private string GenerateReportDescription(GeofenceStateChangeReport report)
            GeofenceState  state     = report.NewState;
            DateTimeOffset timestamp = report.Geoposition.Coordinate.Timestamp;

            string result = $"{report.Geofence.Id} {timestamp:G}";

            if (state == GeofenceState.Removed)
                GeofenceRemovalReason reason = report.RemovalReason;
                if (reason == GeofenceRemovalReason.Expired)
                    result += " (Removed/Expired)";
                else if (reason == GeofenceRemovalReason.Used)
                    result += " (Removed/Used)";
            else if (state == GeofenceState.Entered)
                result += " (Entered)";
            else if (state == GeofenceState.Exited)
                result += " (Exited)";
        private void GetGeofenceStateChangedReports()
            GeofenceMonitor monitor      = GeofenceMonitor.Current;
            Geoposition     posLastKnown = monitor.LastKnownGeoposition;

            string geofenceItemEvent = null;

            // Retrieve a vector of state change reports
            var reports = GeofenceMonitor.Current.ReadReports();

            foreach (var report in reports)
                GeofenceState state = report.NewState;
                geofenceItemEvent = report.Geofence.Id;

                if (state == GeofenceState.Removed)
                    GeofenceRemovalReason reason = report.RemovalReason;
                    if (reason == GeofenceRemovalReason.Expired)
                        geofenceItemEvent += " (Removed/Expired)";
                    else if (reason == GeofenceRemovalReason.Used)
                        geofenceItemEvent += " (Removed/Used)";
                else if (state == GeofenceState.Entered)
                    geofenceItemEvent += " (Entered)";
                else if (state == GeofenceState.Exited)
                    geofenceItemEvent += " (Exited)";
            // NOTE: Other notification mechanisms can be used here, such as Badge and/or Tile updates.
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void GetGeofenceStateChangedReports(Geoposition pos)


            GeofenceMonitor monitor = GeofenceMonitor.Current;

            Geoposition posLastKnown = monitor.LastKnownGeoposition;

            Windows.Globalization.Calendar calendar = new Windows.Globalization.Calendar();
            Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter formatterLongTime;
            formatterLongTime = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter("{hour.integer}:{minute.integer(2)}:{second.integer(2)}", new[] { "en-US" }, "US", Windows.Globalization.CalendarIdentifiers.Gregorian, Windows.Globalization.ClockIdentifiers.TwentyFourHour);

            bool eventOfInterest = true;

            // NOTE TO DEVELOPER:
            // Registered geofence events can be filtered out if the
            // geofence event time is stale.
            DateTimeOffset eventDateTime = pos.Coordinate.Timestamp;

            DateTimeOffset nowDateTime  = calendar.GetDateTime();
            TimeSpan       diffTimeSpan = nowDateTime - eventDateTime;

            long deltaInSeconds = diffTimeSpan.Ticks / oneHundredNanosecondsPerSecond;

            if (true == eventOfInterest)
                if ((posLastKnown.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude != pos.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude) ||
                    (posLastKnown.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude != pos.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude))

                if (true == eventOfInterest)
                    string geofenceItemEvent   = null;
                    int    numEventsOfInterest = 0;

                    // Retrieve a vector of state change reports
                    var reports = GeofenceMonitor.Current.ReadReports();

                    foreach (var report in reports)
                        GeofenceState state = report.NewState;
                        geofenceItemEvent = report.Geofence.Id + " " + formatterLongTime.Format(eventDateTime);

                        if (state == GeofenceState.Removed)
                            GeofenceRemovalReason reason = report.RemovalReason;
                            if (reason == GeofenceRemovalReason.Expired)
                                geofenceItemEvent += " (Removed/Expired)";
                            else if (reason == GeofenceRemovalReason.Used)
                                geofenceItemEvent += " (Removed/Used)";
                        else if (state == GeofenceState.Entered)
                            geofenceItemEvent += " (Entered)";
                        else if (state == GeofenceState.Exited)
                            geofenceItemEvent += " (Exited)";



                    if (true == eventOfInterest && 0 != numEventsOfInterest)

                        // NOTE: Other notification mechanisms can be used here, such as Badge and/or Tile updates.
                        DoToast(numEventsOfInterest, geofenceItemEvent);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void GetGeofenceStateChangedReports(Geoposition pos)


            GeofenceMonitor monitor = GeofenceMonitor.Current;

            Geoposition posLastKnown = monitor.LastKnownGeoposition;

            Windows.Globalization.Calendar calendar = new Windows.Globalization.Calendar();
            Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter formatterLongTime;
            formatterLongTime = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter("{hour.integer}:{minute.integer(2)}:{second.integer(2)}", new[] { "en-US" }, "US", Windows.Globalization.CalendarIdentifiers.Gregorian, Windows.Globalization.ClockIdentifiers.TwentyFourHour);

            bool eventOfInterest = true;

            // NOTE TO DEVELOPER:
            // These events can be filtered out if the
            // geofence event time is stale.
            DateTimeOffset eventDateTime = pos.Coordinate.Timestamp;

            DateTimeOffset nowDateTime = calendar.GetDateTime();

            TimeSpan diffTimeSpan = nowDateTime - eventDateTime;

            long deltaInSeconds = diffTimeSpan.Ticks / oneHundredNanosecondsPerSecond;

            // NOTE TO DEVELOPER:
            // If the time difference between the geofence event and now is too large
            // the eventOfInterest should be set to false.

            if (eventOfInterest)
                // NOTE TO DEVELOPER:
                // This event can be filtered out if the
                // geofence event location is too far away.
                if ((posLastKnown.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude != pos.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude) ||
                    (posLastKnown.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude != pos.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude))
                    // NOTE TO DEVELOPER:
                    // Use an algorithm like the Haversine formula or Vincenty's formulae to determine
                    // the distance between the current location (pos.Coordinate)
                    // and the location of the geofence event (latitudeEvent/longitudeEvent).
                    // If too far apart set eventOfInterest to false to
                    // filter the event out.

                if (eventOfInterest)
                    string geofenceItemEvent = null;

                    int numEventsOfInterest = 0;

                    // Retrieve a vector of state change reports
                    var reports = GeofenceMonitor.Current.ReadReports();

                    foreach (GeofenceStateChangeReport report in reports)
                        GeofenceState state = report.NewState;

                        geofenceItemEvent = report.Geofence.Id + " " + formatterLongTime.Format(eventDateTime);

                        if (state == GeofenceState.Removed)
                            GeofenceRemovalReason reason = report.RemovalReason;

                            if (reason == GeofenceRemovalReason.Expired)
                                geofenceItemEvent += " (Removed/Expired)";
                            else if (reason == GeofenceRemovalReason.Used)
                                geofenceItemEvent += " (Removed/Used)";
                        else if (state == GeofenceState.Entered)
                            geofenceItemEvent += " (Entered)";
                        else if (state == GeofenceState.Exited)
                            geofenceItemEvent += " (Exited)";



                    if (eventOfInterest && (0 != numEventsOfInterest))

                        // NOTE: Other notification mechanisms can be used here, such as Badge and/or Tile updates.
                        DoToast(numEventsOfInterest, geofenceItemEvent);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private async Task GetGeofenceStateChangedReports(Geoposition pos)

            GeofenceMonitor monitor      = GeofenceMonitor.Current;
            Geoposition     posLastKnown = monitor.LastKnownGeoposition;

            Windows.Globalization.Calendar calendar = new Windows.Globalization.Calendar();
            Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter formatterLongTime;
            formatterLongTime = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter("{hour.integer}:{minute.integer(2)}:{second.integer(2)}", new[] { "hr-HR" }, "HR", Windows.Globalization.CalendarIdentifiers.Gregorian, Windows.Globalization.ClockIdentifiers.TwentyFourHour);

            bool eventOfInterest = true;

            // NOTE TO DEVELOPER:
            // Registered geofence events can be filtered out if the
            // geofence event time is stale.
            var eventDateTime = pos.Coordinate.Timestamp;

            var nowDateTime  = calendar.GetDateTime();
            var diffTimeSpan = nowDateTime - eventDateTime;

            var deltaInSeconds = diffTimeSpan.TotalSeconds;

            if (deltaInSeconds > 120)
                eventOfInterest = false;

            if (eventOfInterest)
                // NOTE TO DEVELOPER:
                // This event can be filtered out if the
                // geofence event location is too far away.
                var distance = 0.0d;

                if ((posLastKnown.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude != pos.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude) ||
                    (posLastKnown.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude != pos.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude))
                    distance = new HaversineFormula().Distance(posLastKnown.Coordinate.Point.Position, pos.Coordinate.Point.Position, HaversineFormula.DistanceType.Kilometers);

                    // NOTE TO DEVELOPER:
                    // Use an algorithm like the Haversine formula or Vincenty's formulae to determine
                    // the distance between the current location (pos.Coordinate)
                    // and the location of the geofence event (latitudeEvent/longitudeEvent).
                    // If too far apart set eventOfInterest to false to
                    // filter the event out.

                if (eventOfInterest)
                    string geofenceItemEvent   = null;
                    int    numEventsOfInterest = 0;

                    // Retrieve a vector of state change reports
                    var reports = GeofenceMonitor.Current.ReadReports();

                    foreach (var report in reports)
                        GeofenceState state = report.NewState;
                        geofenceItemEvent = report.Geofence.Id + " " + formatterLongTime.Format(eventDateTime);

                        if (state == GeofenceState.Removed)
                            GeofenceRemovalReason reason = report.RemovalReason;
                            if (reason == GeofenceRemovalReason.Expired)
                                geofenceItemEvent += " (Removed/Expired)";
                            else if (reason == GeofenceRemovalReason.Used)
                                geofenceItemEvent += " (Removed/Used)";
                        else if (state == GeofenceState.Entered)
                            geofenceItemEvent += " (Entered)";
                        else if (state == GeofenceState.Exited)
                            geofenceItemEvent += " (Exited)";

                        geofenceItemEvent += $" - {deltaInSeconds}";
                        geofenceItemEvent += $"\nDistance - {distance}";


                        var userLocation = new UserLocation()
                            Latitude   = report.Geoposition.Coordinate.Point.Position.Latitude,
                            Longitude  = report.Geoposition.Coordinate.Point.Position.Longitude,
                            Name       = report.Geofence.Id,
                            UpdatedUtc = eventDateTime.UtcDateTime,
                            Status     = (LocationStatus)(int)state

                        await UploadDataToCloud(userLocation);

                    if (eventOfInterest == true && numEventsOfInterest != 0)
                        // NOTE: Other notification mechanisms can be used here, such as Badge and/or Tile updates.
                        //DoToast(numEventsOfInterest, geofenceItemEvent);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// STEP 2B: On geofence notification, read reports
        /// Event handler for geofence state changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">GeofenceMonitor, which receives the event notifications.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event data that describes how this page was reached.  The Parameter
        /// property is typically used to configure the page.</param>
        public async void OnGeofenceStateChangedHandler(GeofenceMonitor sender, object e)
            // Get reports for geofences state changes
            var reports = sender.ReadReports();

            foreach (GeofenceStateChangeReport report in reports)
                GeofenceState state = report.NewState;
                Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geofencing.Geofence geofence = report.Geofence;
                var gasStationItem = await SampleDataSource.GetItemAsync(geofence.Id);

                // If we've entered a particular geofence, show message for that geofence's id
                if (state == GeofenceState.Entered)
                    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                        // Show message for the given geofence enter event
                        string geofenceEnterMessage = "Approaching " + gasStationItem.Subtitle;
                        // Post message update
                        // Update Fence
                        updateGasStationFence(report.Geofence.Id, (Geocircle)report.Geofence.Geoshape, Colors.Green);
                        // Or create a toast to tell the user about the event
                        // Or do stuff under the covers, such as update info, change something in the phone, send message, etc

                // If we've exited a particular geofence, show message for that geofence's id
                else if (state == GeofenceState.Exited)
                    await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                        // Show message for the given geofence exit event
                        string geofenceExitMessage = "Departing " + gasStationItem.Subtitle;
                        // Post message update
                        // Draw Fence
                        updateGasStationFence(report.Geofence.Id, (Geocircle)report.Geofence.Geoshape, Colors.Red);
                        // Or create a toast to tell the user about the event
                        // Or do stuff under the covers, such as check out, change something in the phone, send message, etc
                else if (state == GeofenceState.Removed)
                    GeofenceRemovalReason reason = report.RemovalReason;
                    string eventDescription      = "Geofence Removed: ";

                    if (reason == GeofenceRemovalReason.Expired)
                        await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                            eventDescription += " (Removed/Expired)";
                            Debug.WriteLine(eventDescription + geofence.Id);
                    else if (reason == GeofenceRemovalReason.Used)
                        await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                            eventDescription += " (Removed/Used)";
                            Debug.WriteLine(eventDescription + geofence.Id);