private List <MatchedAddress> ConvertToMatchedAddresses(Geocode geocode) { List <MatchedAddress> matchedAddresses = new List <MatchedAddress>(); if (geocode.GcCount != null && geocode.GcCount.Count > 0) { foreach (Feature feature in geocode.Features) { MatchedAddress matchedAddress = new MatchedAddress(); foreach (Field field in feature.Fields) { switch (field.Name) { case "ADDRESSFOUND": matchedAddress.Address = field.FieldValue.ValueString; break; case "SCORE": matchedAddress.Score = Convert.ToInt32(field.FieldValue.ValueString); break; case "SHAPEFIELD": matchedAddress.Location = field.FieldValue.Point.Coordinate; break; } matchedAddresses.Add(matchedAddress); } } } return(matchedAddresses); }
public static string CreateUser(Geocode geocode, bool debugEnabled, Verbosity verbosity, List<string> fields) { var url = new Url(UserServiceBase); url.Append("create"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, debugEnabled, verbosity, fields); return url.ToString(); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,FirstName,LastName,Address,City,StateId,ZipCode,PreferenceId,PaymentId,Gifting,Donating,AccountStatus,MemberSince,UserId")] Customer customer) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); customer.UserId = userId; customer.MemberSince = DateTime.Now; customer.Donating = false; if (Geocode.CheckValidAddress(customer)) { if (Geocode.isValidLocation) { db.Customers.Add(customer); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard")); } } return(RedirectToAction("Create", new { customer.PreferenceId, isValid = false, firstName = customer.FirstName, lastName = customer.LastName })); } //ViewBag.PaymentId = new SelectList(db.Payments, "Id", "Id", customer.PaymentId); ViewBag.PreferenceId = new SelectList(db.Preferences, "Id", "OptimalSize", customer.PreferenceId); ViewBag.StateId = new SelectList(db.States, "Id", "Name", customer.StateId); return(View(customer)); }
public void GetWeatherData(Geocode location) { // create a new proxy element from the NOAA WebReference var proxy = new ndfdXMLPortTypeClient(); // get response data string data = proxy.NDFDgenByDay((decimal)location.Latitude, (decimal)location.Longitude, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3).Date, "3", formatType.Item24hourly); StringReader reader = new StringReader(data); XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(reader); //using linq parse out the maximums and minimums var maximums = from tempvalue in xmlDoc.Descendants("temperature").Elements("value") where tempvalue.Parent.Attribute("type").Value == "maximum" select (string)tempvalue; var minimums = from tempvalue in xmlDoc.Descendants("temperature").Elements("value") where tempvalue.Parent.Attribute("type").Value == "minimum" select (string)tempvalue; // For now simply write out the lists to the console foreach (string max in maximums.ToList()) { Console.WriteLine(max); } foreach (string min in minimums.ToList()) { Console.WriteLine(min); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(data); }
public static string MultiGetArticle(string type, List <string> idList, Geocode location, bool enableDebug, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { var url = new Url(ArticleServiceBase).Append(type).Append("multiget").Append(idList.ToDelimitedList(",")); HandleDefaults(url, location, enableDebug, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Retorna um objeto route para calculo de rota entre dois pontos. /// </summary> /// <param name="geocodeOrigin"></param> /// <param name="geocodeDestination"></param> /// <returns>Route</returns> protected static HereRouting GeocodeParaRouting(Geocode geocodeOrigin, Geocode geocodeDestination) { HereRouting routing = null; double latOrigin = geocodeOrigin.items.First(); double longOrigin = geocodeOrigin.items.First().position.lng; double latDestination = geocodeDestination.items.First(); double longDestination = geocodeDestination.items.First().position.lng; try { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync($"" + $"routes?transportMode=car" + $"&origin={latOrigin},{longOrigin}" + $"&destination={latDestination},{longDestination}" + $"&return=summary" + $"&apiKey={HERE_APIKEY}").Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string json = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; routing = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <HereRouting>(json); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } return(routing); }
public static string CreateArticle(string type, Geocode geocode, bool debugEnabled, Verbosity verbosity, List<string> fields) { var url = new Url(ArticleServiceBase); url.Append(type); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, debugEnabled, verbosity, fields); return url.ToString(); }
virtual protected void WriteToXmlElement(XmlElement iElement) { if (Geocode != 0) { iElement.SetAttribute("geocode", Geocode.ToString()); } if (TambonGeocode != 0) { iElement.SetAttribute("tambon", TambonGeocode.ToString()); } if (Owner != 0) { iElement.SetAttribute("owner", Owner.ToString()); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { iElement.SetAttribute("name", Name.ToString()); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(English)) { iElement.SetAttribute("english", English.ToString()); } foreach (RoyalGazetteContent lContent in mSubEntries) { lContent.ExportToXML(iElement); } }
public async Task <Geocode> Geocode(string location) { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var response = await client.GetAsync(geocodingApi + $"?address={location}&key={apiKey}"); var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GeocodeResponse>(content); if (json.Status == "ZERO_RESULTS" || json.Status == "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT") { return(null); } if (json.Status != "OK") { throw new Exception($"Failed to query location. Status={json.Status}. Location={location}"); } var geocode = new Geocode { Latitude = json.Results[0].Geometry.Location.Latitude, Longitude = json.Results[0].Geometry.Location.Longitude, FormattedAddress = json.Results[0].FormattedAddress, }; return(geocode); } }
public RadialSearchQuery(Field field, Geocode center, decimal radius, DistanceUnit unit = Sdk.DistanceUnit.Miles) { this.Field = field; this.Center = center; this.DistanceUnit = unit; this.Radius = radius; }
private void WriteToKml(KmlHelper lKmlWriter, XmlNode iNode) { XmlNode lNode = iNode; String lDescription = "Geocode: " + Geocode.ToString(); if ((Type == EntityType.Changwat) | (Type == EntityType.Bangkok)) { lNode = lKmlWriter.AddFolder(lNode, English, false); } String lName = English; if (Type == EntityType.Muban) { lName = "Mu " + (Geocode % 100).ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(English)) { lName = lName + ' ' + English; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Comment)) { lDescription = lDescription + Environment.NewLine + this.Comment; } foreach (EntityOffice lOffice in Offices) { lOffice.AddToKml(lKmlWriter, lNode, lName, lDescription); } foreach (PopulationDataEntry lEntity in SubEntities) { lEntity.WriteToKml(lKmlWriter, lNode); } }
public static string GetArticle(string type, string id, Geocode location, bool enableDebug, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { var url = new Url(ArticleServiceBase).Append(type).Append(id); HandleDefaults(url, location, enableDebug, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
public static Geocode BuscarGeocode(string lugar) { Geocode geocode = null; try { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync($"" + $"geocode?q={lugar}" + $"&apiKey={HERE_APIKEY}").Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string json = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; geocode = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Geocode>(json); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } return(geocode); }
public static string GetDevice(string id, Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { var url = new Url(DeviceServiceBase).Append(id); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
private async Task SetVacancyGeocode(Guid vacancyId, Geocode geocode) { var vacancy = await _repository.GetVacancyAsync(vacancyId); if (vacancy.EmployerLocation == null) { _logger.LogInformation("Vacancy:{vacancyId} does not have employer location information. Cannot update vacancy", vacancy.Id); return; } if (vacancy.EmployerLocation?.Latitude != null && vacancy.EmployerLocation?.Longitude != null) { if (Math.Abs(vacancy.EmployerLocation.Latitude.Value - geocode.Latitude) < 0.0001 && Math.Abs(vacancy.EmployerLocation.Longitude.Value - geocode.Longitude) < 0.0001) { _logger.LogInformation("Vacancy geocode:{geocode} has not changed for vacancy:{vacancyId}. Not updating vacancy", geocode, vacancy.Id); return; } } vacancy.EmployerLocation.Latitude = geocode.Latitude; vacancy.EmployerLocation.Longitude = geocode.Longitude; vacancy.GeoCodeMethod = geocode.GeoCodeMethod; await _repository.UpdateAsync(vacancy); _logger.LogInformation("Successfully geocoded vacancy:{vacancyId} with geocode Latitude:{latitude} Logtitude:{longitude}", vacancy.Id, vacancy.EmployerLocation.Latitude, vacancy.EmployerLocation.Longitude); }
public static string InitiateResetPassword(Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity) { var url = new Url(UserServiceBase).Append("sendresetpasswordemail"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, null); return(url.ToString()); }
public static string SendEmail(Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { var url = new Url(EmailServiceBase).Append("send"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
public static string SendPushNotification(Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { var url = new Url(PushServiceBase); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
public void UpdateLatitudeAndLongitude() { float[] latLng = Geocode.GetLatitudeAndLongitude(Address + " " + Zipcode, ApiKeys.geocodeKey); Latitude = latLng[0]; Longitude = latLng[1]; return; }
public static string UpdateGroupMembersRequest(string group, Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { //{{hostname}}/v1.0/usergroup/g10/members var url = new Url(UserGroupServiceBase).Append(group).Append("members"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
public static string GraphProject(string query, Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { var url = new Url(GraphServiceBase); url.Append(query).Append("project"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
public static string CreateArticle(string type, Geocode geocode, bool debugEnabled, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { var url = new Url(ArticleServiceBase); url.Append(type); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, debugEnabled, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
private void SetOneDirection() { if (this.isOneDirection) { this.End = this.Start; this.EndPin = this.StartPin; } }
public static string GetFriends(string userId, string socialNetwork, Geocode location, bool enableDebug, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { //{user id}/friends/facebook var url = new Url(UserServiceBase).Append(userId).Append("friends").Append(socialNetwork); HandleDefaults(url, location, enableDebug, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
public static string DeleteArticle(string type, string id, bool deleteConnections, Geocode location, bool enableDebug, Verbosity verbosity, List<string> fields) { var url = new Url(ArticleServiceBase).Append(type).Append(id); if (deleteConnections == true) url.QueryString["deleteconnections"] = "true"; HandleDefaults(url, location, enableDebug, verbosity, fields); return url.ToString(); }
public static string UpdateArticle(string type, string id, int revision, Geocode geocode, bool enableDebug, Verbosity verbosity, List<string> fields) { var url = new Url(ArticleServiceBase).Append(type).Append(id); if (revision > 0) url.QueryString["revision"] = revision.ToString(); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebug, verbosity, fields); return url.ToString(); }
public static string InvalidateUser(Geocode geocode, bool debugEnabled, Verbosity verbosity) { var url = new Url(UserServiceBase); url.Append("invalidate"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, debugEnabled, verbosity, null); return(url.ToString()); }
public static string AuthenticateUser(Geocode geocode, bool debugEnabled, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { var url = new Url(UserServiceBase); url.Append("authenticate"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, debugEnabled, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
public static string CreateConnection(string connectionType, Geocode geocode, bool debugEnabled, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { var url = new Url(ConnectionServiceBase); url.Append(connectionType); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, debugEnabled, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if Seller instances are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="other">Instance of Seller to be compared</param> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool Equals(Seller other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) { return(false); } if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) { return(true); } return (( Address == other.Address || Address != null && Address.Equals(other.Address) ) && ( ChannelCode == other.ChannelCode || ChannelCode != null && ChannelCode.Equals(other.ChannelCode) ) && ( Description == other.Description || Description != null && Description.Equals(other.Description) ) && ( Geocode == other.Geocode || Geocode != null && Geocode.Equals(other.Geocode) ) && ( Id == other.Id || Id != null && Id.Equals(other.Id) ) && ( InvoiceNumber == other.InvoiceNumber || InvoiceNumber != null && InvoiceNumber.Equals(other.InvoiceNumber) ) && ( Mcc == other.Mcc || Mcc != null && Mcc.Equals(other.Mcc) ) && ( Name == other.Name || Name != null && Name.Equals(other.Name) ) && ( Type == other.Type || Type != null && Type.Equals(other.Type) )); }
public Geocode Geolocate(int zipcode) { string key = "AIzaSyAjvSmZAIx5ytoXJmdVGlzqj8M76zlWKWs"; var requestUrl = $"{zipcode}&key={key}"; var result = new WebClient().DownloadString(requestUrl); Geocode geocode = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Geocode>(result); return(geocode); }
public static string CreateUser(Geocode geocode, bool debugEnabled, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { var url = new Url(UserServiceBase); url.Append("create"); url.QueryString["returnacls"] = "true"; HandleDefaults(url, geocode, debugEnabled, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
protected ApiRequest(string sessionToken, Environment environment, string userToken = null, Geocode location = null, bool enableDebugging = false, Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.Info) { this.SessionToken = sessionToken; this.CurrentLocation = location; this.Verbosity = verbosity; this.UserToken = userToken; this.Environment = environment; this.Fields = new List<string>(); }
public UpdateUserRequest(string sessionToken, Environment environment, string userToken = null, Geocode location = null, bool enableDebugging = false, Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.Info) : base(sessionToken, environment, userToken, location, enableDebugging, verbosity) { this.PropertyUpdates = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); this.AttributeUpdates = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); this.AddedTags = new List<string>(); this.RemovedTags = new List<string>(); this.Revision = 0; }
public static string BulkDeleteArticle(string type, Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { // var url = new Url(ArticleServiceBase); url.Append(type).Append("bulkdelete"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
public static string RegisterDevice(Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity, List <string> fields) { // var url = new Url(DeviceServiceBase); url.Append("register"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, fields); return(url.ToString()); }
public static object Convert(object value, Type type) { if (value == null) { if (IsNullable(type) == false) { throw new Exception("Given type " + type.Name + " cannot be null."); } else { return(null); } } if (type.IsEnumeration() == true) { return(Enum.Parse(type, value.ToString(), true)); } // Handle string to date time conversion if (type == typeof(DateTime)) { DateTime result; // Return parsed date in local time zone if (DateTime.TryParseExact(value.ToString(), new[] { Formats.DateTime, Formats.Date }, null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal, out result) == true) { return(result.ToLocalTime()); } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported date time format."); } } // Handle Datetime to string conversion. if (type == typeof(string) && value is DateTime) { return(((DateTime)value).ToString("o")); } // Handle geocode to string conversion if (type == typeof(Geocode) && value is string) { Geocode geo = null; if (Geocode.TryParse(value as string, out geo) == false) { throw new Exception("Cannot convert " + value + " to a valid geocode."); } return(geo); } if (type.IsPrimitiveType() == true || type == typeof(string)) { return(System.Convert.ChangeType(value, type, null)); } throw new Exception("No automatic translation available for type " + type.Name + "."); }
private async Task SetPlaceSelectedOnMap(GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction placeA) { var place = await googleMapsApi.GetPlaceDetails(placeA.PlaceId); if (place != null) { if (_isOriginFocused) { Origin = place.Name; _originLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _originLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; _isOriginFocused = false; if (StartPin != null) { Map.Pins.Remove(StartPin); } StartPin = CreatePin(Constants.ORIGEN_LABEL, place.Latitude, place.Longitude); Start = new Geocode(place.Latitude, place.Longitude); Map.Pins.Add(StartPin); if (!_isOriginFocused && isOneDirection) { await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync(false); _isOriginFocused = true; CleanFields(); return; } } else { Destination = place.Name; _destinationLatitud = $"{place.Latitude}"; _destinationLongitud = $"{place.Longitude}"; if (EndPin != null) { Map.Pins.Remove(EndPin); } EndPin = CreatePin(Constants.DESTINO_LABEL, place.Latitude, place.Longitude); End = new Geocode(place.Latitude, place.Longitude); Map.Pins.Add(EndPin); if (_originLatitud == _destinationLatitud && _originLongitud == _destinationLongitud) { await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Ups", "El origen y el destino no pueden ser los mismos.", "Ok"); } else { LoadRouteCommand.Execute(null); await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync(false); CleanFields(); } } } }
public void GetHashCodeTest() { var map = new Dictionary<Geocode, int>(); var geoKey1 = new Geocode(10.5m, 10.6m); map[geoKey1] = 10; var geoKey2 = new Geocode(10.5m, 10.6m); int result; Assert.IsTrue(map.TryGetValue(geoKey2, out result)); Assert.AreEqual<int>(10, result); }
public void GeocodeEqualityTest() { var geo1 = new Geocode(10m, 10.5m); var geo2 = new Geocode(20m / 2, 21m / 2); var geo3 = new Geocode(10m, 11m); // different latitude var geo4 = new Geocode(12m, 10.5m); // different longitude Assert.AreEqual<Geocode>(geo1, geo2); Assert.AreNotEqual<Geocode>(geo1, geo3); Assert.AreNotEqual<Geocode>(geo1, geo4); }
protected ApiRequest(string apiKey, string sessionToken, Environment environment, string userToken = null, Geocode location = null, bool enableDebugging = false, Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.Info) { this.ApiKey = apiKey; this.UseApiSession = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sessionToken) ? false : true; this.SessionToken = sessionToken; this.CurrentLocation = location; this.Verbosity = verbosity; this.UserToken = userToken; this.Environment = environment; this.Fields = new List<string>(); }
private static Url HandleDefaults(Url url, Geocode location, bool enableDebug, Verbosity verbosity, List<string> fields) { if (enableDebug == true) { url.QueryString["debug"] = "true"; if (verbosity == Verbosity.Verbose) url.QueryString["verbosity"] = "verbose"; } if (location != null) url.QueryString["location"] = location.ToString(); if (fields != null && fields.Count > 0) url.QueryString["fields"] = fields.Select(x => x.ToLower() ).ToDelimitedList(","); return url; }
private static void GeocodeExample() { var request = new Geocode(_api.Context, "61 Katherine str, Sandton"); var result = _api.ExecuteRequest(request).Data[0]; var output = string.Format("{0} {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}", result.Number, result.Line1, result.Suburb, result.City, result.PostalCode, result.Latitude, result.Longitude); Console.WriteLine(output); }
public void GeocodeParsingTest() { var geo = new Geocode(10.0m, 10.0m); var valid = new[] { "10,10", // without decimal points "10.0,10.0", // normal " 10.0,10.0", // with leading spaces "10.0,10.0", // with trailing spaces "10.0 ,10.0 ", // with leading space before comma "10.0, 10.0" // with trailing space after comma }; Array.ForEach(valid, value => { Geocode geocode = null; Assert.IsTrue(Geocode.TryParse(value, out geocode), "Valid value {0} was not parsed correctly.", value); Assert.IsNotNull(geocode, "Geocode parsed for {0} was null.", value); Assert.IsTrue(geocode.Equals(geo), "Expected {0} but received {1}.", geo.ToString(), geocode.ToString()); }); }
public static string GetDevice(string id, Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity, List<string> fields) { var url = new Url(DeviceServiceBase).Append(id); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, fields); return url.ToString(); }
public FindAllUsersRequest(string sessionToken, Environment environment, string userToken = null, Geocode location = null, bool enableDebugging = false, Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.Info) : base(sessionToken, environment, userToken, location, enableDebugging, verbosity) { this.Type = "user"; }
private DeleteArticleRequest(string sessionToken, Environment environment, string userToken = null, Geocode location = null, bool enableDebugging = false, Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.Info) : base(sessionToken, environment, userToken, location, enableDebugging, verbosity) { }
public GetDownloadUrlRequest(string sessionToken, Environment environment, string userToken = null, Geocode location = null, bool enableDebugging = false, Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.Info) : base(sessionToken, environment, userToken, location, enableDebugging, verbosity) { }
public GetUserRequest(string sessionToken, Environment environment, string userToken = null, Geocode location = null, bool enableDebugging = false, Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.Info) : base(sessionToken, environment, userToken, location, enableDebugging, verbosity) { this.UserIdType = string.Empty; // Nikhil: String.empty indicates default type is id. This should probably be changed. }
public MultiGetArticleRequest(string sessionToken, Environment environment, string userToken = null, Geocode location = null, bool enableDebugging = false, Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.Info) : base(sessionToken, environment, userToken, location, enableDebugging, verbosity) { this.IdList = new List<string>(); }
public IconLabelView(Opdracht opdracht, FileImageSource source, String text) { adressen = DataController.Instance.GetAddresses(); presatielijst = DataController.Instance.GetAchievements(); gemeentes = DataController.Instance.GetCitys(); adrestText = adressen[opdracht.Adres].Straat + " " + adressen[opdracht.Adres].Nummer + ", " + gemeentes[adressen[opdracht.Adres].Gemeente].Postcode + " " + gemeentes[adressen[opdracht.Adres].Gemeente].Plaats; BackgroundColor = StyleKit.CardFooterBackgroundColor; img = new Image() { Source = source, HeightRequest = 10, WidthRequest = 10 }; var label = new Label() { Text = text, FontSize = 9, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold, TextColor = StyleKit.LightTextColor }; var tapGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer(); tapGestureRecognizer.Tapped += (sender, e) => { if (label.Text == "Navigeer") { label.Text = "geklikt"; Geocode geo = new Geocode(); geo.Latitude = opdracht.Latitude; geo.Longitude = opdracht.Longitude; Place place = new Place(); if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS) { place.Name = adrestText; place.Vicinity = "Brugge"; } else { place.Name = "Brugge"; place.Vicinity = adrestText; } place.Location = geo; LaunchMapApp(place); } else if (label.Text == "Start") { label.Text = "Stop"; opdracht.Statuslabel = "Stop"; img.Source = StyleKit.Icons.Stop; opdracht.starttijd = DateTime.Now; DataController.Instance.Update(opdracht); SyncController.Instance.SyncNeeded(); bool found = false; foreach (Prestatie pres in presatielijst) { if (pres.OpdrachtID == opdracht.ID) { found = true; } } if (!found) { Prestatie presatie = new Prestatie(); presatie.Aanvang = DateTime.Now; presatie.Duur = 0; presatie.OpdrachtID = opdracht.ID; DataController.Instance.Insert(presatie); SyncController.Instance.SyncNeeded(); } } else if (label.Text == "Stop") { label.Text = "Start"; opdracht.Statuslabel = "Start"; img.Source = StyleKit.Icons.Resume; Debug.WriteLine("gevonden tijd: " + opdracht.starttijd); start = opdracht.starttijd.Value.TimeOfDay; DataController.Instance.Update(opdracht); SyncController.Instance.SyncNeeded(); einde = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; TimeSpan tijd = CalculateTime(); foreach (Prestatie pres in presatielijst) { if (pres.OpdrachtID == opdracht.ID) { pres.Duur = pres.Duur + Convert.ToDecimal(tijd.TotalMinutes); DataController.Instance.Update(pres); SyncController.Instance.SyncNeeded(); } } } }; label.GestureRecognizers.Add(tapGestureRecognizer); //TO-DO: latitude & longitude in een navigeerknop. //opdracht.Latitude, opdracht.Longitude var stack = new StackLayout() { Padding = new Thickness(5), Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, Children = { img,label } }; Content = stack; }
public static string GetArticle(string type, string id, Geocode location, bool enableDebug, Verbosity verbosity, List<string> fields) { var url = new Url(ArticleServiceBase).Append(type).Append(id); HandleDefaults(url, location, enableDebug, verbosity, fields); return url.ToString(); }
public static string GetListContent(string name, int pageNumber, int pageSize, Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity, List<string> fields) { //<listname>/contents var url = new Url(ListServiceBase); url.Append(name).Append("contents"); if (pageNumber != 1) url.QueryString["pnum"] = pageNumber.ToString(); if (pageSize > 0) url.QueryString["psize"] = pageSize.ToString(); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, fields); return url.ToString(); }
public static string GraphProject(string query, Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity, List<string> fields) { var url = new Url(GraphServiceBase); url.Append(query).Append("project"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, fields); return url.ToString(); }
public AuthenticateUserRequest(string sessionToken, Environment environment, string userToken = null, Geocode location = null, bool enableDebugging = false, Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.Info) : base(sessionToken, environment, userToken, location, enableDebugging, verbosity) { this.Attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); }
public static string SendPushNotification(Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity, List<string> fields) { var url = new Url(PushServiceBase); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, fields); return url.ToString(); }
public static string SendEmail(Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity, List<string> fields) { var url = new Url(EmailServiceBase).Append("send"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, fields); return url.ToString(); }
public static string InitiateResetPassword(Geocode geocode, bool enableDebugging, Verbosity verbosity) { var url = new Url(UserServiceBase).Append("sendresetpasswordemail"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, enableDebugging, verbosity, null); return url.ToString(); }
public static string ValidateUserSession(Geocode geocode, bool debugEnabled, Verbosity verbosity) { var url = new Url(UserServiceBase); url.Append("validate"); HandleDefaults(url, geocode, debugEnabled, verbosity, null); return url.ToString(); }
public static string UpdateArticleUrl(string type, string id, Geocode userLocation, List<string> fields) { return string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", ArticleServiceBase, type, id); }