumPoints = 10;
            var arcTop = gsf.CreateArc(0.5 * Math.PI, Math.PI);

            var gsf2 = new GeometricShapeFactory(gf);

            gsf2.Centre    = new Coordinate(centreX, S_RADIUS);
            gsf2.Size      = 2 * S_RADIUS;
            gsf2.NumPoints = 10;
            var arcBottom = (ILineString)((IGeometry)gsf2.CreateArc(1.5 * Math.PI, Math.PI)).Reverse();

            var coordList = new CoordinateList();

            coordList.Add(top, false);
            coordList.Add(arcTop.Coordinates, false, 1, arcTop.NumPoints - 1);
            coordList.Add(new Coordinate(centreX, HEIGHT / 2));
            coordList.Add(arcBottom.Coordinates, false, 1, arcBottom.NumPoints - 1);
            coordList.Add(bottom, false);

        private IGeometry getGeometryFromPoint(Coordinate coord, double size)
            coord.X -= size / 2;
            coord.Y -= size / 2;

            GeometricShapeFactory gf = new GeometricShapeFactory();

            gf.Base   = coord;
            gf.Centre = coord;
            gf.Size   = size;
            gf.Width  = size;
            gf.Height = size;

            IPolygon circle = gf.CreateCircle();

            circle.Coordinates[circle.Coordinates.Length - 1] = circle.Coordinates.First();

            LinearRing lr = new LinearRing(circle.Coordinates);

            return(new Polygon(lr));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void MovePolygonWithTrackersShouldBeFast()
            var factory = new GeometricShapeFactory();

            factory.NumPoints = 10000; // many
            factory.Size      = 300;
            var circle       = factory.CreateCircle();
            var circleSource = (IGeometry)circle.Clone();

            var trackers = new List <IGeometry>();

            for (int i = 0; i < circle.Coordinates.Length; i++)
                trackers.Add(new Point((ICoordinate)circle.Coordinates[i].Clone()));

            var handles = Enumerable.Range(0, trackers.Count).ToList();

                                          () => noFallOffPolicy.Move(circle, circleSource, trackers, handles, 0, 5, 5));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void GetTimeSeriesFromTimeDependentPolygonFeatureCoverageWithCentroid()
            //QueryTimeSeriesMapCommand uses centroid

            var coverage = GetTimeDependentFeatureCoverage();

            foreach (var feature in coverage.Features)
                var factory = new GeometricShapeFactory();
                factory.Centre   = feature.Geometry.Coordinate;
                factory.Size     = 5;
                feature.Geometry = factory.CreateCircle();

            var coverageName = "Waste disposal";

            coverage.Name = coverageName;

            var t1 = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
            var t2 = new DateTime(2000, 1, 2);
            var t3 = new DateTime(2000, 1, 3);

            //set some values for each time step
            coverage[t1] = new[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
            coverage[t2] = new[] { 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 };
            coverage[t3] = new[] { 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 };

            //get a timeseries for the 1st feature
            var firstFeature = coverage.FeatureVariable.Values.OfType <SimpleFeature>().First();
            var featureName  = "Amsterdam";

            firstFeature.Name = featureName;
            var timesSeries = coverage.GetTimeSeries(firstFeature.Geometry.Centroid.Coordinate);

            Assert.AreEqual(new[] { t1, t2, t3 }, timesSeries.Arguments[0].Values);
            Assert.AreEqual(new[] { 1.0d, 4.0d, 7.0d }, timesSeries.Components[0].Values);
            Assert.AreEqual(coverageName + " at " + featureName, timesSeries.Name);
            //check it is reduced
            Assert.AreEqual(1, timesSeries.Arguments.Count);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public FormaGeometrica(EGeometricShapes eGeometricShapes, decimal side1, decimal?side2, decimal?base1, decimal?base2, decimal?height)
     _iGeometricShape = GeometricShapeFactory.GetGeometricShape(eGeometricShapes, side1, side2, base1, base2, height);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a NTS <see cref="IGeometry"/> for the given <see cref="IShape"/>. Some shapes hold a
        /// NTS geometry whereas new ones must be created for the rest.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shape">Not null</param>
        /// <returns>Not null</returns>
        public virtual IGeometry GetGeometryFrom(IShape shape)
            if (shape is NtsGeometry)
            if (shape is NtsPoint)

            var point = shape as Shapes.IPoint;

            if (point != null)
                return(m_geometryFactory.CreatePoint(new Coordinate(point.X, point.Y)));

            var r = shape as IRectangle;

            if (r != null)
                if (r.CrossesDateLine)
                    var pair = new List <IGeometry>(2)
                        m_geometryFactory.ToGeometry(new Envelope(
                                                         r.MinX, WorldBounds.MaxX, r.MinY, r.MaxY)),
                        m_geometryFactory.ToGeometry(new Envelope(
                                                         WorldBounds.MinX, r.MaxX, r.MinY, r.MaxY))
                    return(m_geometryFactory.BuildGeometry(pair));//a MultiPolygon or MultiLineString
                    return(m_geometryFactory.ToGeometry(new Envelope(r.MinX, r.MaxX, r.MinY, r.MaxY)));

            var circle = shape as ICircle;

            if (circle != null)
                // TODO, this should maybe pick a bunch of points
                // and make a circle like:
                //  http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTDOC/01+How+to+Create+a+Geometry#01HowtoCreateaGeometry-CreatingaCircle
                // If this crosses the dateline, it could make two parts
                // is there an existing utility that does this?

                if (circle.BoundingBox.CrossesDateLine)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Doesn't support dateline cross yet: " + circle);//TODO
                var gsf = new GeometricShapeFactory(m_geometryFactory)
                    Size      = circle.BoundingBox.Width / 2.0f,
                    NumPoints = 4 * 25,//multiple of 4 is best
                    Centre    = new Coordinate(circle.Center.X, circle.Center.Y)
            throw new InvalidShapeException("can't make Geometry from: " + shape);